3D3 Racing: WRS-based races moved to new WRS sub-forum!

  • Thread starter WRP001
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Has it been determind that the front LSD does anything at all? (on this particular car)

I have no idea :)
I tried a lower front 5/7/5, and a few others, but found no real difference, so I just stayed with Chris' reccomendation.

I was thinking 3 stops might work as well, so it's interesting to see Speedy's times.
Also interesting to see he's run the race twice already :D
Looking to avenge AsaparaWhat?(?)
I'm going online in a few to try to get something to work, maybe there will be some room to practice w/ the EU bunch.

I always thought that it was rare to be able to hit your off line time but w/ "W" n Hydro hitting there times lets me know that w/ this track it's possible. Everything I try ends up worse then my offline time, so I go back to the practice area and I can hit my submitted time. It just doesn't make scence to me.

I'll look at what has been posted and try changing my online setup to get something to work, I'm just so confused and know that It won't be any fun if I get laped on this track :(

At my present online times I'll get laped around lap 18
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I'm going online in a few to try to get something to work, maybe there will be some room to practice w/ the EU bunch.

I always thought that it was rare to be able to hit your off line time but w/ "W" n Hydro hitting there times lets me know that w/ this track it's possible. Everything I try ends up worse then my offline time, so I go back to the practice area and I can hit my submitted time. It just doesn't make scence to me.

I'll look at what has been posted and try changing my online setup to get something to work, I'm just so confused and know that It won't be any fun if I get laped on this track :(

At my present online times I'll get laped around lap 18

At the tires "peak" I can run a 2'11.8 for *one* lap *if* I hit all my marks and there is no traffic around. That's still almost a full second slower than the offline time I'm capable of with a perfect lap (2'10.9) so it's definitely slower online as usual. By the time I have 6-7 laps on tires we're talking about running 2'17-2'18. Plus the draft will compress the field meaning you have to brake early and check up, etc. Getting through T2 half a second quicker ever lap will evaporate under draft in T3. A better exit from turn 1 will completely evaporate after Eau Rouge.

IMO tire maintenance, consistency and just keeping it on the track and pointed in the right direction will get you a good result although probably not the win. Someone is bound to run an error free race and be fast, but my prediction is that over half the field will have at least one spin because of old tires warn from pushing too hard or will overshoot a braking zone due to draft, etc.

One other observation from the EU practice yesterday. It seems more slippery in race mode versus free rune mode and that has to be because of the draft. We all ran slower laps in race mode. You carry more speed from draft into the corner, but slide a lot more and the net effect is actually a slower lap and more damage to tires then if you were running alone. Probably also takes more toll on the tires from additional braking so tires degrade earlier. If a speed demon can brake away in the first couple laps it might be lights out... but if two get away they may just slow eachother down enough to give the pack a chance.

Some people are throwing out the idea of 3 stops, while others are mentioning 1 stop. That's awesome. This is going to be a heck of a lot of fun and will be interested to see how it all pans out. 👍
This is my setup for the online race:

Max DF

LSD front 35/25/20 rear 10/17/20



brake balance 5/8
I'm going online in a few to try to get something to work, maybe there will be some room to practice w/ the EU bunch.

I always thought that it was rare to be able to hit your off line time but w/ "W" n Hydro hitting there times lets me know that w/ this track it's possible. Everything I try ends up worse then my offline time, so I go back to the practice area and I can hit my submitted time. It just doesn't make scence to me.

I'll look at what has been posted and try changing my online setup to get something to work, I'm just so confused and know that It won't be any fun if I get laped on this track :(

At my present online times I'll get laped around lap 18

Give it a shot in practice w/ my posted settings.
Blair tried it, and knocked a second off his best lap, and more importantly, stopped spinning coming out of corners.

I found this car just requires a touch more patience with respect to accelerating out of corners than I am used to.
Probably due to the fact that it's running almost 800 HP, and is essentially a race prepped road car :D
Once you have that down, it's a great car to drive 👍

EDIT: I didn't install the chassis reinforcement.
I have one with the reinforcement installed, but it seemed to understeer more, so I went without it.
Possibility of a snow day and no work today, if it happens I will reserve a spot for the EU race. Should know within the next hour or so.
Lefty and you, Scott, joining the EU slot makes it a full grid! 👍
Lefty and you, Scott, joining the EU slot makes it a full grid! 👍

I don't think Lefty was signing up for the EU race, he just wanted to join the pre-race practice. At least that's how I interpreted "Leftyz' proze".

