Edgy Eft Release Candidate Available for Download
In preparation for next week's release of the "Edgy Eft," the Ubuntu team is proud to announce that the Release Candidate is available for download. Mark Shuttleworth also announced plans for Ubuntu 7.04 the "Feisty Fawn," but that's for another discussion.
RC Download Sites:
Yes, Ubuntu has Dapper artwork. Unfortunately, Mark didn't feel that the the art team's Edgy artwork met the guidelines that he set. Personally, I preferred the Edgy artwork, but for now, we'll have to live with Dapper's artwork. Besides, who keeps the default desktop background anyways? Kubuntu's artwork has changed, however, since it has a separate art team (actually, I think it's only one person).
Windows XP Service Pack 3 Delayed until 2008?
I hope this turns out to be false, but here's the
link to the article. I know they want to concentrate on Windows Vista, but they can't forget that Windows XP users will outnumber Vista users for quite some time.
Interested in Linux, are you? Since it doesn't seem like you're in much of a hurry to try it out, I'll start you off with a couple sites:
- DistroWatch: Look to the right and you'll see a "Hits per day" ranking. That should give you an idea of a distribution's popularity. As you can tell, there are many good distros to choose from. I would suggest Ubuntu and Fedora, my personal favorites.
- OSDir: Since everyone loves screenshots! They have screenshots of all the popular distributions, and much more.
That's should be good to begin with. Also, you might want to check out the official site of a distribution you're interested in. When you're ready for more info, I'll tell you what you need to know (preferably in the "Linux Transition Thread") There is much to know, from KDE and GNOME, to apt-get and aptitude, Xgl and Compiz, debs and rpms, Wine and Cedega, and so much more!