WipEout HD/Fury

  • Thread starter Havok_
Having not heard anything official re: the start date, we can but hope that the increasing news is a good sign of a near release - although I would be gutted if it turns out to be months away yet...

Speaking of months away yet, I'm having a nightmare with "Beat Zico" now - I should have nailed it earlier, but after about 4 hours of solid play (except a brief break to eat dinner!), I cannot get passed 31.4 - I've only managed three perfect laps in about 300, and even they were too slow. I think it is time to call it a night and try it again some other time, although I can't rightly afford to spend this much time on a single trophy :indiff:
Any good advice guys for sameone who just started playing wipeout HD, i'm still a little green around the edges.

Anyone feel free to add me to your friends list. ( ENERGIYA--V2 )
Play Zone mode to learn the lines, or just go and do speed laps in racebox.

Use Assegai, AG Sys or Feisar and just put in a lot of laps, I have about 100 hours of play time and I am still not that great...
I "Beat Zico" this morning :cool:

After coming close last night, I went off the boil and only managed to get a handful of good laps in. All in all, I must have done 500 laps last night, of which about 200 were "hot laps" (the others being "out laps" or aborted hot lap attempts) and during which I managed just 4 laps under 31.4 (31.36, 31.33, 31.23 and 30.95). I gave up near midnight, but had a quick go this morning before I left for work...

I did about 20 hot laps and was hitting some decent times - I hit 31.54 twice - and then restarted. In this next session, I scored what was my 2nd fastest lap ever (31.07) and then just two laps later, got 30.69 :D In other words, in a single session with just five hot laps, I scored my 1st and 3rd fastest times overall :eek:

Thanks to Aero-R for some terrific advice - I didn't really know what you meant until a bit later, and then the penny drops and you just know what you need to do - it's still hard to pull off, but it really does help bump up those odds of success.

For those interested, here's a few side notes:

I hit four barrel rolls and 14 speed pads in the winning lap. I tried a few laps with the Pitch and Steer motion control on, and mucking about with the sensitivity, but although it seemed to make barrel rolls a bit easier, I found it made steering harder, so I ended up turning it off. After 500 laps with music on, I finally succeeded with the music off :lol: To speed things up a bit, you are quicker to abort the session if you screw up the first and/or second barrel rolls and restart, rather than completing the lap, since your next lap is an "out lap" anyway.

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Yeah man !, happy to hear you got it ! After Zico, I always use motion controller to do the pitch. At the beginning it's confusing.. but once you got the trick.. it's quite usefull for barrel rolls on critical times.

Energiya, an important thing is to do a config. with the controller. Set the sensivity to the X (the gas button) to the less posible (10% I think), and change the sensivity of the airbrakes too (not to 10%, but to 50 or 60% for example). I suggest you to use EG X or Feisar.

With the time, you'll need to use two more things: the double L2 or R2 to move the ship, and up-pitch or down-pitch the nose of your ship by pressing up or down in your controller (D-Pad, Analog, or motion, whatever you want). These 2 things will give you advantages in the future.

AND, even if it's quite difficult: never use the pilot assist. Turn it off. The first days you'll be loving the wall so much that you won't be able to avoid then, but with the time... you'll feel proud of yourself for being on Phantom without touching them mate.

Keep pushing guys !
There is certainly no lack of challenges in this game - I'm now fighting against Sebenco Climb, in the knowledge that a certain amount of injustice is already against me... my first attempt, I finished only 6th, but beat the race record of a friend who has won the race already :indiff: How does that work?!

Also, I have no clue how I am possibly going to win the 8 race tourney in Phantom Class, even if I finish clearing all the individual races, since each one is taking me many, many tries... I know you don't need to win every race in the tournament, but you should be looking for a podium finish average atleast, no?

Anyway, it's time for a break - although speaking of break, it's a wonder my poor SIXAXIS is still alive, as it has been across the room on several occasions this week already :ill:
My DS3 R2 button is not in too good a condition after the tme spent on Chengou in Phantom Elite...

