Hi guys
Nice to be back in the WRS sub forum, seeing some famiar names. Hope you're all well.
As for this business with GTP tags, i'm sorry but I really have to disagree with the OP on this one. I do see merit in racing online with the tag, but that's not what we're about here at the WRS is it, unless a radical change to the format is afoot? We hot lap, on our own, and 9 times out of 10 do it OFFLINE. All this talk of symbolizing clean and fair racing is made redundant for those reasons.
As for the work around I think you will put off more people than you recruit, I mean it's not really ideal is it. Personally I won't be playing the game twice, so any tracks unlocked by making progress would immediatly be a problem for me. As would presumably, not being able to drive cars higher than level zero. Or maybe that system is purely for purchasing I'm not sure.
That's the long and heres the short, I want to compete, but I can't commit to the guidlines outlined in this registry. I have a PSN account, it has a GT5 gave save, and unless I can use it I guess I won't be competing.
It's a shame because I really had fun here.
I suppose the decision is final, but I did have an idea. Why not allow non GTP tags, as long as members wanting to compete can aquire references from 3 GTP veterans? Or maybe we have 2 seperate registries. One for online racers, and one for WRS contestants. Individuals are able to apply for both obviously, but can have one without the other of course.
GTP registry: Applicants wanting to race online in events organized and scheduled here at GTP must click a link in the registry that takes them to a copy of the OLR where they will find a check box at the bottom. Once members have read and then clicked to agree with the OLR rules, the registration details are revealed. Once completing the event they send their time and PSN in the usual manner to await approval and granting them GTP tagged status. There could even be a hidden sub forum only visable to GTP approved racers?
WRS registry: Basically this one is just a qualifier. Determining your division level and rank and providing admin with a regestration PSN ID. No need for GTP status as no one will see another car on track. As long as submitted replays correspond with PSN regestration ID we're all jolly.
I hope I explained myself ok.
I'm really very tired and typing on my iDevice. Please don't take me the wrong way, I enjoy all you's guys company and appreciate very much the effort that goes into running the WRS. I hope to be back very soon