Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
I understand why there are seperate spaces (servers) with a limit on the number of users within - I'm not sure why you mentioned this. I was questioning why I had to redownload every space in Home since the v1.04 update when, for example, nothing has changed in the Home Square. The download for Home square was approx 45MB. Other spaces around 20MB. I had already downloaded these spaces and was using them with no further downloads required prior to update v1.04. Having to download all of these spaces again when there are no apparent visual or audio changes has nothing to do with what users present in those spaces, or how the the users are spread about the servers.

If you had new server updates running on 1.0.3, it wouldnt work, we would still get errors, the re downloading updates the areas to make them compatible with 1.0.4.

Wait a sec, where is the cafe and all those other places?

The cafe is in hong kong.
Bad news about the redbull space...

If its any consolation we'd like it to work too but we are also running a huge beta here.

Beta's are often difficult as everyone wants the new toy, whatever it may be, to work just as the vision portrays but as a beta things are being used in untried ways and things are bound to go wrong.

And the vision of Home is pretty exciting right? We know its a little bare right now and we've got some problems to solve, but they'll be solved and we can then move on to running it as the service we all want.

The reality is that we really are beta testing Home and we have to get these load related issues dealt with (and they can be dealt with.)

I'm very reluctant to give an ETA for the Red Bull Air Race as the very nature of what were doing here throws schedules sometimes (as you've seen) but it certainly will not be before the new year now. I know its irritating, but it really ought to be worth the wait, its really quite impressive and a lot of fun.


Source (last post on page 1):
I honestly doubt home will be a success.Imagine it. All the millions of ps3 owners in one place talking and interacting.It would be too big to fit on the ps3 hard drive.They would have to make a super room with 100 bowling lanes and 50,000 arcades and 1,000,000 pool tables and 5,000,000 chairs and tables.Too much people own ps3's for sony to run a thing like home.
Nice turbo.

To the new member whose name I can't remember. Read more into home before you post...honestly people don't use a thing called google or the likes.
Ill explain briefly for you, when you join an area be it the bowling alley, square or the mall, it puts you in one of many hundreds/thousand of servers. When one server hits around 50 people no-one can join anymore unless they are invited in. This leaves you with enough people but not too many to be overusing the equipment. Therefore it is HIGHLY unlikely you will end up in a server with anyone you know as this is completely random. There you go, never post anything as stupid unknowledgeable as that again please.
Not sure if anybody did a calculation before, but let's speculate a little. :) I think Sony deployed some serious amounts of hardware in order to facilitate Home. Each location can hold 64 players maximum (effective limit even lower to support invites). Let's say we have 5 million Home users worldwide. That would need 78125 (5 million/64) locations just to fit them in. Assuming a physical server can hold more than one location, let's say 10, Home would require 7813 physical machines to be able to fit everybody in at the same time. Though I doubt they have it at 100% capacity because of different timezones, I think there's still a decent amount of hardware behind it.
Yeah not 100% of all ps3 users are on at one time. But, we can based on your calculations assume that there is 5000 physical machines needed to be working at any one time?

Anyway, there you go GTP, some pointless fact to knock your head around.
It's a very rough estimate ofcourse, and based on a lot of assumptions, but I think it's safe to say that the numbers are in the thousands rather than hundreds. :)
That's a bit harsh there, legendary.

What PJ-FFL (his name is only a page back) said sounds like a reasonable assumption that my parents would make. It may not immediately be obvious to Google for the answer if that assumption makes sense already.

We should be respectful to others on and off the track as GTP'ers. 👍

Thanks for the explanation though. I got disconnected from Sully's Bar a few times and showed up in another instance that my friends weren't in. I didn't have them on my list at the time, so I couldn't warp up to them.
I just wish there was more stuff, free or otherwise. The update in the stores was nice and some of the objects were pretty cool. I now have a grille on my patio and a few other goodies on my shelf like the katanas, football, and astronaut helmet. I really don't mind paying $.49 for something, it's not really all that much, and as D-N said it helps fund other things.

