3D3 Racing: WRS-based races moved to new WRS sub-forum!

  • Thread starter WRP001
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Yeah, that was scary. :eek: Would have been the 2nd most impressive crash I've caused between Tim and I. :sly: I'm working on getting our best crash vid snippet up for all to see/laugh at. :lol:
Yeah, that was scary. :eek: Would have been the 2nd most impressive crash I've caused between Tim and I. :sly: I'm working on getting our best crash vid snippet up for all to see/laugh at. :lol:

Next time I decide to run the last lap on rims (hopefully there isn't a next time) I think I'll just pull over as it was probably unwise to put the other drivers at risk. I really just wanted to take my medicine like a man, but that is not worth risking other people's races. I'm sure I would have been blacked flagged in any series on the planet and had a flogging in the stewards office after the race. Luckily I know the stewards pretty well in this series so they were easy on me.

Live and learn.

Funniest moment for me was somewhere in the middle laps, I was trying to get by Lefty, presumably with better tires than him, but ended up bumping the hell out of him, and as I was letting him get back in front of me, Tim split between us at a huge speed differential, with a nice "See ya! Enough of that noise!" vibe. :lol:

I came up on you guys very fast and didn't see what transpired before... all I saw was Lefty trying to make a pass on the inside and not at a good spot or with any momentum for exit. My plan was to follow him with much better exit speed and then duck inside him at the U-turn. It kind of worked as I planned, but with a little more "rubbing" than I envisioned. :lol:

I'll see if I can get that clip on video... hope I don't look like a jerk in it. I know I kept off of you completely, but did do some rubbing with Lefty... but I know he loves that sort of thing and he didn't defend the inside. :lol:
Nice vid!
👍 Nice job on the video speedy!
Very good job on the video Christophe.
Awesome vid, Speedy! 👍 Look forward to the NA one. :cheers:
Thanks for doing that.
Thank very much, you guys! 👍

Who was that at ~9 minutes by the way? Amazing driving by the following car, I don't understand how you can drive that close at race pace.
I don't know who it was at 9 minutes, but it also takes two drivers to "tango" that close. To follow that close you have to know/trust the lead driver and understand where they are going to brake and what they are going to do.
Haha, LOL. I don't want to brag or anything but the following car starting from 07:50 was me. :sly:
I was trying to overtake GTP_cicua. I was on newer tyres then him, so I think that's why I could keep a short gap pace like that there.
It felt pretty easy for me there to brake a little early and still gain the loss made with my faster corner speed due to the frescher tyres. :)
Watched the vid again and saw that I did give him a little tiny push at 09:01 :sly:

This leads me into something I think I've mentioned before and that's if maybe we should run ballast penalties based on division... Doesn't have to be anything too crippling, just to even things out a little. I'm thinking we could try 50/30/10 for divisions 1/2/3 in "normal" weight cars? Anyone agree or am I being stupid? :dopey:
edit: Or maybe just start a success ballast system like the SuperGT leagues...
I'm not a big fan of ballast for this series since we change cars every single week. I'd rather face the challenge of trying beat you straight up to be honest and if I can't then I need more time and skill. Maybe I'm being selfish, but I personally don't want to win a race and have you D1 guys driving a handicapped car. I want to earn it or at least win because you made a mistake or I chose a better strategy and not because of excess luggage in your trunk.

I wouldn't mind adding a few kilo's to the car.
Although, this isn't something the 3D3'ers could decide overnight.
This requires a lot of testing on how much to add...

Roman Holiday Online


Disclaimer: This is *NOT* an official GTPlanet or WRS sanctioned event and members are not obligated to take part.

Event Summary

Title: Roman Holiday Online
Event: Online adaptation of the GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 39 Event: Roman Holiday
Location: GTP_Hydro's Lounge
Date: Wednesday November 16

North American Race
  • Practice: 6:00 PM Pacific / 9:00 PM Eastern / (GMT = Nov 10 @ 2:00 AM)
  • Qualification: 7:00 PM Pacific / 10:00 PM Eastern / (GMT = Nov 10 @ 3:00 AM)
  • Race Start: 7:15 PM Pacific / 10:15 PM Eastern / (GMT = Nov 10 @ 3:15 AM)
  • Race End: After 35 laps. ~60 minutes.
European Race
  • Practice: 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern / 7:00 PM GMT
  • Qualification: 12:00 PM Pacific / 3:00 PM Eastern / 8:00 PM GMT
  • Race Start: 12:15 PM Pacific / 3:15 PM Eastern / 8:15 PM GMT
  • Race End: After 35 laps. ~60 minutes.

