GTPlanet Near 200.000 Users

  • Thread starter GT4me

Ha! I have the most posts of anyone who joined on January 3rd 2011. Ha!
There should be a lottery once a month with GTP merchandise prizes using our membership numbers!

*wishes for thong* :dopey:
Slim chance that the 200,000th member isn't a spam bot, go through the member list by join date...9 out of 10 have 0 posts.
How do you find out what number you are?

When you view someones profile look at the number at the end of the url.


You are member 189,725.
I was told a while back (I think in a thread or by Famine) that the number in the user URL is incorrect, its around a hundred less than that figure.

Mine says 22,552 but is actually 22,442 apparently.

As for the 200,000 user I hope its someone who sticks around, jwane was around a while but has disappeared.... we need him back to pass on the award!

We don't count spambots towards the regular user mark, so u=200000 won't be the 200,000th'll just have to wait for the announcement!
However ... there's one thing only the creator :D ... maybe ... can answer.

Why is Jordan gtplanet user #658? What did he do to the 657 users before himself?

ooohhh ... the mistery on gtplanet's birth ... the myths, the tales, the horror.

But there's more ... from the first 1000 founding fathers, we can trace only one other besides Jordan. His name reminds us of Greek Gods and all it also implies (you know ... myths, tales, horror). Behold, before the evidence disapears ... the public profile of


One post is all that's left of him. We know more about Hercules (not to mention a full Disney movie).

And notice ... No spelling mistakes, capital letters observed, and ... (creepy creepy ) no goodbyes also.

Indeed, Photomom, according to Gtplanet is a ...

New Member


EDIT - Wait, the plot thickens. although the entire user list of gtplanet, sorted by "joined date", starts with Jordan, immediately followed by Photomom ...

... I found out that the guy that thanks Photomom's post, named


(Nordic God probably. In these it's more horror, myths, horror, tales, and more horror)

Is user #12 !!!!! Six hundred and fourty six users before Jordan !!!!

Poor guy ... :D
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Ok, I found account 1. I know who the creator is now.

In the words of Dave Bowman ... "You see ... it's all very clear to me now ... the whole thing ..."

(2:23 into this video)


We can't truly say member #200.000 marks gtplanet having 200.000 members. According to the main forum page gtplanet has currently 199,909 members. I say we wait another 91 guys/girls before the forum itself recognizes 200 thousand registered members.

Up to Jordan, of course.
Yes, the 'userid' number that you see is not an accurate way to identify the user's order of membership, but it's close. You can go by the number on the home page for the true number of registered accounts with the site.

Jordan is u=658. u= has nothing to do with the member number

EDIT- u=1 belongs to a person called Jordan's Other Account for records.
My account was assigned an ID of 658 when I converted the forums to vBulletin from the site's original forum software, IkonBoard, back in 2002. The conversion script did not process the users in order of ID number, so the ID numbers of the original Ikonboard accounts became jumbled.
If I was 200,000 I think my user name would be GTPlanet200K so people always recognize me and bow to my greatness.:sly:
Next member wins, I'm tempted to make it for the lulz but then I'd be banned!


Edit: Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Very cool, I wanted to see it show up and missed it. I saw the next person to join.:ouch:

Welcome Saint2.:gtpflag:
Man, I just missed it! Was hoping to be there, but welcome Saint2! 👍
So, what's the next major milestone? 250,000? 300,000? :dopey: