Since you're such a fan of making huge generalizations: GT4 had pretty much the same cars always... and considering the Standards in GT5 are just ported over from that... your comment rings even more true for GT5.
Not to mention there's still a good chance GT5 ends up with a dashboard view for only 200 cars. We also don't know if the customization will even hit Forza's level. Heck, games like Tokyo Extreme Racer had a higher level of customization, back on the PS2.
Another one: a lot of the same locations. Though I'll concede GT does have more total, the majority are infact carryovers. How is that a bad thing though?
Almost all original tracks? There were a handful more than GT3. GT4's track number increase was mostly down to real world additions (which is preferable to me anyways, but still)
And the car count...

. In GT4, I could buy the 350Z, because it was regionalized for the US. In GT PSP, I can buy the 350Z (US), the 350Z (EU), and the Fairlady Z. All three are identical, bar a word on the back. I can buy 3 different Tiburons, also all identical save for name. I can buy the exact same Vauxhall lineup as the Opel one. The Miata might very well have as many variations as the Skyline. This is how PD gets the car numbers it does. Forza's number might be lower, but it's got just as much variety.
Damage - In plenty of other games, previous generation (and before that).
Nike 2022 - I actually want to bet money this car won't make a return in GT5.
Innovation - Same cars, you say? GT5 using a ton of ported-over GT4?
McLaren called this only a few hours ago. I see we still do have people who think 650+ models can be upgraded to FM3 levels (or even Prologue levels) in 2-3 months.
Well, let's see: we got the R8 LMS, Furai, GTbyCitroen, GT-R V-Spec, ZR1, the Lambos, the Ferraris, the Bugatti... am I missing anything else?
We lost the Toyota MTRC, The Nike, Auto Union, Jay Leno, Caterham, all the Astons, the Model T, the ancient Benzes... yeah, I think it's roughly even.
They're all from the opening movie. The game doesn't look anything like that.
I agree... but all of my comments are based on what we've seen
so far. The Standard video makes it pretty clear we're looking at GT4 assets so far.