Do you have experience clearing up debris from a track?You seem to be oversimplifying Magnussens incident, tyre carcass on track, extremely sharp debris from the wheel strewn across the straight, cars spread out. If they put marshalls on a live track with a short lap across a straight, people complain about safety and say it should be red flagged. There's no argument over the validity of the red flags imo, the only argument that can be made for anything is the restart procedure itself being a grid start 2 laps from the end. But if they do a rolling start, people complain about that anyway.
And as I said with Monza, only part of the argument about that was the safety car delay, but drivers and teams said finishing under safety cars shouldn't happen.
Do you have experience clearing up debris from a track?
As someone with 14 years experience and 10 Formula 1 races marshalled at, I can tell you categorically that it is an easy cleanup. A few large shards of metal which are visible from behind the barrier will take a minute at most to clear. It wasn't like an explosion of carbon fibre or the mass of gravel from Albon's crash, that was a case of using a Safety Car to create the gap and clean it up.
Alternatively, chuck the VSC in the bin and bring in a Pit Speed FCY like other FIA championships use. Drivers have to go at a set speed (not a set sector time) so they are free to keep eyes up and LOOK at what is happening in front of them. It feels a lot safer as a marshal clearing stuff off the track under FCY than a Safety Car.
Are you seriously trying to tell me that Magnussen's small wall tap deserves a Red Flag when something massive like Kubica's 2007 Montreal crash was perfectly fine to be cleared under a Safety Car? Races finish under the Safety Car, it happens and it sucks. Montreal 2014, Brazil 2012, Monaco 2010 etc. We got "treated" to the two bad extremes of this in 2021 with Baku and Abu Dhabi and now we were treated with this Australia 2023 š© show? It all comes back to how nobody treats the Safety Car as primarily for Safety, it's either thrown out for a classic 20-second push behind the barriers under double-yellows and then we spend 3 laps unlapping people once the pack had shuffled in pitstops.
Bring back pitlane closures and then Safety Cars would be enormously more useful than they currently are.
Me too. It could be just a good track for them, but we'll have to see if they can keep it up.Besides the terrible endingā¦..
Is Mercedes back? Or just a good track for them?
The RB was obviously faster but Lewis held off every attempt from Alonso to close that gap.
Wonder if they can maintain second and close that gap to RB with their upcoming upgrades.
Me too. It could be just a good track for them, but we'll have to see if they can keep it up.
I think there were a few times where teams did well in Australia, but then the tides shifted in the next race.
Even McLaren seemed to have a decent race here.
Maybe fans should stop complaining about boring races.
Would've, could've, should've.A rolling start probably would have made the final two laps a lot betterā¦
Would have allowed cars to race without the bottleneck at 1.
These guys are supposedly the best drivers in the world, they should be able to do a standing start at any point in the race.A rolling start probably would have made the final two laps a lot betterā¦
Would have allowed cars to race without the bottleneck at 1.
I bet their excuse might be "Well, they were outside the points..."Curious to see why Sargeant wasn't penalised for absolutely Strolling de Vries too...
Are you a recent DTS convert or something? Have you lost all notion of fair racing? You seem to be in a loop of trying to justify Red Flags as a part of entertainment - which they aren't to begin with. As many people are trying to tell you, they are only meant to be used as an extreme measure to stop the race if something serious has occurred. Nothing today was warranted as extreme or serious. Same thing with Jeddah and Bahrain when they brought out red flags. You also quoted me way back when I complained about the Bahrain red flag - I, at the time stated: 'So that's the new thing this year? Red flags for the smallest of things'' that statement turned out to be correct so far.You're comparing a 2007 incident to this? Madness.
Small wall tap that spread debris across the straight and left a carcass out in the open on a short lap track with field spread. All the while team's and fans adamantly want races to end under green conditions. A red flag could easily be justified on multiple levels.
Our verdict on Australian Grand Prix's shambolic finish - The Race
Did mayhem at the final Australian Grand Prix restart and bizarre finish show Formula 1 is wrong to try to ensure 'racing finishes'?
People need to decide what they want, if they go safety car for 5 laps and end under yellow then you have everyone complaining anyway so what does it matter what they do. People are going to whine about it regardless. As The Race verdict alludes to above.
Are you a recent DTS convert or something? Have you lost all notion of fair racing? You seem to be in a loop of trying to justify Red Flags as a part of entertainment - which they aren't to begin with. As many people are trying to tell you, they are only meant to be used as an extreme measure to stop the race if something serious has occurred. Nothing today was warranted as extreme or serious. Same thing with Jeddah and Bahrain when they brought out red flags. You also quoted me way back when I complained about the Bahrain red flag - I, at the time stated: 'So that's the new thing this year? Red flags for the smallest of things'' that statement turned out to be correct so far.
Sounds as though all you care about is your own version of entertainment and no notion of why racing is as it should be, and has always been. For whatever reason, you have no idea why racing fans don't like this era of entertainment over rules? Geez take a step back and think about it. Even the driver themselves are complaining about it. Racing in this format is not entertaining. What Jimlaad has been saying is absolutely true.
At least they're consistent in that.The FIA were clowns
I will never forgive Nascar for poisoning the well with GWC's. Now we see every half brained lemming complain in every series when a race might finish under SC. This DTS generation is ruining racing.
That's Brutal!!! šš
Tbf there was a lot of gravel on track, enough to get a couple of dozen people and a street sweeper to clean it up. It probably would have taken longer if they were wasting laps behind an sc. If I was a driver I would certainly want them to do a thorough job, stones getting thrown into the cockpit from the car ahead would not be nice.As I've said repeatedly, the red flag could be justified from a debris perspective.
Excellent. Every time a tiny piece of debris falls on the track, let's chuck a red flag out. I'm fact, why don't we just not bother with racing at all and instead run the championship with names out of a hat? Apparently that's "entertainment" in your eyes.As I've said repeatedly, the red flag could be justified from a debris perspective. If it benefits the entertainment aspect then so be it. Red flags themselves aren't inherently entertaining, quite far from it, however, if the choice is watching 5 laps of a safety car to the finish or stopping the race to allow for a racing finish, if justified, which it could be in this scenario thanks to the debris, it should be a very easy choice unless you have no interest in being entertained watching this sports entertainment. You seem to be attempting to speak for all fans when you're talking about the same fans who criticised a safety car finish in Italy and have done so on every other occasion that has happened. The drivers are criticising the driving standards, but again, they're also the same drivers criticising finishing under safety cars, because drivers and teams have also stated their desire for races to finish under green racing conditions.
As I've said repeatedly, people need to decide what they want to happen, because ultimately all they're doing is following feedback from fans, team's and drivers to improve the spectacle. Standing starts from red flags, green flag finishes, all introduced in response to criticism from fans and teams.
And so what if I was a recent DTS convert? What would that change in watching the sport? As it happens I've been watching since 1996, and watched every scenario since then which has resulted in the rules being what they are today.
Can't wait for Baku to finish under the safety car and watch everyone kick off because of it.