Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
The fact that anything is free is bloody impressive, perhaps the fact that everything you do in Home and all the games are free, so maybe there is an unreasonable expectation that EVERYTHING should be free... of course that's a quick way to end the service, as someone has to pay the bills.

Maybe Sony should make the items free, and just charge everyone a monthly fee, even those who don't care about virtual items?
Honestly, I don't think more free items is the key, but color options. Yep, we all have the same double layered long-sleeve over shot-sleeve shirt combo, but mine is green and yours is red. Do you know how big of a difference it would make visually and psychologically if you just added 5-10 color options?

While I understand the concept of priced items, I do find it funny, in an odd way, that the holiday items are priced at a premium. Most ornaments are $0.49, but a Christmas tree or snowman is $0.99.

Or better yet, if you want to be Santa Claus (or the misses) it will cost nearly $3 to get the whole outfit, $6 for both genders. I laughed and moved on.

Out of curiosity, is the grill functional in any way or just an ornamental decoration?

Anyway, I have yet to see anything that is worth the price to me, so I just ignore it and move on. Even if I did I would be hesitant to buy in this beta state where things sometimes disappear. I don't think it will be a problem, but at the same time it is a beta and you just never know.

Besides, I am more likely to wear trophy t-shirts and use trophy furnishings. I'd rather kill myself playing the devious Xevious for a t-shirt I find cooler than anything they sell. Plus, I am more likely to wear a gaming shirt in real life. <looks at profile pic>
I do agree that Sony need to put a little more thought into the pricing policy. Personally I would have made the Santa hats and Crimbo trees free, which would have driven sales of the other Santa items.

I must however confess that I have bought one item, a Diesel Bowling shirt with pink trim, and damn good it does look as well.


I agree that having a color mod option for clothing items would be great. I also agree with what Scaff said, and that had they given the Santa hats away, it may very well have led to more sales of the other Santa gear.

Speaking of new stuff... and in this case free...


I see facial hair! We might be in luck and not have to shave after all, guys!

I see a distinct lack of soul patch. :grumpy:

It's a start. And it's still better than that crap they have now.

Sure enough, the update also came with several new facial hair options, including a soul patch! 👍

It also has some killer sideburns... which I am using to make a Wolverine avatar. :D

Famine and Paulie were visiting my Summer House space (and yes, I got most of the game room finished now), so they got a preview of it's current progress. :)
After spending about an hour last night with mr geez, trying to find one available pool table :grumpy: and getting no luck at all, :grumpy: :grumpy: I have a question to the enlightened ones and/or to the ones that already own beatiful "homes" inside "Home".

Is it possible to buy/get/win a pool table and have it in your private space?

Sorry if this has been asked and answered already, but I didn't find it.
After spending about an hour last night with mr geez, trying to find one available pool table :grumpy: and getting no luck at all, :grumpy: :grumpy: I have a question to the enlightened ones and/or to the ones that already own beatiful "homes" inside "Home".

Is it possible to buy/get/win a pool table and have it in your private space?

Sorry if this has been asked and answered already, but I didn't find it.

It's been brought up before as I would love to have both a pool table as well as a dart board for my virtual game room, but as far as I know this is not yet possible. One suggestion though, by leaving the bowling alley/game space and coming right back, you'll very likely be assigned to a new server. It's rare that you'll not find an open pool table, so try a different server. The same is true for blowing, although during peaks hours, it seems that's everyone's favorite game in Home.
mr geez and I were both entering and leaving bowling alleys, with no luck at all. I guess "realism" nuts like this, but frankly I found it a bit stupid. It's like wanting to play GT5P online and getting a message "Sorry, all our available Suzukas are full, try again later"

EDIT: Thanks for your reply! :)
Speaking of wanting new items... I just discovered for the first time that you can only place 50 items in a personal space.... so I sacrificed my patio decor for a better game room upstairs... can't wait to see the expression on my wife's face when she sees it. :D

Ya I discovered that as well, kind of disappointing but I'm guessing that number will go up once more stuff is added. Oh well, I suppose it could be worse right?

The Mancala games are located on tables in the open area of the Train Station in the Far Cry 2 space... which is a fun area to explore. In fact, for Far Cry 2 fans, they have a very nice interactive map in Rueben's office. 👍

Ah that explains it, I haven't ventured into the Far Cry area yet, although I don't really know why not. I'll have to check it out for sure though.

I would have expected the Darts games to be in the EU Game Space, but it is actually in the Asian Game Spaces. I recommend the HK Game Space, as it is in English. When you start the game, you'll have a few different choices in terms of types of dart games to play. 👍

I just got around to adding a HK account to get the Namco games so I'll have to explore around HK Home a bit more and see what it's all about.

Thanks for the reply. 👍
Thanks to all the guys I met on Home tonight, it was a good night. Actually, more than half of it we were in servers that absolutely nobody else was in so we had all the pool tables, bowling lanes, everything to ourselves.
Thankyou Digital Nitrate for showing me the Summer House. I almost soiled myself when Famine showed up though.:sly: We ended up playing pool and bowling together later on.
I hear Turbo Lag has done better, but I managed a 244 while bowling.
Finally, +1 on getting some free stuff, it's good. My apartment, while realistically still basic, is quite trendy now.:D Still no appliances though.:(

See you all.
Ya I discovered that as well, kind of disappointing but I'm guessing that number will go up once more stuff is added. Oh well, I suppose it could be worse right?
I'm guessing it may also have to do with server loads and the time it takes for a visitor to download your space before they can enter.

