Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
Afraid I might be slightly guilty:sly:
Please, explain the point of being purposely annoying? It is this right here that has me wanting to put every game into my personal space so I don't have to venture out into the public areas to play them.
What about the, "It works great but isn't exactly what I am interested in doing," guys like myself?

First, you can easily exit and reenter the Bowling Alley but you will be on a different server so that you might now find an open table.

Second, it makes it so that if you are playing and friends come up they can stand there and talk while watching your actual game. Or even if you are in a large group and one or two people do not want to play they can still hang out, and even comment on your game if they want.

Of course, it also allows people to dance in your face while you are attempting to play.

Since that post I have given Home a few more chances. Had fun creating a horribly ugly fat chick and ugly fat guy to dance in strangers faces with for a humorous reaction, everyone laughed and enjoyed it. Still though I think I will get more out of the full version, since this one offers almost nothing for me. I just want to set up an online room in the game I'm playing and send out the invites to friends/clan members, and play. I'm pleased by the simple things I guess.👍
Spent some time tonight doing up my digs a bit. Sony needs to hurry up and release some more stuff so I make my summer house look a bit less bleak.

I've got my meeting room pretty much set up the way I want it for now. Enough space to talk around the fire with a Tiki over looking you.


And here is the outside, I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with this yet but something needs to go out here. And really Sony? What's up routing an express way though my back yard? I thought this was supposed to be a tranquil nature setting? Eh what do you expect for $5 :lol:.

Carriage return is great, but so so so hard to get to level 5. To get the conductor clothes, do you need to get to level 5 or beat level 5?
Please, explain the point of being purposely annoying? It is this right here that has me wanting to put every game into my personal space so I don't have to venture out into the public areas to play them.

:nervous:I feel really guilty now...

No reason, they tell you to piss off and I do just that:crazy:

Im sorry:guilty:
Has anyone got the Summer House Retreat? Send me an e-invite if you do, I wanna see it.:)
I've got a great big stitch from tonight.

not surprised, that was some funny stuff tonight

It was funny when Tapper's girl turned out to be a Tranny :d

it was uk86 that started talking to it, funny as when it changed into a man tho

Haha was it really Matt, get in there mate wink wink

Was a great night guys, I have never laughed so hard in my life.

"Help, It's turned into a man" :scared:

The funniest ever.

Photos will be up in a bit.

it was uk86 that started talking to it, funny as when it changed into a man tho
They could very well have been a guy, but just to let you know, my wife will switch to an ugly looking male avatar when she get's hassled in Home. It works like a charm. The closest way you can get to a confirmation is if you insist they use a mic, although if their male significant other is nearby, they still could fool you. ;)

Carriage return is great, but so so so hard to get to level 5. To get the conductor clothes, do you need to get to level 5 or beat level 5?

You have to beat level 5. (PlayStation Home Rewards)
Here are some pics form last night.

I took loads but some are quite blurry, I will fire up photoshop later to see if I can improve. But for now here are a couple.

Sorry didn't get any of UK86ze's new friend. I was to busy rolling round the floor laughing. :dopey:


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Here are some pics form last night.

I took loads but some are quite blurry, I will fire up photoshop later to see if I can improve. But for now here are a couple.

Sorry didn't get any of UK86ze's new friend. I was to busy rolling round the floor laughing. :dopey:

You could have got a better quote of mine. People might get the wrong impression lmao.
And here is the outside, I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with this yet but something needs to go out here.



Here's what I did with the patio deck:


PS: Joey, your screen shots look a lot better than mine... what settings are you using on your camera?


Plenty of seats for an outdoor group chat.

So I was messing around with the settings some more, and found something Famine might like...


(yeah... I know... it's a typo) :ouch:

Noooo, not the Bubble Machine... but the indigo text bubbles. :)👍

Speaking of bubbles though... from now on, SolidFro will be known as BubbleBoy. ;)

Ok guys, now a quick one. where did you find that apartment. All i have is this little one with the view on the harbor and thats it.

And sofar i can't buy any furniture yet, other then a couch and tables.

Ok guys, now a quick one. where did you find that apartment. All i have is this little one with the view on the harbor and thats it.

And sofar i can't buy any furniture yet, other then a couch and tables.


In the market place you can buy it at a real estate agent.
Ok guys, now a quick one. where did you find that apartment. All i have is this little one with the view on the harbor and thats it.
Go to the mall and find the Real Estate store.
And sofar i can't buy any furniture yet, other then a couch and tables.

Go to the mall and find the Furniture store.

House will set you back $4.99 US and furniture (at least what I saw) is $.99.
Looking back, you guys have been having serious fun without me lol. The Summer House looks nice. Does anyone know when we might get pre-paid PSN cards in Australia? (Wrong thread I know, but I want the money for this).
Here's what I did with the patio deck:

Looks good, I guess I'm remodelling tonight.

PS: Joey, your screen shots look a lot better than mine... what settings are you using on your camera?

I haven't the foggiest idea, I'm using a Canon Powershot SD1100IS with the flash off. Everything is on auto because I don't know very much about camera settings. I put the photos into Photoshop to resize them and played with the balances before I posted them but that was to lighten them up a bit.
Has anyone else got the problem of disappearing furniture?

Yes! I've said it before.

What just happened five minutes ago was I lost all my Namco arcade machines in my Summer home. All 12 of them. :yuck:

Every once in a while I'll lose an item here or there, but nothing like that before.

BETA. Live with it, or give it up.
:nervous:I feel really guilty now...

No reason, they tell you to piss off and I do just that:crazy:

Im sorry:guilty:
See, I don't mind if you are doing it with others who like doing that, but when people are trying to talk or play bowling it is downright annoying. Same with the face crotch guys. And if you leave when people say something that is fine, but some guys I have seen won't leave and start saying things like, "Eat it!"

And I do want to point out the difference between going up to someone and dancing in hopes of getting them to dance with you and purposely dancing in the face of someone, who is doing something else, with the full intention of being annoying.

Although, for me the thing I hate most is when I am playing an arcade game and two guys stand directly behind me voice chatting.
Are we all up for a meet again tonight?

These nights are turning into legendary status. I have not laughed so much in my life.

I have finally sorted my camera out, and now know what settings to use to get quality pictures. So I will be on later camera at the ready to capture some of the memorable moments.

See You out there later.

Jamie (Grim Reaper) 👍