Questioning Religion

have you ever questioned your religion

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  • a little

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  • never

    Votes: 12 12.8%
  • I've never had faith to question.

    Votes: 29 30.9%
  • No opinion.

    Votes: 2 2.1%

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Paul, an Apostle of the LORD said it like this: How can light have fellowship with darkness? What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil?

Skin, an apostle of the Skunk Anise said it like this:
Just because it feels good, it doesn't make it right.

and also

Tacet, an apostle of the Derren said it like this:
We tend to believe something if it makes us feel good
If we decide that something makes us feel nice, then we decide that it is true.
You could argue that this devalues the idea of truth.
1) What is this Holy Spirit,?
It is the spirit of GOD. When people speak of the Holy Trinity, they are talking about, God, the Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the son of God, and the Holy Spirit, who Jesus said he would send, after he departed for Heaven, and that would be a Comforter, and lead the disciples into all truth. It came upon them on "the day of Pentecost". They are three separate entities that work in complete union with each other.
2) How do we get it,
First, you must confess with your mouth, that Jesus is your LORD and SAVIOUR and believe in your heart that GOD raised him from the Dead. By doing so you are asking him to come into your heart and guide and help you and adopt you as a child of GOD. This can be done anywhere and anytime.(You get to make the same choice Adam and Eve did albeit in reverse). Some get the Holy Spirit when they do this. Others say they got it later. My recommendation on this is to find a Faith or Word Church, as some call them, that openly acknowledges and teaches the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and spirit giftings. Go there and do it and get it all at the same time. The reason I say that is because some religionized Christian Churches do not openly accept or believe in the reality of the Holy Spirit.
3) Why is the spiritual dimension inaccessible without it,
I would't say that it is inaccessible, as much as it is impossible to detect it or idendify it as such. Demonic spirits are at work influencing people all the time and are accessible if you want to entreat or yield to them. However, since Satan is the father of lies and cometh but to kill, steal, and destroy, that course of action, doesn't appear likely to be very beneficial.
4) And why is it (conveniently) inexplainable to those who aren't in the club?
The best way I know to describe this, is the Holy Spirit is like a radio receiver that can pick up GOD's broadcasts. Without it you can't hear him. But if you want it, all you have to do is ask him for it and he will give it to you.
Paul, an Apostle of the LORD said it like this: How can light have fellowship with darkness? What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil?

If the Ouija board is an inanimate object, as you have stated (and contradicted), where is the darkness? The darkness is in the hearts of the people who wish to utilise it to call up evil spirits. Now, can one infer from that that a pure-of-heart Christian can use a Ouija board with the intent of communicating with the Holy Spirit?

The point is, if a Ouija board is useless and it's really the people using it, why can't a Christian use one? And, if Ouija board isn't useless and really CAN call up spirits, why can't a Christian use one to call up good spirits?

Duke - I think I've just wet myself.
This is amazing. Where is a Moderator when you need one.

Believe whatever you like. But there are demonic spirits behind these things,which I have already described. There is also ample testimonies from people who have actively participated in them and later wish they hadn't. Here is another little tid bit on this. There is some documentation that Hitler and his top Brass participated in this stuff.

Rev.3:20 Behold, I(The LORD) stand at the door and knock: If anyone hears, listens to, heeds my voice, and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him and him with me. You are the only one who can open that door.

I just answered that. The documentation is within each individual who opens that door. He only mentions two people being there.

Expectations determine events. That's something you need to familiarize yourself with.

This is amazing. Where is a Moderator when you need one.

His name is Duke, and he's been proving everything you say to be complete redundant nonsense.


Or what about the futur when Ouija boards become digital? Will Christ text-message you back? Or will demons give it a virus or ping attack you?
First, you must confess with your mouth, that Jesus is your LORD and SAVIOUR and believe in your heart that GOD raised him from the Dead.
If you don't mind, I'd just like to ask a quick question for my own edification – What did the people who were born before Jesus do?

