Triumph Spitfire Series #2

I'm sorry I was mistaken. There were badgers, of course there were badgers.
What was I thinking? There's always badgers!

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I'm sorry I was mistaken. There were badgers, of course there were badgers.
What was I thinking? There's always badgers!


Hope I'm not responsible for making those four badgers into orphans!

Once again, many thanks to Watermelon for hosting and for arranging this series. It has been very enjoyable so far. Looking forward to being distinctly average in part 2!
I think that's a complete badger family, so no worries. LOL

And hey, I aspire to be average!! haha

And thanks as well... It's so nifty to find a group, no matter how small, that enjoys racing the older model more unusual cars the game has to offer!
I might be late to today's race. I am still not technically back from vacation, so hopefully I will be back in time for the second or third race. If not, then I will just take part in the 'Part 2' of each division.

EDIT: Actually, I won't be able to make the race on Saturday either. I'm not sure why I thought I could make that one in the first place. Oh well.
Well, I am glad I made it today, even though I literally ran in my door, dropped my bags in the living room, jumped in my Spitfire and headed to Mt Topmore, only to discover that I left my transmission set for Eiger or something slower than Topmore :(

Also having not raced in a week didn't help me, especially on that track. I look forward to the next round though!
God I feel old - GTPlanet is describing me as a senior member. :crazy:

Anyone been practising for round 2?

Times so far:

Indy: 1:10.4xx
Nurburgring: 9:50.345 (My only timed lap so far!)
Division Z Part 1 - Results

Part 1 Champion: °*°*° IMZIZ °*°*°


Division Z, Part 1, Points Standings:

1.) 75 - IMZIZ / IMZIZ / pimento red
2.) 59 - cc570 / cc570 / maple
3.) 54 - watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / salvia green
3.) 54 - lucakine / lucakine / carmine red
4.) 53 - jackargent / jackargent / raspberry red pearl
5.) 15 - Jujubean / Jujubean14 / robin's egg blue

Race 1 - 18 Laps @ Eiger Nordwand Short Track Weather Change

1.) 25 - IMZIZ / IMZIZ / pimento red
2.) 22 - lucakine / lucakine / carmine red
3.) 20 - jackargent / jackargent / raspberry red pearl
4.) 17 - watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / salvia green
5.) 15 - cc570 / cc570 / maple

Race 2 - 6 Laps @ Cape Ring North

1.) 25 - IMZIZ / IMZIZ / pimento red
2.) 22 - cc570 / cc570 / maple
3.) 20 - jackargent / jackargent / raspberry red pearl
4.) 17 - watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / salvia green
5.) 15 - lucakine / lucakine / carmine red

Race 3 - 8 Laps @ Mount TopMore (Mt Aso tarmac)

1.) 25 - IMZIZ / IMZIZ / pimento red
2.) 22 - cc570 / cc570 / maple
3.) 20 - watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / salvia green
4.) 17 - lucakine / lucakine / carmine red
5.) 15 - Jujubean / Jujubean14 / robin's egg blue
6.) 13 - jackargent / jackargent / raspberry red pearl
Division Z, Part 1

IMZIZ / IMZIZ / pimento red (bright red)
cc570 / cc570 / maple
watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / salvia green
lucakine / lucakine / carmine red (dark red)
jackargent / jackargent / raspberry red pearl
Jujubean / Jujubean14 / robin's egg blue

Race 1 @ Eiger Nordwand Short Track Weather Change









Race 2 @ Cape Ring North








Race 3 @ Mount TopMore










I don't know how I was expected to drive with so many badgers out in the road.
Well watch out for jackargent (who is signed up for Wednesdays)... And well, if he wants to play Dead Nation, that's his business of course, but I don't think it's fair for him to bring the zombies into gt5 to win positions over me & prevent me from passing him.


I've put up with the badgers... but I draw the line at zombies wrecking my race!!
Sorry guys, I don't understand what happened saturday: car was undriveable, 100% different from what I did a week earlier on the same track. Lap time also was +15 sec.

It was close to 1am and I was tired. So I just went to bed.
Normally, I don't quit a race like that, but after a hard week at 1 am, that was too frustrating.
Sorry guys, I don't understand what happened saturday: car was undriveable, 100% different from what I did a week earlier on the same track. Lap time also was +15 sec.

It was close to 1am and I was tired. So I just went to bed.
Normally, I don't quit a race like that, but after a hard week at 1 am, that was too frustrating.

Eiger was incredibly slippery that night. I think watermelon likes watching us all slide around the track. Lap times were over 2 mins but as we got towards the end of the race it was drying and lap times were returning to normal. I personally thought you were doing fine for the first few laps.

EDIT: On a re-read, that sounds patronising. Not intended to be.
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Oh, I got side-tracked with all the silliness. HAHA

@ turbogeit: I just assumed that you had connection drop again , and perhaps because of the later hour you were just too sleepy to reconnect, rejoin, & wait for the 1st (& longest) race to be over.

I really hate how time zones work. lol Source of frustration. It does make it difficult for everyone to have races at times convenient to all.
OTOH, it's pretty cool we're able to race with people from all over the world!!!!!

Eiger was incredibly slippery that night. I think watermelon likes watching us all slide around the track.

LOL ;) I do admit, I find a generally large portion of entertainment with the wet tracks.
..maybe watermelon will blame me too..but hey..thats how to climb nausia-hill....or whatsitsname!! :) brilliant!!
I'm hoping to get on early & do a little last minute tuning & practice before the race. (Going to shoulder my way onto the ps3 soon.)
Because I haven't actually gotten on with that much yet!!
Feel free to join me if I'm in my lounge!

Note: If you think I'm silly now, wait til you see the Vintage Death Tour I'm coming up with in the Vintage Club. lol :D Now that should make for some real tomfoolery & horseplay. haha! (Join to get involved!)
Division X Champion: CC570 / CC570 / maple

Division X Part 2 - Results

Part 2 Champion: °*°*° CC570 °*°*°


Division X, Part 2, Points Standings:

1.) 72 - cc570 / cc570 / maple
2.) 64 - IMZIZ / IMZIZ / pimento red
3.) 57 - watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / salvia green
4.) 48 - RDAardvark / RDAardvark / racing yellow
4.) 48 - jackargent / jackargent / raspberry red pearl
5.) 47 - Jujubean / Jujubean14 / robin's egg blue

Race 4 - 8 Laps @ Laguna Seca

1.) 25 - IMZIZ / IMZIZ / pimento red
2.) 22 - cc570 / cc570 / maple
3.) 20 - RDAardvark / RDAardvark / racing yellow
4.) 17 - watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / salvia green
5.) 15 - Jujubean / Jujubean14 / robin's egg blue
6.) 13 - jackargent / jackargent / raspberry red pearl

Race 5 - 15 Laps @ Indy Super Speedway

1.) 25 - cc570 / cc570 / maple
2.) 22 - jackargent / jackargent / raspberry red pearl
3.) 20 - watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / salvia green
4.) 17 - IMZIZ / IMZIZ / pimento red
5.) 15 - Jujubean / Jujubean14 / robin's egg blue
6.) 13 - RDAardvark / RDAardvark / racing yellow

Race 6 - 1 Lap @ Nürburgring Nordschleife

1.) 25 - cc570 / cc570 / maple
2.) 22 - IMZIZ / IMZIZ / pimento red
3.) 20 - watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / salvia green
4.) 17 - Jujubean / Jujubean14 / robin's egg blue
5.) 15 - RDAardvark / RDAardvark / racing yellow
6.) 13 - jackargent / jackargent / raspberry red pearl
Well, today was interesting. I could have sworn it Started at 6:00, so I logged on to do some practicing and get my gear ratios set up, and viola I was already 45 minutes late and missed qualifying! :dunce:

Having not done any warming up, by brake pedal's initial delay sent me careening between Jackargent and CC (I think thats who it was) into the sand past the first corner of Laguna. Trying to catch up caused a few more mistakes, so I figured oh well, 1st race isn't too important. :dopey:

Having not gotten my gearing set up worked out right for Indy meant that I was miles behind everyone from the get go. I also got sloppy and wiped out a few times, meaning I was almost two laps down when the leaders finished. 2nd race isn't too important either, right? :guilty:

Nurburgring... The Green Hell.
I actually was doing pretty well for the first half of the race. I saw countless foes go careening into the grass in clouds of smoke and dust, while I worked up a nice 4 second lead, only to spin in Karusel, and get passed by nearly everyone. Again, I went into reckless abandon mode in order to regain my position near the top, which again resulted in more smoke and dust... for me this time, though I did manage to catch Jack and ARD. 3rd race isn't... that... :ill:

Oh well, not my best day, but hey I didn't get last in a single race!
I did get last overall though. :confused::odd:

I will just consider today a practice for Sunday. Congrats to CC on the victory, and thanks to everyone for racing!
Division X, Part 2

cc570 / cc570 / maple
IMZIZ / IMZIZ / pimento red
watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / salvia green
RDAardvark / RDAardvark / racing yellow
jackargent / jackargent / raspberry red pearl
Jujubean / Jujubean14 / robin's egg blue

Laguna Seca







Indy Super Speedway












Nürburgring Nordschleife










