Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
What just happened five minutes ago was I lost all my Namco arcade machines in my Summer home. All 12 of them. :yuck:

Every once in a while I'll lose an item here or there, but nothing like that before.

BETA. Live with it, or give it up.

This just happened to me for the first time as well... I was showing a neighbor how Home worked, and took him to the Summer House, and all the patio furniture was missing... as a joke my wife screamed "We've been robbed!" .


I was thinking today, what is sony going to do with all the spaces they created that never made it to release... like the original indoor home plaza or the closed beta plaza? They made all the effort to create them why dont they add them back in and connect then together to make a massive home plaza area... it would be like adding new content without having to really do anything and it just be nicer to be able to explore larger areas.

If I recall, one of the reasons SCEA changed their Plaza, was due to many people complaining on the official PS Home forum that they thought the plaza was to "difficult" and too large to navigate around... see what happens when so many people complain and not enough people defend.

Similarly I think that other Plaza's like JPN's one should be added to other regions just for the sake of making Home look bigger. If you can imagine what im saying, add stuff to Home thats already been done and it will keep people happy because it give the feel of gaining new content.

I agree. It would also then allow you to visit those spaces without having to change PSN IDs. 👍

I suspect Home will grow up once Sony will have fixed the most obvious problems encountered in this beta. There are new spaces announced and coming, and probably a lot more is in the making. As for the online stores, there will be some region inequalities but it looks like the workarounds are still “allowed” by Sony so far.

I agree. I also like how the 3rd party developers have been adding games and hidden areas in their spaces. I am definitely looking forward to see what Red Bull Island has to offer. 👍

I also wonder what the dev tools are for building Home spaces, and who will eventually be able to get them in the future to build custom spaces.

It was announced a while back that Sony sent out Home Development Kits to several developers and companies that had requested it. I personally would LOVE to see a demo on how it works, and even play around with it. Based on what I've seen so far, it appears almost limitless as far as what can be created... given the time and money of course.

Speaking of which, I had hoped, and will continue to hope that GTPlanet will someday have it's own space in Home. Here is what I envisioned for it:

  • Enter PS Home...
  • Click on Home World Map...
  • Click on...
GTPlanet Raceway

Walking around the facilities or jumping directly there through the Home GTPlanet Map, one would be able to find the following:
  • Garage Paddocks
    • A place for members to show off their latest tuned cars

  • Event Briefing Room
    • Where members can find out about different upcoming GTP events

  • Start/Finish Line
    • The place to go with your friends to launch into a multi-player game of GT5P
    • Also used for organized GTP race events

  • Trophy Room
    • A place where results from GTP race events can be posted
    • Special Awards area for recognized GTP members and event champions

  • Press Room
    • For you and your staff to hold live Q&A sessions with members
    • Post News and Videos for visitors to check out

  • VIP/Premium Club
    • A place reserved only for Special Guests and GTP Premium members to meet, socialize, post messages to each other or the group, etc.

  • GTP Offices
    • A place reserved only for Owner, Admins, etc.

  • Security Office
    • A place reserved only for GTP Mods.

Patch coming on Thursday 18th Dec - part of the patch should help to tackle the C-931 connection errors:
Thanks for the heads-up! 👍
on this video he says there are lots of free unannounced bonuses you can just find.

anyone found any

BTW: Anyone else find that guy in the video a tad 'creepy'? I can't quite put my finger on it... but there is just something about the way he looks and sounds... and all those constantly changing facial expressions... it all made me just a bit uncomfortable to watch and even listen to. :indiff:

Can anyone help out? She can't see the Home button in the Network. She's tried making a new account and it still dosen't appear for some reason.

I'm wondering if maybe if the Open Beta stopped being made available, because I was over at a neighbors house who recently got a PS3, and needed help getting it set up to work on his whole house AV system.

Not only was there no Home icon in the XMB's PSN menu bar, but when I checked the PSN store, all it had was a promo video and a XMB theme to download. I then checked his system software, and 2.53 was already installed.

Anyone else hear about this, or know of anyone else that also can't get the Home icon?
I'm wondering if maybe if the Open Beta stopped being made available, because I was over at a neighbors house who recently got a PS3, and needed help getting it set up to work on his whole house AV system.

Not only was there no Home icon in the XMB's PSN menu bar, but when I checked the PSN store, all it had was a promo video and a XMB theme to download. I then checked his system software, and 2.53 was already installed.

Anyone else hear about this, or know of anyone else that also can't get the Home icon?

Was this yesterday? Because the network was having maintenance done yesterday.
Was this yesterday? Because the network was having maintenance done yesterday.

It was early last night (5pm-7pm) CST (GMT -6)

However, not only was I able to log into the PSN store on his PS3, but I also brought over my PS3 to show him how I have it set up and compare different settings side by side, and I had no trouble logging into Home... so while I was unaware of any maintenance work being done on the netwrok, clearly it was up and running when I was at his place... yet he had no icon for Home, nor any download available from the PSN store.

It's really quite strange, and makes me believe at least, that perhaps the opportunity to join the Open Beta was only made available for a while, and is at least temporarily closed for new PSN users?
BTW: Anyone else find that guy in the video a tad 'creepy'? I can't quite put my finger on it... but there is just something about the way he looks and sounds... and all those constantly changing facial expressions... it all made me just a bit uncomfortable to watch and even listen to. :indiff:

He designed Home. Of course he's going to be a total freak.
He designed Home. Of course he's going to be a total freak.


