Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
What the flying 🤬!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You don't want to know what has happened. ALL my T-shirts that I unlocked be it Namco or echochrome or Ice Breaker, are GONE. My pair of shorts, all my arcades, stools and trophys. WTF. They took sooooo many hours to unlock it is damn well not funny. What are you doing sony. In the meanwhile, you add absolutely ZILCH.

EDIT: Apparently if you lost namco stuff, play an arcade game from the XMB for a little while, quit and items will be back, im sure it is namco and im not sure about all the Ice Breaker and Echochrome. I havn't tried but it has been confirmed. Ted the Dog has also stated that we should not have lost our rewards and they are currently looking into it.
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What the flying 🤬!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You don't want to know what has happened. ALL my T-shirts that I unlocked be it Namco or echochrome or Ice Breaker, are GONE. My pair of shorts, all my arcades, stools and trophys. WTF. They took sooooo many hours to unlock it is damn well not funny. What are you doing sony. In the meanwhile, you add absolutely ZILCH.

Easy there. I feel for you, but honestly, how many times has it been said in this and other threads... its a beta program, and these kinds of things happen all the time in beta. As several people have recommended, if these things are going to bother you... which clearly it sounds like it is, then you really shouldn't participate in beta programs, as you'll likely just keep getting workedup.

Wait for the official release, and heck, maybe even a little longer. Otherwise, enjoy the things it does offer.. besides, let's also not forget, it's purely optional, and with the exception of some "luxury" virtual goods, its all free.

And I do understand you spent a lot of time playing those game... but they were meant to be entertaining... and free. That part wasn't taken away from you right? Besides, even if you don't want to play the games any more, who knows, maybe the items are only temporarily missing... or you can wait until the beta is over to earn the items when it is an officially released product.

At the very least you'll lower your blood pressure a tad. ;)

EDIT: Apparently if you lost namco stuff, play an arcade game from the XMB for a little while, quit and items will be back, im sure it is namco and im not sure about all the Ice Breaker and Echochrome. I havn't tried but it has been confirmed. Ted the Dog has also stated that we should not have lost our rewards and they are currently looking into it.

Wait... so you blew up, screamed at Sony... said point blankly that as a matter of fact ALL your T-shirts that you unlocked be it Namco or echochrome or Ice Breaker, were GONE... but as it turns out you didn;t actually check to see if that was true first???

Imagine what you would have said or done if it did wipe out everything, including your avatars! Seriously, maybe Beta is not for you?
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I'm damn annoyed that we have had to redownload each space. Nothing has changed so I wonder why? I thought any media updates would be downloaded in the background and added to the 3GB reserved space for future use (as pointed out in the video with Home Director, Jack Buser in a video posted a few pages back), but even the videos and posters are the same in 1.04 (as they were in version 1.03), so why the download? I have a slow connection and those with a capped connection should be concerned also. Imagine needing to do this for every space and every update... I hope this isn't the case.

Things are starting to get quite heated on the EU Home forums. People are once again questioning why Europe seems to be so harshly treated in terms of PS Store updates, new spaces, features in Home (for example, the absense of the Saucer Pop game, game spaces and voteable music jukebox in the Plaza).

There is quite a bit of gathering support in this thread where we'd like to show our disappointment with SCEE's handling of Home and the Store. If you'd like to support our case, please voice your opinions there. We're trying to get an official petition going to be posted to all major gaming sites in an attempt to get Sony to communicate with us and hopefully make some changes.

I suggested that SCEE President, David Reeves, host a moderated Q&A session within Home :)

Sorry to moan here. I see the potential Home has and think it'll be great within time and hopefully Sony will take the views of European owners seriously. I'd like to gather support if you feel the same.
Easy there. I feel for you, but honestly, how many times has it been said in this and other threads... its a beta program, and these kinds of things happen all the time in beta. As several people have recommended, if these things are going to bother you... which clearly it sounds like it is, then you really shouldn't participate in beta programs, as you'll likely just keep getting workup.

Wait for the official release, and heck, maybe even a little longer. Otherwise, enjoy the things it does offer.. besides, let's also not forget, it's purely optional, and with the exception of some "luxury" virtual goods, its all free.