Driver's Meeting/Notes links:

Eligibility for this 3D3 event will include GTP_Registered members plus referred drivers. A registry member can make a referral for this event by simply including other drivers PSN IDs with their own registration request in this thread. To guarantee eligibility for all 3D3 events run the GTP_Registry qualifier and join the registry now!

  1. Reply to this thread and include in the text of the message your GTP_ PSN ID, the title of this event and which event (EU, NA or Both). To sign up (refer) a driver not on the GTP_Registry, a registered driver should include the PSN ID of the non registered driver(s) in their post.
  2. Send a PSN friend request to GTP_WRP001 and GTP_Hydro with subject line "3D3 Racing" if you haven't already done so. Any referred driver(s) will also need to submit a friend request.
There is a 16 car/driver limit for this event and slots are awarded on the grid using a first come first serve basis. Reference the registered drivers list below for availability. This is a stand alone race and points are not tallied for a series. Future races hosted by 3D3 racing may have different driver limits and will require re-registration using the same first come first serve basis and participation in future events is optional.

If for some reason, after you register for the event, you are unable to attend the race please send a PM to one of the 3D3 racing stewards or post in the thread so we can update the registration list and make the spot available to another driver.

Lounge Settings
  • Race Quality: Standard
  • Voice Chat Quality: Standard. Race stewards will be mic'd for the event. If you have mic or keyboard you can use it.
  • Track: Rome Reverse
  • Car: Recommended Garage > Suzuki SX4 WRC '08
Vehicle Specifics:
  • Power: 315 HP
  • Engine, Intake, and Exhaust Modifications: N/A
  • Turbo and Supercharger: N/A
  • Engine Power Limiter: N/A
  • Oil Change : N/A
  • Weight: 1230 KG
  • Transmission: N/A
  • Aero: N/A
  • Tire Type: Racing Hard (R1's)
  • Other Modifications: N/A
  • In Event Tuning Settings: Optional - Any tuning gimmicks that offer an unfair advantage are not allowed. These would be things like the Subaru Toe Bug found on GT5 Prologue.
Event Settings
  • Game Mode: Normal Race
  • Laps: 35
  • Start Type: Rolling start, led by steward
  • Grid Order: WRS order. --> WRS non-participants can submit a Best Lap replay to the stewards by normal deadline: Mon Nov 14 3:59pm PST (23:59 GMT) for placement
  • Boost: No
  • Penalty: None
  • Automatic Race Start Cycle: Disabled
  • Race Finish Delay: Set to the Max 180 Seconds
  • Visible Damage: On
  • Grip Reduction: Low
  • Mechanical Damage: Light
  • Slipstream Strength: Weak
  • Tire Wear / Fuel Consumption: On [be aware of cold tires at start or first lap out of pits]
  • Pit Stops: Allowed and as often as you need to but not required. When exiting the pit lane, remember to stay within pit lane exit boundaries and yield to approaching drivers. If you choose to go without a pitstop (or with fewer) be prepared for the significant speed difference of approaching drivers (see passing/blocking below).
Regulation Settings
  • Car Restriction: Unrestricted (see vehicle specifics listed above)
  • Performance Points: N/A
  • Power: 315 HP
  • Weight: 1230 KG MIN
  • Tire Restrictions: Racing Hard (R1's)
  • Vehicle Tuning: Unrestricted
  • Skid Recovery Force Aid: Off
  • AS | ASM | Driving Line | TCS: Optional
Standard Clean OLR Rules Apply:
  • Unless otherwise specific all rules from the original WRS event apply.
  • Please read, and familiarize yourself with the track boundary guidelines specified in the original WRS event.
  • You are expected to drive clean at all times as if you are racing in the WRS. All participants are required to follow the GTPlanet Online Racing Rules & Guidelines.
  • 3D3 Race Stewards (who are taking part in race, but will review the replay) reserve the right to boot or invalidate the result of any driver from the Race Room for driving offensively. If you ignore any warnings from the stewards and are booted from the race room, you will not be allowed to participate in future 3D3 events.
  • 2 wheels on (or vertically in line with) the track at all times
  • Rumble/ripple strips are part of the track
  • Runoff areas are not part of the track
  • Limit your contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible
  • No hybrids
  • No cheating of any kind
  • Nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules
  • Passing and Blocking: Aggressive blocking is not permitted, but the driver in front has the right to choose his/her line and braking point and drivers behind should respect that line. Be especially careful when you are on older tires than the competition as the speed difference may be significant. These events are "for fun" so just play nice and take a conservative rather than an aggressive approach when possible.
If for some reason you are unable to finish the race and need to stop:
  • Pull the car over off the track next to a wall and as far from the driving line as possible
  • Press the E-Brake
  • Then press Start
  • This will ghost your car and it won't allow it to interfere with the other drivers.
Overall winner will be sent a prize (to be announced at race time).

