Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
The update doesnt fix the disappearing items:scared:.

It does however return voice chat but only in private spaces. You can call people though, you could do that in 1.0.4 aswell so it really doesnt make a difference.

:ouch: Replacing furniture is a pain. What about clubs, has that service returned yet?
Is anyone on right now? I'm just roaming around with nothing to do.

I just got DC'ed randomly. Is this happening to anyone else?

Looks like Home is again down for maintenance. I hope there will be some added Christmas freebees for us all!
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Seems like those complaining about the price or even the fact Sony charges you for Home things aren't really affecting the majority of people on Home.
Home items selling like hotcakes
We're not sure why, but it seems that quite a few of you out there are buying Home pay-for content. In an interview with Silicon Alley Insider, Susan Panico (Senior Director of the PlayStation Network) says that content in the social networking service is selling tremendously. In fact, in the first four days of the open beta Home produced more money for Sony than the video download service did in its first week.

We're disheartened to hear that one of the biggest sellers is the ridiculously priced Santa outfit. So if you went ahead and bought a £5 Santa suit: congratulations. You've just told Sony that it's okay to charge 79p for a pair of virtual gloves.

Panico says it's "a classic 80/20 model, where 20 percent of your customers create 80 percent of your income." Makes sense to us. There's already a very vocal pro-Home community. We'll be happy to join in next month when some of that promised content starts to drop.


Silicon Alley Insider
Sony PS3 'Home' Virtual Goods Booming (SNE)
Virtual goods are selling like hotcakes in Sony's new PS3-based virtual world 'Home,' says Susan Panico, Sr. Director of the Playstation Network at Sony (SNE) in an exclusive interview with SAI.

When everyone has the same tools to create a virtual worlds avatar, buying something no else has -- or no one else can afford -- is the only way to stand out.

Susan didn't provide numbers, but she said in Home's first four days, virtual goods priced from 49 cents to $4.99 have generated more revenue for Sony than PS3 movies and video priced up to $14.99 generated in their first week. "It's a classic 80/20 model, where 20 percent of your customers create 80 percent of your income," she said.

The hot ticket item so far: Costumes, with Santa Claus outfits being a huge seller. "You can imagine the opportunity with costumes for partnering with other companies and their intellectual property," Susan said.

Other items from Susan's talk with SAI:

* We were wrong in assuming the removal of speech from 'Home' had anything to do with widespread reports of female PS3 gamers being harassed. Speech was taken offline for a technical fix, and service was restored yesterday.
* With regards to that harassment, Susan reiterated Sony's "zero tolerance" policy and siad "we're still in open beta." She said "abuse reporting," the ability to mute other avatars, and "rapidly scaling up our moderation team" should fix the problems.
* Corporate sponsorships like Red Bull represent "a strong component of the ecosystem of Home." Expect more partnership announcements in Q1.
* The long-term idea for the Playstation network: To make the PS3 a replacement for cable boxes, with Sony's Hollywood studios bringing exclusive content to PS3 owners. "We look aspirationally at HBO, the way they have 'Sex and the City' and other shows," Susan said.

Is anyone on right now? I'm just roaming around with nothing to do.

I just got DC'ed randomly. Is this happening to anyone else?

Looks like Home is again down for maintenance. I hope there will be some added Christmas freebees for us all!

i got dc earlier on for no reason, walking about in the bowling alley then nothing but an error message and you've been signed out of home
It doesn't mention how much Home costs to run though. Is it making a profit?

I still think it's unclear how much it's going to cost to run since it's still in the beta stage and things are constantly changing. I would wager though Home is not making a profit right now since you have to sell a lot of $.99 things to turn a profit on something that is essentially free. I looked around the net but failed to come up with a number, if someone else has anything to share I would appreciate it.

Is it me or is home more laggy...?

Loaded my studio and took like 1 minute for all items to appear. I thought I deleted all items lol

Could be your internet connection. I was on Home last night and had no issues with lag.
Seems like those complaining about the price or even the fact Sony charges you for Home things aren't really affecting the majority of people on Home.
So far, I've just bought cargo shorts, and a cowboy hat. I wear a sportcoat quite a bit in real life, but it's expensive in/on Home. What gives! :crazy:

Do you guys think Summer House(I think it's called) is worth the money? And one more question: Do you guy think we'll lose it all, once the "beta" is over?
So far, I've just bought cargo shorts, and a cowboy hat. I wear a sportcoat quite a bit in real life, but it's expensive in/on Home. What gives! :crazy:

Isn't the sports jacket a name brand like Diesel or something? I bought it because I wear one in real life all the time so it only seemed fitting.

Do you guys think Summer House(I think it's called) is worth the money? And one more question: Do you guy think we'll lose it all, once the "beta" is over?

I like the summer house, much better then the apartment although it's a bit of a challenge to fill it up with stuff and still have it be interesting. I'm sure once the beta is over and things start progressing that will all change.

If we lose everything once the beta is over I will never support another Sony endeavour ever again. I've probably spent close to $30 in Home and to have all that gone will really upset me since it would be more or less stealing. However, I highly doubt that will happen though. Sony is smarter then that I would hope.
Yeah, I sure hope they don't take it all away.

