Max Drive, Game Save and making video files thread.

  • Thread starter Kent
Ok, I have a question. I go to view the video in my windows media player. It says it can't identify the .max file. I would I go about viewing the files then?
Ok, I have a question. I go to view the video in my windows media player. It says it can't identify the .max file. I would I go about viewing the files then?

By copying it back to your PS2 from the Max drive and onto your memory ? That's what I think ... ?
Yeah, you can't view them on the PC without capturing the video from the tv to the PC in some way (like a video capture card).
Let me get this straight. I copy the file to my Max drive (what ever that is), plug it to my PS2, load it on my memory card, and then I can view. This is correct, right?
Yes ... put it onto your maxdrive, put the maxdrive into the PS2, loadup the maxdrive software, use this to UNCRUSH the saved file from your maxdrive to your memory card, load GT4 and go to the replay theater (it'll be in there) or load it as a ghost.
Yes ... put it onto your maxdrive, put the maxdrive into the PS2, loadup the maxdrive software, use this to UNCRUSH the saved file from your maxdrive to your memory card, load GT4 and go to the replay theater (it'll be in there) or load it as a ghost.

What's this Crush and Uncrush I see on the options ... I just use the 1st option that says "Select Primary Device" and then select Memory Card and copy it to the Max Drive , or visa versa ???
I was told to UNCRUSH ... because the maxdrive, by default (or something) crushes the files onto itself (which is like zipping them), so you uncrush (unzip) them onto your memory card; if they remain crushed, they're unusable.

But this is only what I was told by their tech support when the drive that arrived had problems; they told me to format it before use and use the uncrish option.
Or would just copying the .max file onto the PS2 memory card keep it as a .max file, instead of "renaming" it into a GT4 readable format ???

haha questions questions

I would say the crushed/uncrushed options only "ZIP" the file for more space on Max Drive or Memory card ... or that's what it sounds like ...
I would say the crushed/uncrushed options only "ZIP" the file for more space on Max Drive or Memory card ... or that's what it sounds like ...

That's right - when you move a replay from memcard to MaxDrive, it's compressed. If you just move it back from MaxDrive to a memcard, it's still compressed and unreadable to the game. You must Uncrush the replay to the memcard to view it in the game. :)
can someone tell me if there is a save unlocked every cars in arcade mode?
I tried cardude's save and iceman's save ... and most gamefaqs save
none of them did that ... is someone working on it?
I'm doing a bit of an investigation with max files atm. Could someone be very kind and post a few max files for me, please.

I'd like to get two files of replays of the same car at the same track but with different tyres.
If someone does post these files, could you attach the version (i.e. PAL or NTSC), the car name, the track, the time and the tyre type along with them, please :)

I've ordered my own MaxDrive so I should have it in a few days, but I'm a bit impatient ;)

edit: GT4 game saves only please.

P.S. Could I also get two max files of the same car, at the same track, with the same tyres but a different lap time aswell, please? 👍
Pretty pwease :)

I've been trying to use the replays from previous weeks' results pages, but there are too many variables in there...
Pretty pwease :)

I've been trying to use the replays from previous weeks' results pages, but there are too many variables in there...

You might want to try the hybrids and gameshark forum here at GTP as there is alot more activity over there regarding this type of thing, and more people working on figuring out how GT4 saves work.👍
I just got my hands on a AR Max and I'm having issues with it.

I connect my USB drive to the PS2 and boot up the Max Memory program from AR Max. When I go to copy my replays from my primary PS2 memory card to my USB memory card, it says "Insufficient space on Max Drive". The USB drive is empty. It shows the space as 0 free / 4154330 KB available. The USB drive is only 128MB, not 4 gigabytes!

I've formatted on the PC using the Max Drive software, tried both FAT and FAT32 file types, tried using safe eject from Windows, tried just removing the USB reader, and I even tried formatting the USB card in the PS2 like the AR Max instructions say to do, which it wouldn't let me do.

