World Classic Car Challenge - Results Posted

  • Thread starter HaylRayzor
This will be my results post.
Hello all this is the first time for me as a tester, comfort softs are not normally my choice of tyre but was suprised with the grip on some of the cars,
so to do justice to your tunes i did a minimum of 35 laps per car and then some.

I used a DS3 with sensitivity 7, automatic transmission, ABS 1 and driving line on.
These will be the first reviews i have ever given to anyone and being a man of few words i have spent nearly as much time on the reviews as the testing( well maybe not that long but it seems like it)

Seeing as XD's car was the first cab of the rank without having spent a great deal of time on this track or tyres beforehand i'll give the Cosmo another run later.

XDesperado67 - Mazda Cosmo Sport (L10A) '67,...1.21.483
This was the first car i tried and didn't take too long to get used to the comfort softs very easy car to drive, good acceleration going up the hill and was one of the easiest to get the two long right handers reasonably right
i used the ghost as a benchmark for the others and was frustrated at seeing its rear end going up the hill after getting a good lead down the hill in the other cars.
Overall a good solid tune, a little slidey in some corners but always in control.

ACSR421 - Nissan 240ZG (HS30) 71...1.21.973
A very enjoyable ride, i did over 50 laps in this thing trying to keep in front of the Cosmo on the uphill section but it just wasn't to be, so frustrating,
the grip of this car gives a lot of confidence taking the long right hander before the tunnel at full throttle without any oversteer, it was just point and go , very hard to get into trouble with the car,would be good long distance racer.

Digitalbaka..BMW 2002 Turbo 73...1.21.944
My head hurts, way too much concentration needed to keep this car pointing in the right direction, in saying that i found that the turn in for the first section of corners was quite good, then you hit the sweeper before the bridge
and you just can't accelerate out of it,evan at half throttle it wants to slide, i had no problems with the s curve after the tunnel, once i got used to the car i could go through at full throttle.
Over all a pretty good tune except for the rear end

TrackRipper - Isuzu 117 Coupe "68 ...1.22.027

I tried and i tried but i just couldn't get that perfect lap, the 1.21s are definitly there, i just couldn't get a good rhythm through the hairpins, the car stays stable with hardly any loss of traction at full throttle going through the right hand sweeper before the tunnell, the s curve was never an issue,while the sweeper at the top of the hill
gave me joy a few times with a perfect pass.
Overall another good tune that doesn't dissapoint.

NEWDRIVER2 -Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R '73' ...1.21.788
Got the 1.21.788 on the second lap and thats where it stopped, 33 laps later and i just couldn't improve (maybe i'm all Eiger'd out). I tried so many different lines on the downhill but just couldn't compete with the Cosmo, on the uphill section it would close the gap only to stumble on the downhill again.
Overall another fine tune with good stability and handling , just lacking a little in the hairpins.

Theo777--Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale : 1:21:893
An enjoyable ride, gets through the hairpins with good turn in much like the BMW ,the sweepers at the bottom and top of the hill gave the most trouble getting power to the wheels without too much wheelspin, has good speed going up the hill and the after a few laps the s curve was no problem. Sleightly better than the BMW to drive with the lack of traction being the only problem.

Krenkme-- Samba Bus...1:22:287
Will catch a few people unawares, this bus is pretty quick on the downhill and gets through the first two hairpins with little effort, the last hairpin before the uphill was a different story,i had more crashes here than anyother car, whatever lead i had from here dissapeared before the tunnel,it handles well through the S's and most of the course but just lacks the uphill performance.

MrMelancholy-- Skyline 2000 GT-R '73...1:21:710
Another good setup for this car, has a bit better turn into the hairpins but less traction than Newdriver2's car through the sweepers, only marginally quicker but more concentration needed to get it there.

