Top Gear Comparo Thread.

  • Thread starter fbccars924
What if the cars power isn't showed in the showroom, but it's power is known from other sources (GT4 Car Times sheet), let's say 484hp?
The showroom power is usually wrong anyway! You are best going by the power shown in the tuning screen, or the garage screen where all your cars are listed. Usually data sheets will have the correct figure, and 475 -> 525 is fine.
As far as I can tell the eligible car classes are :JGTC, DTM, Fantasy LM, D1GP & Group B Rally (just). Are all these types eligible, and if so are any recommended or not recommended?

eg. If someone uses a DTM car does that mean I now have to use as D1GP or Group B rally car, or can I now pick anything near 500hp? I don't care (I'll happily drive something unconventional), just wanna know how much you want to stick to one type of car class per person rule.
Oooh, D1GP. I missed them as they are on my list as tuning cars, but I don't see why they cannot be included too.

My list suggested the eligible cars were;
19x JGTC
5x DTM (Pal) or 3x DTM (NTSC)
3x Fantasy LM
2x Group B Rally
1x unclassified Nissan Falken GT-R

and now also;
2x D1GP
2x other Tuning Cars I had overlooked.

I was originally hoping for 1 each of the first four to see how they compare, but now I'd quite like to see 1 of each category (ignoring the Falken GT-R) unless someone especially wants to drive it.

Recommendations? I cannot do so as I know how the scoring will work, and could be seen to be favouring someone by pointing them at a potential winner.

Right now you can pick anything but a JGTC or Fantasy LM, but the longer you wait, the fewer your choices will be. If 5 categories are filled before you make your choice, then anything from the list will do.
Well I will try to run this round, but I'm not 100% sure if I'll have internet up at the new place by Monday, but I'll just think optimistically.

My choice, Since the JGTC's are off the market, is:

Car: Mazda RX-7 LM Race Car '01
HP: 508 HP (1.575 % over, no Oil Change)
Value: 116,874 CR

EDIT: Oops, I overlooked Magic Racer post, I guess the LM's are off too.

Top Gear Comparo #4 : Race Car (500 HP)

Car: HKS Genki Hyper Silvia RS2 (D1GP) '04
HP: 507 HP ( 1.380% Over, with Oil Change)
Value: 42,499 CR

or do I have to use the non-Oil Changed 483 HP ( 3.520% under), I have both so just let me know. EDIT: I bought both on my computer to know the power, the Computer is too slow to race though, I'll have to buy them when the PS2 is hooked back up Sunday...

Not bad without having a PS2 hooked-up, old stock shots from PM competitions past...
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Top Gear Comparason #4: Racecar (500hp)

Mercedes - Benz CLK Touring Car '00
HP: 450 No Oil Change yet.
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Well I will try to run this round, but I'm not 100% sure if I'll have internet up at the new place by Monday, but I'll just think optimistically.

My choice, Since the JGTC's are off the market, is:

Car: Mazda RX-7 LM Race Car '01
HP: 508 HP (1.575 % over, no Oil Change)
Value: 116,874 CR

Magic Racer has already picked that exact car, and with BH-21 going for a touring car that really leaves you a choice of Group B, D1GP or other tuners.

Do you have any other access to the internet - Work/school/library/friends/mobile etc?
If not, it'll be a shame, as I'm sure this one suits you better than the small used cars did?

Edit: Your new choice is just fine. 507 is closer to 500 than 483 is.
I'm thinking as soon as shotamagee anounces his choice, I might as well anounce the next challenge, but still accept new entrants upto the original deadline.
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Magic Racer has already picked that exact car, and with BH-21 going for a touring car that really leaves you a choice of Group B, D1GP or other tuners.

Do you have any other access to the internet - Work/school/library/friends/mobile etc?
If not, it'll be a shame, as I'm sure this one suits you better than the small used cars did?

I fixed my post, I had overlooked his post, and chose the D1GP class.

If the net is not setup at the new place by Monday, I could hit the library, less than a mile away.
Ok looks like I'll pick the:
Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 Evolution 2 Rally Car 86'
which after an oil change packs:
478 KW (on garage menu screen)

ready to roll Mr top gear producer
Top Gear Comparason #4: Racecar (500bhp)


You were asked to choose yourselves a racecar with close to 500 hp which would be pitted against the GT40 in a series of challenges.

