GTP TLAs explained (two / three letter acronyms)

  • Thread starter AMG.


Staff Emeritus
NL, Leiden
I have myself on occasion asked here what certain TLAs stand for and I have seen others, including native english speakers, asking too. I thought I'd dedicate a thread to it and see where it leads us.

I'm willing to maintain this list but I only expect to see additions to the list if it is used regularly within this GTP community. So don't quote your dictionary to include all the TLA's you can find in there, limit it to "GTP talk" oh .... and keep it clean. :)

TLA    Description - meaning
2c    two cents worth
(sp?)    Spelling
AFAICT    as far as I can tell
AFAIK    as far as I know
AI    artificial intelligence
AUP    Acceptable Use Policy (you'd better read it)
BTW    by the way
CTR    Civic Type R
DD    Daily Driver
DF    Driving Force
DFP    Driving Force Pro
DFGT    Driving Force GT
DLC    Downloadable Content
DRE    Disk Read Error
DQ    Disqualified
DYSAGT    Did you see anything good today
F1CE    Formula One: Championship Edition
FGT    Formula Gran Turismo
FR    Friend Request
FTFY    Fixed that for you
FTL    For the loss
FTW    for the win
FWIW    for what it is worth
G25/27    Logitech G25/27 Racing wheel
GTP    GT Planet
GV    Grand Valley, (GVE the endurance race in GT2-GT4)
GVS    Grand Valley Speedway
HMRCWG    How many replies can we get
HSR    High Speed Ring
IBTL    In before the lock (if used a hefty penalty will be handed out to you)
IDK    I don't know
IIRC    if I recall correctly
IMO    in my opionion
IMHO    in my humble opinion
IRL    in real life
j/k    just kidding
KY    Kazunori Yamauchi
LMAO    laughing my arse off
LOL    laughing out loud
LRS    Long Race Series
MOV    Margin of Victory
OP    Opening Post
OLR    online racing
OMG    oh my goodness
OTOH    On the other hand
PD    Polyphony Digital
PITA    pain in the arse
PM    private message
PP    privacy policy
PP    Performance points
QFT    quoted for truth
RBE    rubber band effect
ROFL    rolling on floor laughing
RROD    red ring of death
RRV    Red Rock Valley, the GT2 race course.
SFGTP    San Francisco Gran Turismo Party
SRF    Skid recovery force.
SSR    Special Stage Route; (SSR5 or SSR11 see GT-GT4)
TBH    To be honest
TLA    Two/three letter acronym
TL;DR   Too long(winded), did not read
TM    Trial Mountian (TME the endurance race in GT2/GT3)
TOS    terms of service
UKGTP    United Kingdom Gran Turismo Party
WRS    weekly race series
YLOD    yellow light of death (PS3)


Up to post #105
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FTL- For the loss
AFAIK- as far as I know
TBH- To be honest
IDK- I don't know

You've covered most of them.

CBA- Can't be arsed (I see this one more in games like LFS, than I do here though.)
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I'd imagine DRE (Disk Read Error) and RROD (Red Ring Of Death) are musts.
Here are some that I made up and may come in handy:

FWIK - From What I Know
OAT - Of All Time

AUP- Acceptable Use Policy (which this quote is taken from).

No slang words that promote laziness, ie; “r”, “u”, “plz”, etc. will be tolerated. Decent grammar is expected, including proper usage of capital letters. Repeated violations will be grounds for suspension and/or permanent removal from the forums.
An acronym is not slang and as such, the AUP doesn't apply.

The acronym AUP, however, does apply to this thread.
I just thought that the quote should be in here so as to keep people from trying to add everything that they could think of.
Lots of new guys don't know what these mean and they are used here, LOTS!

KY - Kazunori Yamauchi

PD - Polyphony Digital

I’m willing to maintain this list but I only expect to see additions to the list if it is used regularly within this GTP community. So don’t quote your dictionary to include all the TLA’s you can find in there, limit it to “GTP talk” oh .... and keep it clean. :)

PEOPLE: Please read the part I quoted above. It is fundamental to the point of this thread.

Thank you. No need to make things up or post TLAs that are in common usage everywhere on the 'net. Let's avoid this stuff:

Here are some that I made up and may come in handy:

FWIK - From What I Know
OAT - Of All Time


How about FFS?
Fast Floored Speed!!! hehe...


Laughing quietly to myself.

BRB - Be right back
AFK - Away from keyboard
OMG - Oh My God!
What about "GT" (Gran Turismo) itself? Isn't that one of the most used here? Although I'm quite sure most people here would know what it is anyway :lol:.
How about FFS?
Fast Floored Speed!!! hehe...
Lol, I think you got the wrong definition of FFS there. I think everyone should know that FFS means For F:censored: Sake.... ;)

Also wanna add this:
FTMFW: For The Mother 🤬 Win (seen several GTP'ers using it)
DFP: Driving Force Pro
LRS" Long Race Series

GTP- Gran Turismo Planet
GT-R- Mad tyte auto yo!:lol: Couldn't resist.
TLD- The Lion's Den
MFT- Mad Finn Tuners
Well in his defence I can't say I've ever heard someone pronounce the 'H' in 'Honest'.

He's still wrong though.
He's still wrong though.
That's the important part. ;)

Wanna add a few more:

OTOH - On The Other Hand
HTML - HyperText Markup Language :lol:
GTFO - Get The 🤬 Out (a common 4chan word)
(sp?) - Spelling (I know I missed this one a lot.....)
Well in his defence I can't say I've ever heard someone pronounce the 'H' in 'Honest'.

He's still wrong though.

Living in Birmingham I'm sure you don't hear many sounds being pronounced.

I still think that Timothy Spall's Brummie accent in Red Dwarf was hilarious.
I only expect to see additions to the list if it is used regularly within this GTP community.

.... and keep it clean. :)

GTFO - Get The 🤬 Out (a common 4chan word)

I'd like to present you with a big shiny gold medal from the 2008 Failympics, in the discipline "Reading any part of the opening post".
Red Rock Valley, the GT2 race course.

Special Stage Route; usually expressed as SSR5 or SSR11, for the courses used in GT-GT4.

Trial Mountian, sometimes expressed as TME to signify the endurance race in GT2/GT3.

Grand Valley, sometimes expressed as GVE to signify the endurance race in GT2-GT4.

Formula One: Championship Edition
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Wanna add a few more:

OTOH - On The Other Hand
HTML - HyperText Markup Language :lol:
GTFO - Get The 🤬 Out (a common 4chan word)
(sp?) - Spelling (I know I missed this one a lot.....)

You did so well paying attention the first time... then dropped the ball.

DD - Daily Driver
HMRCWG - How Many Replies Can We Get

*sees Famine’s post above, whistles inconspicuously*

In my defense, LQTM has been used in 3 [very important and frequently visited] threads on this site, and in chats with site members.

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