Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
This is disappointing, I was really looking forward to this.
Whoops! No Red Bull Air Race this year
You may have noticed that the Home launch hasn't exactly gone smoothly. With the Home teams worldwide working on fixes for the numerous server and login issues the content release schedule has been pushed back, as people are now taking their Christmas breaks. What this boils down to is this: Don't expect to see the Red Bull Air Race this year.

TedTheDog has stated on the European PlayStation forums that it definitely won't appear in 2008. Though "it really ought to be worth the wait, its really quite impressive and a lot of fun." We've played it and, while it's kind of neat, it's not quite as awesome as it's maybe getting hyped up to be. Still, content is content, and even TedTheDog admits that Home is currently "a little bare."

He goes on to say that "we've got some problems to solve, but they'll be solved and we can then move on to running it as the service we all want." In other words, please remain patient for just a little longer. Well, we've waited this long, what's a few more weeks?

And the post from EU Playstation Forum:

If its any consolation we'd like it to work too but we are also running a huge beta here.

Beta's are often difficult as everyone wants the new toy, whatever it may be, to work just as the vision portrays but as a beta things are being used in untried ways and things are bound to go wrong.

And the vision of Home is pretty exciting right? We know its a little bare right now and we've got some problems to solve, but they'll be solved and we can then move on to running it as the service we all want.

The reality is that we really are beta testing Home and we have to get these load related issues dealt with (and they can be dealt with.)

I'm very reluctant to give an ETA for the Red Bull Air Race as the very nature of what were doing here throws schedules sometimes (as you've seen) but it certainly will not be before the new year now. I know its irritating, but it really ought to be worth the wait, its really quite impressive and a lot of fun.

No need... Unless there was an update over the last couple days, the Hong Kong version of Home is identical to the Japanese in terms of spaces. Many of the posters, billboards, and videos have different content, but that's about it. In fact, I think they both have the giant Christmas tree and snow covered plaza... which I guess I find a little odd that they get the seimi-Christmas themed plaza, but no one else?

The benefit of the Hong Kong Home is it is available in English. 👍

As far as spaces go though. I guess I would disagree that the JP/HK spaces are a lot more impressive.

The theater space in JP/HK, while certainly cooler than the NA Home Theater, and twice as many screens, neither of them come close to what the EU has... which is a two story complex with 10 screens (11 if you want to include the lobby) with lots of exclusive videos. So hands down EU wins there.

Also, try and find any chess or checker games any where in the JP/HK spaces... they don't exist. In fact, NA home also has no checker games, and the only chess tables they have are three located in the Mall. So again, EU wins there.

Also, the EU homes have the 'designer stores' in the Mall which also include several free items... those are not available in the JP/HK versions of Home, and they were not available in the NA version either, but that may have changed as I saw Joey posts about new clothes being made available, but I have not been on Home in a couple days. Regardless, EU 'won' in that department as well.

Sure, JP/HK has the Home Cafe, and Darts, which are not in the EU version, but NA doesn't have them either. Also, while there is a virtual Namco arcade in the JP/HK game spaces, you can easily make your own in any version of Home you like. 👍

Like the EU version, JP/HK also does not currently have the 3rd party spaces (Uncharted & Far Cry 2).

Bottom line for me at least, every region has it's advantages and disadvantages, and yet, it really doesn't matter that much as you can easily set up a PSN account in any region you feel like. All you need is an address in that region/country, which can be found in a few seconds by simply using a search engine on the internet. I've even put in fake addresses and fake email addresses, and as long as the area code is correct, it doesn't matter.

I also agree that I simply don't get all the fuss over the supposed unfairness regarding EU PS3 related content. :odd:
  • Have they forgotten that the EU PSN stores have more exclusive content than any other regional PSN stores?

  • Show me another regional PSN store that has that great (and free) summer music series that EU stores got?

  • Show me one other regional PSN store that has the great (and free) short film series currently available and updated weekly on the EU stores?

  • There have been countless numbers of game trailers, videos, interviews, trade show videos, themes, etc that were only made available on the EU stores. In fact Australia, which is part of the EU region had a year long series showcasing music videos of various artists from Australia and the UK.

