Max Drive, Game Save and making video files thread.

  • Thread starter Kent
a lot of models work for transfering pics, but none work for replays.

And the max drive doesnt work for pics :lol:, only replays.

Actually ... the maxdrive does everything that a normal USB pendrive will do, you can put any files at all on the maxdrive as long as the file is small enough to fit, like audio files, pics, small programs anything basically.... the only difference with a normal pendrive is that it is able to recognise data from the PS2 games and transfer them into maxdrive format ;) 👍
So how do i get a file i transferred from GT4 to work on my pc then?

Its a foto mode pic i made, which i placed on the max drive, but i dont seem to be able to convert it into a jpeg or something the pc will display. I can see an icon, but i cant convert?

Am i missing something obvious? I am a noob, and dont know too much about file extensions, apart from the fact that i dont understand them!
Well I haven't tried to transfer pics from the photo mode in GT4 as yet with the maxdrive but I have put programs and music files and small applications not associated with GT4 onto it no probs, I will try photo mode later today and see if I can get something happening :)
ok let me explain what i ment about the max drive.

In photomode the only way to save pics is to save onto a USB stick, the max drive doesnt work, the PS2 does not regonise it. There for you cannot use the maxdrive to transfer photomode pics.

@Vexd you probably transfered the pic from your mem card to the max drive just like you would a replay, if you did this, then i do not know how you can make it a jpeg, if however you mangaged to save the photo straight onto the max drive (which i highly doubt) then it should already be a jpeg.
well unless you find a program that converts it from a .max to a jpeg, i have no idea :dunce:

Sorry mate
Mr P
yep I got the wrong end of the stick :dopey: sorry Fryz :) 👍

Its ok mate, my reply was wrote as yours was posted so I apolgise if i came across hard. :guilty:, i didnt see your post until after i posted
So what do you guys suggest? I need to show a replay for verification for a podium finish, but I also need something to transfer lots of photos...

So a normal usb drive will upload the pics, but possibly not replays?
yep, you need a max drive from somewhere and for photos you need a USB drive of some sort.
The simplist and most commonly available device is called a Max Drive, which is available usually at Best Buy stores or Video game stores like EB Games and such. There are also Sharkports / X-ports, but they have been discontinued and are probably going to be somewhat outdated for OLR evntually. AR Max is also available, but you have to have your own USB drive to use it, the Max Drive comes with one in the package.

I'm glad I just noticed this post in the middle of the thread, I thought only the Asian site had it :)
I just dusted off the old xport the other day and seriously cant remember how to use it... Dog ate the manual.

All im having probs with is identifying my replays, how the hell do you know which one is which....??

A point in the right direction would be great.
Ok, I just bought the Max Drive at Gamestop. I wanted the plain and simple version but the store only had the version where it comes with all the 50,000 cheat codes.

I plugged it in to my PS2 and tried to copy the replay over to it, but I'm afraid I have no clue how to do this. Can somebody walk me through this? The manual really focuses on the codes and crap of which I have no use for.

I'm guessing that it doesn't matter which USB I plug it into the PS2, right? I plugged it in unlocked, by the way, and the PS2 didn't acknowledge it.
I just got the ar max disc off a friend...

Works well with my usb flash drive.... no need for a max drive...

I'm going to buy some sort of USB memory. But what am I going to buy? I want to buy it this week, because now I'm running in division 2, but I think I can improve my times quite a lot, so I may need to verify my times.

What should I buy?

Action Replay Max with usb memory (which CFM recomended (Thanks) and found cheap on a place here in Sweden) or Max Drive (which I haven't found and may need to buy from somewhere far away like No problems with that but it can take some time and I don't have a credit card! :grumpy: )

I need help! :scared:
I picked up the AR Max yesterday and wound up the evening very frustrated.

I downloaded a couple of replays from this board, copied them to the USB Flash pen, then went through the AR Max software to uncrush them from the pen to the memory card. In the PS2 browser, it shows GT4 replays as being on the card, but when I run GT4, it doesn't list them at all. I've got an NTSC system, if I by some random misluck picked up PAL replays, would I get this kind of behavior?

