I know it's easier for you to lump everything in a black & white way ("FM3 boys")... but I'm critical of this Standard car thing, and I don't prefer FM over GT. It is a legit point though; using GT4 models, even with high-res textures (if we do get an upgrade) are still low-rent compared to the current-gen.
Agreed, 200 are definitely above-par for the generation. No qualms with that statement.
And about the expectations, also agreed; it doesn't help that PD helps to build them up. Did they tell us to expect two levels of detail a year ago? Yeah, they did. But they also told us GTHD, which was just a demo showing what an uprated GT4 would look like with PS3's power, wasn't going to be indicative at all of GT5. Now, sadly, it looks like the majority of the car lineup is exactly that.
Like it's been said before though (and by you), we don't know for sure yet. And even if the game we get on November 2nd does have Standards exactly like how we've seen them so far... at least we know (or at least hope) that from here on out, Premiums will grow in numbers, only to be the actual Standard. Both for the game, and the entire generation. Which would be nice, huh?