Okay, that aside… So, would it be correct for me to imply that you "have" (or whatever the appropriate verb may be) the Holy Spirit? If so, then, um, what exactly is it doing?
If you are so stuck into theis Christian thing, what about other religions, that have other "gods" that people have believed in and worshipped for thousands of years? Do you think those people are wrong? And what justifies your religion as being right?

And do you talk this almighty god? If so what, in his infinite wisdom, does he telll you?

And I'd like to reiterate the proof that Famine offered - which SCJ totally blew off, yet again - that Africa is in fact mostly Christian at this point. Which pretty much renders the original statement irrelevant as well as ignorant.
:roll and eyes:.
Just because I didn't comment on it, does not mean I blew it off. I saw the map he put up. Tremendous progress has been made over there by Christian as well as other relief organizations. I have contributed to several for many years now.
I would encourage others to do likewise.
You keep hammering this same point, and you keep getting what danoff said wrong each and every freaking time you repeat it. Do you honestly think that if you repeat it enough that it will become true? Well, come to think of it, I guess you do, considering that's how you appear to live your life, as described here.?.
OK, if you were able to glean something from that conversation that was something other than "complete nonsense", by all means relay it to me. I'm all ears.
The rest of this statement is so incredibly self-unaware as to defy imagination. You must have willingly poked your own metaphorical eyes out with sticks, and then taken Ray Charles's sunglasses, and then gotten a set of blinders from an Amish buggy horse, in order to have managed to miss just how precisely the part in red contradicts everything you say after it.
I hope the smoke has cleared. I see no contradiction in it whatsoever. However it's pretty obvious you do. That being the case, please explain to me why you think so.
In all honesty, this kind of internal discontinuity between perception and action would leave me a blubbering pile of human wreckage.
Easy Hoss, it can't be as bad as all that.
Because 'Satan' hasn't asked to be forgiven.
I believe that to be true as well. Satan reminds me of a documentary I watched on a criminal case file, about a bankrobber who was caught and sent to prison for ten years. After his release, he straitaway went to robbing banks again, and was caught, convicted, and sent to prison for another ten year stretch, after which he was released again. He went right back to robbing banks for the third time and again was caught, and convicted with no chance of ever getting out. Just like Satan the man was incorrigible. GOD will, likewise eventually pronounce sentence on Satan and he will be looking at some LONG, HARD(eternity) time.
If the Ouija board is an inanimate object, as you have stated (and contradicted), where is the darkness? The darkness is in the hearts of the people who wish to utilise it to call up evil spirits. Now, can one infer from that that a pure-of-heart Christian can use a Ouija board with the intent of communicating with the Holy Spirit?
You won't contact the Holy Spirit through a Ouija board for the same reason you won't get a Wendys meal at McDonalds. It aint there. You went to the wrong place.
The point is, if a Ouija board is useless and it's really the people using it, why can't a Christian use one? And, if Ouija board isn't useless and really CAN call up spirits, why can't a Christian use one to call up good spirits? Duke - I think I've just wet myself.
It's association, if at all, is with demonic spirits only. Now before you tear off on the" if at all" statement, what I am inferring, is the potential is there for demonic influence but that does not mean they will manifest themselves in every case. As you have said and rightfully so, the person is certainly capable of influencing the outcome.
LOL, I know what you mean.

I was going to edit that post saying "please don't take that personal", but you responded with an LOL, so...

I was really referring to a specific group of people who claim that to be Christians but --

*cough* kkk *cough* :scared: :nervous: :crazy: :ill:
You won't contact the Holy Spirit through a Ouija board for the same reason you won't get a Wendys meal at McDonalds. It aint there.

You're... almost... there...

Ouija boards are said to communicate with the dead. Why only BAD dead people, in your opinion?

As you have said and rightfully so, the person is certainly capable of influencing the outcome.

Actually, I said that there is NO outcome, only the impressionable eejits using it THINK they are...

