Vintage Sports Mixer - * Congrats Audiman2011 & LongbowX *

Ah the Alfa Speciale... :)
Those are beaaaaaaaauuuutiful. :)

Great pics! Thanks!

I've been very remiss this week w/ the pics.
I did take some, I just haven't gotten around to uploading the few I have yet.
I've been all wrapped up with the beginning of gardening season.
And my MIL is coming to visit today. (Which is probably why I was so distracted yesterday. :nervous: :lol:)

I noticed that MarkB75 is now at the top of BOTH the Wednesday & Saturday Spitfire Hot List! :lol:
Is there indeed an element of luck playing out here... or do you have some secret of the Spitfire Mark???? :):D

Also, there is OBVIOUSLY a secret with the Spider. :odd: So what is it people?
Should I be shifting earlier or something? Is it one of those?
It's like everybody else in the Spider is shooting off like stabbed rat, and I may as well be in the Spit! :boggled:
I noticed that MarkB75 is now at the top of BOTH the Wednesday & Saturday Spitfire Hot List! :lol:
Is there indeed an element of luck playing out here... or do you have some secret of the Spitfire Mark???? :):D

Also, there is OBVIOUSLY a secret with the Spider. :odd: So what is it people?
Should I be shifting earlier or something? Is it one of those?
It's like everybody else in the Spider is shooting off like stabbed rat, and I may as well be in the Spit! :boggled:

No secrets in the Spit, I've just been lucky enough to only have to drive it once in each series (both at Trial Mountain, coincidentally), and each time I've been lucky enough to finish in front of a non-Spitfire driver. Does wonders for the average 👍

As for the Spider, I find I'm generally one gear higher for a given corner in it than I am in other cars. I don't know how that compares to the suggested gear in the UI because I hardly ever use it, but if I'm in 2nd in the Speciale, I'm often in 3rd in the Spider. Could be just me, of course :)
Great Series so far!

On Saturday, I had some great mid-pack battles with MarkB75 and cBcvabch when we were in the two Alfa's. We managed to swap posititions a number of times at Grand Valley. And then cBcvabch and I had another battle the entire Trial Mountain race.:)

I'm glad to see that Street-King-07 prevailed at Tsukuba, even after I inadvertantly gave him a punt going thru turn # 3 on lap # 1.:guilty: I thought that could take a decent inside line going thru the turn, but ended up using Street-King's Mazda Cosmo's rear fender to help guide my Alfa thru the turn.:sly: Sorry! I then drove off into the grass to let the field past to make sure I didn't gain any advantage from my exuberant passing methods!

Great fun anyway!

@ mark - thanks I'll try that in the spider! 👍 I know that I wasn't shifting it any differently anywhere. so that could explain a lot.

@ gtsail - you weren't the only one mowing the lawn in the Tsukuba race :guilty:
All I had to do was STAY ON TRACK and I would've won that race. The pressure was too much. :lol: :rolleyes:
I'm about 50:50 for tomorrow, but put a few laps in tonight at Lagunitas since it's new to me. 2:38:200 in the Speciale for the hot lap board...
The speciale is so nice to drive on that track isn't it?
I was remarking upon that the other day.
(Chances are I won't get it for that track though, so I should shut it. ;))
I cannot make it either this evening, because of work.
Yeah cool I need it for tonight as I can get the triumph so I should be there tonight
Some good racing yesterday, another three races of which in the Spitfire (now 6 out of 10 :crazy:), which by now is properly run in. In Race 9 I finally got to drive something different than Fairlady or Spitfire, i.e. the Cosmo, and promptly couldn't win against Longbow in the Giulia. Great race though! In yesterday's final race at Mt.TopMore I would have almost made it through the cars lying around on the climb, but then smashed into one, which basically ended my race, because I had to climb the hill from a stand-still with about 30km/h. By the time I got to the top, everyone was gone. Nevertheless managed to get by Longbow basically ON the finishing line to gain the right to race the Giulia in race 11 next week! :cheers:
I might be able to make Saturday.
Wednesday Event #2 RESULTS

