Demon's Souls

  • Thread starter Keine Zeit
I figured I might as well make a thread about it so more people can be made aware of this awesome (imo) game.

This game is an action RPG with a medieval fantasy setting. At the beginning of the game you customize your character's appearance and choose a class which is mostly just a headstart in the direction that you want to go. The character you start with can be molded into any type of fighter you want, all weapons/armor/spells can be obtained over the course of multiple plays through the game and all stats can be maximized given enough time and effort.

The gameplay mostly takes place in 5 areas which are accessed from the main hub world. Each area is split into multiple sections with there being a checkpoint at the end of each section (after killing the boss). The areas can be played in any order you want after beating the first boss.

Currency in the game is Souls which you use to buy items/equipment, repair and pay for upgrades to your equipment, buy new spells/miracles, and most importantly to level up. If you die the enemies in the level respawn, you start at the beginning of the level and you drop all the souls you had with you, they can be regained though if you reach the point where you died without dieing again.

More information:
I figured I might as well make a thread about it so more people can be made aware of this awesome (imo) game.

I didn't even realize it was already out. I saw a couple trailers for it several weeks ago and it did look really interesting, but since then I have not heard anything more about it. In fact, I just looked on MetaCritic, and they don't have any listing for it. :odd:

Based on those links you provided it appears it's currently only available in Japan and parts of Asia, which would help explain the lack of reviews for it outside those areas.

Based on the Wiki listing, apparently it got both a rave review as well as a poor review from a couple different reviewers from Famitsu:

Famitsu reviewer Paint Yamamoto, rated the game 9: "This is a game you learn how to play by losing -- you'll face sudden death frequently. But! Keep playing... and you'll realize how deep it really is. If you're looking to experience rich RPG elements, by all means play Demon's Souls!!."

Famitsu "casual" reviewer Maria Kichiji rated the game 6 "It's super-difficult... 'Souls' are needed for everything from shopping to power ups, and the entire game is unforgiving. Even worse, there are almost no hints. Demon's Souls is far too stoic... it's not a game for everybody."


It is odd though, that if the Asian version is available in English, then why not release it else where? Anyone have any info on whether or not this will be coming out in the States or in Europe, and when we might expect that to happen?
Keine Zeit, do u have the game? I have it and really, it's one of the best exclusives available on PS3! I've played now like 20 hours and only have beaten Phalanx and the Tower Knight (Planning to kill the orange dragon at 1-2)
I'm loving it a lot. Coop is great, game is hard (so that's good) and the asian version is fully english so, go go import! :D
Keine Zeit, do u have the game? I have it and really, it's one of the best exclusives available on PS3! I've played now like 20 hours and only have beaten Phalanx and the Tower Knight (Planning to kill the orange dragon at 1-2)
Yeah I have the game. I've played for a little over 40 hours so far. I've beaten 6 of the bosses so far, I've played co-op and done PvP a few times as well.

I love the game and it's currently my favorite game for the PS3, the challenge is a refreshing change from most recent games where there are frequent checkpoints and dieing will only set you back a minute or two. The leveling system and weapon upgrades are great, I'm working on collecting more stones to try and get some weapons fully upgraded.

Edit: It is odd that the game is fully in English yet there is no version for the US and Pal regions. So far there hasn't even been an announcement of it being released in other religions as far as I've heard. I'd think that maybe at E3 there might be an announcement if they're going to be bringing it to other regions.
Is the story good? The absolutely devastatingly massively enormous lack of real RPG's on the PS3 may make me buy this one. And to be clear, is there a confirmation of it not having an NA release?
Is the story good? The absolutely devastatingly massively enormous lack of real RPG's on the PS3 may make me buy this one.

I suppose everyone has there own definition of what constitutes a "real" RPG, but yeah, hardcore RPG games are still much more popular on PC then on consoles... but there are still quite a few RPG games for the PS3... but I suppose most are simply waiting for FFXIII or Versus.

