- 12,639
- paracuru
- praiano63
Now the answer is:
Your private message could not be processed due to an invalid body. Please make sure you follow the guidelines outlined in the WRS thread and try again.
If there were a standard body to fill with the times, it will be easier.
I did my submission like this:
T1: 18.178
T2: 28.894
T3: 24.397
Final lap Time: 1'XX.XXX
What´s wrong please ?
Your private message could not be processed due to an invalid body. Please make sure you follow the guidelines outlined in the WRS thread and try again.
If there were a standard body to fill with the times, it will be easier.
I did my submission like this:
T1: 18.178
T2: 28.894
T3: 24.397
Final lap Time: 1'XX.XXX
What´s wrong please ?
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