GTA V - General Thread

  • Thread starter Hollidog
Considering it's already been like 4 years since the last one, I'd think no later than summer '12 for a release...

March 27th for U.S, and 30th for Europe 2012. Don't know about Asian release dates.

That's my prediction.;)
March 27th for U.S, and 30th for Europe 2012. Don't know about Asian release dates.

That's my prediction.;)
Thats WAY to early since they just now released the teaser. It wont be out until late 2012 or even later than that. Keep in mind GTA4 was supposed to release at christmas and got bumped to almost 6 months later.
Game looks amazing!! I just wish we knew when it will be released!

Also, why are people still speculating if the game will include all the cities from San Andreas when Rockstar have already confirmed it DOES.

Edit: Actually that says nothing about rockstar confirming it. But come on, we saw everything except Las venturas and they are probably just saving the best part for a later trailer..
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Thats WAY to early since they just now released the teaser. It wont be out until late 2012 or even later than that. Keep in mind GTA4 was supposed to release at christmas and got bumped to almost 6 months later.

I'll bet you $20 that you're wrong. :)
March 27th for U.S, and 30th for Europe 2012. Don't know about Asian release dates.

That's my prediction.;)
Thats WAY to early since they just now released the teaser. It wont be out until late 2012 or even later than that. Keep in mind GTA4 was supposed to release at christmas and got bumped to almost 6 months later.

I'll bet you $20 that you're wrong. :)
I will take that bet and raise you to $50.00 which will almost cover the price of the game. I have paypal do you? Save this thread and this link and this reply because I am a man of my word and will pay. Will you actually pay when the game does not come out in March 2012? :sly: Just for clarification I am betting it wont come out on March 27th for the US correct?
I will take that bet and raise you to $50.00 which will almost cover the price of the game. I have paypal do you? Save this thread and this link and this reply because I am a man of my word and will pay. Will you actually pay when the game does not come out in March 2012? :sly: Just for clarification I am betting it wont come out on March 27th for the US correct?

I'll pay, but I said Summer '12...

Considering it's already been like 4 years since the last one, I'd think no later than summer '12 for a release...

So I have until September '12?

I think they've had plenty of time to develop this thing, and just because we're only seeing it now doesn't mean they need to work on it for another 2 years. I give it 6-8 months.
I'll pay, but I said Summer '12...

I think they've had plenty of time to develop this thing, and just because we're only seeing it now doesn't mean they need to work on it for another 2 years. I give it 6-8 months.
Oh ok I thought you were betting on March 2012. Summer 2012 on the other hand is a different story. Not real likely but could maybe happen. March no way.

I will match your $20.00 bet and say it wont come out summer 2012. If you were going with March I would say $50.00 :lol:
Did anyone notice the dog on the beach at the beginning?

This would be the first GTA game to have animals right? Pets in the suburbs and wild animals in the wild...
Oh ok I thought you were betting on March 2012. Summer 2012 on the other hand is a different story. Not real likely but could maybe happen. March no way.

I will match your $20.00 bet and say it wont come out summer 2012. If you were going with March I would say $50.00 :lol:

You should know that R* tends to hold off any reveal till they're finished with the game, so 2012 March - Summer release date isn't that far off... look at the teaser again, that's all entirely in game footage. GTA4 wasn't revealed till it was nearly completed, GTASA was the same, and so on...

Good luck with the bet though.
You should know that R* tends to hold off any reveal till they're finished with the game, so 2012 March - Summer release date isn't that far off... look at the teaser again, that's all entirely in game footage. GTA4 wasn't revealed till it was nearly completed, GTASA was the same, and so on...

Good luck with the bet though.
You should know that GTA4 got delated at least 6 months from its original "confirmed" christmas release date. They are known for bumping dates especially at the last minute. But the bet will make this fun for sure. Its really a win win situation. If it comes out in the summer we get the game eary = win for us all. If it comes out later I get $20.00 = win for me. :lol: Its all in fun. I would like to see a summer release if the game has everything I want.
Well, the bet didn't account for things like delays.. so if R* says March or summer 12', you'll still lose.
I'm betting fall of 2012. Also, does anybody else think the guy leading the pest control people in the trailer looks like Ray Boccino? Couldn't be I guess, hmm. The bum looks like Niko too, man I'm excited!
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Probably released may like nearly every major rockstar game of recent memory. Obviously Max Payne 3 being the exception.
Considering it's already been like 4 years since the last one, I'd think no later than summer '12 for a release...

VEXD has an opinion.

During this period, we have had Red Dead, and the zombie pack for it, or whatever it was (never played it) plus any other game by rockstar that I don't know about, but mainly, we have had L.A. Noire.