Good Luck,

3D3 Racing


First names listed, where we've been given permission

NA Drivers Grid

  1. us.gif
    GTP_Gravitron ....
    ... Lucas.....1'13.007
  2. us.gif
    GTP_EDK ..........
    ... Kevin.....1'13.214
  3. us.gif
    GTP_RaceRyder ....
    ... Dale......1'14.046
  4. ca.gif
    GTP_Allibubba99 ..
    ... Al........1'15.287
  5. be.gif
    GTP_Speedy6543 ...
    ... Christophe
  6. ca.gif
    GTP_Hydro (Host) .
    ... Marc
  7. us.gif
    GTP_WRP001 .......
    ... Tim

EU Drivers Grid

  1. nl.gif
    GTP_w-g-e ........
    ... Wes.......1'12.384
  2. uk.gif
    GTP_hasslemoff ...
    ... Paul......1'13.180 tentative
  3. be.gif
    GTP_poolhaas .....
    ... Kristof...1'13.992
  4. fi.gif
    GTP_MadMax86 .....
    ... Pekka
  5. be.gif
    GTP_Speedy6543 ...
    ... Christophe
  6. ca.gif
    GTP_Hydro (Host) .
    ... Marc
  7. us.gif
    GTP_WRP001 .......
    ... Tim
  8. nl.gif
    GTP_Don ..........
    ... Don


NA Race Results

EU Race Results


Video Highlights
NA Race

EU Race

Live Leaderboards
NA Race

EU Race

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I wouldn't mind adding a few kilo's to the car.
Although, this isn't something the 3D3'ers could decide overnight.
This requires a lot of testing on how much to add...
Yes and no. For starters, it can't be done with "arcade cars" (recommended)
Though we could all buy the arcade cars each time they come up and simply prohibit tuning.💡 But that might not allow ballast. Something to check.

In any case the amount of ballast needed would vary with every combo, and would probably need tested each week. Honestly I don't think there's many combo's where 50/30/10kg ballast would be to much though.
Count me in again for both events.
It's too much fun to do only one race. :sly:
I'm in for the NA event.👍

Should be interesting if two cars try to get through the kink at the same time.:eek:
ill join NA race, doubt I'll be able to make EU race this time.

We're using the WRS leaderboard instead of live qualifying for this race to determine grid order and since you aren't in the WRS yet you'll have to run the offline laps the same as everyone else and submit your time/replay on this thread instead. You have until Monday @ 3:59 PM Pacific to get your best clean lap and submit your time with replay on the thread.

Follow the WRS thread if you want to see what people are doing for T1 & T2. Basically pretend you are in the WRS and do everything the same as us only you submit your final time here on the thread on Monday and when the official results come out Monday @ 4:00 PM Pacific we'll announce the order.

Any GTP_Registry driver who doesn't submit an official lap to the WRS will be in the same boat. If you/they can't/don't submit a time and post a replay then you can still race, but you start in the back of the grid.
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I'm in for the EU race. Rome is a great track for online races.👍
We're gonna get crazy this week, and allow you to pick from the 3 available WRC cars in Arcade mode:

Ford Focus 508 PP, 310 HP
Citroen 508 PP, 315 HP
Suzuki 510 PP, 315 HP

The event post above will be changed shortly, so please let us know which you'll be using. However, you can change your selection up to the last minute. :)
We're gonna get crazy this week, and allow you to pick from the 3 available WRC cars in Arcade mode:

Ford Focus 508 PP, 310 HP
Citroen 508 PP, 315 HP
Suzuki 510 PP, 315 HP

The event post above will be changed shortly, so please let us know which you'll be using. However, you can change your selection up to the last minute. :)

👍 Great idea Lucas.. no will anyone pick an alternate car?

Note: You can use any of the 3 cars for the live 3D3 race, but if you submit your offline quali time directly to this thread (and not to WRS) you must use the Suzuki for your quali time as that's the only one allowed for the WRS event.
Everyone knows the Focus is fastest, right? :sly:

Sign me up, hopefully I have time for some WRS this weekend.
Everyone knows the Focus is fastest, right? :sly:

Sign me up, hopefully I have time for some WRS this weekend.