A Ouija board is no more magical or evil than a glass of advocaat.
I believe that to be true as well. Satan reminds me of a documentary I watched on a criminal case file, about a bankrobber who was caught and sent to prison for ten years. After his release, he straitaway went to robbing banks again, and was caught, convicted, and sent to prison for another ten year stretch, after which he was released again. He went right back to robbing banks for the third time and again was caught, and convicted with no chance of ever getting out. Just like Satan the man was incorrigible. GOD will, likewise eventually pronounce sentence on Satan and he will be looking at some LONG, HARD(eternity) time.

Here's what's mind boggling; If you have a criminal who can't understand (or doesn't care) why he's being thrown in jail for the crimes that he/she committed, then why isn't he being executed for not obeying the law?
I think it's really idiotic for releasing that criminal from jail after he's commited the crime again.
I understand the analogy, but if I where God, I would not just ostrasize him from this world and throw him into the lake of fire, I would completely obliterate satan and his followers.
In the bible, however, The only thing God does to Satan after all of the Millennia's he has spent on this earth decieving and making war on this earth is lock him up in the bottomless pit to suffer with the other angels and people that have denied him.
Expectations determine events. That's something you need to familiarize yourself with.

OOOhh, I like this one. You must be a man of faith to make a statement like that.
Please elaborate.
If you don't mind, I'd just like to ask a quick question for my own edification – What did the people who were born before Jesus do?
Basically, they had to Tuff it out. Although, GOD did by faith, account righteousness to some people and some had the Holy Spirit, He also established a covenant with Israel to operate thru, until, and thru which JESUS came.
Okay, that aside… So, would it be correct for me to imply that you "have" (or whatever the appropriate verb may be) the Holy Spirit? If so, then, um, what exactly is it doing?
Yes I do. I have ridden the roller coaster, or as refered to in a more recent post, opened the door. I am commenting from that perspective. At the moment, nothing inparticular.
I was going to edit that post saying "please don't take that personal", but you responded with an LOL, so...

I was really referring to a specific group of people who claim that to be Christians but --

*cough* kkk *cough* :scared: :nervous: :crazy: :ill:
You lost me there. If you've been following this thread for very long you should know I don't take anything on here personally. Although it is tempting sometimes.
Quick question, SCJ. Do you believe in exorcisms and the concept of demonic possession?
I don't know exactly what you mean by "exorcisms" I think that is some type of Catholic term. Demonic possession is an absolute reality and they can be made to leave a person by the power or name of JESUS. I have witnessed it first hand.
You're... almost... there...
Ouija boards are said to communicate with the dead. Why only BAD dead people, in your opinion?
I don't have an opinion on that one way or the other.
Actually, I said that there is NO outcome, only the impressionable eejits using it THINK they are...
A Ouija board is no more magical or evil than a glass of advocaat.
Look, I 'd like to stop beating this dead horse. If nothing but the potential for evil
can come of it, why fool with it.
Can a moderator please explain to SCJ how NOT to triple- and quadruple-post, and instead make one large post that addresses all his attackers and critics and opponents at once?
Here's what's mind boggling; If you have a criminal who can't understand (or doesn't care) why he's being thrown in jail for the crimes that he/she committed, then why isn't he being executed for not obeying the law?
I think it's really idiotic for releasing that criminal from jail after he's commited the crime again.
I understand the analogy, but if I where God, I would not just ostrasize him from this world and throw him into the lake of fire, I would completely obliterate satan and his followers.
In the bible, however, The only thing God does to Satan after all of the Millennia's he has spent on this earth decieving and making war on this earth is lock him up in the bottomless pit to suffer with the other angels and people that have denied him.
Point well taken. But GOD is a righteous judge and he will give him every opportunity to reform. Although once time is up, sentence will be pronounced and Satan will not be able to say GOD was unfair didn't give him a chance.
(Actually he lets him out for a short time after the Millineum).
If you are so stuck into theis Christian thing, what about other religions, that have other "gods" that people have believed in and worshipped for thousands of years? Do you think those people are wrong? And what justifies your religion as being right
Wev'e already covered most of this ground, but as I said the Bible is the only resource I know of where GOD declares himself to be so, amoungst many other claims, promises, and declarations. Also there is something different and unique about it. I don't consider what I have a religion, but rather, as I have said before, a relationship. Christianity in its original and pure form is not a religion in my opinion. However it has been religionized to a great extent. If the GOD of the Bible is who he says he is(I know that to be true for me) then they are wrong. Again not because I say so, but because he says so. Hey, if that doesn't suit you, You will need to take it up with him.
And do you talk this almighty god? If so what, in his infinite wisdom, does he telll you?i]Blake[/i]
Yes. Mostly things of a personal nature, or between me and him, of which you will not be made privy to. But he told me which Church I should attend. Various things at times I should do or not do. Many times he will reveal something to you through the spirit without having spoken it and you will know it instantly. The vast majority of things you need to know are already in the Bible. Although much of it is difficult to comprehend. This too he helps you through the spirit with.
Anderton Prime
Can a moderator please explain to SCJ how NOT to triple- and quadruple-post, and instead make one large post that addresses all his attackers and critics and opponents at once?
Sorry AP, but thats too much stuff to post at one time. Besides Iv'e spent 30 minutes before on a reply and lost the whole thing when I tried to post it.
Sorry AP, but thats too much stuff to post at one time. Besides Iv'e spent 30 minutes before on a reply and lost the whole thing when I tried to post it.