Points Standings
  1. AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07 (31pts)
  2. cbcvabch / cbcvabch (31pts)
  3. Coreyb / Coreyb_26 (30pts)
  4. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n (26pts)
  5. LongbowX / LongbowX (24pts)
  6. HusamOne / HusamOne (24pts)
  7. snowgt / GTP_SnowCrash (23pts)
  8. jackargent / jackargent (20pts)
  9. John Wells / johnwells69 (15pts)
Race #6 @ Eiger Nordwand Short Track - Weather
  1. AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07 / Nissan Fairlady 2000 (SR311) '68
  2. jackargent / jackargent / Nissan Fairlady 2000 (SR311) '68
  3. cbcvabch / cbcvabch / Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale '63
  4. Coreyb / Coreyb_26 / Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto '66
  5. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale '63
  6. HusamOne / HusamOne / Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto '66
  7. John Wells / johnwells69 / Mazda Cosmo Sport (L10A) '67
  8. LongbowX / LongbowX / Triumph Spitfire 1500 '74
  9. snowgt / GTP_SnowCrash / Triumph Spitfire 1500 '74
Race #7 @ Lagunitas Kei (Toscana tarmac)
  1. snowgt / GTP_SnowCrash / Nissan Fairlady 2000 (SR311) '68
  2. LongbowX / LongbowX / Mazda Cosmo Sport (L10A) '67
  3. Coreyb / Coreyb_26 / Mazda Cosmo Sport (L10A) '67
  4. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale '63
  5. cbcvabch / cbcvabch / Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto '66
  6. AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07 / Triumph Spitfire 1500 '74
  7. HusamOne / HusamOne / Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale '63
  8. John Wells / johnwells69 / Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale '63
  9. jackargent / jackargent / Triumph Spitfire 1500 '74
Race #8 @ Laguna Seca Mazda Raceway
  1. jackargent / jackargent / Nissan Fairlady 2000 (SR311) '68
  2. HusamOne / HusamOne / Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale '63
  3. cbcvabch / cbcvabch / Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale '63
  4. Coreyb / Coreyb_26 / Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto '66
  5. AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07 / Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale '63
  6. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto '66
  7. LongbowX / LongbowX / Triumph Spitfire 1500 '74
  8. snowgt / GTP_SnowCrash / Triumph Spitfire 1500 '74
  9. John Wells / johnwells69 / Mazda Cosmo Sport (L10A) '67
Race #9 @ Deep Forest Raceway
  1. LongbowX / LongbowX / Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale '63
  2. snowgt / GTP_SnowCrash / Mazda Cosmo Sport (L10A) '67
  3. Coreyb / Coreyb_26 / Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto '66
  4. cbcvabch / cbcvabch / Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto '66
  5. John Wells / johnwells69 / Nissan Fairlady 2000 (SR311) '68
  6. AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07 / Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale '63
  7. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale '63
  8. HusamOne / HusamOne / Triumph Spitfire 1500 '74
  9. jackargent / jackargent / Triumph Spitfire 1500 '74
Race #10 @ Mount TopMore (Mt. Aso tarmac)
  1. AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07 / Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale '63
  2. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale '63
  3. HusamOne / HusamOne / Mazda Cosmo Sport (L10A) '67
  4. cbcvabch / cbcvabch / Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto '66
  5. Coreyb / Coreyb_26 / Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto '66
  6. John Wells / johnwells69 / Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale '63
  7. snowgt / GTP_SnowCrash / Triumph Spitfire 1500 '74
  8. LongbowX / LongbowX / Triumph Spitfire 1500 '74
  9. jackargent / jackargent / Nissan Fairlady 2000 (SR311) '68
See Post #2 in the thread for various points standings, tallies, & Race #11 car assignments. 👍

Fairlady Forfeit earned by:
AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07
LongbowX / LongbowX
If they are assigned the Fairlady by the list, they will instead drive the Cosmo.
Spitfire Reprieve earned by:
jackargent / jackargent
If he is assigned the Spitfire by the list, he will instead drive the Spider.

Race Incident Report:
Race #8 @ Laguna Seca, Lap 1
Audiman2011 & John Wells go 2 wide through the turn before the corkscrew, it does not play out well. Probably not a good idea to go 2 wide through some of the more dodgy cambered turns in the Cosmo & Speciale.
Conclusion: Non-Penalty Mutual Fault Race Incident
Race #10 @ Mount TopMore, Lap 1
Coreyb's car, according to 3 steward reports, lagged suddenly coming out of Turn 1. Since obviously Coreyb probably was unaware that he was the one who was lagging, it's difficult to say what Coreyb saw from his perspective. But Coreyb's car caused a contact with jackargent's car & obstruction of the track for snowgt & cbcvabch, causing significant detriment mid hill for all 3 drivers.
Conclusion: Coreyb 1pt fairness penalty, as consolation to jackargent, snowgt, & cbcvabch.

RE: Lag

For future reference, if you see more than 1 car lagging on the track - YOU are likely the one lagging.

Also, whenever lag like this happens in the first 30 to 60 seconds of a race, anyone seeing that kind of significant huge lag should announce it so that an abort can be called and the race restarted.
I'm not talking about a little jumpiness, of course. But when a car goes shooting about the track, that's "significant huge lag".