Personally, I'm still waiting patiently for White Knight Chronicles to get released here in the States... which is supposed to happen sometime this year.
The story isn't really the main focus. It basically consists of a small amount of story information at the beginning and at the end as well as the conclusions that you come to from the small amounts of npc interaction throughout the game. The gameplay is really the focus, there is a lot to do but there isn't a whole lot of story.
Hmm... not sure then. Sounds like a perfect rental, I could be potentially be throwing away 80 or so dollars importing this one. Keep in mind I buy a new game (at full retail I mean) once every six months or so... I guess I'm just spoiled by GameFly. :indiff:

From Software* did eventually release the game Enchanted Arms (metascore 64/100) for PS3, after being a launch title (well, almost) for X360. Maybe I'll just bite the bullet and buy it. Or I'll wait, seeing as I have way to much stuff to play as it is :ouch:

*I hate hate hate this developer's name. The only developer name that is worse is UBISOFT, that's the last thing I want to be aware of when I'm going to buy a video game.
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If you want a game for the story then this probably isn't the game for you but if you just want a fun game that offers a decent challenge and a lot to collect then it's probably worth the cost. I haven't even finished half of the levels yet and I've got 40 hours put in so far because of trying to collect items and upgrade my equipment. If you're worried that you'll run out of stuff to do too quickly I don't think it'll be a problem.
Is the story good? The absolutely devastatingly massively enormous lack of real RPG's on the PS3 may make me buy this one.

I suppose everyone has there own definition of what constitutes a "real" RPG, but yeah, hardcore RPG games are still much more popular on PC then on consoles... but there are still quite a few RPG games for the PS3... but I suppose most are simply waiting for FFXIII or Versus.

So I decided to do a quick Google search on finding lists of RPG games for the PS3, as well as browsed through the list of PS3 (disc based) games on Wiki, to see what others have listed as RPG games for the PS3 and what is coming out. I also came across another ranking site that does it by genre, and lists several RPG games for the PS3, but not all of them.

And here is how MetaCritic ranks some, but not all of them:
  1. 93 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
  2. 91 Fallout 3
  3. 87 Valkyria Chronicles
  4. 86 The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles
  5. 86 The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine
  6. 81 Eternal Sonata
  7. 78 Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice
  8. 78 Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
  9. 75 Folklore
  10. 64 Enchanted Arms
  11. 58 Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom
  12. 57 Rise of the Argonauts
Then there are the ones that have been released in Japan:
  1. Demon's Soul
  2. Ryu Ga Gotoku: Kenzan / Yakuza spinoff
  3. Ryu Ga Gotoku 3 / Yakuza 3
  4. White Knight Chronicles
  5. X-Edge / Cross Edge - coming out next month in NA
In addition, the following are coming out within the month:
  1. Alpha Protocol (Obsidian)
  2. Sacred 2: Fallen Angel (Ascaron)
    • While Sacred 2 didn't exactly get rave reviews when it came out last year on PC, but the good news is that it appears a lot of the negative criticism it received was due to being very buggy... and with six months of additional development time, perhaps it will be much better.
Then there is the list of PS3 RPG games that are said to be, either officially or unofficially, in development:
  1. Angel Rings (SCEI)
  2. Dark RPG (From Software)
  3. Dragon Age: Origins (BioWare)
  4. Elveon (10tacle Studios)
  5. End of Eternity (tri-Ace)
  6. Final Fantasy Versus XIII (Square Enix)
  7. Final Fantasy XIII (Square Enix)
  8. The Lord of the Rings, The White Council (EA)
  9. Makai Wars (Nippon Ichi)
  10. Master Project (Takuyo)
  11. Monster Hunter 3 (Capcom)
  12. Omikron 2 (Quantic Dream)
  13. Project D (MichaelSoft)
  14. Shin Megami Tensei (Atlus)
  15. Takes of Vesperia (Namco)
  16. Untitled Kingdom Hearts RPG (Square Enix)
  17. Untitled Persona RPG (Atlus/Square Enix)
  18. Untitled Steambot Chronicles 2 RPG (Irem)
  19. Untitled RPG (Obsidian)

Of the list of current RPG games, I think Valkyria Chronicles and Folklore are perhaps the most under appreciated, and seem to attract more fans the longer they have been out.
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I just recently bought Valkyria Chronicles actually as it was on sale for $30 new at Gamestop, I'd meant to get it when it originally came out however I didn't get around to it until a couple of weeks ago. It's a fantastic game, I haven't completed it yet though because Demon's Souls arrived in the mail a few days after I got it.

