Official Playstation Store Thread

Crash Bandicoot and some other new stuff now avalible on EU PS Store :D I've downloaded Crash but haven't played it yet, Guitar Hero got my time now...
New for June 28th:


- Dynasty Warriors: Gundam

Game Trailers:

- Grand Theft Auto 4 Trailer 2

Downloadable Games:

- Super Stardust HD $7.99

Movie Trailers:

- I Know Who Killed Me
- Superbad
- License to Wed
- The Invasion


Great update. It finally get a trailer the same day it debuts, a good downloadable game, and a demo of a multiplatform game before XBL, which is a first.

I'm disappointed that there isn't a SSHD demo, but screw it. It's supposed to be killer and it's $2 off anyway.
The Gundam Mosou demo rocks. It has both English and Japanese voices (thanks Blu-Ray). Unfortunately, Bandai thinks Americans only like the alternative storylines and not the original UC storyline.
Where do you think the demo came from?

The internet. :dunce: :P

But seriously, I just don't see where Blu-ray fits into this. Unless there's tons of Japanese voices in the game, and it couldn't fit onto the 360 version, I don't think the extra space is needed for this. Or maybe you guys are understanding something I'm not. :confused:

But anyway, let's talk about Super Stardust HD.

Best. Downloadable. Game. Ever. It's like Geometry Wars on crack, and Blast Factor can't even compare. The way the asteroids crumble, the way there's tons of things going on at once at 60fps, the way it's always chaotic... the $2 discount... you must buy this game.
But anyway, let's talk about Super Stardust HD.

Best. Downloadable. Game. Ever. It's like Geometry Wars on crack, and Blast Factor can't even compare. The way the asteroids crumble, the way there's tons of things going on at once at 60fps, the way it's always chaotic... the $2 discount... you must buy this game.

It's out now? Finally... I'll definitely get it.
It finally get a trailer the same day it debuts
:confused: (lost in translation?)

I'm gussing you mean "I" and that "it" is the movie not the trailer, and this is supposed to be sarcastic, right? :)

If so, I suspect that the lack of any major marketing for this film (I Know Who Killed Me) despite starring one of the highest profile actresses (for more bad reasons than good) is a good indication that Sony doesn't believe this film is going to return a profit theatrically.

But anyway, let's talk about Super Stardust HD.

Best. Downloadable. Game. Ever. It's like Geometry Wars on crack, and Blast Factor can't even compare. The way the asteroids crumble, the way there's tons of things going on at once at 60fps, the way it's always chaotic... the $2 discount... you must buy this game.
Agreed! And for those with 1080p displays be prepared for some SERIOUS eye candy! This is also a great game for testing an LCD display's response time!

BTW: Duck... how could you possibly let Jeremy Ricci whoop you in SSHD???

[pic removed to protect innocent hungry mouths in a Middle-Eastern town]

(I'm sure you have improved since this afternoon, but I couldn't resist taking this pic when I saw the two of you on my friend's leaderboard for SSHD...
...yes Duck and I are PSN friends :))

The Gundam Mosou demo rocks. It has both English and Japanese voices (thanks Blu-Ray). Unfortunately, Bandai thinks Americans only like the alternative storylines and not the original UC storyline.
Thanks for the heads-up. I didn't download it as it just didn't look like anything I or my family would be interested in playing, but now you have caught my attention. I'll download tomorrow and check it out. Thanks!

Trailer # 2 is also on PSN for those that have a ps3, it looks awesome on the HDTV and since you make a custon icon for trailers on the menu by using footage from said trailer, I made one using the scene with niko walking towards the camera with different backround flashing behind him. This trailer definitely kicks ass :)
The trailer looks great, but so much of it looks like they are only cut scenes and not much in the way of actual gameplay... but still I nice teaser.

BTW: How do you make custom icons for PS3 files???

As for the movie trailers...
  • I Know Who Killed Me
    AKA the Lindsay Lohan Rehab Movie. ;) I have to admit, the trailer looks somewhat interesting, but I'm still betting this turns out to be a rotten tomato.

  • Superbad
    I think this may be the surprise comedy hit of the Summer. This is turning out to be Seth Rogen's coming out party as an upcoming Hollywood powerhouse.

  • License to Wed
    Robin Williams needs a hit, and this actually looks some what promising.

