Pit as a minigame?

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Pits as minigame in GT5?

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lol not happening
When(or if) GT5 has pits, should they be like F1:CE where you press buttons to do stuff? Could it be a lot of fun or just a waste of time? I say no to this.
I said "He...ck no," but the reason for it is, I suck at telling those crazy PS buttons apart. I need letters. :P Unless it's fairly easy, but then where would the challenge be?
No. I want to be able to lose on driving ability. Not because someone can press buttons faster than I can.
Don't know what to vote. I want it to be like in GT4, where you decide if you're gonna change tires and refuel, change tires only, refuel only and stuff like that. No advanced setups to the car.
I think pit stops, are enough of a turmoil selecting the right lap to pit how much fuel you want, what tyres to go for. Without a Shemue style button bashing sequence.
After playing F1CE's pit thing, I found it very exciting and it kind of wakes me up everytime I pit, so I wouldn't mind having it.
After playing F1CE , I feel it's a good idea ( voted yes ). Not only do you have to be good on the track , but your pit crew ( button pressing sequence ) just has to be as equally good , races can be won and lost in the pits , just ask any real life racer , or anyone who plays F1CE , pit stops are vitally important.
After playing F1CE , I feel it's a good idea ( voted yes ). Not only do you have to be good on the track , but your pit crew ( button pressing sequence ) just has to be as equally good , races can be won and lost in the pits , just ask any real life racer , or anyone who plays F1CE , pit stops are vitally important.

So that's a yes or a no?
It would really be crap. To have to push a crapload of buttons so many different times in an endurance race. And to be the king of suzuka only to come second because "i forgot to press x when refueling". That kind of thing would make me throw my ps3 out the window.
It would really be crap. To have to push a crapload of buttons so many different times in an endurance race. And to be the king of suzuka only to come second because "i forgot to press x when refueling". That kind of thing would make me throw my ps3 out the window.

Agreed it is a driving simulator, how maney drivers have you seen jumping out of the car and changing their own wheels and refuling?

Shemu button mashing sequenses are for shemue not GT5
It would really be crap. To have to push a crapload of buttons so many different times in an endurance race. And to be the king of suzuka only to come second because "i forgot to press x when refueling". That kind of thing would make me throw my ps3 out the window.

Have you played F1CE? If not, it's hard to grasp the concept. Before I got F1CE (only two weeks ago), I heard about it and thought it was going to be some stupid little thing that was all about complications and stuff. It's really not. The way it's set up is to vary pit times just like they are in real life. In real life, pit times are consistent, but they are never the same for each car and a little system like this could represent that. The button presses initiate the various elements and make it feel more like a pit stop and less like a break.

And to you guys worried about losing a race because of a minigame? Well, I hope you guys would be smart enough to set up your car so that you can get a considerable lead and not have messing up on a pit stop on your mind.
And to you guys worried about losing a race because of a minigame? Well, I hope you guys would be smart enough to set up your car so that you can get a considerable lead and not have messing up on a pit stop on your mind.

We want to race, we dont want to be 5 laps ahead bored out of are minds.
I havent drive F1CE, so I dont know what is it like there... but I certainly would like to have some reality more to pit-stops than in GT4 had.

No more 'Auto-drive' when you go to pit. I think you really should find 'your own place' and stop in exactly right box... (that right box could be same number, than your starting position example) After that you could got your 'pit-selection' opened, and you should quickly decide right tyres, and amount of fuel... next, lollipop-dude would lift his sign, and you could continue racing...

Havent really thought much about pitting structure, to being honest, but I hope it will be something spectacular. :)
I havent drive F1CE, so I dont know what is it like there... but I certainly would like to have some reality more to pit-stops than in GT4 had.

No more 'Auto-drive' when you go to pit. I think you really should find 'your own place' and stop in exactly right box... (that right box could be same number, than your starting position example) After that you could got your 'pit-selection' opened, and you should quickly decide right tyres, and amount of fuel... next, lollipop-dude would lift his sign, and you could continue racing...

Havent really thought much about pitting structure, to being honest, but I hope it will be something spectacular. :)

Lie you say Aki, but using the voice activation we have seen in games like End war. to order what you want on your pit stop using voice activation.

ANd when you do pit you should have to do the right speed limit and as aki says stop in you right section. And NO PIT LIMITERS, unless you are in a race car or have perchased tham as a car upgrade.
I think having to go down to pit speed limit would be a great introduction ,but you'd need the limiter to hold speed limit, have you tried holding 60kph/37mph. Possible but probably not for the length of pit lane.
As for F1CE style, like said before, drivers don't change tyres,so, that's a no from me, but possibilities to change compound on each corner(e.g.ovals) and fuel volume is a must.
No more 'Auto-drive' when you go to pit. I think you really should find 'your own place' and stop in exactly right box... (that right box could be same number, than your starting position example) After that you could got your 'pit-selection' opened, and you should quickly decide right tyres, and amount of fuel... next, lollipop-dude would lift his sign, and you could continue racing...