This game alone will have taken up nearly all of the developer's time, as they tried to get the technology around facial expressions squeezed into a console's brain.

Coupled with all the motion capture, and voice acting, etc, etc, blah blah blah.

Uncharted takes a few years in between games, as they have to do all the mo-cap as they call it, and voice acting too, and we get a fantastic game series as a result.

Now I'm a cynic, and most of you know that, so the way I see it is this:

They have been busy with other projects, but have always known they will need to bring the cash cow out to pasture at some point, to rebuild the funds lost from L.A. Noire's flop, and to satisfy the fans.
Let's take COD as a series..... we all know (if we read anything to do with COD) that they are about to release MW3 which uses the same game engine as MW2, and the same engine as MW, albeit tweaked somewhat.
No problem with that, if it ain't broke, don't fix it (R.I.P. jim'll) and so on, but does it take as long to develop? No.
They are using the same tech, but adding a few bits here and there, and then they pump it out, get a massive influx of cash on launch day, wait 6 months, bang out a new map pack, and get another massive haul.

This is an industry, after all.

So Rockstar lose a load of money doing some crime caper, which in the end; few have replayed, and they bang out Red Dead, which is a massive hit, and knock out an add-on to drag some more funds at a later date.
Once L.A. Noire went bottoms up, I would imagine Rockstar sat around at the boardroom table, and someone said "Well, we can knock GTA5 together, and regain some stature in 12 months time..... if you like....."
Another exec would have added: "Ok, get the Lincoln lads to re-do San Andreas on the PS3 hardware, and come back to me in 6 months...."

We are witnessing the results....

Now don't get me wrong, these are my opinions, and I love GTA as much as the next poster, but I think we are seeing a re-hash, with some add-ons to get everyone on board.

Certainly for me, that will be enough to ensure I am in a queue on the night before, waiting with everyone else, with several holiday days booked off from work to avoid losing my job in the first place, just itching to get my hands on GTA5.

I do not think it will make the game developers try to put anything more in than we have already seen in GTA, aside from a few new things, such as your character getting a piercing, after a tattoo.

If you look sceptically, and try to compare to San Andreas, you can see that it is going to be pretty much the same game. I mean obviously the missions will be different, the characters, the vehicles, the buildings, the accessibility and so on, but will the entire map screen be such a surprise..... I think not.

I see skinny characters, I see fat ones, I see tattoos and piercings... I see car customisation, I see weed growing in fields and crop sprayers spraying it, I see choppers chasing some CJ or other down a back alley, I imagine there will be corrupt cops, some need to relocate to another part of the game world at some point in the story, a tutorial on how to base jump from Mt. Chiliad, Sniper rifles, gambling, chicken eating, drinking, pool, mountain biking, low riders, rich kids, missions in posh houses on the side of the Vinewood hills...
Maybe we'll skydive from a plane, land on that zeppelin, and slide down the side, steal it, and pop the damn thing over the top of area 52......

Who knows....

I think this game has been in development in people's heads at Rockstar for months, maybe even years....
I think this game has been in development, at Rockstar; for a few months, if that.

Doesn't take them long to rework something that everyone loved, and make it look as good as GTA4, and then throw in a Tattooist and some Audi, Bentley and Aston lookalikes.....

There, that'll keep the fanboys happy......

VEXD is not responsible for the juvenile flaming, which may ensue.....

Just my opinion guys, I can't wait either, remember?.........

Lots of great info and speculation. Seeing jets and air planes again and the mountains is a great start. Very excited for this game. Now lets hope we can workout to get bigger, eat to get fat, or not eat and get skinny. All those little features that were in SA will hopefully be in GTA5. That was a very exciting trailer. The way it started I thought for sure Vice City.
I hope they don't & I was glad when R* dropped all that crap from GTA IV citing that it would interfere with how they had developed their physics engine.

Besides, GTA isn't an RPG series. There's also Saints Row for people who want the utmost customization, imo.
During this period, we have had Red Dead, and the zombie pack for it, or whatever it was (never played it) plus any other game by rockstar that I don't know about, but mainly, we have had L.A. Noire.
Red Dead Redemption - Rockstar San Diego with assistance by Rockstar North
L.A. Noire - Team Bondi with assistance by Rockstar (all studios I believe)
Max Payne 3 - Rockstar Vancouver, New England, Toronto and London

North's last game solely under their lead was, as you'd expect, GTA4 in 2008. Since then they've assisted San Diego with RDR and started development of Agent and GTA V so I wouldn't say they're over their head with projects - I wouldn't be at all surprised if they started on GTA V once they were done helping with Red Dead, with Agent being given a lesser priority.
Red Dead Redemption - Rockstar San Diego with assistance by Rockstar North
L.A. Noire - Team Bondi with assistance by Rockstar (all studios I believe)
Max Payne 3 - Rockstar Vancouver, New England, Toronto and London

North's last game solely under their lead was, as you'd expect, GTA4 in 2008. Since then they've assisted San Diego with RDR and started development of Agent and GTA V so I wouldn't say they're over their head with projects - I wouldn't be at all surprised if they started on GTA V once they were done helping with Red Dead, with Agent being given a lesser priority.


