GTPlanet Near 200.000 Users

  • Thread starter GT4me
Seems to me that a quarter of a million (250,000) would be a bigger milestone than 300,000.
Question -

Out of the 200,037 members, how many are still really active ? (Lets say ... within the past year) Is there some sort of data that can show this ?

:cheers: Congrats on this landmark :gtpflag:
To me, that number seems kind of sad... :\

If I did my math right, only 5.83% are active. That'd if I did the math right.
People have always been very interested in these ratios, but even though your math was wrong, GTPlanet member's activity levels are actually higher compared to most other forums, social networks, or communities, online or off.

The effect is known as "participation inequality", and it's been studied at length by many sociologists, marketers, and community builders. It states that, roughly, 90% of any community will be "lurkers", 9% will be occasionally active, and 1% will be very active, contributing most of the content.

As you can see, over the last ten years, GTPlanet has actually defied the effect by a significant margin. These numbers are nothing to be sad about! :)

Total registered users: 200,000
Users who have not posted: 138,547 (69%)
Users with 1-100 posts: 54,626 (27%)
Users with more than 100 posts: 6,879 (3%)​
People have always been very interested in these ratios, but even though your math was wrong, GTPlanet member's activity levels are actually higher compared to most other forums, social networks, or communities, online or off.

The effect is known as "participation inequality", and it's been studied at length by many sociologists, marketers, and community builders. It states that, roughly, 90% of any community will be "lurkers", 9% will be occasionally active, and 1% will be very active, contributing most of the content.

As you can see, over the last ten years, GTPlanet has actually defied the effect by a significant margin. These numbers are nothing to be sad about! :)

Total registered users: 200,000
Users who have not posted: 138,547 (69%)
Users with 1-100 posts: 54,626 (27%)
Users with more than 100 posts: 6,879 (3%)​

That's true. Very cool to know that we are significantly more active than other forums!

I'd be part of that 27%. At least for now. I've gotten pretty active finally. I had a different account that I stopped using because the name was rather childish.

Do we really have exactly 200,000 users now??
Woohoo. I'm part of the 3%. It would be interesting to know what the percentage of people with over 1000 posts.
All forums are like that. My own ones are, as are the numerous car club forums i'm in and so on.

Its just like invites to an event posted on Facebook. You'll generally be lucky if half the people that confirmed they'd be attending, actually do.
Total registered users: 200,000
Users who have not posted: 138,547 (69%)
Users with 1-100 posts: 54,626 (27%)
Users with more than 100 posts: 6,879 (3%)​

Hey, that's actually pretty good. What percentage buy a lifetime premium membership?
Woohoo. I'm part of the 3%. It would be interesting to know what the percentage of people with over 1000 posts.

There's just under 1000 members with 1000 or more posts (996), so that's very slightly less than 0.5%. For members over 10,000 posts, you're looking at... 0.03% (60 of them, though there's someone sitting at 9999 posts).

Hey, that's actually pretty good. What percentage buy a lifetime premium membership?

Hmmm, it'd be interesting to check, but it seems when we moved to GTP11, Premies aren't listed in the Forum Leaders page anymore. Though, just of those 10k+ posters, well over half of them are premium members in some capacity (33, though likely higher since many of the staff had subscriptions before joining the team).
There's just under 1000 members with 1000 or more posts (996), so that's very slightly less than 0.5%. For members over 10,000 posts, you're looking at... 0.03% (60 of them, though there's somepony sitting at 9999 posts).

For once, I am the 1% ;)
There's just under 1000 members with 1000 or more posts (996), so that's very slightly less than 0.5%. For members over 10,000 posts, you're looking at... 0.03% (60 of them, though there's someone sitting at 9999 posts).

Hmmm, it'd be interesting to check, but it seems when we moved to GTP11, Premies aren't listed in the Forum Leaders page anymore. Though, just of those 10k+ posters, well over half of them are premium members in some capacity (33, though likely higher since many of the staff had subscriptions before joining the team).

I'm in that 3% I think. Yay! :D

And can you say who's at 9999 posts? And is he/she not posting for a while?
That's a really interesting breakdown of how many people participate on how regular a basis. I was surprised by the number of people with 0 posts though - you'd think that if they were going to the effort of signing up they'd want to say at least something? Isn't that why most people are motivated to join a forum? They see something that inspires a strong enough reaction to go and respond to it?

But I'm going to have to try and break into the 1000+ club at some point! :)
What about me

Has anyone see me while i first registerd

and be advised that i wasn't posting a lot till the mid of october

and im from the 100

can someone tell me My ID Num

i don't seem to see it
What about me?

Has anyone see me while i first registered?

And be advised that i wasn't posting a lot till the middle of October.

Well, people aren't going to pop up on everybody's radar straight away, but I imagine that at least some of the zero posters joined a long, long time ago.