Zero Cup

  • Thread starter WarriusZero
Ø15th August 20:00BST

☛ Ayrton Senna WSR '83 ☚



See you there! :cheers:
Hope you like the typographic play...
Defiantly coming! - Have you read both the RULE BOOK and OLR? Yes.
- Do you have any experience racing cleanly online? Yes.
- Have you connected your PS3 to your router using an ethernet cable? No.
- Have you connected your PS3 to your router using an ethernet cable? No.

Welcome to the Zero Cup, just join the club, ID:1007449! :) Be prepared for possible invisibility problems, i.e. you can't see some other drivers. We'll sort things out in the lobby, if you can't see all drivers you will be kindly asked to leave and rejoin the room, this seems to fix these problems often. Please check if you have lag, i.e. when all others seem to jump back and forth erratically and drive jerky then you will behave the same for them and this hampers the online experience. Usually we will find a way to make it work. 👍
ok. Just seen the replay from streets of willow.

Have no idea what I was saying in the lobby:confused:...I actually hit @IfAndOr but that pushed him into the lead. prrvvy and C.John went off track by themselves! Then a lot happened behind me.:crazy:

I feel a bit better I didn't cause that second corner incident after all! :eek: Apologies if anyone felt I raced badly?:embarrassed:

Anyway, it was actually really good fun now I don't feel like I ruined the race!! Love the noise of the WSR and loved the rain racing at Brands and then dust racing at Willow.:cool:

Good to have you racing with us @Heavyduke. You should have just raced with us rather than ghosting yourself...its all just for fun. Hope to see you again:tup:

ok. Just seen the replay from streets of willow.

Have no idea what I was saying in the lobby:confused:...I actually hit @IfAndOr but that pushed him into the lead. prrvvy and C.John went off track by themselves! Then a lot happened behind me.:crazy:

I feel a bit better I didn't cause that second corner incident after all! :eek: Apologies if anyone felt I raced badly?:embarrassed:

Anyway, it was actually really good fun now I don't feel like I ruined the race!! Love the noise of the WSR and loved the rain racing at Brands and then dust racing at Willow.:cool:

Good to have you racing with us @Heavyduke. You should have just raced with us rather than ghosting yourself...its all just for fun. Hope to see you again:tup:

At willow I spun out and skip a part of the track so I needed to ghost to get back on track. @Sutsagrd
Screen Shot 2016-08-15 at 14.15.02.png

Before i forget since i forgot last week....
Thanks for all who attended (last week) the VW Lupo GTI is coming up next week, tracks yet to be announced, hope to see you all :gtpflag:
There is a treatment for that. You need to start with some small standards, like the Lupo, and then gradually introduce bigger cars until you are cured. :P
@IfAndOr i'm gonna start today. It just bothers me to see mid quality cars with no interior. (I mostly use interior view)
Yes I've got to agree with you @Heavyduke. Although some are a lot better than others, the quality of some of the standard cars is very poor and the lack of an interior is a real letdown. There are just a few that do have a interior view, although of a slightly reduced quality. Open topped cars such as the Caterham 7 and the Chrysler Prowler spring to mind, both of which I'd really call semi premium.
15th August 20:00BST
☛ Ayrton Senna WSR '83 ☚

That was a great race, tarn.
Your shifting weather and tyre settings were excellent. Kept everybody on their toes.
When I called the yellow flag and as we went round the track under caution
I was thinking 'You got this. Just take it easy on the restart and through the first
corner and you have a chance for the win.'
The green flag dropped and I came in too hot and went off the track immediately.
I had a good laugh when I made that mistake.

A screenshot from the video. Paul chasing John.
My Great Capture Screenshot 2016-08-22 11-19-53.png

If you like Metallica there's a GTP poll up to vote for their best album.

Next Monday, we will be thrashing the nippy (sluggish) Lupo GTI around these tracks...
Tires: Comfort Soft
3. Nurburgring GP/D
22nd August 20:00BST

Seems Nurburgring is following me around. Or vice versa. : )
I love it there and I was there in real life two weeks ago.

I posted a few photos and videos from Nurburgring and Nordschleife
in the forum here, here and here.

See you later on today.
Sorry guys, cannot join you this week, i'm off somewhere in Europe this week (not Kazakhstan... ;)). See you next week, in the small Pagani Zonda C12 '00, tracks to follow. :cheers:

BTW here are the results of last week:
Bildschirmfoto 2016-08-22 um 21.30.15.png

I can agree with Jocke, awesome event in a special car! :D

The green flag dropped and I came in too hot and went off the track immediately.
I think i spun and came off track during the yellow flag. :dunce::crazy::D

Thanks for the video @JockeP22, great soundtrack! :)👍
Lupo turned out to be a great little car!
Had a blast in race 1 despite the bumping at the start. Had to work hard to keep cgg behind. I was hoping to bring sparkz into the mix to concentrate on cgg, plan failed and they both got past. Throwing the car about into the last couple of curves saw jocke pass me for 3rd. Really enjoyed the race though

Next two I couldn't keep up with the leaders so had a bit of s lonely time once they were out in front.

Great wee car though, and really good sport throughout.
Wanna do a friendly rival race with my club/league? Seems like it could be fun. I picked drivers for the race, how many drivers do you need if you accept?
29ᵀᴴ August 20:00 BST

☞ Pagani Zonda C12 '00 ☜



See you there! :cheers:
Hi guys, I'd like to join the Zero Cup!
Welcome! The club is public, just join and be there next Monday with the car oiled any ready, i'll open the lobby about 15min before the event start. 👍

Wanna do a friendly rival race with my club/league? Seems like it could be fun. I picked drivers for the race, how many drivers do you need if you accept?
I'm afraid i'm not online very often besides the Zero Cup, Sick's races and the Racers Reunited events. But you can just post here or in your club thread when you are about to open a room, i'm sure some others might follow suit. It's generally better to post 2-3 weeks earlier if you plan an event so people can check if they like it and have the time. 👍

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