I know from my own experience when inviting someone, those with fast internet connection are able to join me fairly quickly, while those that don't it can take them a very long time to download. There may certainly be some other issues at play, but so far, everyone who told me it took a long time to get in also told me they have a slow internet connection. Possibly, by adding more stuff in a space, that's just adding more data that your visitors must download first.

I've noticed the objects themselves and the way they interact with other objects, and how they fall if you drop them, clearly they have all been given some relatively complex properties, which may result in extra 1's & 0's that must be downloaded in order to see and interact with them.

I agree though, I certainly hope they will at least double that number. I have in the meantime found a decent compromise, and thus the Mrs. get's to keep some of the patio furniture. ;)

I just got around to adding a HK account to get the Namco games so I'll have to explore around HK Home a bit more and see what it's all about.
It has some really nice spaces. While I prefer the EU Plaza, the HK/JP plazas are very spacious (but also lack any games) and if you walk below the Theater space, you'll find a huge boardwalk area with a great view of what reminds me of the port of HK.

Also be sure to check out the Home Cafe space... It&#8217;s a jazz club/nightclub downstairs, and office spaces upstairs. This is also where Sony has had a few parties in Home. Unless they have cleaned it up, if you go to the JP Home Cafe, and go upstairs, you'll see they have occupied all the offices, possibly by the developers of Home themselves. :)

The other thing to check out are the wild theater seats in the Theater space. They look like egg shells. :)
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I had some people over in my studio today and took some pics.
Turbolag arrived with an invisible pair of pants :dopey:


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Thanks to all the guys I met on Home tonight, it was a good night. Actually, more than half of it we were in servers that absolutely nobody else was in so we had all the pool tables, bowling lanes, everything to ourselves.

That is strange, the other day we had a whole bowling area to us GTP'ers, I have never heard of this before on any other forum...we are special.:dopey:

I had some people over in my studio today and took some pics.
Turbolag arrived with an invisible pair of pants :dopey:

So turbo wasn't kidding when he mentioned I was invisible.:dunce:
If anyone is interested in meeting up, I'll be on in approximately 3 hours and will likely be on for far too many hours after that. :P
I'm on right now and will be on for a while. Add me as PSN if you want to meet up. 👍

$1.99 for completely non-interactive clothing items? Really?

I might be interested in purchasing some stuff, not really to have it but to help out the makers of PS Home and all. I think people should think of it as a donation than a purchase, but that's just my view.
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I might be interested in purchasing some stuff, not really to have it but to help out the makers of PS Home and all. I think people should think of it as a donation than a purchase, but that's just my view.

Thats new, to think, after knowing you all this time that you would think of it as that. True though, I would buy it because I wanted it, it wouldn't really occur to me to think I was helping sony.
I'm on right now and will be on for a while. Add me as PSN if you want to meet up. 👍


I might be interested in purchasing some stuff, not really to have it but to help out the makers of PS Home and all. I think people should think of it as a donation than a purchase, but that's just my view.

I'll be on soon.👍

As for donations, that's what I said to ASH32, they have to pay bills and wages somehow. Now if they really wanted any money they'd get the pre-paid PSN cards to all the countries the world over.:rolleyes:
Huh, what is bleeped out after namco? I didn't swear. Hmmm, that is quite a shot there turbo, completely and utterly pointless too.
Huh, what is bleeped out after namco? I didn't swear. Hmmm, that is quite a shot there turbo, completely and utterly pointless too.

It's pretty hard not to notice when you're running around with invisible clothes and saying fap a million times.
I might be interested in purchasing some stuff, not really to have it but to help out the makers of PS Home and all. I think people should think of it as a donation than a purchase, but that's just my view.
If I was more interested in this social experiment I would be happy to do this. As it is, I'm not a huge fan of it and so no money from me.

Besides, I have to feed my independent game developers on the PSN, and recently published podiobook authors.

Huh, what is bleeped out after namco? I didn't swear. Hmmm, that is quite a shot there turbo, completely and utterly pointless too.
It is strict. Last time I was on even selecting the pre-made Hello came out ****o and saying something like, "But it is cool" came out "Bu* ** is cool."
It also bleeps out the word "watch" 90% of the time. No idea why.

Hey, everybody vs Turbo Lag in chess, he's really really good.:sly:
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Sure, i'll get round to it, we shall see if all those A's on my report card really meant anything.:sly:
Sure, i'll get round to it, we shall see if all those A's on my report card really meant anything.:sly:

Apparently getting Senior Dux in highschool was no fluke for me.:P Turbo Lag isn't actually very good at chess, that was the joke.:lol:
Maybe I could play Turbo Lag at chess, to get me playing again, actually playing rubbish people made me overconfident and thats what made me rubbish and not carefull enough.
You really are addicted to Home Paulie, aren't you, I won't be on today, but will see you on there another day. About the downloadable content, I don't expect it to be free, just not so expensive, not that it matters as I need pre-paid PSN cards before I can get any of it.