Happy to see the Futo back, my favorite car from IV

On the release date speculation, 21/12/12 anyone? If this game is supposed to parody the end of the world would that not be a suitable release date? Right before christmas too.
VEXD has an opinion.

During this period, we have had Red Dead, and the zombie pack for it, or whatever it was (never played it) plus any other game by rockstar that I don't know about, but mainly, we have had L.A. Noire.

This game alone will have taken up nearly all of the developer's time, as they tried to get the technology around facial expressions squeezed into a console's brain.

Coupled with all the motion capture, and voice acting, etc, etc, blah blah blah.

Uncharted takes a few years in between games, as they have to do all the mo-cap as they call it, and voice acting too, and we get a fantastic game series as a result.

Now I'm a cynic, and most of you know that, so the way I see it is this:

They have been busy with other projects, but have always known they will need to bring the cash cow out to pasture at some point, to rebuild the funds lost from L.A. Noire's flop, and to satisfy the fans.
Let's take COD as a series..... we all know (if we read anything to do with COD) that they are about to release MW3 which uses the same game engine as MW2, and the same engine as MW, albeit tweaked somewhat.
No problem with that, if it ain't broke, don't fix it (R.I.P. jim'll) and so on, but does it take as long to develop? No.
They are using the same tech, but adding a few bits here and there, and then they pump it out, get a massive influx of cash on launch day, wait 6 months, bang out a new map pack, and get another massive haul.

This is an industry, after all.

So Rockstar lose a load of money doing some crime caper, which in the end; few have replayed, and they bang out Red Dead, which is a massive hit, and knock out an add-on to drag some more funds at a later date.
Once L.A. Noire went bottoms up, I would imagine Rockstar sat around at the boardroom table, and someone said "Well, we can knock GTA5 together, and regain some stature in 12 months time..... if you like....."
Another exec would have added: "Ok, get the Lincoln lads to re-do San Andreas on the PS3 hardware, and come back to me in 6 months...."

We are witnessing the results....

Now don't get me wrong, these are my opinions, and I love GTA as much as the next poster, but I think we are seeing a re-hash, with some add-ons to get everyone on board.

Certainly for me, that will be enough to ensure I am in a queue on the night before, waiting with everyone else, with several holiday days booked off from work to avoid losing my job in the first place, just itching to get my hands on GTA5.

I do not think it will make the game developers try to put anything more in than we have already seen in GTA, aside from a few new things, such as your character getting a piercing, after a tattoo.

If you look sceptically, and try to compare to San Andreas, you can see that it is going to be pretty much the same game. I mean obviously the missions will be different, the characters, the vehicles, the buildings, the accessibility and so on, but will the entire map screen be such a surprise..... I think not.

I see skinny characters, I see fat ones, I see tattoos and piercings... I see car customisation, I see weed growing in fields and crop sprayers spraying it, I see choppers chasing some CJ or other down a back alley, I imagine there will be corrupt cops, some need to relocate to another part of the game world at some point in the story, a tutorial on how to base jump from Mt. Chiliad, Sniper rifles, gambling, chicken eating, drinking, pool, mountain biking, low riders, rich kids, missions in posh houses on the side of the Vinewood hills...
Maybe we'll skydive from a plane, land on that zeppelin, and slide down the side, steal it, and pop the damn thing over the top of area 52......

Who knows....

I think this game has been in development in people's heads at Rockstar for months, maybe even years....
I think this game has been in development, at Rockstar; for a few months, if that.

Doesn't take them long to rework something that everyone loved, and make it look as good as GTA4, and then throw in a Tattooist and some Audi, Bentley and Aston lookalikes.....

There, that'll keep the fanboys happy......

VEXD is not responsible for the juvenile flaming, which may ensue.....

Just my opinion guys, I can't wait either, remember?.........


A. Noire was not a flop. It's expected to sell 4 million which is really sufficient for a game that was more of a development title then a full blown title like GTA. GTA is so huge that people expect perfection. They can get away with alot of things with games like Noire that were not A list games, but not small enough to not cover development costs.

