Having things that already compromise your privacy is not a sound reason to get a new thing that does it more. It's not a selling point and it's not a good thing. It's a bad thing. A very bad thing.
It's still a customer-installed, internet enabled, corporate (and federal) CCTV camera with permanent audio capture and video and IR video capture on demand. At best it'll send you adverts for Lightspeed Briefs, since you like sitting around in your underpants. Or Kleenex, if you're... uhhh... "single". But you have no way of stopping it from having its scope expanded.
Dreamcast was the best videogame console on 6th gen. Yes was a failure but have the best game ever. SHENMUEII.
The best 2D fighting games and 2D shooter games were release for Dreamcast.
Jet Set Radio, PSO, Sonic Adventue(best 3D sonic game) Dead Or Alive 2, VF3.
Racing games: Tokyo Extreme Racer, Sega Rally 2, MSR, Sega GT.
You can play on DC Tekken 3, MGS1, Gran Turismo 2 and Half Life.
And had a decent online service.
Dreamcast was a "failure" but was much better than PS2, Xbox and GC.
SEGA was the best game company in late 80's and begin of 90's
SEGA best game company in the XXcentury - Fact.
Microsoft best game company in the XXI century- Fact.
Shenmue II best game ever made - Fact.
My opinions are fact - Fact.SEGA best game company in the XXcentury - Fact.
Microsoft best game company in the XXI century- Fact.
Shenmue II best game ever made - Fact.
There's still a gulf between the foolish stuff people choose to share online and a camera that records your heartbeat and tracks you by your skeleton harvesting data you have no idea you're sharing...I'm not suggesting you should be OK with adding more potential risk, but complaining about the spying capabilities of the One while simultaneously using a service like Facebook or Google+ seems rather odd (general statement, I think you've said before you don't have a Facebook)
You are.I'm personally OK with the One, I'm not overly thrilled about some of it's intrusiveness mind you, but I'm willing to accept it because I personally don't think I'm putting myself at any more risk than I already have in the world.
Caution: Objects in the mirror are less attractive than they appear.Also Lightspeed Briefs? Sign me up.
That'll be the first one.Where's this option?
" to hell consoles, expecially those spy thingy by MS, I'll go PC. And as soon as Ubuntu will recieve some sim-racing love, I'll throw Windows out of the window as well".
And Kinect 2 is ripe for addition to PRISM, once again making it more of a privacy and security risk than a mobile phone...Until "the feds" serve it with an NSL... Then they get all the data too, without telling you and MS have to deny it.
Good job I didn't say it then - your phone doesn't actually record calls either, but who you call, when and for how long is logged by the provider and subject to PRISM requests.So it records?
Where did you hear this?
Any, you know, proof?
Seems a lot of the crap I'm hearing is hearsay, kind of shocked to see you as a part of it.
However, I would be utterly amazed if it didn't collect information for an MS profile and targetted advertising.
I was excited for the PS4 and Wii U but after E3, the PS4 lost its appeal to me, I can't really afford the PS+ and the games right now feel like Online-must games.
SEGA best game company in the XXcentury - Fact.
Microsoft best game company in the XXI century- Fact.
Shenmue II best game ever made - Fact.
SEGA best game company in the XXcentury - Fact.
Microsoft best game company in the XXI century- Fact.
Shenmue II best game ever made - Fact.
Wait, you cant afford any games but you wanted the system? What are you doing here if you "were" excited about something you clearly couldn't afford?
The world seems to think single player doesn't matter any more. You need to pay for your internet, pay for the system and games. Less than $5 a month shouldn't be out of reach. Or maybe you worded what you were trying to say the wrong way.
Last of Us and tomb Raider are great games with mediocre multiplayer. Fallout 3 and Skyrim have zero multiplayer. Diablo 3 has single player and couch co-op. Many off line co-op games. Great games that do not ever need to be played online.....
A Gaming PC will cost you as much as a PS4 with 3-4 years of PS+, you are dead in the water and have no option. Online seems important so WiiU isn't going to fill that void either.
1. I can't really afford the monthly and yearly fee ides (I rarely buy stuff online as well).
I understand that but you did not expect it to be cheaper than the Wiiu did you?
2. I prefer buying something that lasts' almost forever than only for 3-4 years, I'm not even a PC gamer anyway.
My point is you don't have many options as far as your needs and affordability, online gaming
3. Wii U has online features like Miiverse and has upcoming games like Mario Kart 8, and the next Super Smash Bros. and it has free online
Games you wouldn't be able to play on PS4 anyway. What online PS4 games were you intending on playing that are similar on WiiU?
4. I don't like any of the games you mentioned, to be hoest.
Examples of good offline games
I'm personally OK with the One, I'm not overly thrilled about some of it's intrusiveness mind you, but I'm willing to accept it because I personally don't think I'm putting myself at any more risk than I already have in the world.
Answers in Red.
I'm saying as soon as some developer will achieve a great sim on Ubuntu I'll leave Windows too. Probably not happening anytime soon, just a thought.Did I really just see HKS suggest Ubuntu as a PC gaming platform?!
1. Might be cheaper but once you start paying for online, it turns out that you're paying more.
2. I understand what you mean but I can't see the point on waisting money for online when others do it for free.
Thats where my point about single player comes in.
So its just the sense of freedom, not the actual way you intend to play online? I got it.
3. None at the moment, actually.
I thought I was going to eventually end up getting a PS4 just for GT and MGS games, but after the E3 press conference I'm actually really excited about the PS4. I mean I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a second graphics card for my PC before I get a PS4, but still, I want one ASAP. Or as soon as I can import an American one anyway.
I think the important thing I need to bear in mind is that I really need to get a real job.
Why import an American PS4 out of interest?I thought I was going to eventually end up getting a PS4 just for GT and MGS games, but after the E3 press conference I'm actually really excited about the PS4. I mean I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a second graphics card for my PC before I get a PS4, but still, I want one ASAP. Or as soon as I can import an American one anyway.
I think the important thing I need to bear in mind is that I really need to get a real job.
There is no need for that. I am sure there is appeal to get console for a number of people, whether you like some of exclusive games for it or the features it has or for whatever other reason.If anyone gets a Xbone after E3 they are either daft or are loaded... with money. No offense but MS really screwed their LOYAL fans with what they did with the Xbone one.