McGrado-- Karman Ghia Coupe (Type 1)'68'...1:22;492
I realy enjoyed this ride from the wheelstand after flying through the air to the way the rear just glided around the hairpins and sweepers ,had to be gentle on the gas on all corners to stop wheelspin but quite manageable, no problems through the S's.Another great tune.

Special Guest-- Alpine A110 1600 S '73--1:21:374
This car felt good from the very start, has good turn in through the hairpins ,up through the first sweeper in 4th gear with barely a slide under power,the quickest going up the hill taking the S's with ease, the last sweeper is the corner that i have had trouble with in all the cars (with the occasional lucky one ) , i am just not consistant enough on that corner,for me the car has it all,stability ,handling, power and good looks as well.


Congratulations to all you tuners on a job well done
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That's because its new one and krenkme his car did extra miles on it and gain more HP that's all but i think it will work if its has same parts and same tune but power limitter to keep it 386 pp . So no need to make one and share write ??

No need to make one , i will use mine:tup:
No need to make one , i will use mine:tup:

The HP will continue to rise while you're testing. If it goes over 386PP it doesn't count. It would be best if you let Bob break it in so that the HP is stable.

Added a link to your results.
The HP will continue to rise while you're testing. If it goes over 386PP it doesn't count. It would be best if you let Bob break it in so that the HP is stable.

Added a link to your results.

Ok then, I"ll put Bob to work tonight .
So any chance of seeing the last 3 entries soon?

Want to see what they are and if they can catch that wild Hippie Mobile of krenkme.:crazy::lol:

Plus want to see the results of those testers who are delaying their times until all the cars are tested.:odd::drool:
I won't have further time to test between now and Sunday; I'll put my tune up shortly. Sorry to keep you guys waiting, I wanted to see what I could do with the time I had, but, it's not going anywhere further.
I won't have further time to test between now and Sunday; I'll put my tune up shortly. Sorry to keep you guys waiting, I wanted to see what I could do with the time I had, but, it's not going anywhere further.

I find that's always the case. The Law of Diminishing Returns at work.
I find that's always the case. The Law of Diminishing Returns at work.

Still worth it. This way, the testers get to "refresh" themselves with the track, before driving my tune, helping them to remember braking points a little easier etc. It's not cheating, it's just a bit of strategy.
Still worth it. This way, the testers get to "refresh" themselves with the track, before driving my tune, helping them to remember braking points a little easier etc. It's not cheating, it's just a bit of strategy.

Nope, not cheating. Just taking it a bit more serious than others. :lol:
I'm having a bit of problems with ps3 connecting to networks recently, hopefully I can get the tune on share quick and get friend requests done too.

Volkswagen Karmann Ghia Coupe (type-1) '68

112 Horsepower
761 Kilograms
386 Performance Points

Ride Height: 25 / -5
Spring Rate: 13.5 / 8.5
Extension: 3 / 2
Compression: 6 / 7
Anti-roll: 7 / 6
Camber: -3.5 / -4.6
Toe: 0.15 / 0.38

Differential: --
Aerodynamics: --
Brakes: 7 / 4
Ballast: 15(15)
Engine: 95%

Final: 4.265
  • torino red pearl paint
  • engine restore
  • chassis restore
  • increased rigidity
  • window weight reduction
  • weight reduction stage 3
  • Engine tuning stage 3
  • sports intake manifold
  • racing air filter
  • sports exhaust manifold
  • cat
  • sports exhaust
  • high rpm turbo
  • full custom transmission
  • full custom suspension
  • comfort soft tires
All driver aids off.

Standard Model. Tuned 5th August 2012. Change only final ratio from default with transmission.
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That is the link to my tune.

Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R (KPGC110) '73

Final details: NOT FULLY BROKEN IN (I'm not sure what to do about this (?))