I can't wait for some of the rpgs that are coming out, after seeing footage of the Final Fantasy XIII demo I'm thinking of importing it when it comes out in Japan. I don't want to have to wait until Summer 2010 or later to finally get it (it comes out this Winter in Japan according to the demo).
Oh... and I almost forgot about MMORPG games on the PS3 like:

  1. Angel Love Online -- Released: Sep 25, 2008 (JP only)
  2. Free Realms -- Release Date: Q3 2009
  3. DC Universe Online -- Release Date: TBA 2009
  4. Uncharted Waters Online -- Release Date: TBA 2009
  5. The Agency -- Release Date: TBA
  6. MAG -- Release Date: TBA
  7. Untitled Square Enix Next-Gen MMORPG -- Release Date: TBA
  8. APB -- Under Consideration
  9. Endless Saga -- Canceled
  10. X Quest -- Canceled?
Based on those links you provided it appears it's currently only available in Japan and parts of Asia, which would help explain the lack of reviews for it outside those areas.

Interestingly enough Eurogamer just posted their review today and to say the reviewer was quite pleased with the game would be an understatement.

Eurogamer Demon Souls import review

For a little taster here are the 1st 3 paragraphs:
by Keza MacDonald

From Software is a strange and fascinating developer. Mention the name and Armoured Core is what usually springs to mind, or occasionally Otogi, but when it's not making mech games From's output encompasses a vast range of extremes - cutesy co-op platformer Cookies and Cream, Tenchu, card-battler Lost Kingdoms, horror adventure Echo Night, broken, miserablist cult series King's Field. And this, the most interesting PlayStation 3 exclusive I've ever played.

Demon's Souls is a brutal, bleak action combat RPG that pits your lone character against a universe full of violent demons. They range from former human soldiers to agile, double scimitar-wielding skeletons, pouncing flame-creatures, octopus-headed guards, embryonic plague-carrying monstrosities, even Death himself. The game's five worlds - all massive - are split into four different sections, each guarded by a horribly large and hardcore boss monster. Everything in the entire world is designed to kill you, quickly and often without warning.

The only safe place is the Nexus, a haven for tormented souls. It acts as a hub from which you can access the five worlds, or buy and upgrade your character's weapons and abilities to give them a slightly better chance of survival. It is one of the most difficult modern videogames in existence, refusing to make even the slightest concession to your happiness or mental well-being. For this reason, developing a devotion to Demon's Souls has been the gaming equivalent of falling in love with an emotionally stunted, occasionally violent sociopath.

Oh and just got to this great summary paragraph:
To summarise, you end up playing the vast majority of Demon's Souls as either a dead person or a dead person with no money. Every time you die, you start again at the beginning, with all the enemies you just struggled to overcome back where they were. There is no compromise. There's not even a pause button. You get better, or you get nowhere.

I have been watching alot of these. And I find most of them same that say thing. It's hard, but not unfair. If you die, it's your fault, not the AI being cheap. And when you beat a boss you feel like you really did something big. I do love this game.
I got this game through gamefly yesterday and man is it BRUTAL!!! I got past the first slime boss fairly easy, some of the regular opponents are really tough. After beating the slime boss, i continued along the path where you run across the wall and the dragon is coming down with fire you just need to run which was easy. But getting to the other end of the wall, there were like 4 archers (no problem) and 2 of the big armor guys, i tried like 4-5 times and got killed every time losing my souls, couldn't make it back there. Pretty frustrating, so i am going to level up and go back there and own them. Need to get the hang of the parry/attacks. I like the game, but i can see lots of aggravation and cursing coming out of me!!!
I got this game through gamefly yesterday and man is it BRUTAL!!! I got past the first slime boss fairly easy, some of the regular opponents are really tough. After beating the slime boss, i continued along the path where you run across the wall and the dragon is coming down with fire you just need to run which was easy. But getting to the other end of the wall, there were like 4 archers (no problem) and 2 of the big armor guys, i tried like 4-5 times and got killed every time losing my souls, couldn't make it back there. Pretty frustrating, so i am going to level up and go back there and own them. Need to get the hang of the parry/attacks. I like the game, but i can see lots of aggravation and cursing coming out of me!!!