What's up with this?? Did I just get ripped off of $30 at Circuit City???
I was told to UNCRUSH ... because the maxdrive, by default (or something) crushes the files onto itself (which is like zipping them), so you uncrush (unzip) them onto your memory card; if they remain crushed, they're unusable.

But this is only what I was told by their tech support when the drive that arrived had problems; they told me to format it before use and use the uncrish option.
Did they tell you to use Fat16 or Fat32 or that it didn't matter?

I just got my hands on a AR Max and I'm having issues with it.

I connect my USB drive to the PS2 and boot up the Max Memory program from AR Max. When I go to copy my replays from my primary PS2 memory card to my USB memory card, it says "Insufficient space on Max Drive". The USB drive is empty. It shows the space as 0 free / 4154330 KB available. The USB drive is only 128MB, not 4 gigabytes!

I've formatted on the PC using the Max Drive software, tried both FAT and FAT32 file types, tried using safe eject from Windows, tried just removing the USB reader, and I even tried formatting the USB card in the PS2 like the AR Max instructions say to do, which it wouldn't let me do.

What's up with this?? Did I just get ripped off of $30 at Circuit City???

What kind of USB drive are you using with the AR Max? I know the one I got with my Max Drive was made for the Max Drive and is only 16MB. I can't use it for Photo Travel sessions because apparently you need a drive that is big enough to format to FAT32, so I bought another USB drive for that alone. I figured I just made things easier on myself by giving myself more space to throw things on my new drive, but it's not backwards-compatible with the Max Drive software for some reason, even after taking the same formatting steps you did. This sounds like the same sort of problem you are having. :\

Edit: Then again, I wasted money by buying the MAX Drive software first to get their USB drive. Then I bought the actual AR MAX cheat system, which has the MAX Drive software bundled on the same disc. :sigh:
If anyone is curious I will be posting hot604boi's replays on my website at I JUST recieved his first replay and I need to make a page for him, so please be patient and feel free to pm me is anyone has any questions.

Did they tell you to use Fat16 or Fat32 or that it didn't matter?


Nothing said which way to format the drive. I tried it both ways.

I also found an old 16MB SmartMedia card to try with the reader, the one that came with my digital camera. AR Max still have me the same problem, and it still said I had over 4 GB of space, even with the 16MB card.

I think I need to go out and buy an actual USB flash drive rather than a USB reader with SmartMedia and CompactFlash cards. I'll post up any results, good or bad.
IIRC, I tried all the 'complete' NTSC saves and found they were not. Decided I'd make my own and thought I'd offer it up here. You can download it from the links below.. right-click, save as.

This save has 950+ cars in the garage, every car unlocked in Arcade mode, 6800+ b-spec, stupid amount of a-spec bragging points, 80 golds, 100% complete, max cash.

Edit: Save updated 5.29.05 with the following:

* Solid Black '05 Ford GT
* White Toyota Supra SZ-R
* Red BMW M Coupe
* Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT-APEX S.Shigeno Ver. unlocked for arcade mode.

AR MAX Format | SharkPort 2 Format
Hey Z. Thanks for doing this dude! 👍 I downloaded the max last night. Works like a charm. I loaded it onto a blank card which will now be my WRS card. AWESOME!

These files and the PAL files from this thread should really be on their own locked thread so that others in the WRS can easily find and access them without having to search thru a lot of posts. Ya thinks? 💡

Great service to the community!
Hey Z. Thanks for doing this dude! 👍 I downloaded the max last night. Works like a charm. I loaded it onto a blank card which will now be my WRS card. AWESOME!

These files and the PAL files from this thread should really be on their own locked thread so that others in the WRS can easily find and access them without having to search thru a lot of posts. Ya thinks? 💡

Great service to the community!

No problem at all, really -- I was going to do it for myself anyway, so I might as well offer it up as a little giving back to the community that's helped me enjoy GT3 and GT4 (so far) to it's full potential.