    For anyone who doubts me, feel free to check out GTP's official PSN Store Update thread. You'll find I have been tracking regional PSN content for over two years, and often reporting on where to go to find the exclusive content for which EU has been the source on countless occasions.

While it is true that NA PSN stores do get a lot of content before EU, so do the EU stores, and as far as exclusive content, EU has the most exclusive content than any other PSN region... so if anyone has a beef, it really should be the rest of the world. Heck, other than old PS1 games, the regional store that get's by far the least amount of content is the Japanese store... even less than the Hong Kong store... and this is coming from a major Japanese company no less in a country which per capita has the largest numbers of gamers.

So again, I really am flabbergasted by the continually propagated myth that some how EU is "always being left out" in terms of PS3 content.

The same goes with games.

Perhaps they forgot, about all the PSN games that were released in the EU stores before NA, and in most cases before everyone else:
  1. Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (came out in NA three weeks later)
  2. Super Rub 'a' Dub (came out in NA a month later)
  3. Go! Puzzle (came out in NA two weeks later)
  4. Tori-Emaki (came out in NA two and a half months later - still not available in JP)
  5. Mesmerize: Distort (came out in NA two months later - still not available in JP)
  6. The Trials of Topoq (came out in NA two months later - still not available in JP)
  7. Aquatopia (came out in NA a month later - still not available in JP)
  8. Operation Creature Feature (came out in NA a month later - still not available in JP)
  9. Dark Mist (seven months and it's still not available in NA)

Or how about the PSN games that are currently only available in the EU stores like:
  • GTi Club+ (three weeks and it still remains an EU exclusive)
  • Astro Tripper (two weeks and it still remains an EU exclusive)

In terms of PSP games, the EU PSN stores have had a lot of games that are currently not even available in NA or any where else for that matter, like:
  1. B-Boy
  2. Burnout Dominator
  3. Burnout Legends
  4. Carol Vorderman's Sudoku
  5. Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover
  6. FIFA 09
  7. Fired Up
  8. KAZooK
  9. Killzone Liberation
  10. LocoRoco 2
  11. Medal of Honor Heroes
  12. Medal of Honor Heroes 2
  13. NBA Live 09
  14. Pursuit Force
  15. Sid Meier's Pirates!
  16. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09

They also got a few PSP games before anyone esle did, like:
  1. Beats
  2. Go! Puzzle
  3. Super Stardust Portable

In addition to all that there have also been numerous game demos and add-on content that was first released in the EU stores before anywhere else. In fact, some add-on content has been exclusive to EU stores. Sure, NA has also had numerous game demos and add-on content that was first released here, but the way some have pictured it, they never get anything before everyone else, which is absolutely untrue.

Even with the disc based games, EU has had several released in EU before anywhere else, like:
  1. F.E.A.R.
  2. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
  3. FIFA 08
  4. Ratatouille
  5. Sega Rally Revo
  6. PES 2008: Pro Evolution Soccer
  7. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
  8. The Golden Compass
  9. SingStar
  10. The Club
  11. Conflict: Denied Ops
  12. Sega Superstar Tennis
  13. UEFA Euro 2008
  14. Race Driver: GRID
  15. Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution
  16. Overlord: Raising Hell
  17. SingStar Vol. 2
  18. Top Spin 3
  19. Beijing 2008
  20. Guitar Hero: Aerosmith
  21. Buzz! Quiz TV
  22. Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli
  23. Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty
  24. FIFA 09
  25. Bioshock
  26. PES 2009: Pro Evolution Soccer
  27. James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace
  28. WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009
  29. SingStar ABBA
Sure, some of those were released in NA around a week or so later, but some took months to get released here and many have never been released in Japan.

EU even has some games that are currently not available any where else in the world like:
  • World Snooker Championship 2007
  • SingStar Vol. 3

Bottom line, anyone who says that EU is always being left out in terms of PS3 content is simply not telling the truth, or hasn't bothered to actually check their facts. In fact, if anyone has a legitmate beef, it's those in Asian regions, including of all places, Japan. :odd:

More importantly, many people are complaining about content that can easily be gotten using regional PSN accounts. I know I use my EU one every week, because as much as some refuse to admit it, EU get's a lot of content that isn't available any where else.