And I do understand you spent a lot of time playing those game... but they were meant to be entertaining... and free. That part wasn't taken away from you right? Besides, even if you don't want to play the games any more, who knows, maybe the items are only temporarily missing... or you can wait until the beta is over to earn the items when it is an officially released product.

At the very least you'll lower your blood pressure a tad. ;)

Wait... so you blew up, screamed at Sony... said point blankly that as a matter of fact ALL your T-shirts that you unlocked be it Namco or echochrome or Ice Breaker, were GONE... but as it turns out you didn;t actually check to see if that was true first???

Imagine what you would have said or done if it did wipe out everything, including your avatars! Seriously, maybe Beta is not for you?

Nope, I still lost it all, I had checked how to fix it though. I am about to try it now.
Redownloading is not a good option for me, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and download all the things again and I'll just hope that I won't need to again. Either way, I'll be on for a while today. Atleast I'll hopefully have my chair back :dopey:
And I do understand you spent a lot of time playing those game... but they were meant to be entertaining... and free.
And everyone knows that things take a fraction of the time the second time you do it, so it's really not that big a deal.
(for example, the absense of the Saucer Pop game, game spaces and voteable music jukebox in the Plaza).
No wonder you guys (UK'ers) have to entertain yourselves. You don't have Saucer Pop, etc.? That's just ridiculous. Plain and simple. I'd be pissed if I were you, too.
As several people have recommended, if these things are going to bother you... which clearly it sounds like it is, then you really shouldn't participate in beta programs
I posted something along these lines at the EU forums, too. The criticism of Home so far is pretty harsh - I wonder if this has something to do with the fact that most people on PS3 are new to any form of beta trials, me included.

Now that Playstation have an internet-capable console, any old Tom, Dick or Touring Mars can take part in a beta and then whinge about it until the cows come Home... perhaps the chaps at the EU forums are starting to realise what they've let themselves in for by opening the beta up to the great unwashed!

As for the people who have lost items, that does suck but to be honest, the stuff available so far has been, well, dispensable to say the least. I could agree with being cheesed off if people lost purchased items, but this is really a case of "easy come, easy go". If my Icebreaker clobber melted into oblivion, all I could say is good riddance to it. Half a flippin' hour for a sodding hat was ridiculous in the first place :D
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I'm damn annoyed that we have had to redownload each space. Nothing has changed so I wonder why? I thought any media updates would be downloaded in the background and added to the 3GB reserved space for future use (as pointed out in the video with Home Director, Jack Buser in a video posted a few pages back), but even the videos and posters are the same in 1.04 (as they were in version 1.03), so why the download? I have a slow connection and those with a capped connection should be concerned also. Imagine needing to do this for every space and every update... I hope this isn't the case.

Redownloading is not a good option for me, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and download all the things again and I'll just hope that I won't need to again. Either way, I'll be on for a while today. Atleast I'll hopefully have my chair back :dopey:

Home is not a game that you simply play off a disc or off your HDD. Any new content, no matter how small, or any chage in the software is going to require downloading... and in beta, expect a lot of changes.

However, even when there are no changes, when traveling through Home, remember, you are not alone, nor is there one server. The reason you don't see a million avatars running around in the same spaces is that there are multiple servers - and be grateful there are, becausse if you have a slow connection, imagine how long it would take to load that many people... if it were even possible.

Every time you change spaces you have to access that server. In addition, everytime you change spaces, you also have to download the information about all the other people who are in that space and on that server that you are now on.