If that's the case, then he has some explaining to do on why the avatars have such blank expressions.

I'll give them some props for all the physical genstures you can choose from, and that at least when you use the type chat it will make your avatar seem like they are talking... but then again, seeing as they already had that... they really need to add that same feature to when you press down on the voice chat button (R2) your avatar does the same thing as when you type chat.

Not a major thing, but it would be nice if they did that.
BTW: Anyone else find that guy in the video a tad 'creepy'? I can't quite put my finger on it... but there is just something about the way he looks and sounds... and all those constantly changing facial expressions... it all made me just a bit uncomfortable to watch and even listen to. :indiff:

I think it's his creepy 3-sizes-too-large jacket and half unbuttoned shirt. Apart from the fact he looks like he hasn't slept in a few days. :lol:
Come on patch, out tommorow, I've been constantly getting the C-931 errors and they are darn annoying. Does anyone know if i'm still the admin of the GTPlanet club or have they all been deleted ?
Come on patch, out tommorow, I've been constantly getting the C-931 errors and they are darn annoying. Does anyone know if i'm still the admin of the GTPlanet club or have they all been deleted ?

Yes, they were all deleted. As it said in the user agreement, all clubs in the closed beta would be deleted when the open beta was released.
I think it's his creepy 3-sizes-too-large jacket and half unbuttoned shirt. Apart from the fact he looks like he hasn't slept in a few days. :lol:

AH! Now I know what he reminds me of:

It was early last night (5pm-7pm) CST (GMT -6)

However, not only was I able to log into the PSN store on his PS3, but I also brought over my PS3 to show him how I have it set up and compare different settings side by side, and I had no trouble logging into Home... so while I was unaware of any maintenance work being done on the netwrok, clearly it was up and running when I was at his place... yet he had no icon for Home, nor any download available from the PSN store.

It's really quite strange, and makes me believe at least, that perhaps the opportunity to join the Open Beta was only made available for a while, and is at least temporarily closed for new PSN users?
Well, they said only certain parts would be down at any given time, not everything. And they posted that they were finsihed at 3:30ish PM PT. So, maybe try today?

And make sure the firmware is up to date. It was snuck in during 2.53.
Well, they said only certain parts would be down at any given time, not everything. And they posted that they were finsihed at 3:30ish PM PT. So, maybe try today?
Well that would have been 5:30pm my time, and we kept looking for it by 7pm with no luck.

And make sure the firmware is up to date. It was snuck in during 2.53.

I did already...

I'm wondering if maybe if the Open Beta stopped being made available, because I was over at a neighbors house who recently got a PS3, and needed help getting it set up to work on his whole house AV system.

Not only was there no Home icon in the XMB's PSN menu bar, but when I checked the PSN store, all it had was a promo video and a XMB theme to download. I then checked his system software, and 2.53 was already installed.

Anyone else hear about this, or know of anyone else that also can't get the Home icon?

Also, he had updated to 2.53 over a weeek ago when it first came out, so that isn't it either.
on this video he says there are lots of free unannounced bonuses you can just find.

anyone found any

Grrrrrr... I should not have followed that link to YouTube... for some reaosn now it has changed my YouTube settings, and now by defualt it will only go the no matter what.... anyone have any idea how to change this, or is the only solution to while out all my temporary internet files?

Grrrrrr... I should not have followed that link to YouTube... for some reaosn now it has changed my YouTube settings, and now by defualt it will only go the no matter what.... anyone have any idea how to change this, or is the only solution to while out all my temporary internet files?
Give this a try - go to youtube and at the top left, click on the Worldwide link (yours might be different - UK?) and select Worldwide. Just to be sure, also click the English link next to it and select English (US). I'm not sure if that'll fix the issue or not, but it's worth a shot.
AH! Now I know what he reminds me of:

If you've seen 'No Country For Old Men', it's no wonder he's freaking a few people out! Sorry Mr Buser!

Anton Chigurh:

(played by Javier Bardem)
That was kinda boring, the whole bowling centre to ourselves...that was AWESOME.

But, too much time mucking around doing nothing sorta through me off, I was getting damn bored.
How did ya do that?

Basically you select the sofa, or any item for that matter, and move it to the far corner of the Harbor Studio, and it'll pass through and now you can move the item and travel around outide your studio and around the harbor area... including to the 'Easter Egg' plaque near the large Yacht telling you shouldn't be reading this. ;)

I didn't see the blue light before... that's cool. 👍
The Asian region of Home is going to be getting an update with some other rooms.
Asian Home expansion brings Tekken, Soul Calibur, Ridge Racer rooms
Home is getting bigger (well, it couldn't get much smaller, could it?) in Asia on Thursday. The service will expand with a new Namco Bandai space, which will include lounges for Tekken, Soul Calibur, Ridge Racer and a classics museum where you can play Galaga, Xevious, Dig Dug and Pac Man on arcade machines. There will also be a bunch of new items to buy, such as holiday themed costumes and furniture as well as Namco Bandai and Nippon-Ichi branded items.

With the original open beta press release stating that the European and US versions would be expanded this week, we're hoping that will also occur on Thursday. The service desperately needs some new, interesting content. Hopefully we'll see as much third-party support as the Asian version is getting.

Images here:

The site is in Japanese though, so don't be expecting to read anything.