You really should use the Edit button SCJ.
If you are worried about losing a whole post when you submit it ( I know it does happen ;) ) heres a tip:
Press Ctrl-A and then Ctrl-C to copy everything into the clipboard. Then if you lose the post with a server timeout, you only need to paste it back again with a Ctrl-V...or paste it into a txt file for later if the server is still down.
You really should use the Edit button SCJ.
If you are worried about losing a whole post when you submit it ( I know it does happen ;) ) heres a tip:
Press Ctrl-A and then Ctrl-C to copy everything into the clipboard. Then if you lose the post with a server timeout, you only need to paste it back again with a Ctrl-V...or paste it into a txt file for later if the server is still down.
Thanks for the tip,TB.
Anderton Prime
What? Millenium? Lets who out? NOW what are you blathering about?
The Millinium is the time that starts right after CHRIST returns to earth to put down the devil and those that reject him (CHRIST). The devil will be bound with chains and held in a pit and CHRIST will reign for a 1000 years. After which the devil will be turned loose again for a short time.
(That is a somewhat simplified version but for the most part covers your question).
I don't have an opinion on that one way or the other.

Nonetheless, you seem to think that only bad spirits can be conjured up with a Ouija board. Why not good spirits. Surely souls which have gone to heaven are more likely to want to make contact with their relatives, to console them, than spirits which have gone to Hell?

I would quite like an answer on this one, especially since most folk who use one are trying to contact dead relatives and there's only an aura of "goodness" rather than evil when they're used.

Look, I 'd like to stop beating this dead horse. If nothing but the potential for evil
can come of it, why fool with it.

That's just the thing. Nothing CAN come of it at all.

You seem to have missed the fundamental point - Ouija boards are inanimate objects. They perform no function and create no magical corridors for spirits. It's all in the minds of the people that use them, and as such it is not the use of a Ouija board which contains the "potential for evil", but the people who believe they are conjuring up evil spirits. To logically extrapolate from that, since a Ouija board IS inanimate, someone who IS good and believes in good would have absolutely nothing to fear from the use of one.