Hmmm.. Maybe we should start an online petition against EU PSN complainers? ;)

At the very least, the next time anyone sees someone posting a complaint about how EU is always left out, send them a link to this post, and maybe they'll whistle a different tune. :)

That's a very comprehensive post there, and an eye opener to say the least. Thanks for posting it up, it is good information.

I have been actively involved in the major thread you referred to on the EU Home forum containing a few angry Europeans and a sprinkle of Australians / New Zealanders. It's not just PSN Store content we're talking (moaning!) about (although I really want to know how Microsoft managed to launch Super Street Fighter 2 Turb HD Remix in Europe and the US simultaneously, and it has been delayed it in Europe). Let me list some examples briefly (I'm assuming you are from the US...?):

+ EU launch PS3s were the most expensive and didn't have the full BC PS2 chip (not a good start).
+ We don't have a video download service, access to Quore, PSN cards (or Playstation credit cards! :)) - although we do have PlayTV
+ English speaking nations under SCEE (UK, AU and NZ) have to wait for the localisation of content for the other countries in the EU (12 different languages), when we could be getting it at the same time as the US - SCEE president David Reeves has said they could release English content for SCEE territories 'day and date' with the US but don't want to appear 'Anglo-centric'.
+ We pay more than the US for PS Store / Home content.
+ We don't have an official Playsation blog so we don't get official, relevant (to SCEE) information and feedback from Sony and their devs.
+ We don't have any game spaces in EU Home, as of yet.
+ There are numerous game updates / patches we still don't have (High Velocity Bowling springs to mind). No doubt 'localisation issues'.

We don't feel like we're taken seriously. Europe has a huge install base of Playsation 3s and PSPs, and was huge for PS2 and PS1 too - surely a serious money maker for Sony. I think if you were European, you would know better how we feel.
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I think if you were European, you would know better how we feel.

Dont worry mate, i feel your pain but if sony doesnt care about us why should we care about them? Just think, christmas in a few days, that day and the few after can take your mind of things.
Obli, those are all excellent points.

Without knowing for sure, it does seem like the main cause for several of this issues is that the EU PSN region is so vast. Besides the obvious language barriers, one must also consider the fact that every country has its own regulations and ratings boards for which all content (games, videos, music, etc) must go through before being released, which undoubtedly makes it very difficult to time global releases. Whether or not that also has anything to do with higher costs, or perhaps special tariff taxes many countries impose on imported goods, I can't say for certain.

I certainly don't think there is a conspiracy in hand to punish EU users though. As you say, Europe has a huge install base of PS3's and has been buying PS3 at a faster rate than 360s sicne it's release, so clearly there is strong support for the brand - which would then suggest to me that many of these issues may very well be unavoidable.
I certainly don't think there is a conspiracy in hand to punish EU users though.
I agree, and thanks for that staggering (and persuasive!) post about the "disadvantages" of the EU version of Home. What I find bizarre is that the perceived shortcomings of the EU version of Home are being used by people as an excuse to trash Sony lock, stock and barrel - very harsh given that there is no evidence to support their central claim (that EU users are seen as inferior by Sony) and that Home is clearly an unfinished product.

Although I also think that Obli makes some good points about how EU PS3 users have faced a few disadvantages generally, only two of them are specifically related to Home and as D_N has argued pretty successfully, they are not particularly convincing complaints. Some of the other points are certainly valid, although I don't think they are relevant to the current debate about Home. Weird then how Home has not only become a stick to beat Sony with, but also seems to have triggered a "we hate Sony because Sony hate us" attitude - maybe this will be the last time Sony decide to give us something for free...?

Perhaps the strangest thing about many of the complaints levelled at Sony regarding Home is that some people are making it out that Home is all they want/need from their PS3. Given that alot of people also claim to be "loyal" Sony users, to the extent that they have "had their PS3 since launch day", I don't get how/why Home is so crucial - not least given the fact that no-one knew about Home when the PS3 was launched. Given the amount of content now available for PS3 generally, it is very harsh indeed to announce that Sony are useless simply because their latest beta software isn't all they want it to be immediately.