386 pp

182 hp
1170 kg

BTW, I chose it because it looks like a muscle car, is Japanese, and handles nicely to begin with. As that Mazda commercial says "If you want to make the best race car, start with the best street car."
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@MrMelancholy15 just so you know standard cars purchased from the UCD and OCD don't require break in as they are fully broken in regardless of mileage.👍👍

Nice choice of car and I'll test both it and MrGrado's Karmann Ghia when I get up tomorrow.:gtpflag:

Now unless I'm mistaken we're still missing one entry...:odd:
Hey Jackthalad you going to join this party or what!:crazy::lol:
Just saw what Hayl is doing, guess I could put my results in this post :D Going to start right now.


Fastest Time - 1:23.095

It was really stable, didn't come off the track because of the car. It would oversteer once in a while, but it was pretty nice. I started to get annoyed with my driving at lap 11 because I kept hitting walls and stuff.
I think this car deserves a 1/5. It was great to drive, until my bad skills took :)

This is very good review about my car thank you GT for that 👍 👍 and wow good rating 1/5 :dopey: :lol:
This will be my results post.
Hello all this is the first time for me as a tester, comfort softs are not normally my choice of tyre but was suprised with the grip on some of the cars,
so to do justice to your tunes i did a minimum of 35 laps per car and then some.

I used a DS3 with sensitivity 7, automatic transmission, ABS 1 and driving line on.
These will be the first reviews i have ever given to anyone and being a man of few words i have spent nearly as much time on the reviews as the testing( well maybe not that long but it seems like it)

NEWDRIVER2 -Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R '73' ...1.21.788
Got the 1.21.788 on the second lap and thats where it stopped, 33 laps later and i just couldn't improve (maybe i'm all Eiger'd out). I tried so many different lines on the downhill but just couldn't compete with the Cosmo, on the uphill section it would close the gap only to stumble on the downhill again.
overall another fine tune with good stability and handling , just lacking a little in the hairpins.

Thank you sir for review another achive for me 👍 👍
5. Newdriver2 - Skyline 2000GT-R....1:21.642

Point & shoot and it goes there. The most stable of the rides so far and the time clocked tells the story. Not quite the direct feel of the Cosmo, and a degree of understeer held it back significantly through the 'S' bend up the hill. It didn't feel like it was putting power to the bitumen coming out of the turns but I found that I could put the pedal down with a greater degree of certainty.

I do prefer driving cars where you do feel the 'grunt' and this didn't match that, but ease of driving compensated for this. 2/5

This is good time man and also the rating for it . I know its not your favorite car like the 2002 but you shape agood lap time from my car and its faster than my lap time thank you 👍
Final details: NOT FULLY BROKEN IN (I'm not sure what to do about this (?))

Give it to Bob and let him run the Indy 500 for 75 laps, then quit and save the game. The car will be fully broken in. Takes about an hour and a half.

Or put Bob in the Grand Valley race and come back in 2 hours when he's done.

I'm having a bit of problems with ps3 connecting to networks recently, hopefully I can get the tune on share quick and get friend requests done too.

Volkswagen Karmann Ghia Coupe (type-1) '68

I'm building your car and I don't get 386PP using the specs you listed. Building exactly as you state I get 376PP. You didn't list ECU Tuning. Did you use that? If I add ECU I get 384.

That 2PP difference is probably due to miles on the car (even with a restore) so I can use 97.2% limiter to get 113HP and 386PP.

Not at all what I would expect for a tune for a RR car on comfort tires. I will put it on share as soon as I'm done testing it.

OK after running a couple of laps I suspect you didn't reset the transmission before you set the final ratio. I am hitting the rev limiter just after the jump and then again coming up the hill.

Please reset the transmission and then set your final ratio. I can't test or put the car on share until this is corrected.
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Am still waiting on FR's from MrGrado and MrMelancholy.


Give it to Bob and let him run the Indy 500 for 75 laps, then quit and save the game. The car will be fully broken in. Takes about an hour and a half.

Or put Bob in the Grand Valley race and come back in 2 hours when he's done.