  • The Invasion
    When I first heard that Joel Silver was interested in making yet another film version of Jack Finney's brilliant Sci-Fi novel, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, I actually thought it sounded like a great idea, but when I heard he had hired a relatively unknown director and writer for the project I began to lose all hope. Obviously I may have underestimated their talents as they were able to get several excellent actors on board including Daniel Craig and Nicole Kidman, so this is now one of this year's films that I have the most interest in seeing. 👍
BTW: How do you make custom icons for PS3 files???

Well first you need to pick the 15 seconds of the video you want as a custom icon and pause at the start of it. Then hit the triangle button to bring up the menu, the icon you are looking for is on the top row and the third or fourth from the right (it will say Custom Icon when you highlight it). Click on the icon and it will ask you to confirm what you want to do. Confirm and a few second later you will have a nice 15 second looping clip as an icon for the video clip rather than boring static icon.

Well worth doing.


Well first you need to pick the 15 seconds of the video you want as a custom icon and pause at the start of it. Then hit the triangle button to bring up the menu, the icon you are looking for is on the top row and the third or fourth from the right (it will say Custom Icon when you highlight it). Click on the icon and it will ask you to confirm what you want to do. Confirm and a few second later you will have a nice 15 second looping clip as an icon for the video clip rather than boring static icon.

Well worth doing.



Cool, I did not know that. I always thought the rolling clip was an automatic feature, only. Didn't know you could make your own. Nice to know.
Cool 👍 Most of the vid clips I download from the net are only about 15 seconds long anyway ;)
Cool, I did not know that. I always thought the rolling clip was an automatic feature, only. Didn't know you could make your own. Nice to know.
👍 Glad to help, with a bit of thought you can get them looking just as you want. My one for the new GTA IV video runs from when he opens up with the AK through to the GTA IV logo at the end, perfect timing (but more luck than judgement).

Cool 👍 Most of the vid clips I download from the net are only about 15 seconds long anyway ;)
I'm quite sure I don't know what you are talking about :sly:

The Dynasty Warriors Gundam demo is quite good. I played that for a couple of hours this morning. It's definitely an improvement visuals-wise to the Warriors version ported to the 360 from the PS2/Xbox.

I've noticed after the last Firmware update that two videos I have playing from my Pro Duo aren't recognized by the PS3 anymore. They were converted in the lowest-quality option in PS3 Video 9, which I think is AVC 480p... But they're no where to be seen no more. I haven't investigated into whether they've magically become corrupt yet...

I wish they would release the Super Stardust here sooner! It'll definitely be a game to purchase.
:confused: (lost in translation?)

I'm gussing you mean "I" and that "it" is the movie not the trailer, and this is supposed to be sarcastic, right? :)

If so, I suspect that the lack of any major marketing for this film (I Know Who Killed Me) despite starring one of the highest profile actresses (for more bad reasons than good) is a good indication that Sony doesn't believe this film is going to return a profit theatrically.

I was talking about the new GTA4 trailer. It was released yesterday, and it also came to the PSN that day when you'd normally have to wait 4-5 days for it to show up.

BTW: Duck... how could you possibly let Jeremy Ricci whoop you in SSHD???

<offensive content removed>

(I'm sure you have improved since this afternoon, but I couldn't resist taking this pic when I saw the two of you on my friend's leaderboard for SSHD...
...yes Duck and I are PSN friends :))

Remove that now! I haven't had much time to kick ass and take names.

I wish they would release the Super Stardust here sooner! It'll definitely be a game to purchase.

Didn't it show up today in the Euro store?
News on European version 29/06

Playable Demos
Ninja Gaiden Sigma

Full Games
Super Stardust HD

Championship Sprint
Gauntlet II

Movie Trailers
Superman Returns
Full Metal Jacket
Didn't it show up today in the Euro store?
Yeah, it's there. I didn't bother to check this morning...

I've just bought it. It's downloading now. :)
So, it is my honest opinion that Super Star Dust is better than Geometry Wars. Is that insane?

And hopefully you GTP guy's can keep up with me. I've only hit 17 Million thus far, but I plan to take it beyond that.
So, it is my honest opinion that Super Star Dust is better than Geometry Wars. Is that insane?

And hopefully you GTP guy's can keep up with me. I've only hit 17 Million thus far, but I plan to take it beyond that.

Yeh this morning when I had a go you had 3 million, I find this game allot more addictive than Blast factor (haven't played geometry wars), will try and get a good score later, only played it for a few minutes, and the score ive got up at the moment is only my second go. I will blow your scores apart :sly: (I wish)
If so, I suspect that the lack of any major marketing for this film (I Know Who Killed Me) despite starring one of the highest profile actresses (for more bad reasons than good) is a good indication that Sony doesn't believe this film is going to return a profit theatrically.
So after watching the trailer it looks like a sweet innocent girl becomes a skank. Is this a biographical film?