Same here, but it took me some work to get past the bridge before the slime boss (the one where you see the 1st red dragon), the boss itself wasn't hard, thanks to fire... still took me almost 7 hours to get to this boss... but then only needed 1.5 hours to get to the second one..

As for those soldiers you are talking with armors, there's 2 ways of dealing with them (well that work for the that is...), 1st is to fight them holding the weapon with 2 hands (upgrade whatever weapon you are using), 2nd way is to enchant your weapon with fire (they as most of the things around this level) seam to be weak to it, and that will do the job... after that it's a big problem (really BIG)... you will see what I mean.

But actually I only got that far 1 time (most other times was killed by the wolfs when trying to get there), and that time was only able to take 1/2 of his life... next time will use a different strategy!
Same here, but it took me some work to get past the bridge before the slime boss (the one where you see the 1st red dragon), the boss itself wasn't hard, thanks to fire... still took me almost 7 hours to get to this boss... but then only needed 1.5 hours to get to the second one..

As for those soldiers you are talking with armors, there's 2 ways of dealing with them (well that work for the that is...), 1st is to fight them holding the weapon with 2 hands (upgrade whatever weapon you are using), 2nd way is to enchant your weapon with fire (they as most of the things around this level) seam to be weak to it, and that will do the job... after that it's a big problem (really BIG)... you will see what I mean.

But actually I only got that far 1 time (most other times was killed by the wolfs when trying to get there), and that time was only able to take 1/2 of his life... next time will use a different strategy!

haha i know what you mean the "Tower Knight" first time i ran into him i was like "WTF" and died in 2 seconds. I did look at the strategy to beat him and after that i took him out 2nd try. (actually easier than most regular enemies once you know how). I moved over to the Burrow King level now and i believe i'm up to the next Boss/Demon but am afriad to go in there, want to level up a bit more. One thing i do like about the game is the fear/anxiety you get when going to new locations, not knowing who/what you will run into. I don't like that i used the guide but in a game like this when you can die so easily and lose so much, i gave in. It's a gamefly game but i may buy it off them so i can take my time and explore, not feel rushed as there are a few other games in my que i want to have a go at. :)👍

I just wish there were more healing/enchanting items that could be bought but they have to be found from what i can see which makes them more rare when you do get them, and makes me think twice about if it's worth using.
I just wish there were more healing/enchanting items that could be bought but they have to be found from what i can see which makes them more rare when you do get them, and makes me think twice about if it's worth using.

I believe you can buy some healing items from the blacksmith in the Nexus, last time I play.
Well, it took some time, but I'm glad that I finally did it....Platinum Trophy on Demon's Souls.


Possible Spoilers!

I never did play online, so I never traded anything with anyone. I finished up at Soul Level 223, but I wasted a lot of time leveling up while farming for a Pure Bladestone. The last item that I needed for the Platinum Trophy was the Friend's Ring, and after I got to Pure Black Character Tendency at the end of the first play through, I had to kill 12 Black Phantoms in order to get back to Pure White CT.

I believe that this should only have taken 10 BPs, but BP Miralda fell to her death once, and I used Soul Suck on BP Satsuki, which I suppose doesn't count. I only finished World 3 and World 5 in NG+++, and I don't think that I'll even bother to finish up the other worlds. I need to get back to 100% on Fallout 3, since the add-on content dropped me down to having only 57% complete, even though I already have the Platinum Trophy for that game.
I restarted the game since i used the Demon's souls (bosses) as souls for upgrades, rather than some of the special items. Haven't played much since mw2 and forza3 have been out, but i will get back into it. It's a tough game that really keeps me on edge. i'm really afraid to die and do all that back-tracking but is rewarding when you accomplish something. :)👍
I'm still playing on and off, but I really need to finish the game (still only killed 6 of the major demons, the ones near a archstone), since I killed the merchant at 2-2...

