F1 2011 Australian Grand Prix (REALISTIC) - LOBBY OPENF1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter Peter.
Kingston, Jamaica
Albert Park, Melbourne



Welcome gentlemen, to the next installment in our series of GTPlanet 100% Races. This week, we're going down under to Albert Park, Melbourne. This race will be taking place on Saturday, January 7th, at 11pm GMT, which is 6pm EST.

First and Foremost, please ensure that you follow the GTPlanet OLR Racing Rules and Guidelines in regards to your racecraft, both on, and off the circuit.

The game has a lot of leniency regarding corner cutting at this track. Several corners are cuttable with ease and without fear of the game penalizing you. Therefore, any driver who is caught cutting turns 1, 3, 4, 5, 6-7, 9-10, or 11-12 excessively, will be penalized after the race, if the game does not penalize you already for it. Cutting a corner is anything less that 2 wheels on the track at a time, the track being the tarmac. Get familiar with the corners I am talking about on the map below.


-100% Race Distance
-Rules and Flags will be set to Realistic
-Tyre Wear and Fuel Consumption will be enabled
-Collisions will be enabled
-Damage will be set to Full
-There will be a Qualifying Session before the race
-Weather will be set to Dynamic.
-Al Driving Assists will be Banned with the exception of transmission settings and Driving Line.
-Safety Car will be Enabled


Drivers and Teams:
Drivers will be teamed with whomever uses the same car as they are using. There is a limit of 2 cars per team, of course. To sign up, post that you are interested, right here in this thread, along with your PSN ID. Please add me before race day if you are going to race, so that the distribution of invitations process can take place with ease.

1. Peter. - Ferrari (pj-gm)

2. Niss - Ferrari (GTP_Nissen)

3. BlacqueJacques - Williams (GTP_BlacqueJack)

4. joetoml1n - Red Bull


Ferrari - Peter. & Niss

Williams - BlacqueJacque &

Red Bull - joetoml1n &
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Ferrari (GTP_Nissen #5 Fernando Alonso!) Count me in for it. 👍

Edit: Could it be 1:30 hours earlier because it will be too late for me.
Yes they all are equal.

And Niss, 5pm is probably the earliest I could make the race, so I could bump it back an hour to 5, because I have something before the race which I'm unsure about how long it will take, and I'm assuming I will be home even before the 6pm time now. I will have to get confirmation, but putting It back an hour is possible.
Everyone has been added. Tell your friends, enemies, pets, to all race on Saturday!
Would love to, but as i dont have my wheel at the min (maybe after xmas i'll get another), I can't race without medium TC. I just can't get on with the DS3 triggers.
Hopefully i can take part in the new year once i've got another wheel though..
I am in:tup: GTP_BlacqueJack - Williams

I'll do this race at 3 p.m.and then run the GT5 Super GT 500 pre-season race at 6 p.m. :dopey:
Would love to, but as i dont have my wheel at the min (maybe after xmas i'll get another), I can't race without medium TC. I just can't get on with the DS3 triggers.
Hopefully i can take part in the new year once i've got another wheel though..
Remap throttle to right analog stick, much finer motor control with your thumb.

Been working for me without TC since GT2.
I'm just waiting on confirmation on having to work Saturday or not. I should've known already, but some issues have arose at work and won't know till today sometime. I'll edit my post later when I find out.👍
I don't think i'll be able to do Saturday unfortunately. Going partying tonight, and won't be back til morning, and then Church at 1pm until around 7pm, organizing a Christmas play.

Therfore, i'm POSTPONING this race. Not canceling it, POSTPONING it.
I don't think i'll be able to do Saturday unfortunately. Going partying tonight, and won't be back til morning, and then Church at 1pm until around 7pm, organizing a Christmas play.

Therfore, i'm POSTPONING this race. Not canceling it, POSTPONING it.

Oh goody, I wasn't going to be able to make it tomorrow. Gotta work unfortunately.
Pardon the Double post, but I needed to grab some attention.

Would everyone be able to make this if I had it in the week?
Ok, well then, I don't know about this Saturday ,as you all may be busy Christmas shopping, then again, most of you probably did already, so is Saturday, December 24th a good date for you guys?
Christmas eve a no go for you guys? Okay, well then, I suppose Sometime in January is the best date to have it then. Gives me time to get some more drivers!
Just reminding everyone that this race is still very much on. New Year's day is a Public Holiday for everyone, so how about we have it then?
Just reminding everyone that this race is still very much on. New Year's day is a Public Holiday for everyone, so how about we have it then?

What, everyone racing with a hangover? Bad call..