That's a good idea. What about if, the more accurately you park in the box, the pit crew can do stuff faster? So if you park 10m away, it'll take longer for them to run out and change tyres, refuel etc.
I don't want there to be any challenge to pitstops, during enduros they're a good chance to stretch and relax a bit while your car drives to your box and gets work done. I voted no.👎
I think having to go down to pit speed limit would be a great introduction ,but you'd need the limiter to hold speed limit, have you tried holding 60kph/37mph. Possible but probably not for the length of pit lane.
As for F1CE style, like said before, drivers don't change tyres,so, that's a no from me, but possibilities to change compound on each corner(e.g.ovals) and fuel volume is a must.

Yeah ever played a Nascar game, you always have to hold you speed. and when you drive in real life you have to hold your speed to, it isnt a hard thing to do, especialy armed with a wheel.
I say.. Make pits just like in GT4. AUTOMATED. Sure this game is a SIM, but I like to rest on my pit stops.. I don't like to miss my lane.. or do anything stupid and get penalty.
I think it would be nice to able to drive through the pits and stop/go yourself(like PC games). That way it's more realistic.

But I don't like pit minigames because they all depend on how fast you are on your fingers and it isn't realistic at all.
This is GT5, "The Real Driving Simulator", not some (no offence) button mashing unrealistic F1 game. There should be no pit buttons. Keep it pretty much the same as GT4 and I'll be happy.
As said above, a pit game is pretty rediculous, but being able to do pit stops is really cool.
Yeah ever played a Nascar game, you always have to hold you speed. and when you drive in real life you have to hold your speed to, it isnt a hard thing to do, especialy armed with a wheel.

A lot of race series use a pitlane speed limiter function, but if driving a car down the pitlane without one it's not that different from keeping to the speed limit on public roads.

Personally i'd like to be able to drive to my pitbox while sticking to the pitlane speed limit (or get a penalty) and have to position the car to the best of my ability to help my pitcrew perform a fast pitstop.

The idea of having to push buttons for a fast pitstop is really stupid. The driver doesn't co-ordinate pitstop sequences in a real race, so why should he/she in GT5? A fast pitstop is down to the pitcrew.

One problem i've thought of is contact between cars whilst in the pits (both traveling down the pitlane and whilst in their pitbox).

It happens in real life with a lot of variable outcomes (pitlane fire due to ripped fuelhoses, damaged bodywork and aero parts, injured pitcrew, etc) so PD would have a lot of work on their hands to make it realistic, as even careful drivers occassionally make errors.

With the computer controlling the pitting sequence it removes all of these problems with super-quick reactions and a set etiquette, but also makes the game less realistic and removes part of the fun!
A lot of race series use a pitlane speed limiter function, but if driving a car down the pitlane without one it's not that different from keeping to the speed limit on public roads.

Personally i'd like to be able to drive to my pitbox while sticking to the pitlane speed limit (or get a penalty) and have to position the car to the best of my ability to help my pitcrew perform a fast pitstop.

The idea of having to push buttons for a fast pitstop is really stupid. The driver doesn't co-ordinate pitstop sequences in a real race, so why should he/she in GT5? A fast pitstop is down to the pitcrew.

One problem i've thought of is contact between cars whilst in the pits (both traveling down the pitlane and whilst in their pitbox).

It happens in real life with a lot of variable outcomes (pitlane fire due to ripped fuelhoses, damaged bodywork and aero parts, injured pitcrew, etc) so PD would have a lot of work on their hands to make it realistic, as even careful drivers occassionally make errors.

With the computer controlling the pitting sequence it removes all of these problems with super-quick reactions and a set etiquette, but also makes the game less realistic and removes part of the fun!

You sound undecisive. Is that a yes or a no?
I Remember I Owned EA Sports NASCAR 2001 For PS1 and I remember that the pit stops were a button-pressing minigame

Personally, I didn't mind it (unlike these freaks who apparently can't handle a little challenge) but apparently it was unpopular, as it disappeared the very next year and hasn't made a comeback since.

Then again, I don't care about damage in GT either, so......
I Remember I Owned EA Sports NASCAR 2001 For PS1 and I remember that the pit stops were a button-pressing minigame

Personally, I didn't mind it (unlike these freaks who apparently can't handle a little challenge) but apparently it was unpopular, as it disappeared the very next year and hasn't made a comeback since.

Then again, I don't care about damage in GT either, so......

So we are freaks, because we dont want button mashing sequences on are driving simulator.

If i want a button mashing sequence I will play:


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