The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- 11/11/11! -- It's out!

  • Thread starter Coxis
Yesterday I couldn't perform any smithing or mining. Any ideas how I can solve this?Ps3 version.

It show the "X"button to use smelter" but it just won't do it.

Yesterday I couldn't perform any smithing or mining. Any ideas how I can solve this?Ps3 version.

It show the "X"button to use smelter" but it just won't do it.


Is your "x" button functioning for other actions?
How long have you owned your DS3 Controller?
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Loving the game so far. Sort of boring because I've done it all before when I rented it, but hopefully it'll pick up soon. This game is awesome because everything you do sounds so epic when you speak of it IRL. Even killing a fox or sneaking up on bandits and listening to them talk to each other. And how certain areas are subject to change if you get killed and reload. I was unexpectedly killed by bandits, and I snuck back through the area with a bow, hoping to jump them, but instead there was some kind of preacher there speaking of "The Oblivion Crisis."

Aaaaaaaannnnd I've run across my first major issue. After about an hour or so of play, whenever I try to cross a river by swimming through it the game just quits on me. Totally locks up.
Aaaaaaaannnnd I've run across my first major issue. After about an hour or so of play, whenever I try to cross a river by swimming through it the game just quits on me. Totally locks up.

This started happening when Patch 1.5 came out several months ago, and it most likely happens if you've installed the most recent patch as well. If you're playing this game on the PS3, then check out this post:

Gstaff Bethesda Global Community Lead
We've seen reports of users having issues with the game freezing up when entering water. If you're having this issue, head to the PlayStation XMB menu. From there go to Game>Game Data Utility. Delete the game data and title updates for Skyrim.

Note: Game Data is not the same as your game saves. As long as you're not deleting anything from the game saves folder, you'll still have your saves.

Once you restart Skyrim, you'll need to wait for the 1.5 title update to reinstall, as well as the mandatory game data install.
Right, so what is happening with this 1.7 patch? Nothing is showing up when I fire up Skyrim, it is out in Europe (PS3) isn't it?
Right, so what is happening with this 1.7 patch? Nothing is showing up when I fire up Skyrim, it is out in Europe (PS3) isn't it?

According to UESP, the patch is only released in North America for the PS3 version, but is released worldwide for XBOX.

Haven't tried mounted combat yet. My horse keeps dying whenever I fight a bear or a sabre cat. As for Dawnguard... it better come out soon :grumpy: I just cant wait to try out all of the new fancy spells.
I decided to become a vampire lord, but I saved right before I enter the castle. So I'm going to play a vampire lord the whole way through, then go back to the save and stay with dawnguard.
I just want a crossbow. Don't care about anything else.

As for the patch it was titled 1.6 when I downloaded it. I assume they rolled 1.7 into that correct?
Since the patch, my bows have lost 25-30 damage points and my one-handed weapons have gone up. Is this deliberate? Also, why?

Hearthfire Coming to Xbox LIVE on September 4th

With Skyrim’s newest game add-on, Hearthfire, you can purchase land and build your own home from the ground up – from a simple one-room cottage to a sprawling compound complete with an armory, alchemy laboratory, stable, garden, and more. Use all-new tools like the drafting table and carpenter’s workbench to transform quarried stone, clay, and sawn logs into structures and furnishings. Even transform your house into a home by adopting children.

Hearthfire releases on Xbox LIVE next week for 400 Microsoft Points.
Bethesda's Pete Hines has responded to gamers angry that Skyrim is getting second DLC on Xbox 360 before the launch of Dawnguard on PS3.

Now Gamer
Skyrim developer Bethesda has responded to suggestions that Dawnguard's PS3 delay has been lengthened by the announcement of the Hearthfire DLC for Xbox 360, calling the expansions "separate things".

"We are working on multiple projects, even beyond those two things.The entire team doesn't work on one thing at a time," Pete Hines tweeted to followers. "They are separate things," he said at the suggestion Hearthfire's development was slowing that of Dawnguard's for PlayStation.

In response to a fan upset at the continued absence of Dawnguard for PS3 Hines wrote: "Understood. We're disappointed too, but we're keeping at it."

Dawnguard still has no release date for PS3, but Xbox 360 owners will be able to download the recently-announced Hearthfire as soon as next week.

At least PS3 players can now indulge in mounted combat thanks to the launch of Skyrim update 1.7 earlier this week.
It'll be out on playstion by christmas.

Next year.

It is like that crack on Top Gear where Peugeot had this sporty new electric car that was designed to break records, and James May said, "And you can expect this in your local Peugeot dealer... Never."

Man I feel sorry for you PS3 owners. You never got any of the DLC, and you probably never will.
It irritates me that the PS3 still hasn't received the DLCs :grumpy:


Looks surprisingly fun. Will surely simplify some tedious tasks in the game like seeking out several of one ingredient. And I wonder if your adopted child will grow..
Bethesda unable to find solution for Skyrim: Dawnguard DLC, working with Sony

Earlier in the month, we provided an update on Dawnguard's status for PS3.

It's been a few weeks, and we wanted to make sure everyone knows where we're at with Dawnguard. Skyrim is a massive and dynamic game that requires a lot of resources, and things get much more complex when you're talking about sizable content like Dawnguard. We have tried a number of things, but none of them solve the issue enough to make Dawnguard good for everyone. The PS3 is a powerful system, and we're working hard to deliver the content you guys want. Dawnguard is obviously not the only DLC we’ve been working on either, so the issues of adding content get even more complicated. This is not a problem we’re positive we can solve, but we are working together with Sony to try to bring you this content.

We wish we had a more definitive answer right now. We understand the frustration when the same content is not available on all platforms. When we have an update, we will certainly let you know. We deeply appreciate all the time and support you have given us, and we’ll keep doing our best to return that.

The studio just announced that the second piece of DLC, Hearthfire, would hit the Xbox 360 on September 4. This news incensed many PS3 owners who have accused Bethesda of favoring other platforms over Sony's console. These complaints drove Bethesda VP Pete Hines to try and explain that Dawnguard is not affected by the development of Hearthfire and other expansions because different teams are working on them.

The news that Dawnguard's issues carry over to future DLC expansions that Bethesda is not sure it can solve is potentially devastating and definitely a blow to PS3 owners.