It's just too disruptive to continue like that because it tends to cause everybody to get reckless as they desperately try to escape the hugely lagging car. And often the driver in the lagging car may think everybody else is lagging, and see no reason not to just try to drive away from them, not having any way of knowing that the reason everyone else is spinning out is because they've caused multiple contact incidents. :embarrassed:(

So, if you see shooting cars at the beginning of a race - call an abort! I will always honour a shooting car abort!

I think I'm going to add that to the Rules section. (Someone remind me if I forget. :dopey:)

I always think back to this lag incident:

:crazy: :scared: :lol: :( :yuck:
And how in that race there were several race incidents,
with half the grid having seen that lag, and half not. :boggled: Very annoying.
@ snowgt... out of curiosity, is your Spit @ 74hp now, and how many miles did it take?

To tell the truth, it's probably still not run in fully. I didn't check how many km it had after the races, but I know it's still at 73hp. (something around 200km+)

But the way it is implemented, full power is reached after exactly 300km (187miles). This has also been confirmed by the guy that dissected the saved game files. (unless it's an OCD 0-miles car, of course)

When exactly the Spitfire actually shows as having 74hp depends on the exact hp-figure with 0.0km. It will probably show 74hp though before it actually has it (probably at 73.5), because the figure in the settings is rounded. It will still rise though until 300km have been driven, whether you see it or not.
So looks like I lagged briefly. I didn't see any lag except for jackargent and then mass pile up. I guess i'll have to accept my penalty of 1pt. would have been a nice 3 way tie for first though :)
Since I finished 5th in last race does that mean I will be using the speciale next wednesday for 1st race?
Note: cbcvabch was found lacking the Speciale, so when he was assigned the Speciale, he instead drove the Spider, according to the car assignment rules.

cbcvabch, let me know if you still need a Speciale for this week, I have a spare. Send FR to GTP_MarkB75 if you do.

Note, it's 1hp and 1pp down due to it's 34k miles, but otherwise in good shape.
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Even though I have a fairly healthy 6 point lead in the Wednesday series, I can't afford to ease up, especially since I can no longer use the Fairlady.
Good racing yesterday:) Accept race incident report, Laguna Seca. I was heading for the barrier, before I knew what was happening:embarrassed:uch Only to spin round, in everyones way and making contact with Melon:nervous:
Regarding the April 20th event, I might be able to make it after all if the races accumulate 2 hours at maximum. Put me back on the list for that event, but only as a slight possibility.
@ MarkB75
cbcvabch drove the Speciale yesterday, so he's got one. 👍
But thanks for offering to send someone a car.
I really appreciate when other people step up to the plate to help people get cars they need to participate. :)

@ snowgt
I didn't know that about the 187 miles thing. That's good to know, thanks.

@ Audiman2011
I think we've been keeping it right around 1hour 45 minutes. I see no reason that would be any different for any of the rest of the events (sat or wed).

@ John Wells
I didn't envy you getting the Cosmo at Laguna Seca. When I tried it there, I found it very :nervous: unsettled on all the cambered turns.
Just because a car is rated as "faster" does not mean it's fantastic on every track, that's for sure!!

@ Coreyb
The lag was kind of odd because ordinarily that happens off the starting grid. But later in the lap I saw your throttle stop intermittently going down the straight - which would be a peculiar thing to do, so I think that was lag too.

At any rate, this is friendly racing, it doesn't have to be "every man for himself" if there's lag at the beginning of the race. :scared: :crazy:
Not a big deal to abort & restart. So that everybody has a good time.
I take care to plan the schedule for events to allow time for issues like that. 👍
Well that's interesting lol. I wonder why I random spirts of lag? Oh well. I do have some bad news though about next wednesday's race. I won't be able to particpate with you guys :( I just accepted for this new job so which is from 8:30am to 5:30 pm so I won't be able to make a lot of the events now. From what I understand though I am off on tuesdays and sundays. So maybe that could be taken into consideration for future events.
Congrats! It's a bummer when work gets in the way of more important things though... ;)
Yeah ! :lol:
I'm hoping to be accepted somewhere soon. I'm up for some seasonal jobs at state parks, so who knows what my schedule could turn into at any time myself.
Though any already scheduled events would proceed without me, and there would probably still be euro friendly schedules by the way... I've been trying to tutor Audiman2011 to take over for me when/if need be. :) (Append: And there have been in the past, others who have been able to take over. If you're interested in that, let me know if you want instructions & tips on being a back-up host. :))