I reckon Home will be amazing when it is all done and dusted, with new content coming along all the time... but it might be a slow and painful process to get it to the point where the complaints dry up.
Looks like we are getting another patch to restore voice chat.
Voice chat returns on PlayStation Home
PlayStation Home has been patched (yet again!), this time restoring voice chat. Update 1.05, available now, adds voice chat to personal spaces and clubhouses. This means you foul-mouthed pirates can chat with each other in the privacy of your own virtual-homes. However, expect public spaces to be as quiet as Sunday mass.

PS Blog
Voice Chat Feature on PlayStation Home Resumes
PlayStation Home update 1.05 is scheduled to be released on December 22. With this new update, users will be able to use the voice chat within their personal space and clubhouses to communicate and share with friends online.

By clicking on their PlayStation Home icon on the PlayStation Network column of XMB, users will be able to update PlayStation Home to 1.05. Users who are online with PlayStation Home will need to log-off and click on PlayStation Home icon.
Looks like we are getting another patch to restore voice chat.

Great news. 👍

BTW: While Omnis and I were testing out several features in Home last week, we discovered voice chat actually still worked... but only with your friends in Home. All you have to do is use the Phone feature and select the person in your friend's list who is in Home and you'll be able to chat.

What makes the Phone feature so nice is that even when you are on a totally different space and server, and even when you are downloading data as you move from one space or server to another, you never lose connection with the other person and can continue your conversations without any interruption. 👍

The other nice thing about the Phone feature is that no one can listen in on your conversations unlike when you use the standard voice chat (R2) option.

One thing to remember though when using the Phone feature... be sure you hang up when you are done. :)
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Well, unless they make it so that phone can do a conference call they need to give us a way to add pool tables and bowling lanes to our personal spaces and clubhouses.
Well, unless they make it so that phone can do a conference call they need to give us a way to add pool tables and bowling lanes to our personal spaces and clubhouses.

But first they need to fix the club resetting bug. ;) You are absolutely right though, we need stuff to do in our houses and clubs. :)
Just on a side note here, today I accidently had my G25 plugged in from last night, I turned the PS3 on and went into Home. It's quite fun since the G25 seems to replace the controllers controls. Throttle to walk forward, brake to stop and backwards, 1st gear to see conversation window, 2nd to change camera, second red button for the PS Home Safe Screen, triangle to talk, circle to back out of menus, left paddle to talk from the inbuilt messages, right to do actions. Best part is, you turn yourself with the wheel.
A couple of days ago I was playing chess against someone, and I put them a position where wherever they moved I could take any of their players, and he left the game!
A couple of days ago I was playing chess against someone, and I put them a position where wherever they moved I could take any of their players, and he left the game!

That happens sometimes when I play bowling with people, they just leave if they're about to lose. Although now I don't really care anymore.
I got a "UR GOOD" from someone playing pool because I sunk 2 balls in a row and then he ran off. :odd:

For the record, I'm not good. I'm lucky.

Keep day.......unfortunatly when it happens I may die online from malnutrition LOL
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Keep day.......unfortunatly when it happens I may die online from malnutrition LOL

That feature was available in the closed beta... but only if you owned the Japanese version of GT5:P. There was a TGS 2008 space in the JP version of Home, and besides several other games, there was also a GT5:P booth area, that like the Namco arcade, you could jump to the game from there and unlock that same GT5:P system and place it in your personal spaces, and jump to the game from that space.

So I'm sure it will be back eventually. 👍
I doubt I could care less about home on Christmas, too many new games:drool: Home is least priority on Xmas.
What's this update I was just told to do guys? Version 1.05. I hope it eliminates the disappearing furnitiure glitch.

A couple of days ago I was playing chess against someone, and I put them a position where wherever they moved I could take any of their players, and he left the game!

I did that to someone in checkers, funny thing is they still had 4 or 5 pieces left, and there was nothing he could do.:lol: He finished though.:)

I got a "UR GOOD" from someone playing pool because I sunk 2 balls in a row and then he ran off. :odd:

For the record, I'm not good. I'm lucky.

He wouldn't want to play me and some other guys I've versed then.........

Seriously, just like tennis, pool can't be over until it's over.
The update doesnt fix the disappearing items:scared:.

It does however return voice chat but only in private spaces. You can call people though, you could do that in 1.0.4 aswell so it really doesnt make a difference.