I can't believe you found $30 worth of stuff to spend the money on. :lol: I'm kind of surprised by the lack of merchandises on Home. I try to go to the stores when I'm on, and I rarely see anything new. I don't see anything cool I feel like I should be buying either. I'd like to see more free stuff, and merchandises we can collect. I guess we are still in the beta phase, and I need to keep that in mind.....
I doubt we will lose stuff. This is the first ongoing beta like this and is supposed to morph into the final build.

I know those in the closed beta still kept their stuff when it went open beta, and the store even shows it as bought.

I think the thing is that the stores are tied to the PlayStation Store so they would have a record of what you have purchased and can just apply that info to the final build. Being completely online there is nothing like a game save that would suddenly be incompatible with the new version.
So HOME is still in BETA? But it's open for everyone?
Anyone knows a "full" release date? Any guesses?
I'm happy to report that the block feature works well. The offending party still produces the speech bubble with "..." while typing, but their messages do not get through.
So HOME is still in BETA? But it's open for everyone?
Anyone knows a "full" release date? Any guesses?

Well it says BETA on log in screen, not?


As for the public voice chat disabled im more than happy , the harassments going on weren't even near funny...
Haven't been in Home for a while. What about the Red Bull Air Race stuff? Released yet?

The following should answer it for you.

This is disappointing, I was really looking forward to this.
Whoops! No Red Bull Air Race this year
You may have noticed that the Home launch hasn't exactly gone smoothly. With the Home teams worldwide working on fixes for the numerous server and login issues the content release schedule has been pushed back, as people are now taking their Christmas breaks. What this boils down to is this: Don't expect to see the Red Bull Air Race this year.

TedTheDog has stated on the European PlayStation forums that it definitely won't appear in 2008. Though "it really ought to be worth the wait, its really quite impressive and a lot of fun." We've played it and, while it's kind of neat, it's not quite as awesome as it's maybe getting hyped up to be. Still, content is content, and even TedTheDog admits that Home is currently "a little bare."

He goes on to say that "we've got some problems to solve, but they'll be solved and we can then move on to running it as the service we all want." In other words, please remain patient for just a little longer. Well, we've waited this long, what's a few more weeks?

And the post from EU Playstation Forum:
If its any consolation we'd like it to work too but we are also running a huge beta here.

Beta's are often difficult as everyone wants the new toy, whatever it may be, to work just as the vision portrays but as a beta things are being used in untried ways and things are bound to go wrong.

And the vision of Home is pretty exciting right? We know its a little bare right now and we've got some problems to solve, but they'll be solved and we can then move on to running it as the service we all want.

The reality is that we really are beta testing Home and we have to get these load related issues dealt with (and they can be dealt with.)

I'm very reluctant to give an ETA for the Red Bull Air Race as the very nature of what were doing here throws schedules sometimes (as you've seen) but it certainly will not be before the new year now. I know its irritating, but it really ought to be worth the wait, its really quite impressive and a lot of fun.


As for the public voice chat disabled im more than happy , the harassments going on weren't even near funny...

It's been restored with patch 1.05.

Looks like we are getting another patch to restore voice chat. [B
Voice chat returns on PlayStation Home[/B]
PlayStation Home has been patched (yet again!), this time restoring voice chat. Update 1.05, available now, adds voice chat to personal spaces and clubhouses. This means you foul-mouthed pirates can chat with each other in the privacy of your own virtual-homes. However, expect public spaces to be as quiet as Sunday mass.

Voice Chat Feature on PlayStation Home Resumes
PlayStation Home update 1.05 is scheduled to be released on December 22. With this new update, users will be able to use the voice chat within their personal space and clubhouses to communicate and share with friends online.

By clicking on their PlayStation Home icon on the PlayStation Network column of XMB, users will be able to update PlayStation Home to 1.05. Users who are online with PlayStation Home will need to log-off and click on PlayStation Home icon.
Until all the morons leave, I'd prefer that public voice chat stays off.

Is there any way we can volunteer to be undercover chat-police? 💡
Until all the morons leave, I'd prefer that public voice chat stays off.

Is there any way we can volunteer to be undercover chat-police? 💡

I think everyone can be undercover police, just report those that can't seem to understand that you aren't supposed to make off colour remarks or use inappropriate language.
@ Joey D: Do you happen to know how to report those people? The funny part is switching yourself over to a girl and start screwing with their heads. In a gruff voice say "Hi there, Sailor!" Actually I had a friend who's a girl and were hanig out together in Home, and this guy came along and started to say some stuff that was on the brink of profanity. So then I told him "Do you know that Home has moderators that report people who misuse the chat and texting?" Well after that he took off, oddly enough. Well that's what I have to say.

Merry Christmas to you all
@ Joey D: Do you happen to know how to report those people?

I believe if you push the select button a list of options come up.

From the PS Home forum

press the select button click on submit a report read the instructions click x then select the users that were abusing you click circle press down to select submit then repeat the same process again for the types of abuse you was subjected to or game spoiling then submit that

You most defiantly push select to report someone, I had to report at least 15 today in the mall. Apparently several people were staging a protest about whatever and about 90% of the stuff they were saying was either racist, sexiest, or prejudice against a religion. It was seriously like being on 4Chan.

The cleaner photos:



Oh and I find it funny Christmas is blanked out.