Speaking of wanting new items... I just discovered for the first time that you can only place 50 items in a personal space.... so I sacrificed my patio decor for a better game room upstairs... can't wait to see the expression on my wife's face when she sees it. :D

I have to ask though, where can I play Mancala or shoot darts? I know I haven't explored everything yet so I'm guessing I'm just overlooking it. But I'm actually pretty interested in doing this.
The Mancala games are located on tables in the open area of the Train Station in the Far Cry 2 space... which is a fun area to explore. In fact, for Far Cry 2 fans, they have a very nice interactive map in Rueben's office. 👍

I would have expected the Darts games to be in the EU Game Space, but it is actually in the Asian Game Spaces. I recommend the HK Game Space, as it is in English. When you start the game, you'll have a few different choices in terms of types of dart games to play. 👍

I understand why there are seperate spaces (servers) with a limit on the number of users within - I'm not sure why you mentioned this.
It wasn't necessarily directed at you. Others have complained and asked why is it that they have to download data when they move from one space to another even though they have already downloaded the updates for those spaces.

I was questioning why I had to redownload every space in Home since the v1.04 update when, for example, nothing has changed in the Home Square.
Nothing has changed that you noticed... that doesn't mean nothing has changed. In fact, I noticed some changes, but even in the case where there are no visual changes, that doesn't mean there have not been changes to the program itself that impact each space, and thus must be updated and downloaded... right?

Having to download all of these spaces again when there are no apparent visual or audio changes has nothing to do with what users present in those spaces, or how the the users are spread about the servers.
That's correct, they are two separate things, both requiring data to be downloaded to each user, and one requiring also data to be uploaded from each user. And just because there is 'no apparent visual or audio changes', doesn't mean changes to the program itself did not occur, thus requiring everyone to update each space. That said, there were apparent changes in some of the spaces I checked out, not that it matters, as any chnages to the program would still likely require updating each space.

If you had new server updates running on 1.0.3, it wouldn’t work, we would still get errors, the re downloading updates the areas to make them compatible with 1.0.4.
Bingo. 👍

Wait a sec, where is the cafe and all those other places?

The cafe is in hong kong.

In Japan as well, but they look identical (Jazz/Night Club downstairs, and offfic space upstairs). This is where Sony has been throwing some parties in Home.

I honestly doubt home will be a success.Imagine it. All the millions of ps3 owners in one place talking and interacting.It would be too big to fit on the ps3 hard drive.They would have to make a super room with 100 bowling lanes and 50,000 arcades and 1,000,000 pool tables and 5,000,000 chairs and tables.Too much people own ps3's for sony to run a thing like home.

Ill explain briefly for you, when you join an area be it the bowling alley, square or the mall, it puts you in one of many hundreds/thousand of servers. When one server hits around 50 people no-one can join anymore unless they are invited in. This leaves you with enough people but not too many to be overusing the equipment. Therefore it is HIGHLY unlikely you will end up in a server with anyone you know as this is completely random.
Just to add to that, as it appears PJ-FFL has not yet gotten acquainted with Home, you also have the ability to communicate and join or invite friends within Home, which then will put you on the same server as your friend(s), and not just the ones from the same region, but from around the world.

As legendary pointed out, there is no need to speculate on whether or not Home will work... it's already working... albeit with predictable bumps along the way as the beta continues to be tweaked.
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That's a bit harsh there, legendary.

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, the fact is, it has been discussed many times inside and outside (PS FORUMS) of this thread. Oh well, now he knows I suppose.