Magic Racer was first to roll up in a Mazda RX-7 LM Race Car with 508 hp.
Jet Badger appeared 20 minutes later with a Honda Mobil1 NSX (JGTC) '01 sporting 492hp.
GrumpEone was next to arrive with a HKS Genki Hyper Silvia RS2 (D1GP) '04 with 507 HP after an oil change.
BH-21 was close behind with a Mercedes Benz CLK Touring Car '00 which with just 450 hp rising to 473hp after oil change should be slightly outside the permitted range, but will be allowed anyway.
shotamagee was last to arrive with a Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 Evolution 2 Rally Car '86 which after an oil change packs: 478 hp.

Round 0: Bonus Points
Bonus points are available for cars that have to be brought up to spec.

- Gain 10 points for choosing a car with less than 500 bhp.
- Gain another 10 points if you still have less than 500bhp after an oil change.
- If your car did not come fitted with Racing Medium tyres, score 10 points for each grade of tyre you had to upgrade by.

The Mazda RX-7 LM Race Car started off with with 508 hp (+0 points), and has the required Racing Medium tyres too (+0 points) so Magic Racer scores no bonus points.

The Honda Mobil1 NSX (JGTC) '01 starts off with 492hp (+10 points) and Racing Medium tyres (+0 points) so Jet Badger does slightly better with 10 bonus points.

The HKS Genki Hyper Silvia RS2 (D1GP) '04 started off with 483hp (+10 points), rising to 507 hp (+0 points) after the oil change. It comes fitted with Sports Soft tyres, so was upgraded through 3 tyre grades (+30 points) scoring GrumpEone an impressive 40 bonus points.

The Mercedes Benz CLK Touring Car '00 which started with just 450 hp (+10 points) rose to 473hp (+10 points) after an oil change. The default Racing Medium tyres (+0 points) however mean that BH-21 scores just 20 bonus points.

The Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 Evolution 2 Rally Car '86 started life with 456hp (+10 points) and after an oil change packs 478 hp (+10 points). Additionally, it has to switch from Racing Super Hard to Racing Medium tyres (+20 points) scoring shotamagee a massive 40 bonus points.

Round 1: Power Target

You were given a target of 500 hp.
- Lose 1 point for every hp you are away from the target.

Magic Racer with 508 hp scores -8 points
Jet Badger sporting 492hp also scores -8 points
GrumpEone with 507 HP after oil change does slightly better with -7 points
BH-21 with 473hp after oil change loses bigtime, scoring -27 points
shotamagee with 478 hp after an oil change also does badly scoring -22 points

The Scores So Far
GrumpEone    (HKS Genki Hyper Silvia D1GP)	+40	-7	=33
Shotamagee  (205 Turbo 16 Evo 2 Rally Car)	+40	-22	=18
Jet Badger        (Honda Mobil 1 NSX JGTC)	+10	-8	= 2
BH-21              (CLK Super Touring Car)	+20	-27	=-7
Magic Racer        (Mazda RX-7 Fantasy LM)	+0	-8	=-8

At this point in the game, GrumpEone has a massive lead, but how long will it last?

Round 2: Putting The Power Down

The GT40 race car takes around 19 seconds to do the standing 1000m.
You shall race against each other, the slowest scoring 0 points, next slowest 10 points, then 20, 30 etc.

Run the 0-1000m test found at the Test Track in Power & Speed.
Run as many times as you like, and PM me your fastest time.

- No modifications are permitted except for Racing Medium tyres for those that needed them.
- No settings may be changed except for driving aids which are optional.

As the deadline for entry (Round 0) is not for another 48 hours, I will not be announcing the results for Round 2 before then. If however I have recieved all your times before that, I may announce the rules for round 3.
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I might try to find something. Not much left, though.

EDIT: Could I please use a touring car? I'm thinking about getting the A4 touring car.
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As we already have 5 cars representing all 5 race series, there's no problem with you using the Audi A4 Touring Car if you don't want to use one of the the oddities;

Amuse S2000 GT1 '04
Nissan Falken GT-R '04
NISMO Skyline GT-R R-Tune '99
not to disrupt you guys but, I have some news about my status as the so to say moderator(i am in no way implying that I am a gtp mod i am merely the person who can change the headline of this thread) of the top gear comparo thread. My internet access will be limited even more that before as I am moving and I have just started a new job so I cannot afford to get the internet put in at my new place. I will relinquish the control to Car-less if he so desires to and if he turns it down Grumpy and or BH-21 will have it. You guys may do as you wish until I return and am able to join in again.
Sorry to hear your not going to be around and good to hear you got a job Fbccars924, we will keep a seat warm for you.
Top Gear Comparason #4: Racecar (500bhp)


Round 2: Putting The Power Down

The GT40 race car takes around 19 seconds to do the standing 1000m.
You shall race against each other, the slowest scoring 0 points, next slowest 10 points, then 20, 30 etc.