In any case Lefty, please clarify. Assuming Scott does officially register we'll have one open slot which means it's OK if Lefty just wants to practice. If we get one more officially registered driver (after scott) then the room will be full and the lounge will not be open for practice only drivers or observers. Of course if Lefty wants to officially register for the race, he is welcome to do so and officially fill/close the grid.
Uh-oh, I'm getting nervous, it must be Wed! :D

Thanks so much to all who posted tunes, and to Speedy for taking one for the team and doing the 2 vs 3 stops experiment. 👍 Can you say which stop you added fuel on, and how much, or is that tapping into your "secrets vault"? ;)
sorry guys,I have to cancel my today´s EU race.

Have fun.:)
Remember with 3 stops you might get stuck behind slower traffic and not be able to leverage those fresh tires like Speedy did by himself on track. On the other hand you wear tires more in traffic so the fresh rubber might help more.

I'm going to make a call "on the fly" like Wes and just wing it. I know I'm not doing 1 stop, but between 2 and 3 and the timing of those stops there is a lot that can vary. Getting dizzy now thinking about all the scenarios. :boggled:

Here's how the grids are shaping up:

NA Drivers Grid
  1. us.gif
    GTP_CSL ..........
    ... Dom
  2. us.gif
    GTP_EDK ..........
    ... Kevin
  3. ca.gif
    GTP_Hydro (Host) .
    ... Marc
  4. us.gif
    GTP_Mcfizzle .....
    ... Scott
  5. be.gif
    GTP_Speedy6543 ...
    ... Christophe
  6. us.gif
    GTP_WRP001 .......
    ... Tim
  7. us.gif
    GTP_Gravitron ....
    ... Lucas
  8. us.gif
    GTP_LeftyWright ..
    ... Lefty
  9. ca.gif
    GTP_Allibubba99 ..
    ... Al
  10. us.gif
    GTP_MilleRSVR ....
    ... Blair
  11. us.gif
    DragonGT83 .......

EU Drivers Grid
  1. dk.gif
    GTP_cicua ........
    ... Simon
  2. us.gif
    GTP_CSL ..........
    ... Dom
  3. fi.gif
    GTP_MadMax86 .....
    ... Pekka
  4. nl.gif
    GTP_w-g-e ........
    ... Wes
  5. se.gif
    GTP_Yanaran ......
    ... Jonas
  6. uk.gif
    GTP_Biffy ........
    ... Jordan
  7. ca.gif
    GTP_Hydro (Host) .
    ... Marc
  8. nl.gif
    GTP_Joost ........
  9. be.gif
    GTP_Speedy6543 ...
    ... Christophe
  10. us.gif
    GTP_WRP001 .......
    ... Tim
  11. ie.gif
    GTP_akmuq ........
  12. uk.gif
    GTP_hasslemoff ...
  13. us.gif
    DragonGT83 .......

With Sjaak's cancellation Lefty should definitely be able to join practice. Still a couple open spots on the grid.

↓↓↓ OK: akmuq you are added to the EU grid and Joost you're now confirmed. Chris and Scott dropped from the EU event.
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I don't have the DLC so couldn't do the WRS last week, but any chance I could do 3D3? It looks like there's only one other D3 in the race so I'll probably be alone considering he (probably) competed in the WRS. EU slot.
Can you say which stop you added fuel on, and how much, or is that tapping into your "secrets vault"? ;)

Let's just say it is better to add a bit of fuel every stop then to wait till the second (and maybe third) stop to fill it all up again.
Meaning, having to wait till 'the fuel guy' is done refueling takes some time. Get the picture?:)

How much fuel you can take in a pitstop without actually losing time,...;)
I want to confirm that i'll be participating :)

It's my first time racing online, except for a one time practice session with Christophe and Chris, so forgive my any rookie mistakes, i'm doing my best to keep it clean :dopey:

PS: You can call me Joost :) (Well my actual name is Marijn, but even harder to pronounce for english speaking people, so Joost is fine).
Don't hold a spot for me, it's looking like I will work. If things change I will let you know.