Digital-Nitrate: I would have thought the limit would be bigger for the summer home. It is much larger so it must suck to have to sacrifice, sure it is helping to prevent you from lag and massive load times but maybe 100 would be more reasonable? I mean, if you had picture frames you might like 5 or 6 downstairs and 4 or 5 upstairs, this leaves you with 40 spaces for things including but not limited to furniture. What I mean by not limited is the other things like arcades and trophys etc. On that note, maybe when picture frames come out, sony will increase the item limit?
To the new member whose name I can't remember. Read more into home before you post...honestly people don't use a thing called google or the likes.
Ill explain briefly for you, when you join an area be it the bowling alley, square or the mall, it puts you in one of many hundreds/thousand of servers. When one server hits around 50 people no-one can join anymore unless they are invited in. This leaves you with enough people but not too many to be overusing the equipment. Therefore it is HIGHLY unlikely you will end up in a server with anyone you know as this is completely random. There you go, never post anything as stupid unknowledgeable as that again please.

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, the fact is, it has been discussed many times inside and outside (PS FORUMS) of this thread. Oh well, now he knows I suppose.

Yes it was. How would a new member know?

If you are going to post a reply to another member at least have the decency to know there name. Secondly, regardless of what is asked by another member, don't call them stupid or unknowledgeable, educate the person instead, especially new members. Been a new member on any forum is a daunting process, and can leave new members feeling left out (remember your first day).

So like I said just chill,

Grim 👍
Speaking of wanting new items... I just discovered for the first time that you can only place 50 items in a personal space.... so I sacrificed my patio decor for a better game room upstairs... can't wait to see the expression on my wife's face when she sees it. :D

My Studio is filled for 50 things, and it really isn't really that full or anything. It must suck having only 50 things in a much bigger area, hopefully they'll increase the limit later on for you guys.
Huh? Some of your posts confuse me:lol:

I understand where your all coming from, I won't make any excuses.:scared:

Sorry bout the rant PJ-FFL.:indiff:
The Grim Reaper
Yes it was. How would a new member know?

If you are going to post a reply to another member at least have the decency to know there name. Secondly, regardless of what is asked by another member, don't call them stupid or unknowledgeable, educate the person instead, especially new members. Been a new member on any forum is a daunting process, and can leave new members feeling left out (remember your first day).

Physician, heal thyself.

Oh, and if you ever decide to speak to another member like that again, I'll ban you on the spot.

Huh? Some of your posts confuse me:lol:

I understand where your all coming from, I won't make any excuses.:scared:

Sorry bout the rant PJ-FFL.:indiff:

Alls you need to do is just add a little politeness into your posts, you come across a little abrupt at times. Looking at your profile I see you are only 13, so you have a lot to learn, and you have your whole life ahead of you. There are people you are interacting with that are 3 or 4 times your age. You will learn, hopefully not the hard way as far as GT Planet is concerned.

Take what Famine and myself have said positively and learn from it.

Chin up & lets get back on topic before we all get banned and the thread closed.

Grim 👍
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Has anyone heard about the disappearing items yet? As in a fix for it? Im about to head off now so I'm hoping this is fixed tomorrow.

Oh, and if you ever decide to speak to another member like that again, I'll ban you on the spot.

Didn't see that bit, got me really scared now:scared:

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Anyone else think that Sony is being slightly tight when it comes to the free stuff you start with? I was expect alot more than whats available and seriously, virtual tee shirts for 1.50, thats insane!

The fact that anything is free is bloody impressive, perhaps the fact that everything you do in Home and all the games are free, so maybe there is an unreasonable expectation that EVERYTHING should be free... of course that's a quick way to end the service, as someone has to pay the bills.

Maybe Sony should make the items free, and just charge everyone a monthly fee, even those who don't care about virtual items?
No, I do understand that they have to charge for something in order to maintain Home's massive amount of free stuff BUT giving slightly more stuff just to get the ball rolling might be nice.

The more stuff they give free the more people they will get interested in Home and PS3. I really do see Home being a console selling feature (they should advertise the fact on the side of the boxes) and knowing that you could do more customisation from the off would attract more people. I know of some people that have been put off by the lack of stuff they can do in the way of clothing and interior design of free. Now there nothing to say that wont change overtime but the time that Home needs free stuff the most is now!

Also, if Sony allowed any company to advertise in Home (like on all those billboards) that could subisdise the cost of items, even allow them to be totally free. Im sure Home could run on 3rd party advertising revenue alone.