Based on the speed of your own connection it may or may not take a while to do that... However, there will always be downloading and uploading (like when you change your avatar)... there is no way to avoid that without having a standalone version of Home disconnected from the internet for you to walk around all by yourself.
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There's a petition here:

In a nutshell, many European PS3 owners would like answers regarding the lack of content on the PS Store and in Home. In some cases I understand the localisation and language issues, but this doesn't excuse PSN releases being months late or the lack of certain features in Home. If you wish, please support it by signing the above petition.
Heh heh, nice to see that a business suit is in the stores now, so I can finally make a 'Hitman' avatar. :)
I couldnt care less about downloading it or uploading my avatar when i'm walking around. Plenty of internet to use up. I have all my namco stuff but still not my echochrome etc.
Ok the changes I picked up on were, a new lobby to the 'Home' apartment block off the Home square.
I think the Bowling Alley has different lights.?
Summer house has new shelves on the lower section around fireplace.
Quite a few new things that require real money, such as Barbarques and other ornaments. lots of 'designer' clothes at a ridiculous prices.
"Diesel Jeans" right ? but no Diesel jeans... weird.
The effort has clearly gone into making this a virtual retail store, giving away nothing free in this update, but plenty to pay for, of dubious value.
This is only a 'beta' and yet already they are looking to drain our pockets. It does not bode well for a full working release !

tho its good for a laugh !
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Yay I lost everything I've won.........

Same here. At least the Namco stuff can easily be regained by simply playing a Namco game from your XMB. It all comes back once you do. However, the Bowling Alley arcade stuff is gone forever. Never going to play them again.

The Diesel shop has several free shirts for males and one free shirt for females, which I thought was funny. A free table and chair is available from the furnishings store, too.
I redecorated my house to suit a meeting or party, heaps of chairs, tables, all set. :) Anyone who wants to see can add me as PSN and I'll send you an invite.
What is the crash table likely to be used for? I dont think it looks that attractive honestly.

Also, I will make some petition about whether to have home have it's own forum or not, link will be sent to Jordan.
This is only a 'beta' and yet already they are looking to drain our pockets. It does not bode well for a full working release !
Here we go again... Who's draining who's wallet... are you seriously blaming some company for giving you the OPTION to buy virtual things. If it bother's you, don't go in the stores (although then you would also miss out on all the free stuff in there as well).

Frankly, considering the massive development costs, and the tremendous amount of free content, spaces and games, I'm still shocked Sony is giving the service away, and only counting on advertising and optional micro-transactions of virtual goods (many of which they are giving away free as well as a reward for playing the free games)!

And in case you forgot about all the things that don't drain your pockets...

Unless you are into virtual real estate, interior decorating and virtual fashion, then EVERYTHING is currently free...
  • PSN = FREE
  • Online Gaming = FREE
  • Using Home = FREE
  • Creating life-like avatars = FREE
  • Multiple standard areas to explore and meet'n'greet = FREE
    • Harbor Studio
    • Central Plaza
    • Bowling Alley / Game Space
    • Home Theater
    • Home Cafe / Night Club
  • Multiple developer spaces to explore and meet'n'greet = FREE
    • Far Cry 2
      • Train Station
      • Reuben's Office
    • Uncharted
      • Sully's Bar
  • Multiple hidden spaces to unlock and explore = FREE
    • Uncharted
      • Smuggler's Den
      • Arifact Room
      • Film Room
  • Call a friend on the Home Phone = FREE
  • Invite friends to join you or you join them = FREE
  • Joining Private Clubs = FREE
  • Participate in developer meet and greets and Q&A sessions = FREE
  • Watching exclusive trailers, BTS videos, interviews, etc = FREE
  • Bowling = FREE
  • Shoot Pool = FREE
  • Play Darts = FREE
  • Play Saucer Pops = FREE
  • Play Chess = FREE
  • Play Checkers = FREE
  • Play Mancala = FREE
  • Participate in organized and unorganized gaming tournaments = FREE
  • Play arcade games = FREE
    (and win special clothing, furnishings, and items as prizes) = FREE
    • echochrome
    • Ice Breaker
    • Carriage Return
    • Mercenary Madness
  • Play Classic NAMCO arcade games = FREE
    (and win special clothing, furnishings, and items as prizes - including your own arcade systems to place in your club and personal spaces) = FREE
    • Pac-Man
    • Dig-Dug
    • Galaga
    • Xevious
  • Listening to music at the Listen@Home stage = FREE
  • Dance (if that's your sorta thing) = FREE
Besides all that, several clothes, furnishings, items, and personal space are already given to you for FREE.