That aside, some of these OLR events require you to buy or unlock cars. I've seen quite a few people that either haven't had the car unlocked or didn't have enough cash to purchase it right away, so this is just a convenience for those with the means of downloading the save. Oh.. sorry for the extra black F1 cars -- forgot to delete those from the save when I was buying them up to advance days. I'm sure I'll update it again, though, as there are still a few cars I would like to aquire in different colors.

Anyhow, agree that this thread seems to have become a little cluttered.. would be nice to start anew with fresh links (since there may be more on the other pages) to things and have an FAQ covering all the questions already answered in this thread. I'd probably be able to whip something up pretty quick, actually.. if this sounds like a good idea?
No problem with the extra F1 cars. The way I drive......proly need em. LOL

Yeah I think that's a great idea to have a FAQ for saves etc. Seems to be so many questions on maxdrive that gets covered over and over.

If I can help you out in any way Z just pm me.

Seeing as I've got nothing to do for the evening right now, let me see what I can pull together.. will definitely take you up on the offer if I need anything. Much appreciated.
Hey just to follow up on my posts from before, I got my 512MB Cruzer Mini flash drive today. Tried it out with AR Max and I'm up and working. Not that I'll need to submit a replay this week, I'm struggling with the rally.

Thanks for any and all help I received while trying to figure this out.
Good deal, Androos. Glad to hear.

Here's a little work in progress. I didn't include anything about SharkPort because I'm clueless in that area. If someone could provide some info about it that could be included in the FAQ, that'd be great.

Comments welcomed. Still wondering if anyone else thinks this would be a good idea?
That's a nice FAQ's page. Good info on the Max Drive. That thing was terribly confusing at first, compounded by the problems I was having with my flash drive. That page helps explain some good info for GT4.

Good work!
Hey Z. The FAQ looks great. Check the 2nd link. The one for iforcev8? I keep getting a 404 error not found. Also would you want to mention that your gamesave has max credits? Didn't see that. I wish I had something like this a month ago when I got the maxdrive. Would have saved a lot of time for racin :sly:
Hm.. good catch. Link is indeed not working, so removed it until I can find a working link for it (if one exists). Updated other text.. thanks. :)
Hey guys, sorry if this has been covered, but I searched and couldn't find anything. I got my MAXDrive yesterday and it's giving me trouble. Works fine on the PS2 (well, if I use USB Port 2 for some reason) but on the PC Windows keeps picking it up as a generic USB mem stick which it can't read (props show 0 bytes used/free, Explorer marks it as "Removable Disk" and asks for a disk to be inserted if I try to open it).

I've installed the Datel driver, and once this is done, it will always use this driver, even when not working. Occasionally I get lucky and it comes up as a MAXDrive, and all is good, so the device DOES work, but this is like 1 out of 10 tries, maybe.

Anyone else have this problem? I've formatted the MAXDrive using the software that came with it, didn't help. I'm getting very frustrated and I'm worried I have a faulty MAXDrive. Help! :(
Hey guys, sorry if this has been covered, but I searched and couldn't find anything. I got my MAXDrive yesterday and it's giving me trouble. Works fine on the PS2 (well, if I use USB Port 2 for some reason) but on the PC Windows keeps picking it up as a generic USB mem stick which it can't read (props show 0 bytes used/free, Explorer marks it as "Removable Disk" and asks for a disk to be inserted if I try to open it).

I've installed the Datel driver, and once this is done, it will always use this driver, even when not working. Occasionally I get lucky and it comes up as a MAXDrive, and all is good, so the device DOES work, but this is like 1 out of 10 tries, maybe.

Anyone else have this problem? I've formatted the MAXDrive using the software that came with it, didn't help. I'm getting very frustrated and I'm worried I have a faulty MAXDrive. Help! :(

Oh sorry Zeratul I thought maybe the format will sort it out, hope someone here can help !