Oh, wow, you mean people are still complaining about getting 800 extra car models just because they have less polygons? Oh, wait, that's right, because the 200 premium models aren't far more detailed than anything seen in a racing game to date, and most games in this genre COME with AT LEAST 200 vehicles in the first place! Right?
This is a big point of conention (are the standard cars bonuses or black eyes?) and I would like to put this forth as how I see it:
There is a thing called managing expectations. It takes all forms and faces - usually it's the art of balancing hope and desire with honestly and truth.
The basic fundamental is you don't want to set expectations too high becuase you are basically asking for dissapointment later.
Managing expectations can be 100% of the difference between percieved success and failure. It's a huge part of marketing and is closely tied to percieved honesty and thus integrity and a positive percetion.
Basically it requires the the end user/consumer not feel lied to or mislead in the end and feel he got what was reasonably implied the whole time.
Reasonably implied is a key term there... when one focuses on exact promises and neededing absolute evidence, you exceed real life reasonability. We aren't in kindergarten anymore, we don't get to say "BUT YOU DIDNT PROMISE!" or "IF YOU LOVE GT WHY DONT YOU MARRY IT!?". We are all relatively grown up now and we are not lawyers in our daily life so we opperate under normal, rational implications of communication.
In this case, expectations were not well managed and I feel that has contributed to what is legitimately an arguable failure on PDs part.
Had PD gone down a slightly different route, I think expectations could have been much better managed and this could have truly been seen as a bonus, however it could have cost the marketing team some much needed ammo...
Had PD started off or at least early on come along and said "For whatever reason (timing - desire -feasability) we will be releasing GT5 with 200+ ultra high detail incredible cars" that would have been the expectation.
Then later on had PD then said "GT5 is coming along great, we will relase soon, and guess what... we will be including a bonus... all the cars from GT4 will be ported in and will look even better than GT4 with GT5s new lighting engine and will work with GT5's awesome new physics engine AND as an ADDED bonus - they get mechanical damaged and even limited visible damage!" the response would have been legitimately much different!
We would have been absolutely WOWED... we just got 400% more cars in GT5 as a bonus!
But that's not how it went... and again while one can be pedantic and argue details and definitions as much as they want, we all know that up until recently by far the majority - the average reasonable person was knowingly lead to believe the implication that GT5 had 1000 top notch, better than GT5P quality cars coming it's way...
The flaw here is that allowing this to happen has turned what COULD have been an acutal bonus, into a failure to live up to expectations.
So while many people are arguing the merits of the cars and models on their own, I don't think that's really looking in the right place. It's like trying to decide if an action was right or wrong by looking at the action... an action is an action, what makes it right or wrong is the circumstance.
If I speed 85mph in a residential zone, the action in and of itself is neither right nor wrong... the circumstances makes it so. If I am doing it because I am drunk and don't know better, it's wrong. If I am doing it because my pregnant wife suddnely started bleeding a month before her due date and I was rushing her to the hosptial fearing for her and my babies life, then it's not wrong anymore, it's a necessity.
Or lets say I shoot a guy in the face. Shooting somone in the face is neither right nor wrong of itself, if I do it as a joke, it's horribly wrong; if I do it becuase he is actively trying to stab me to death, it's completely ok and self defense.
The same about the standard cars... the cars and models themselves aren't what we should be looking at, they are what they are... what makes them a bonus or a failure is the circumstances that lead up to them, and I think by any rational, reasonable examination, expecations were set, they appear to be far from met, and we must chalk the standard cars up as not a bonus, but a missed opportunity.
EDIT: And for the record - I am not comparing a video game to potential miscarriage or homocide. If that's what you got out of it, you do not understand analogies and need to re read the post...