B. As mentioned, R star has more then one developer team. There are many all over the world working on different projects, hence the reason they can put a top line game out every year.

C. This isn't a rehash. It would be foolish to expect them to go to places like Chicago, because they're in effect, much similar to Liberty City. SA offers a completely different context to the eastern US gritty cities. Nor would they be able to rehash SA in a year, and according to sources, the maps and layout is finished and only requires some content filling. You couldn't possibly model what they have done in a few months. It would require thousands of people.
C. This isn't a rehash. It would be foolish to expect them to go to places like Chicago, because they're in effect, much similar to Liberty City. SA offers a completely different context to the eastern US gritty cities. Nor would they be able to rehash SA in a year, and according to sources, the maps and layout is finished and only requires some content filling. You couldn't possibly model what they have done in a few months. It would require thousands of people.

I feel its a total rehash, is actually quite lazy of them because Midnight Club LA is mostly a compete and accurate representation of the city and all they had to do is jazz it up slightly and bolt on assets from Red Dead (for the countryside) and LA Noire to create GTAV. It probably took them very little time to get to where they are now. They probably didn't want to choose another location because they don't already have next gen assets created for it which they can gather from other games.
I think the majority won't care, Ill still buy this game. A lot of people were asking for exactly this, a remake of SA with the physics of IV. Rockstar is a business and they need to make money selling to the mass market.
I feel its a total rehash, is actually quite lazy of them because Midnight Club LA is mostly a compete and accurate representation of the city and all they had to do is jazz it up slightly and bolt on assets from Red Dead (for the countryside) and LA Noire to create GTAV. It probably took them very little time to get to where they are now. They probably didn't want to choose another location because they don't already have next gen assets created for it which they can gather from other games.

That's not exactly what I meant when I said rehash. Of course they'll take different items from the rockstar inventory. Why would you increase work time? It slows down production starting from scratch and can take away from certain aspects of the game. Probably part of the reason GTA IV was so bland was that it had so much flash, but gameplay was let down because of it.
I expect them to use pre existing texture models for most buildings but there is still a massive amount of work done. Look at the forclosure house in the trailer. Neither Noire or MC had detailed textures on houses quite like that.
I reckon this one will be jammed pack full of content like SA was, so for me, it kind of goes away from the rehash point. It's rebuilt, not from the ground up, but sufficient to make it different and exciting.

Part of me wouldn't be surprised if the next Red Dead is the proto type for the next generation engine.
I'm seeing a lot of juxtaposition in the trailer. It starts out making Los Santos to be this idyllic, glamourous place, but as it goes on, the city looks like it's about to be swallowed up in squalor; there's the guy whose bank foreclosed on his house, and frequent shots of the city's homeless. At the same time, we've got private jets and luxury cars zipping around, and all these symbols of wealth. So the economy is clearly going to be a big part of the game, and I think the theme will be "What drives a person to commit crimes?". With the economic factors in mind, I certainly think we're going to be sympathising with characters who resort to robberies out of pure desperation.

If I may extrapolate from that, I would not be surprised if GTA 5 breaks with tradition and starts with a character who is not a criminal. The voice-over keeps talking about getting out of the business and starting over, but I think he could be something like a banker who a lot of people blamed for foreclosures in the city he originally lived in. Unable to take it anymore, he decided to get out of town and moves his family to Los Santos, using what money he has to try and buy his children a future. I think it would be pleasantly ironic if the protagonist never actually commits a crime until he arrives in Los Santos. The risk of all this is that the game would get too preachy.
I feel its a total rehash, is actually quite lazy of them because Midnight Club LA is mostly a compete and accurate representation of the city and all they had to do is jazz it up slightly and bolt on assets from Red Dead (for the countryside) and LA Noire to create GTAV. It probably took them very little time to get to where they are now. They probably didn't want to choose another location because they don't already have next gen assets created for it which they can gather from other games.
Would you like to provide some proof to back up that thought? Because I see nothing that says Rockstar North could just as easily taken Rockstar San Diego's 4 year old technology, & jazzed it up with LA Noire & Red Dead Redemption & wha-laa, GTA V. In fact, nothing in this short trailer screamed anything LA Noire or RDR. If anything, I saw GTA IV's engine & design within' it.

I'm also amazed you're coming to this thought after 1 trailer....
Did anyone notice the dog on the beach at the beginning?

This would be the first GTA game to have animals right? Pets in the suburbs and wild animals in the wild...

Hunting a la RDR would be great fun, I spent a lot of time completing all the hunting challenges in that.