It travelled a fair distance itself. Well done on the beating of Zico.
:cheers: Thanks :) It was a very good way to start a Friday!

Just had my first full go at the Elite Phantom Championship :ill: Way off the pace, although I should be able to win Vineta K, Anulpha Pass and Moa Therma (I reckon I will need 24 pts from those races to stand any chance)!

1  Tra-Vin   Res-2   Pts-6   Tot-6   Opp-8    Pos-2       
2  Tra-Anu   Res-2   Pts-6   Tot-12  Opp-13   Pos-2
3  Tra-Moa   Res-4   Pts-4   Tot-16  Opp-13   Pos-1
4  Tra-Che   Res-8   Pts-0   Tot-16  Opp-21   Pos-4
5  Tra-Met   Res-7   Pts-1   Tot-17  Opp-24   Pos-6
6  Tra-Seb   Res-7   Pts-1   Tot-18  Opp-30   Pos-5
7  Tra-Ube   Res-4   Pts-4   Tot-22  Opp-38   Pos-6
8  Tra-Sol   Res-6   Pts-2   Tot-24  Opp-44   Pos-5

2nd attempt

Tot-27 Opp-44 Pos-5

(Opp-Leading Opponent; Pos=Position in Tournament)

edit: YAY! :cheers: Finally, after 2 hours of trying, Sebenco Meltdown Elite Gold :D (2.09.16 winning time)

edit 2: I saw something beyond awesome this evening - I won a race at Ubermall, and crossed the line looking back, as I had quite a lead. But as I was crossing the line, the craft behind fired a rocket and I watched it racing up and smacking right into me! I've never noticed what rockets look like before, since I've never seen one as close up as that before! Lucky I had won the race already!!
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The Meltdown tournament on Elite difficulty is unbelievably tough :guilty: - I managed to score 20 pts in the first three races, but have so far have managed to score a maximum of just 10 in the remaining 5 races :ouch: That was good enough for 3rd, and just 8 pts behind the winner, so there is atleast some hope... but until I can consistently get better results at Chenghou, Sebenco, Ubermall, Sol2 and Metropia, then I fear that I have many more frustrating tournaments to endure before I get that Elite Campaign Legend gold trophy.

edit: 🤬 Not impressed by this at all - I went into the last race 4 pts behind the leader and was fighting for 1st in the final race, when I got blasted out :grumpy: What's even worse is that the leader of the championship would finished way down, and so I probably would have won the tournament if I had just stayed in the race. Mega-annoying, and now there are smashed Pringles everywhere.

edit: On second look, I would have had to finish 2nd in that race anyway, which would have given me 40 pts. Atleast I now know that it is even remotely possible, even with a few dodgy results thrown in. It is very unforgiving, though - one major mistake or incident in any one of the eight races can wreck your chances of the overall win. It also gets me very angry at times, which is quite disturbing - thankfully Sony made the SIXAXIS pretty tough, and I have plenty of soft furnishings at which to throw the controller when I'm blasted off the track by the AI.

BTW, what craft do you recommend? I am using Feisar mostly, but Qirex seems to work well too, as it has better shields.
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What I find a bit odd is the gap in difficulty from the Meltdown time trials and the races, I was able to get elite golds on the TT's without too much difficulty, but the races are another story, even the single races require a stellar run, and the tournaments are off the map.

Most frustrating element of this game? The way the AI pilots always find their way directly in front of me after I hit them with a weapon, or when I am about to boost past-it kills all my speed, and boots them forward. Nightmare!
For me, the worst thing was when I saw in the replay camera how the AI ships were racing, and they were taking unreal lines on Sebenco Climb or Chenghou Project. Race lines not possible for a ship controlled by yourself. Take a look and you'll see why they also are so fast... they take a line for example on the hard turn in Chenghou with their ship almost in vertical (with their right side looking to the sky and their left side to the ground) and so on. Like when you apply auto-pilot just before a wall you're going to crash and the ship does a big movemnt to correct it and avoid the wall or so.
Yeh, there is a definite and tangible bonus to being an AI craft, and in some ways it can be very frustrating - but it does make it all the more sweet when you finally win, since you know that you are able to beat the computer despite the injustice :P