When killing some of those flying demons I acidentally touched in him with a Dragon Long Sword... that made him angly and I end up having to kill him... and I'm really missing the option to buy Large Sharpstones and Large Hardstones... so more grinding for me...
You guys probably already know this but for those who might check in out of curiosity I wanted to make sure and point out that DS actually received GameSpot's 2009 GOTY award (linky)!
Demon's Souls

* Publisher: Atlus Co.
* Developer: From Software

GameSpot's Best Games of 2009 Editors' Choice Winner

Surprised? So were we. Yet in a year full of high-quality games on every platform, an unassuming action role-playing game captured our imaginations and still hasn't let go. In many ways, Demon's Souls is a traditional dungeon crawler. You skulk your way through dark, atmospheric corridors and courtyards, fending off all sorts of gruesome creatures and making slow but sure headway into the dark unknown. Yet even Demon's Souls' traditional elements are incredible, revealing a startling attention to detail that draws you in. Boletaria is a menacing and hostile kingdom, unique and yet entirely believable. You cross stagnant swamps where three-headed monstrosities lie in wait, and you climb endless winding staircases while screeching gargoyles descend upon you. The tools you are given to defend yourself are top-notch, and combat carries an amazing feeling of weight and intensity. Further enhancing the tension is Demon's Souls' high level of difficulty. It isn't easy to slice your way through hordes of tumbling skeletons, but there's no greater feeling of triumph than finally getting your first peek at areas previously unexplored.

Demon's Souls is no blast from the past, but rather it's a glimpse into the future. A stunning array of online communication features make Demon's Souls different from anything you've ever played. As you explore the game's five gloomy realms, you see the ghosts of other players as they traverse the same roads and cross the same bridges in their own copies of the same world. You find the bloodstains of slain players and can activate them to watch the last few moments of the poor souls' existence. You can leave messages for other players to find, warning them of dangers lurking ahead or precious treasures hidden below. These innovative features create an incredible web of unified worlds in which you silently and indirectly interact with your fellow adventurers. This player-directed hint system creates a sense of camaraderie between players and encourages those who provide assistance while discouraging miscreants who would mislead you. In the relentless world of Demon's Souls, players need each other to survive.

You can help others more directly by joining them in their own worlds or summoning them to yours. And even this more traditional brand of cooperative play gives you a sense of company among strangers. You cannot choose whom you will join or who will appear to assist you; by offering your assistance, you make yourself available to anyone and everyone who might call for help. And yet it works, thanks to Demon's Souls' carefully constructed mechanics and extended community. Impressively, all these features are seamlessly integrated into the game, as are standard game conventions like saved games and multiplayer options. There are few arbitrary, game-like intrusions, like blinking menus or annoying save-game prompts, to disrupt your careful progress.

Demon's Souls is an extraordinary blend of the old and the new, and the result is so distinctive that it's hard to even find games to compare it to. Yes, it's a hard game. It is ruthlessly, unforgivingly difficult. But it is also amazingly compelling and rewarding, because the tools you need to survive are built into the very fabric of the experience. Demon's Souls is innovative, immersive, and immensely entertaining--and the best game of 2009.

Even though I haven't played the game yet, I've been really tempted ever since I read the EuroGamer review (one of the great comparisons in the review):
It is one of the most difficult modern videogames in existence, refusing to make even the slightest concession to your happiness or mental well-being. For this reason, developing a devotion to Demon's Souls has been the gaming equivalent of falling in love with an emotionally stunted, occasionally violent sociopath.

Anyway I still find the GS GOTY recognition really cool. I don't know, for a little known no hand holding Action RPG to get this kind of accolade from a major western gaming web site is just very encouraging to me. Hopefully this award will get more people to buy the game, thus maybe leading to some DLC and/or a sequel.
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