Edit: I'm a no go for the EU, the snow has let up and the school decided to hold afterschool activities.
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Hey guys. Sorry to do this at last minute but I'm really not feeling well. Its just a cold but I've got a banging headache and didn't sleep much last night so racing with you maniacs is a bit more stress than I can handle today. :ill:

I'm sorry to deprive many of you of the chance to thrash me on the track in my weakened state but I'm sure the opportunity will arise again :P

Good luck all and happy racing. 👍 I'm gutted to be missing the first ever Spa 3D3 to be honest but I can't concentrate with this headache.
EU race lounge is open.

It will feel a bit empty without last week's winner though.
Hope you feel better soon Chris 👍
Congratz to Wes on the EU win. 👍

Really fun race with interesting twists and turns provided by pits, drafting, traffic, fuel and tire wear.
Hey guys. Sorry to do this at last minute but I'm really not feeling well. Its just a cold but I've got a banging headache and didn't sleep much last night so racing with you maniacs is a bit more stress than I can handle today. :ill:

I'm sorry to deprive many of you of the chance to thrash me on the track in my weakened state but I'm sure the opportunity will arise again :P

Good luck all and happy racing. 👍 I'm gutted to be missing the first ever Spa 3D3 to be honest but I can't concentrate with this headache.
Unlucky mate, take care.

Really happy with the win although I feel kind of bad because I didn't submit a WRS time. A great battle with Jonas although we didn't see each other much. I think I won because I choosed the best tactic, but that was what this race was all about. Thanks guys, this makes me totally forget the frustation of this WRS.:dopey:
I saw you Wes! :sly: By lap 20 or 21 I saw you braking for turn 1 and then you came closer and closer until the very last chicane. :D

Thanks for the race everyone, it was fun!

If any of the NA players are still trying setups, here's what I ran:

Stock dampers/ARB
Stock camber
0 toe

5/10/5 8/12/12

Brakes 4/9
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LOL... I checked the replay and I ran a 2'24+ lap on lap 25 with obliterated tires and gave up 9 seconds to Speedy on that one lap, but was still able to hold him off by less than 1 second at the line. :lol:
great racing with you all, had a blast. Ended the race with 764hp, thought i had all my maintenance done up, must of lost a save:banghead: cant wait for tonights race fellas.

congrats wes, great win:tup:
LOL... I checked the replay and I ran a 2'24+ lap on lap 25 with obliterated tires and gave up 9 seconds to Speedy on that one lap, but was still able to hold him off by less than 1 second at the line. :lol:
I watched you a little in practice before the race, you were murdering the fronts! They were around 50% in 5 laps I think. ;)
Congrats, Wes!

I had to stop watching around lap 10-11, or so. At that stage, Wes had just gotten around So-Madder-than-Mad-I-think-I'll-try-a-one-stop-Max (Sorry, Pekka) ;-), and Jonas was a ways in front.

Did you happen to save a replay you could email me, Jonas?

It's not too important except for network issue reference (since I wasn't racing), but I should say that I dropped out early to reset my router - since only half the field was visible. Reset the PS3 network settings fully auto (with DMZ and a DHCP reservation pre-setup on the modem), and everyone was visible when I returned to watch.

EDIT: Also also, I thought it was 12-13 free fuel litres (during tire change).
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I can send you a replay tomorrow after work mate, ps3 is off now. 11l for free during a tire change, but 12 is only a split second longer. I took on 12 each stop for 36 total.
Cheers for the races great win wes, I had the joy of seeing you and yanaran in my rear view mirror for a bit as you lapped me lol.
Ill hopefully try and join in next weeks race aswell and be a bit more competative still learning the track, please put me down for the most eau rouge cuts sorry.
As for fuel, I took on 15 liters on first stop and it didn't cost me any time, and 20 at the second stop which cost me a second or two. Didn't take any on my 3rd stop.:)
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