I then copied a couple of my own replays from one memory card to the USB drive. Then I copied them to another memory card, and booted into GT4. Both were there, but only one was valid. GT4 played one just fine, but said it got a load error
on another.

So I'm puzzled as to the secret ingredient to getting this to work.

Is there some external way to determine whether a replay is PAL or NTSC?
I've run into a problem with the filenames generated by the MaxDrive. I went to uncrush h0t's WRS3 replay, but there's already a file on my memory card named GRAN TURISMO 4GhostReplay[2]. It's my own replay from week 1 and I don't want to overwrite it.

Do I need to store all my replays on the USB stick to keep the MaxDrive from duplicating names, or is there a way to change the name stored in the .max file? :confused:
Is there some external way to determine whether a replay is PAL or NTSC?

Open the file in notepad and if it states BESCES it's PAL and BASCUS is NTSC.
Open the file in notepad and if it states BESCES it's PAL and BASCUS is NTSC.

Ah thanks. By some unfortunate chance the two replays I picked by random are both PAL. I assume that's why GT4 doesn't show them in the replay theatre.

Oh well, for tonight I have two NTSC replays to try.

Ah thanks. By some unfortunate chance the two replays I picked by random are both PAL. I assume that's why GT4 doesn't show them in the replay theatre.

Oh well, for tonight I have two NTSC replays to try.


To make our lives just a little less stressful, it's good practice for the poster of a replay file to clearly state what format it is. perhaps this wasn't the case when you downloaded them.
I've run into a problem with the filenames generated by the MaxDrive. I went to uncrush h0t's WRS3 replay, but there's already a file on my memory card named GRAN TURISMO 4GhostReplay[2]. It's my own replay from week 1 and I don't want to overwrite it.

I'm curious if anybody has a solution for this problem. I find AR Max's software to be, ahem, somewhat less than user friendly with regards to file names. I tried to change the file name within the .max file on my PC, but apparently there is some sort of checksum. With access to the source code for the converter discussed above, it should be simple to modify the converter to change file names. Other than that it seems to be an extremely arduous, one at time transfer.

On an unrelated note, I copied some photo data from my memory card to the MAX drive where it is now a .max file. Is there any way to convert that to something useful so I can look at it on my PC?
Also to finish a quote off you go [/quote]


1st question, transfer your ghost replay to pc, make sure hot's run isnt on max drive so you dont get confused. then uncrush hots run. and watch it.

2nd question. Nope
1st question, transfer your ghost replay to pc, make sure hot's run isnt on max drive so you dont get confused. then uncrush hots run. and watch it.

2nd question. Nope

Thanks for the replies, even if it wasn't the news I wanted to hear.

I grabbed both you and your dad's replays wanting to watch them (particularly your dad's since he won week 3 of my division), but unfortunately you guys are PAL. So darn, I'll just have to generate a division 3 winning NTSC time! :dopey:
1st question, transfer your ghost replay to pc, make sure hot's run isnt on max drive so you dont get confused. then uncrush hots run. and watch it.

Thanks, Fryz. I was hoping to keep all my replays on the same memcard, but if we can't chage the internal savename I guess that won't happen.
Anyone have any good game saves for the Korean version? I just received my max drive and it would be good to put it to work on something like this.
Please tell me whether this is correct :

I saved my replay for this week's race to my Max Drive, then onto PC and from there onto USB for sending from work. The file extension is .max , so is this the right format for viewing with another Max drive (PAL version) ?


Please tell me whether this is correct :

I saved my replay for this week's race to my Max Drive, then onto PC and from there onto USB for sending from work. The file extension is .max , so is this the right format for viewing with another Max drive (PAL version) ?



On an unrelated note, I copied some photo data from my memory card to the MAX drive where it is now a .max file. Is there any way to convert that to something useful so I can look at it on my PC?

I must have misunderstood the question here, but when I transfer picture files through the max drive, I've got valid jpegs to play around with. Have you tried using the PC software to uncrush your .max file from the max drive to the pc?