And that's just the open beta... as if that wasn't enough, here are some other things that are said to be coming to Home:
  • Red Bull Island Space
    • including 3-D flight sim air race games
  • Buzz! Space
    • including the game "Buzz! Runaround", which supports up to 32 players
  • MotorStorm 2 Space
    • MotorKartStorm game
  • Resistance 2 Space
    • team-based minigame
  • Warhawk Space
  • SOCOM Space
  • Killzone 2 Space
  • Hall of Fame Space
  • 3D Trophy Collections
  • MotorStorm Premium Apartment
  • Remote Controlled Model Boats, and Cars
  • PSP-3000 Treasure Hunt
  • Design Your Own T-shirt Contest
  • MotorStorm VIP Event
  • and certainly more as developers take advantage of Home's Development Kit, including Sega, Activision, Midway, Atari, Eidos, Ubisoft, EA Sports, Diesel, Audi, and more.

So unless you have a massive addiction to virtual items, and want a huge collection of clothing, furnishing, and real estate, and if your concern is cost, you have nothing at all to worry about as far as Home goes. 👍

I really don't get all the whining and complaining you see on the internet. They give everything away for free but some silly virtual items, open the doors for the public to participate in the beta... and this is what they get in return.... people bitching about servers being crowded or down, having to download spaces, missing free items, the cost of virtual items and because Saucer Pops and Listen@Home isn't in every Plaza... or that the EU gets a huge multiplex theater with all the good videos and poor NA only get's one screen.... or that only EU servers have checkers games... or that only the EU servers get the new designer stores and exclusive free itms in them... or that only the Asian servers have darts - despite the fact that it's ridiculously easy to create PSN accounts in other regions... but yeah down with Sony!!!!

How dare you give us all the fun stuff for free and then have the gaul to not make every region identical and how outrageous of you to consider charging a few dimes for some optional stuff!!!

How dare you indeed Sony, you evil greedy monster you! Quick, grab the torches, let's burn this Home down!!!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays all you Scrooges & Grinches! ;)
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I just wish there was more stuff, free or otherwise. The update in the stores was nice and some of the objects were pretty cool. I now have a grille on my patio and a few other goodies on my shelf like the katanas, football, and astronaut helmet. I really don't mind paying $.49 for something, it's not really all that much, and as D-N said it helps fund other things. The only time I have issue with DLC that cost something is if it was supposed to be there in the first place, and since we really weren't promised a bunch objects for Home I don't have an issue.

I have to ask though, where can I play Mancala or shoot darts? I know I haven't explored everything yet so I'm guessing I'm just overlooking it. But I'm actually pretty interested in doing this.
Home is not a game that you simply play off a disc or off your HDD. Any new content, no matter how small, or any chage in the software is going to require downloading... and in beta, expect a lot of changes.

However, even when there are no changes, when traveling through Home, remember, you are not alone, nor is there one server. The reason you don't see a million avatars running around in the same spaces is that there are multiple servers - and be grateful there are, becausse if you have a slow connection, imagine how long it would take to load that many people... if it were even possible.

Every time you change spaces you have to access that server. In addition, everytime you change spaces, you also have to download the information about all the other people who are in that space and on that server that you are now on.

Based on the speed of your own connection it may or may not take a while to do that... However, there will always be downloading and uploading (like when you change your avatar)... there is no way to avoid that without having a standalone version of Home disconnected from the internet for you to walk around all by yourself.

I understand why there are seperate spaces (servers) with a limit on the number of users within - I'm not sure why you mentioned this. I was questioning why I had to redownload every space in Home since the v1.04 update when, for example, nothing has changed in the Home Square. The download for Home square was approx 45MB. Other spaces around 20MB. I had already downloaded these spaces and was using them with no further downloads required prior to update v1.04. Having to download all of these spaces again when there are no apparent visual or audio changes has nothing to do with what users present in those spaces, or how the the users are spread about the servers.
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Same here. At least the Namco stuff can easily be regained by simply playing a Namco game from your XMB. It all comes back once you do. However, the Bowling Alley arcade stuff is gone forever. Never going to play them again.
If you play one of the game you'll get all the stuff back just like the Namco stuff. Unless you really hate them that much...