I think this may be the surprise comedy hit of the Summer. This is turning out to be Seth Rogen's coming out party as an upcoming Hollywood powerhouse.
I saw this one in front of Knocked Up and my first thought was of George Michael Bluth (Michael Cera) in Arrested Development. I throw my support at anyone who was involved in that show, which unfortunately means having watched two mediocre comedies with Will Arnett, but an excellent guest role on 30 Rock.

I'm glad to see Michael Cera getting some more mainstream attention.

[*]License to Wed
Robin Williams needs a hit, and this actually looks some what promising.
Well, judging from The Office marathon last night it appears to be The Office, minus Steve Carrell and Jenna Fischer, with Mandy Moore and Robin Williams thrown into the mix. The Office is another show that I will always give support to members of.

[*]The Invasion
When I first heard that Joel Silver was interested in making yet another film version of Jack Finney's brilliant Sci-Fi novel, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, I actually thought it sounded like a great idea, but when I heard he had hired a relatively unknown director and writer for the project I began to lose all hope. Obviously I may have underestimated their talents as they were able to get several excellent actors on board including Daniel Craig and Nicole Kidman, so this is now one of this year's films that I have the most interest in seeing. 👍[/LIST]
I was pleasently surprised as well. I am somewhat unsure of using the space shuttle disaster as the catalyst though. That seems to be in poor taste. A made up shuttle incident would have worked, but this appears to be at least referencing the real thing.

Well first you need to pick the 15 seconds of the video you want as a custom icon and pause at the start of it. Then hit the triangle button to bring up the menu, the icon you are looking for is on the top row and the third or fourth from the right (it will say Custom Icon when you highlight it). Click on the icon and it will ask you to confirm what you want to do. Confirm and a few second later you will have a nice 15 second looping clip as an icon for the video clip rather than boring static icon.
Excellent tip. I immediately thought of my Transformers trailer.

Cool 👍 Most of the vid clips I download from the net are only about 15 seconds long anyway ;)
Too much info. :scared:

And hopefully you GTP guy's can keep up with me. I've only hit 17 Million thus far, but I plan to take it beyond that.
I smell a challenge. Fortunately for you I am going to be out of town this weekend.

I will definitely set it up to download before I leave tonight and have to see how well I can do when I get back.
Well first you need to pick the 15 seconds of the video you want as a custom icon and pause at the start of it. Then hit the triangle button to bring up the menu, the icon you are looking for is on the top row and the third or fourth from the right (it will say Custom Icon when you highlight it). Click on the icon and it will ask you to confirm what you want to do. Confirm and a few second later you will have a nice 15 second looping clip as an icon for the video clip rather than boring static icon.

Well worth doing.
+REP Great Tip!

I had no idea you could do that! I'll have to play around with this feature next time I'm on the PS3.... and when I get the chance to buy a replacement for my wireless router that just died on my last night! :ouch:

I was talking about the new GTA4 trailer. It was released yesterday, and it also came to the PSN that day when you'd normally have to wait 4-5 days for it to show up.
OIC - the reasons I assumed it was the fim is that it also was released in theaters the same day. :)

Remove that now! I haven't had much time to kick ass and take names.
What's it worth it to you to have all evidence erased? ;)

And hopefully you GTP guy's can keep up with me. I've only hit 17 Million thus far, but I plan to take it beyond that.
Hehe. I thought getting just under 5 million was pretty good (I was above Jeremy at the time!), then I saw his 17,000,000 score. :lol: I sure can improve though - on Blast Factor I hit my limits and became frustrating. Super Stardust seems to become easier with practice. I just have a habit when things become very hectic to panic and run into a rock by mistake.

BTW, what weapon/weapons do you mainly use, Jeremy?
What's it worth it to you to have all evidence erased? ;)

When ducks are embarrassed, a famine strikes a Middle-Eastern town. Do you want people to go hungry?
I plan to have 20 Million by the end of the day, hopefully higher. I'll keep you all posted.

As for weapons, it depends on the type of asteroid. Rocks, I use the rock blaster, gold, the Gold Weapon, and Ice, the Ice Blaster. I've said too much...I have to go.
I'd like to get into this game(SSHD) but i have to wait since i broke myself getting my Ninja ZX6R. In the check out it says i have $7.02 in my wallet :)