As for the difficulty of races in the Meltdown campaign, I reckon there is a reason for that - races are a test of more than just of your skill as a pilot, but also a test of your strategic planning - knowing which weapons to use or absorb, as well as a test of your fighting spirit. It is also, perhaps unintentionally, a test of your patience and perseverance. Suffice it to say, however, that if you set your mind to achieving a win at any single circuit, you will start to see improvements, and eventually you will be competing for wins rather than struggling for 6th place. IMO, you cannot win a Meltdown race on Elite difficulty without copious and smart use of weapons (esp. at Sebenco and Chenghou), as well as being fast and clean. Certain weapons are worth considerably more in an Elite Meltdown race - speed boosts (and barrel rolls) are critically important; auto-pilot is hugely helpful for the tight corners at Chenghou and Ubermall, and the winding stretch at the end of Sebenco; quake is also very handy indeed, especially at the start of a race; I would always use these unless my shield is below 10. The others are useful too, but it is more of a judgement call as to whether you absorb them or not - if you are in 8th (usually so on the first lap), you should absorb anything that is not a boost, auto-pilot or quake (thus keeping your shield up and your weapon slot free for those weapons).

Also, when using auto-pilot, use it and then absorb it rather than letting the computer disengage for you. Choosing where you disengage can be crucially important - for example, if you use AP for the first turn at Chenghou (a very good idea), it will not disengage until beyond the jumps. Unfortunately, auto-pilot chooses the centre of the track automatically, and misses speed pads. Having a full weapon slot also means you cannot pick up weapons while AP is on (unlike Shield), and hence you can miss critical chances to pick up weapons/replenish your shield (again, crucial at Chenghou). Critically, you cannot barrel roll when the AP is on. By disengaging manually after Turn 1 at Chenghou, you can pick up an extra weapon after the first mini-jump and barrel roll off the second, hence picking up a free speed boost and perhaps also a free shield boost too (if you absorb the weapon) - but you can't do this if you let the AP time itself out!

As I am discovering, these little tips and tricks may or may not have an impact on any individual race (since incidents always occur that screw up all your best plans :irked:), but over the course of a tournament, they could be worth several points, which will make all the difference. So far, my best score in the Meltdown tournament is (only) 34, but I got creamed in the last race while in a good position (i.e. challenging for a podium), so I believe that 40 pts is within reach, and that would have been good enough to win the Gold on atleast one occasion. I reckon you need 44-45 to stand a much better chance of winning though.
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/\/\/\ very true. The Elite Races in the Meltdown series is definately a test of skill, patience and dedication. Even the Novice difficulty can be hard at times. The time-trials in meltdown i can get golds on Elite, but the races, the AI is tricky, and their use of the weapons is devastating. I find myself having to get out in front really early to stand a good chance of getting the gold. Following in the pack i usually get set back and slowed down by all the attacks and blocking. :nervous:. Lots of fun though, especially when you are victorious!!! :)👍
With the elite difficulty I am more than fast enough to beat the AI even with their "interesting" lines...

It's the bloody weapons that get me!
Excellent timing! I just hope that date also applies to EU, or atleast that the EU store is not far behind. Something tells me that we don't have long to wait anyway :)👍 I now also have a deadline for getting the Elite Campaign Legend gold :nervous:
I gave up completely a while back, now all i do is race Zone for the fun of it :)

But wow, that's not far off - 1 week 1 day to go (It should be released on the 23rd for us, as we always get our updates on Thursdays). Let's hope, anyway :D

Nice article!

One thing that got my goat a little about it though was the way they went on about the ship designs. Don't get me wrong , one or two ships in WipeoutHD look beautiful, but not all ships were created with the same loving care.

The best designed ship in Wipeout HD by far is the Assegai ship. The level of detail on that ship is phenomenal! You can even see each individual cell on the resistance plating on the underside of the ship. Contrast that with the underside of the Quirex RD ship, which is grey, non-descript, and shows very little definiton.