Do you see now?
Nonetheless, you seem to think that only bad spirits can be conjured up with a Ouija board. Why not good spirits. Surely souls which have gone to heaven are more likely to want to make contact with their relatives, to console them, than spirits which have gone to Hell??
I don't think demonic spirits are conjured up by the Ouija board. They are present around us in the spiritual realm and within some people, with or without a Ouija board. I've already said its the intent, not the object. Trust me, people in heaven are free from their corrupted earth suit and all the trials and tribulations of this life and do not want to come back.
I would quite like an answer on this one, especially since most folk who use one are trying to contact dead relatives and there's only an aura of "goodness" rather than evil when they're used.]
The aura may be percieved as goodness, but the reality is something else entirely.
That's just the thing. Nothing CAN come of it at all.
This is where we differ. I know better.
You seem to have missed the fundamental point - Ouija boards are inanimate objects. They perform no function and create no magical corridors for spirits. It's all in the minds of the people that use them, and as such it is not the use of a Ouija board which contains the "potential for evil", but the people who believe they are conjuring up evil spirits. To logically extrapolate from that, since a Ouija board IS inanimate, someone who IS good and believes in good would have absolutely nothing to fear from the use of one..
We,ve already been here,more than once.
Do you see now?
Yes. Crystal clear. But not the way you see it.
Ok, this Ouija-board-bullcrap is starting to tick me off.

Answer this: Why, when blindfolded, and the board turned 180 degrees, do the results come out to be complete nonsense, and the person holding the piece tries to go to where certain letters previously were? (ie "Yes", but it's been turned so it's actually "No")

Another thing;

OOOhh, I like this one. You must be a man of faith to make a statement like that.

Um. . . here's an example:
Please elaborate.

Everyone thought the Sega Dreamcast would flop. The Dreamcast was a wonderful machine, but because everyone thought it would flop, it flopped. Noone bought it because they predicted it would suck (but it didn't). The company never made enough money for produce enough good games and pther stuff, so it flopped, all because people had no "faith" in it.

Now, this "faith" crap is about to be shot down.

#1. Many people had "faith" in the USA hockey team which was beaten by Canada 5-2.
#2. Even more people had "faith" that the NHL lockout would be solved by now.
#3. People had "faith" Villeneuve. Oops!

That was just to show I'm indifferent towards faith, neither pro nor con. "Faith" is just as useless as claiming you "know" something.
This is where we differ. I know better.
You don't know jack. You honestly don't. You're either very dumb, stubborne, or brave. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the latter.
Yes. Crystal clear. But not the way you see it.
The Millinium is the time that starts right after CHRIST returns to earth to put down the devil and those that reject him (CHRIST). The devil will be bound with chains and held in a pit and CHRIST will reign for a 1000 years. After which the devil will be turned loose again for a short time.
Um, when does that begin? Or was I born 1000 years too late? Or too quick? You baffle me with your "explanations", you really do.
I don't know exactly what you mean by "exorcisms" I think that is some type of Catholic term. Demonic possession is an absolute reality and they can be made to leave a person by the power or name of JESUS. I have witnessed it first hand.
When your cat throws up on the rug, it's a hairball, not demons.
You won't contact the Holy Spirit through a Ouija board for the same reason you won't get a Wendys meal at McDonalds. It aint there. You went to the wrong place.
random mod who's name i've forgotten
If you don't mind, I'd just like to ask a quick question for my own edification – What did the people who were born before Jesus do?
Hmm...mate? knit? fly kites? Go camping maybe? I don't know, maybe-oh- NOTHING??? Because...He still doesn't exist?? Ah! *gasp* I just had an epiphone! (not to be confused with "apostrophe")
I was really referring to a specific group of people who claim that to be Christians but --

*cough* kkk *cough*

What's scarier is that they still have protests and demonstrations that go on without any challenge. Sometimes the "American Freedom" is just a little too free. deir langeage is atocious too

And now to cap off,

I don't think demonic spirits are conjured up by the Ouija board.
also SCJ
Believe whatever you like. But there are demonic spirits behind these things,which I have already described.
Well, I think that's about the most contradictory thing you've said yet. So from now on, maybe I'll just read posts that make sense.