Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
See, I don't mind if you are doing it with others who like doing that, but when people are trying to talk or play bowling it is downright annoying. Same with the face crotch guys. And if you leave when people say something that is fine, but some guys I have seen won't leave and start saying things like, "Eat it!"

And I do want to point out the difference between going up to someone and dancing in hopes of getting them to dance with you and purposely dancing in the face of someone, who is doing something else, with the full intention of being annoying.

Although, for me the thing I hate most is when I am playing an arcade game and two guys stand directly behind me voice chatting.

100% agreed. 👍

Even though I didn't have the problem playing arcade games. Couldn't you just turn voice volume down in that case? Not sure if that's possible while playing?
I was thinking today, what is sony going to do with all the spaces they created that never made it to release... like the original indoor home plaza or the closed beta plaza? They made all the effort to create them why dont they add them back in and connect then together to make a massive home plaza area... it would be like adding new content without having to really do anything and it just be nicer to be able to explore larger areas.

Similarly I think that other Plaza's like JPN's one should be added to other regions just for the sake of making Home look bigger. If you can imagine what im saying, add stuff to Home thats already been done and it will keep people happy because it give the feel of gaining new content.

I suspect Home will grow up once Sony will have fixed the most obvious problems encountered in this beta. There are new spaces announced and coming, and probably a lot more is in the making. As for the online stores, there will be some region inequalities but it looks like the workarounds are still “allowed” by Sony so far.

I also wonder what the dev tools are for building Home spaces, and who will eventually be able to get them in the future to build custom spaces.
I will be on at about 11 I reckon, going bowling tonight @ 7:30.

i'll be on later along with my GTP tag, hopefully it'll be as funny as last nyt if not better. catch you all later, and i hope you bowl better in real life than you do on home jamie, lol:)
Patch coming on Thursday 18th Dec - part of the patch should help to tackle the C-931 connection errors:

Hopefully it'll tackle the other ten or so different connection errors I have also seen when trying to sign in.

edit: Sorry about the confusion regarding the patch release date. I had today's date in my head, the day of a news update regarding Home!
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i'll be on later along with my GTP tag, hopefully it'll be as funny as last nyt if not better. catch you all later, and i hope you bowl better in real life than you do on home jamie, lol:)
That "sentence" hurts my eyes.
Although, for me the thing I hate most is when I am playing an arcade game and two guys stand directly behind me voice chatting.

Now THAT I hate, I think i't may be half the reason I lost Icebreaker at level 9...

He said something really funny and I cacked:sly:
Can you do it mid-game? It isn't exactly something I think to look at during gaming.
I was referring to the BT headset's power button, unless you're using something else. If nothing else, not to sound like an ass, just take the headset off.

Either that or ask them if they wouldn't mind going somewhere else to talk.
If you press the power button, it comes through the speakers...
It would be an idea to take it off though, yes. Bit off topic now.
Home is boring already IMO. And I have both EU and US as well as HK account...

Well of course, it's not meant to be fun I guess. It's only a place to meet up with friends, and it's free so It is good when it comes to it's purpose.
Home is boring already IMO. And I have both EU and US as well as HK account...

Well of course, it's not meant to be fun I guess. It's only a place to meet up with friends, and it's free so It is good when it comes to it's purpose.

You obviously have not been there with us. The last 2 nights have been legendary for some of the banter and goings on.
Home is boring already IMO. And I have both EU and US as well as HK account...

Well of course, it's not meant to be fun I guess. It's only a place to meet up with friends, and it's free so It is good when it comes to it's purpose.

tommorow or tonight just hang around with us and it won't be boring anymore.
Bruno Bruno.
This is awesome, I'm on it now and probably will be for a while.

He is still on after all this time.

tommorow or tonight just hang around with us and it won't be boring anymore.
Bruno Bruno.

How many hours is this, actually what is your time and what time is night time for you guys to party and what time would that be at 10+gmt.

So I was online with Turbo lag and Patrik (PSN Strittan), then all of a sudden Ren-Tec decides to join us too. We start doing our Mowerman dance in a sideways line, then the whole square joins us in our line.
Pictures here:

After that, seeming everyone was in a horizontal line, we did the body pop, looked quite awesome actually.
Picture Below:

We all got bored of that pretty quickly and decided to go bowling, after much frustration we got a lane all to ourselves.
Here are some piccys:

The score at about half time:

The final score:

It ended up like this:
  • Legendary724 = 187 pts
  • Turbo Lag = 184 pts
  • Patrik = 90 pts
  • Ren-Tec = 147 pts

Turbo lag ended up with 4 strikes in a row, Ren-Tec and I had both had Turkeys, and sorry but Patrik wasn't his best today with not even two strikes in a row.

There you go.

If you look at one of the pictures you can see the brand of my tv, anonymous untill this point, very good quality at 1080p. Only $3,500AUD :P
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