Then look at the feisar clone, EGS. what a joke of a ship that is! It looks as if they just half heartedly threw it together at the last minute to make up the numbers! The same can be said for Icarus, the ship is bland, and lacks any real detail.

Auricom looks awesome though, as does Mirage, Gotaki, and Pirahna, with the Harimau clone looking a little poor.
Hmm I guess it is personal opinion, other than EGX, but I love the look of Icaras and Qirex, in fact Qirex would be myfirst choice if the stats were similar to the 2097 ones ;)

The underside detailis due to differing design strategies for the various teams though, the lightweight Assegai vs the heavweight Qirex for example.

The Harimau is the prettiest craft in the game! Its funny that I think the worst are Auricom and Mirage! LOL It really is a funny world. Seems they managed to appeal to lots of people though.
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Then look at the feisar clone, EGS. what a joke of a ship that is! It looks as if they just half heartedly threw it together at the last minute to make up the numbers! The same can be said for Icarus, the ship is bland, and lacks any real detail.

Auricom looks awesome though, as does Mirage, Gotaki, and Pirahna, with the Harimau clone looking a little poor.
You can't be serious. Talking bad about my lovely EG X and Harimau?

Man, we'll have to solve this on the sky. Get your best shield ! :dopey:

PD: Oh.. on 24th I'll be on a LAN party playing WipEout HD there from time to time with friends but just the HD... I don't know if they would purchase Fury from there. I'll be back to Home on 26th.. if they release it the 24th I guess I will die in the party while reading all your feedbacks about it, without my own PS3 there !

EDIT: Hey wait... 24th is a Friday. We usually get the updates on Thursdays... I guess it'll be the 23rd (or the 31st ?, nah).

EDIT 2: Hey JamboGT, you're famous ! (http://www.thesixthaxis.com/2009/07/15/wipeout-fury-dated/). It's amazing how many people are following Fury. The first I heard about the date news was of course in The Zone, where all the pilots should be (credit goes to Amorbis). Then Touring Mars announced it here for the people at GT Planet. Now TheSixthAxis gives the info maybe you messaged them the news. Holy %&$", seems we'll have a lot of people buying Fury and that is GREAT !
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I've written about my musical score suggestion: http://www.lastfm.es/user/aero_sound/journal/2009/07/16/2vfy10_[wipeout_hd__fury]:_aero-r's_score

As I already said on the NOTE: "I wanted to write this on english to reach a few WipEout pilots out of Spain, but since I'm not english native I'm always open to comments for whatever grammar correction you can suggest me. Please don't doubt to do that. Also, suggestions for songs or any other comment are pretty welcome"

So please, whatever error you find, notice me ! =]
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You can't be serious. Talking bad about my lovely EG X and Harimau?

Man, we'll have to solve this on the sky. Get your best shield ! :dopey:

PD: Oh.. on 24th I'll be on a LAN party playing WipEout HD there from time to time with friends but just the HD... I don't know if they would purchase Fury from there. I'll be back to Home on 26th.. if they release it the 24th I guess I will die in the party while reading all your feedbacks about it, without my own PS3 there !

EDIT: Hey wait... 24th is a Friday. We usually get the updates on Thursdays... I guess it'll be the 23rd (or the 31st ?, nah).

EDIT 2: Hey JamboGT, you're famous ! (http://www.thesixthaxis.com/2009/07/15/wipeout-fury-dated/). It's amazing how many people are following Fury. The first I heard about the date news was of course in The Zone, where all the pilots should be (credit goes to Amorbis). Then Touring Mars announced it here for the people at GT Planet. Now TheSixthAxis gives the info maybe you messaged them the news. Holy %&$", seems we'll have a lot of people buying Fury and that is GREAT !

Yeah I messaged them, I guess the more people hear about it the better!
Thanks for the tips as well, I always forget to partially absorb the autopilot, but remember it with other weapons. I think the basic problem is that in races I concentrate on the other ships too much and end up losing a lot of speed and energy scrubbing the walls.