It looks like I'll post this here, judging by Scaff's comments in the SimHQ thread and my post's deletion (although I'm curious why it would be considered off-topic but this wouldn't):
And yes, the graphics blow. With darn few exceptions, they look like PS2 graphics in HD. mean, like Standard cars in GT5? At least be consistent, man. PS2 level graphics in HD "blow" when they're not GT, but when they are, like GT5, they're... what's the word you've used to describe Standards? Beautiful? Stunning?
Just going by videos on the 'tube of iRacing, their graphics are great. Their lighting/shading/reflection work isn't up to par with GT, I'll definitely say that, but their modelling and realism are great. Their replays are also incredible, the Formula Mazdas looking more than a few times like a TV F1 presentation.
I don't get the sense of car lovers trying to create a work of art in a game with any other series but Gran Turismo.
One could ask if you just don't want to give any other series the chance. iRacing is definitely the product of enthusiasts, and even if T10 farms out some modelling (a point you'll make sure to bring up, sometimes even unrelated), they definitely do have an affinity for the "cult of cars". It shows in their car roster.
And GT5... well, I don't think I have to type a word. Call me a fanboy if you want, that's okay.
It's only okay to be a fanboy if you're in the GT camp, right?
I guess the general attitude of all your posts (and the constant "Master" in place of Kaz) really just reminds me a bit too much of religious zealots and their "my way is the true way" attitude. That and the constant misreading on your behalf that anybody remotely critical of GT just hates the game, or hates Standard cars. I guess some people never get past looking at everything in simple black and white terms. But hey, if I'm somehow completely misreading the tone, I apologize.
GT is a product. If I'm paying money, like any other product, I have the right to complain about parts I'm unhappy with. Standard cars aren't annoying to me on their own; I'll use them, no doubt about it. But for them to be the majority portion of a game that'll be released nigh-on 6
years after the last full entry in the series is what bothers me. We could've got them years ago since they're just what PD showed us as GTHD/Vision.
And when people bring up the other aspects of the game, I still feel like it's a cop-out. Am I excited for weather and time of day? Of course! I don't doubt, implemented properly, all the new features of GT5 are going to be incredible. I'm sure I'll enjoy it more than GT4, and play it for years. But the topic is the two-tier system, and it's the giant glaring weakness for GT5, imo. They may have been the standard on PS2, but their wide-spread presence in GT5 just makes it more obvious they are from the old school of modelling cars; they are quite useless going into the future of racing games, at least one where the goal is realism in regards to a damage model (and customization).
Meh, rant over. I've been sick, we're having a heatwave, and I've spent the past couple days installing a new kitchen. I may be loopy.