Actually, you might be right. Dom, Cicua and I did some quick testing just a few minutes ago and the Ford looks dominant... if that holds true after more testing we may need to stick to one model. For now we'll just keep it tentative... everyone has to run the Suzuki for WRS anyway and we'll have a final decision by Sunday at the latest on the car choice for the race.
He's definitely right. 👎

The Citroen's still a maybe, didn't get to that one.
Ford, and Suzuki and Citroen?
Hmmm... Decisions...Decisions...;)

Had a blast in the KazSpa races guys 👍
Great racing, as always.

I have to blame placebo guys. I say this strictly because I didn't notice the tire noise, and hence I noticed no physics oddities.
Out of sight,(earshot) out of mind. :)
👍 I think it could have helped with tire wear if the sound was on, but that's where I draw the (very thin) line. :D

Regardless, I really need to work on tire wear - fast, as I'm developing a nasty trend:
Mountaineering - Passed on 2nd last lap, finished 2nd :(
Getting Groceries - Passed on 2nd last lap, finished poorly :(
Monaco - Almost passed on last lap - Tim was catching, but Spun :)
WedsForest - Speedy was gaining, but spun (for the 15th time or something :lol:), and Pekka was being charitable 👍
KazSpa - Passed on last lap - finished 4th :(

Ouch :D

Nice vid Speedy 👍
I believe we are accepting applications for A/V skilled types.
Lucas is in charge of sorting resume's and setting up interviews.
Recommendations are expected with the application :lol:
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Here's a video clip of the first stint battle in the NA event between Hydro, Dragon and myself with some Speedy or Gravitron filling up the rear view mirror much of the time (super speed over all the non passing stuff).


I didn't do too much passing but had a really good view of Hydro and Dragon going side by side for almost a full sector... and CSL driving away because of it.
A really good view of Hydro and Dragon going side by side for almost a full sector... and CSL driving away because of it.
And that's something to note on high speed tracks like this. So many easy overtake spots, 99% of the time it's better to just let the guy on the inside go, as making a mistake, or running side by side (which is also a mistake) for a few turns, are the only ways to lose draft.
Lots of time to be gained at Spa by bumpdrafting, even more to lose running side by side.
It sounds like a F1 car in F Forward :D
cool 👍

I do remember saying to Dragon:
"This is crazy... man that's close, but we're letting Dominic get away !!!!!"

It's hardly uncommon to see myself and Tim battling it out, it's practically expected.
Here's a shot from our GT500 series.
I'm in the Yellowhat, Tim's in the Calsonic. (lap 5 - I think)

Not to be left out, Dragon's in the Red one :lol:
Welcome to the club!

Somehow, we made it through the chicane clean as a whistle ;)
Funniest moment for me was somewhere in the middle laps, I was trying to get by Lefty, presumably with better tires than him, but ended up bumping the hell out of him, and as I was letting him get back in front of me, Tim split between us at a huge speed differential, with a nice "See ya! Enough of that noise!" vibe. :lol:

Here's your 3D3's Funniest Videos (3FV) moment with a little extra tacked on the end.

Camera is on Gravitron the entire time. At first he's passing and trading paint with Lefty and then after I get through that carnage chasing me with Speedy in tow.
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I'll go with the Ford. Only choice for me really, seeing as I'm a former employee.:)

Good luck to Mikko in the Wales rally finale.👍
Nice vid Tim! 👍

@highlights 2:
LOL, it was the part where I couldn't avoid hitting Kevin just past Eau Rouge. I think he didn't even saw me coming.
The speed difference was to big and I couldn't choose between left or right anymore, so I 'bumpdrafted' him. :lol:
Hey guys, you can sign me up for next EU race, do I have to choose a car right now?
Will do, Kristof! 👍 Glad to see you join in.

You don't have to pick a car now, it can even be last minute. We haven't fully committed to the "use all 3 cars" idea, as there seems to be some obvious benefits with the Focus, so we have some testing left to do.

EDIT: You don't even have to own the car, in this case, the Recommended Garage in online lounges lets you pick from the Arcade Mode cars. And similar to Arcade Mode, no tuning.
EDIT: You don't even have to own the car, in this case, the Recommended Garage in online lounges lets you pick from the Arcade Mode cars. And similar to Arcade Mode, no tuning.
Good :)
Don't have many cars in my GTP account.
Great to see another Belgian in here! :tup:Kristof
I was starting to feel a bit lonely. :sly:
Now, how do I get him so crazy as me to join both events :lol:
After his first race, he'll be as "hooked" as you. :lol: I made both races on Weds Forest, and hope to do more of that in the future! 👍
After his first race, he'll be as "hooked" as you. :lol: I made both races on Weds Forest, and hope to do more of that in the future! 👍

Poolhaas actually raced with us before in the British Invasion EU event. Hopefully the 2nd time around we manage to hook him. :sly:
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