
  • Thread starter Sam48
United States
United States
As I'm sure most of you already know, the government operation/program known as "Prism" has been made public. What Prism consists of is essentially the complete monitoring of practically all electronic activities of any American citizen (Among others), all in the name of "Fighting terrorism" (Which I believe is total B.S.). There is much more information out there on this program which is easily attainable as many major news outlets have reported on this, however, I want to hear your opinion.

Now that the 4th Amendment is effectively dead, what's your take on such an intrusive program?
Time to get the **** out of the US. They are taking literally every right away and it's happening quite fast.
That is not all. The NSA is building this massive storage facility with enough servers to store 5 Exabytes of data. To compare, that is something like putting enough 16 GB iPhones back to front, to go from the Earth to the other side of the Moon and back (to rechart the course of Apollo 13) two and a half times.

Why build such a facility if you have no intention of storing that information, or is snooping on American's digital lives?
It is not just Americans they are monitoring. We Europeans are also under the digital spyglass.
Time to get the **** out of the US. They are taking literally every right away and it's happening quite fast.
It's not time to leave, it's time to use the tools we were given to stop an overzealous government from ruining everything.
It's not time to leave, it's time to use the tools we were given to stop an overzealous government from ruining everything.

Exactly, also U.S. Gov't overreach of power isn't anything new and has been a topic of debate and issue for decades now. People more and more get tired and weary of a system that knows everything about us, and we have to work so hard to find out why all of the steps they go through are important or being in the dark about such things.
That is not all. The NSA is building this massive storage facility with enough servers to store 5 Exabytes of data. To compare, that is something like putting enough 16 GB iPhones back to front, to go from the Earth to the other side of the Moon and back (to rechart the course of Apollo 13) two and a half times.

Why build such a facility if you have no intention of storing that information, or is snooping on American's digital lives?

If anything, this disturbs me the most. I've always been suspicious of being monitored by ISPs and such. I guess my suspicions have come true.
Here's an interesting video I remember watching almost a year ago. The program he is referring to is most likely what Prism was revealed to be, we just didn't know it at the time.

I'm not particularly concerned about PRISM. Beggars can't be choosers.

"You can’t have 100% security and also then have 100% privacy and zero inconvenience."

I do, however, like the outrage some of the public has shown over this issue. That's free speech at its best, and it keeps the government's intrusive policies in check. Bill of Rights FTW.
I don't want the government to try to give me "100%" security. They're too incompetent to succeed and too power-hungry to be trusted to try.
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Attaining 100% security is impractical, not to mention impossible, but I'm sure you know that. "100% security" is a figure of speech. The president was saying that there must be a balance between security and privacy. There must be a sacrifice in one of those two thimgs in order to have the other. The events of the past decade and a half have shown the need for more security, and that's what PRISM is there for.
How is this news :lol:

A friend of the family (who works with networks and computer programs) has been telling us about this for years now.

Hope after this discovery these spying programs would stop but that is highly unlikely.
These days the Bill of Rights is treated about as importantly as an 8 year old's homework.

Whatever happened to our Rights? We wouldn't have even accepted the Constitution had the Bill of Rights not been immediately added. So how come the our out-of-control, broke, confused government possibly think they can violate the laws our Founding Fathers established in the name of "100% security"?

There's a hell of a lot more things they could do other than invading our privacy that would keep us far more secure than seeing what the average American looks at in his free time.

Also, considering this is America.. Why would you even want to see half the stuff our citizens look at in their free time? That's just nasty..
Time to get the **** out of the US. They are taking literally every right away and it's happening quite fast.
Why I bet they our people are doing the same thing to our northern/southern neighbors along with the rest of the world. You do know the USA thinks they own everything/everywhere!
As I'm sure most of you already know, the government operation/program known as "Prism" has been made public. What Prism consists of is essentially the complete monitoring of practically all electronic activities of any American citizen (Among others), all in the name of "Fighting terrorism" (Which I believe is total B.S.). There is much more information out there on this program which is easily attainable as many major news outlets have reported on this, however, I want to hear your opinion.

Now that the 4th Amendment is effectively dead, what's your take on such an intrusive program?

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

BTW, anyone ever seen the movie "Enemy of the State"?
It's not time to leave, it's time to use the tools we were given to stop an overzealous government from ruining everything.

Why I bet they our people are doing the same thing to our northern/southern neighbors along with the rest of the world. You do know the USA thinks they own everything/everywhere!

US can do anything they want but they have no power in other countries. I'm in Canada and file sharing is legal. In the US if you download a movie illegally, they trace you, hunt you down than sue or possibly put you in jail. They don't care at all and sue even 8yr olds. With this new level of privacy they are completely breaking the law. I seriously think it's time to leave before it gets worse. The only way from here is accept you life is useless and give away your freedom or fight for it. I personally would never give it away like many others which means another civil war has to happen.
Because it's new. And Americans get kinda antsy when their government breaks one of the ten big rules it's supposed to be restricted by.

They're cute like that. Guess that's why they still have freedoms.

meant it as isn't this well known by now that governments use all sorts of technology to spy on citizens
Indeed. But in a country where rule 4 is the government can only search and monitor you if they have reasonable cause to suspect you of a crime and obtain a warrant, for the government to monitor everyone without a warrant or reasonable cause it's... kinda news.
I don't get why it would be OK if it's only non-citizens that get monitored. If a government gives basic rights to it's citizens, I would hope that they would give people from other countries those same basic rights. Something about morals.
I don't get why it would be OK if it's only non-citizens that get monitored. If a government gives basic rights to it's citizens, I would hope that they would give people from other countries those same basic rights. Something about morals.

There is an influential consensus of both parties at the moment that we are at war, and are justified in setting aside rights and laws for the sake of survival and victory. The Patriot Act(s) and the FISA laws have somewhat codified that.

With the bracing revelations of the past week, the consensus is growing shakier, and I am looking forward to a scuffle and a debate over these enactments, their wisdom, and even morality. However, at the end of the day, I expect it will be found that if we really do live in a jungle, then we must be the biggest, meanest, baddest beast. That is the law of the jungle.
I'm not sure if I get this, but are all Americans being "monitored", to avoid terrorism?

That, is actually already happening here, - and we even have to pay, for the ISP, to monitor the internet-lines, for terror-activities. They can't see anything - but these "terrorism-sites", so we're still private. - I guess I'm just used to it.
One thing I'm a little surprised at is the incredulous responses of Facebook, Apple, Google etc. who are all vehemently denying that they knew/know anything about PRISM, and yet, from my understanding anyway, all of these companies are in fact legally obliged to provide information under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) if and when they are requested to do so by the FIS court... these two things alone simply don't add up - how can these companies not know about these requests for data?
Now that the 4th Amendment is effectively dead, what's your take on such an intrusive program?

I think it's wonderful the government finally started listening to the public's wants and needs.


Ah, well...they're doing a lovely job and I can't stop saying nice things now. I'll save them the trouble, and warn them I'm calling a few family members, co-workers, pizzerias.

Really, they couldn't use this technology to stop telemarketers and spammers? Drunken calls at 2am? Instead, we're fed some hokey bullcrap about stopping terrorism, without any half-assed plans to tide us over until the next celebrity engagement.
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