Run the 0-1000m test found at the Test Track in Power & Speed.
Run as many times as you like, and PM me your fastest time.

- No modifications are permitted except for Racing Medium tyres for those that needed them.
- No settings may be changed except for driving aids which are optional.

Due to GrumpEones limited internet access and SVXs entry in the Audi A4 Touring Car '04 this round will remain open for another 24 hours. In the meantime, to keep everyone else busy;

Round 3: Maintaining Speed

The Ford GT40 easily laps the Test Course in under 2 minutes.
You too will try to lap the Test Course in under 2 minutes.
Score 1 point for every full second faster, lose 1 point for every full second slower.

- No modifications are permitted except for Racing Medium tyres for those that needed them.
- No settings may be changed except for driving aids which are optional.

Run as many laps as you like, and post your fastest laptime in this thread.
You have 48 hours from the time of this post.

The Scores So Far
GrumpEone    (HKS Genki Hyper Silvia D1GP)	+40	-7	=33
Shotamagee  (205 Turbo 16 Evo 2 Rally Car)	+40	-22	=18
Jet Badger        (Honda Mobil 1 NSX JGTC)	+10	-8	= 2
BH-21              (CLK Super Touring Car)	+20	-27	=-7
Magic Racer        (Mazda RX-7 Fantasy LM)	+0	-8	=-8

SVX		     (Audi A4 Touring Car)	+20	-16	= 4
This means no touching the gears doesn't it, definitely gonna lose some points here, I was hitting the redline before the end of the 1000m challenge.
No changing gear ratios, downforce levels, suspension settings etc.

This round was designed to work against those cars that did well in the 1000m drag race.
Top Gear Comparason #4: Racecar (500bhp)


Round 2 Results

The GT40 race car takes around 19 seconds to do the standing 1000m.
You were asked to race against each other, and PM me your fastest time.
The slowest scoring 0 points, next slowest 10 points, then 20, 30 etc.

Shotamagee stormed to the front in his 205 Turbo 16 Evo 2 Rally Car with a 18.408, scoring 30 points.
Magic Racer was almost a second behind in the Mazda RX-7 Fantasy LM with a time of 19.225, scoring 20 points.
Jet Badger was not far behind in the Honda Mobil 1 NSX JGTC with a 19.610, scoring 10 points.
BH-21 was another half second back in the Mercedes CLK Super Touring Car with a time of 20.133, scoring 0 points.

GrumpEone in the HKS Genki Hyper Silvia D1GP and SVX in the Audi A4 Touring Car failed to submit a time for this round.

Round 3 Results

You were asked to try and lap the Test Course in under 2 minutes, and post your fastest laptime in this thread.
Score 1 point for every full second faster, lose 1 point for every full second slower.

Magic Racer just failed to beat the target in his Mazda RX-7 Fantasy LM with a time of 2'00.989 scoring 0 points.
Jet Badger was slightly slower in the Honda Mobil 1 NSX JGTC with a time of 2'02.460 scoring -2 points.
BH-21 was not that far behind in the Mercedes CLK Super Touring Car with a time of 2'05.075 scoring him -5 points.
Shotamagee with the short gearing in his 205 Turbo 16 Evo 2 Rally Car was a lot further back with a time of 2:24.445 scoring him -24 points.

GrumpEone in the HKS Genki Hyper Silvia D1GP and SVX in the Audi A4 Touring Car again failed to submit a time for this round.

The GT40 driven by B-spec Bob actually lapped the test track in 1:53.413, a full 7.5 seconds faster than any of your cars!

Round 4: Le-Mans Laptime

The spiritual home of the GT40 was the racetrack at Le-Mans which it could lap in under 4 minutes.
You too will attempt to lap the chicaned version of La SartheI in under 4 minutes. Score +/- 1 point per full second you are faster/slower.

- No modifications are permitted except for Racing Medium tyres for those that needed them.
- No settings may be changed except for driving aids which are optional.

Run as many laps as you like, and post your fastest laptime in this thread. (It is only the rounds where you are scored depending on your finishing position that need to be submitted by private message).
You have 24 hours from the time of this post.

The Scores So Far
Shotamagee (205 Turbo 16 Evo 2 Rally Car)  +40	-22	+30	-24	= 24
Magic Racer       (Mazda RX-7 Fantasy LM)  +0	-8	+20	-0	= 12
Jet Badger       (Honda Mobil 1 NSX JGTC)  +10	-8	+10	-2	= 10
BH-21    (Mercedes CLK Super Touring Car)  +20	-27	+0	-5	=-12

GrumpEone   (HKS Genki Hyper Silvia D1GP)  +40	-7	...	...	=...
SVX		    (Audi A4 Touring Car)  +20	-16	...	...	=...