According to people above, this is unnecessary. Can you please verify that?
According to people above, this is unnecessary. Can you please verify that?

Cars from the OCD and UCD do not require breakin. Cars from tickets do require breakin.

You said it wasn't broken in so I assumed it was from a ticket.

Edit: It didn't gain power during my testing so I'd say it's good.
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Just gave MrMelancholy15's car around 25 laps and its HP/Torque/PP didn't change so it is fine as is.👍👍

Will post my review of it in a bit, have to take Mom out shopping currently.:drool:

@HaylRayzor will you be hosting MrGrado's car for this or should I build my own copy once he makes final adjustments to the tune?:odd:
Just gave MrMelancholy15's car around 25 laps and its HP/Torque/PP didn't change so it is fine as is.👍👍

Will post my review of it in a bit, have to take Mom out shopping currently.:drool:

@HaylRayzor will you be hosting MrGrado's car for this or should I build my own copy once he makes final adjustments to the tune?:odd:

I'll host it once he gives my the final gear ratio.

My review of MrMelancholy's Skyline is posted.
Hi MrMelancholy 15 i test your car and i update the time in my post put i found that the suspens hight is not correct its -25 f -25 r so i fixed from your post to be i think -10 -10 correct me if iam wrong thanks .
Hi MrMelancholy 15 i test your car and i update the time in my post put i found that the suspens hight is not correct its -25 f -25 r so i fixed from your post to be i think -10 -10 correct me if iam wrong thanks .

Crap. Yep, it's -25 on the car. Doesn't meet the rules. I'll remove my review.

Please fix the ride height and repost.
Hi MrMelancholy 15 i test your car and i update the time in my post put i found that the suspens hight is not correct its -25 f -25 r so i fixed from your post to be i think -10 -10 correct me if iam wrong thanks .
Crap. Yep, it's -25 on the car. Doesn't meet the rules. I'll remove my review.

Please fix the ride height and repost.
Ugh guess I'll be retesting when I get back...:mad::drool:
Crap. Yep, it's -25 on the car. Doesn't meet the rules. I'll remove my review.

Please fix the ride height and repost.

I did that before any car i start to test it look first on the tune for it before i ride it thats why i see that before i start to drive it and i fixed it . The post is correct by the ride hight -10 -10 thanks for replay Rayzor .
I did that before any car i start to test it look first on the tune for it before i ride it thats why i see that before i start to drive it and i fixed it . The post is correct by the ride hight -10 -10 thanks for replay Rayzor .

I was telling mrmelancholy to fix it. We have to test as posted.
Apparently I forgot to say this, but I must retire from my testing job do to me taking another testing job. Sorry, folks. But when you hold another comp, S2K2K3/HaylRazor, let me know because I want to tune for it.
Apparently I forgot to say this, but I must retire from my testing job do to me taking another testing job. Sorry, folks. But when you hold another comp, S2K2K3/HaylRazor, let me know because I want to tune for it.

I'll be taking a break from hosting for a bit. I'm going to test drive a couple of challenges. Give some others a chance to host.

But I do have a couple of ideas in the pipe. Thinking of a muscle car challenge, like this one, for the pre-75 American cars at Daytona Road. :D

And a 2-liter challenge at some point.

And a reminder to Messrs Grado and Melancholy... The deadline is today so please get your final changes in.
Crap. Yep, it's -25 on the car. Doesn't meet the rules. I'll remove my review.

Please fix the ride height and repost.

Hi MrMelancholy 15 i test your car and i update the time in my post put i found that the suspens hight is not correct its -25 f -25 r so i fixed from your post to be i think -10 -10 correct me if iam wrong thanks .

Guys, did no one read the tune details? :( I specified -10/-10 in the actual tune on my Tuning Garage thread, I'm sorry for the confusion. I thought, though, that it reset all of my tuning parameters back to stock. Last time I borrowed a car from someone, their tune wasn't there, so I just sorta thought that it didn't happen.