After GrumpEones DNF and the benefits of 4WD and short gearing in the dragrace Shotamagee has now taken the lead - but with another fast racetrack, will he still be there after this round?

BH-21 in his Mercedes CLK Super Touring Car is trailing behind due mainly to a lack of power and resulting poor dragrace result.
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Car: Mazda RX-7 LM Race Car
Output power: 508 hp (Stock; No oil change)
Tyres: R3 (Stock)
Track: Circuit de la Sarthe I (Chicanes)
Driver: Magic Racer
Best lap time: 3'42.573

Here is the screenshot of my lap time:


Here is the replay: Link

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Magic Racer This thread is more for fun than serious competition so replay or even screenshot proof are not really required - not that they could prove that you hadn't altered the settings.

If any submissions seem suspect, then there are those amonst us that could check by running a few laps in the appropriate car as I just did. Result? I got within a half second of your time in just 6 laps, so there's no reason not to believe your time.

You can of course still upload your replay, or pictures of your car for illustration purposes, but don't feel that you need to do so unless specifically asked.

Everyone else you don't need to PM me your times for every round - only the round where points are based on your finishing positions. Doing all the submissions by PM makes the thread seem a bit too quiet, and the person 'producing' the round ends up making almost all of the posts.
Top Gear Comparason #4: Racecar (500hp)
Round 4: Le-Mans Laptime

Track: Circuit de la Sarthe I
Car: Mercedes - Benz CLK Touring Car '00
Time: 4'02.204
Course Style: Normal
Tires: R3
Upgrade Level: Stock-Heavy
Horse Power: 472
Driver: BH-21
Thank you for the extra 24 hours yesterday, and sorry for being late. I've PMed you my time.
Top Gear Comparason #4: Racecar (500hp)
Round 4: Le-Mans Laptime

Track: Circuit de la Sarthe I
Car: Honda Mobil1 NSX JGTC
Time: 4'04,775
Course Style: Normal
Tires: R3
Upgrade Level: Stock-Heavy
Horse Power: 492
Driver: Jet Badger

I probably picked the worst car possible for this challenge. There's more understeering than steering :ill:. And I converted my 180 degree steering wheel to a 220-something(90 degrees to right and ~130 to the left) wheel on that Esses chicane :banghead:
Track: Circuit de la Sarthe I
Car: Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 Evo 2 Rally Car
Time: 3:57.217

Wow this car is tricky, though with physical characteristics which include a short wheelbase, plenty of height (for a race car) and hardly any down force, then maybe I shouldn't have been surprised.
Normally I drive with aids at 000, but for this car I used 20,0,1 (they are the one thing we're aloud to play with right?) just to give it some stability.
Driving this car on tarmac is interesting as it does understeer a little. But if you slide to get it into a corner, then unless you're facing the direction that the corner exits in, you'll probably spin.

Edit: I'll be away for the weekend, so if my submission for challenges 5 (and others?) are late that will be why.
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Stock cars in general and especially race type cars in GT4 are all tricky because they are generally set up wrong. I don't know about you guys but I don't care to learn to drive a car set up wrong very much. Not being able to tune the car to our individual driving styles the results will continue to be similar. Hopefully during this comparison sometime we will get to tune our cars.
Jet Badger has a very good car but not being able to tune it to his driving style, it becomes a monster especially on a bumpy track like Sarthe. The suspension and the limited slip differential are a must with it.

P.S. It may not become an issue but my budget is down to 108,000 Cr, it should go up again soon. I've been buying 4.5 million CR race cars lately and it doesn't take long to spend it on one car once you get back up to 4.5 million.
Magic Racer This thread is more for fun than serious competition so replay or even screenshot proof are not really required - not that they could prove that you hadn't altered the settings.

For me, the factor 'fun' lies in the challenge. I have more fun when I have to drive really fast and try to be the fastest.

You can of course still upload your replay, or pictures of your car for illustration purposes, but don't feel that you need to do so unless specifically asked.

I am not uploading any replays for this challenge specifically; I am planning on opening an own gallery, in which I would post pictures and videos. Furthermore, a replay may be of avail for you guys, because you could see where I did something differently (I realize that we do not drive the same car, but given that the cars used have about the same power (500 hp +/- 5%), you can get the idea of how it has to be done or what you have to change). ;)