≣PURE | Super GT Cup - Congratulations to GT500 champion GTPGhost and GT300, PASM!Finished 

  • Thread starter Wardez
allowed or forbidden ?
I think it would be a good Stewarding guideline to allow full use of the curbing but count the lap as dirty if a wheel touches the grass/dirt in those sections (T1 and T15). All Stewards would have to agree to this thought.
I think it would be a good Stewarding guideline to allow full use of the curbing but count the lap as dirty if a wheel touches the grass/dirt in those sections (T1 and T15). All Stewards would have to agree to this thought.

Best thing to do is count that as curb and as usual a lap with two wheels on curb is clean since it's part of track.
But using the grass on these curbs feels too wrong to let it slide in my opinion. You already have huge curbing area to take advantage of, there should be no need to further straighten the chicanes by going over grass.
Hi Guys ,

Here is me and ORC_Michouw's Q lap from silverstone , Even though there where many connection issues i really enjoyed racing here it's a Epic track . Me and Michouw had a awesome battle but i must say watching the race between Moleman and Holty was my highlight of the race as well as me and Michouw .... Thank - you dude that was awesome :) . I will do a 15min highlight of the race at some point when time slows down perhaps..HeHe .

Anyway enjoy guys and Thank- you for the existence of PURE Racing :)

Cheers Guys
I agree with basse. We should keep the usual rules, so 2 wheels are allowed on the grass. It is easier to police this, so should help avoid any disputes. It's easy to accidentally touch the grass with one wheel, or slightly kick up a bit of dust. And then we end up with a sort of grey area. With the usual rule it will be easier to spot someone cutting.
Sorry guys quite busy this weekend and dont know ascari much so wont be racing

I should be available to help with qualifying so just post and if im around i will help
So this is legal for anyone still wondering. Keeping with the usual 2 wheels on the kerb rule. Sorry for the bad pictures. Being lazy :)
Yup I am.

Not 100% happy with my quali lap, but nice to get it out of the way early - no clue what others' pace will be like though.
ok guys... I fixed my bug with the mixed races so I'm entering the results from last week now. Won't bore you with the details but it involved writing a complicated sort function. ;)

I'll be updating the teams shortly as well, so if anyone has any team changes (I got yours @Devilb0y) please let me know as I'm just going to randomly assign teams for people needed one to be included in last week's results.

As far as boundaries; I really wish @Wardez had covered this before vacation since I'm not sure what he specifically had in mind. However we have run a PURE event at ascari and since it's hard to police the lines at the chicanes we let drivers have the whole concrete pad but none of the grass.

So while I'm not officially administering this series, I would say:




ok guys... I fixed my bug with the mixed races so I'm entering the results from last week now. Won't bore you with the details but it involved writing a complicated sort function. ;)

I'll be updating the teams shortly as well, so if anyone has any team changes (I got yours @Devilb0y) please let me know as I'm just going to randomly assign teams for people needed one to be included in last week's results.

As far as boundaries; I really wish @Wardez had covered this before vacation since I'm not sure what he specifically had in mind. However we have run a PURE event at ascari and since it's hard to police the lines at the chicanes we let drivers have the whole concrete pad but none of the grass.

So while I'm not officially administering this series, I would say:





The only issue is that some people have already run their qualy lap, using the second picture as a guideline for a clean lap. And people who were testing today were doing the same...
Also the problem with not allowing drivers to use any grass at all, is what happens if someone just touches the grass very slightly with half a tyre? Atleast with the usual rule it's easy to see if someone goes beyond having 2 wheels on the grass.
The only issue is that some people have already run their qualy lap, using the second picture as a guideline for a clean lap. And people who were testing today were doing the same...
Also the problem with not allowing drivers to use any grass at all, is what happens if someone just touches the grass very slightly with half a tyre? Atleast with the usual rule it's easy to see if someone goes beyond having 2 wheels on the grass.

If you guys want to run with the filthy line though the chicanes I'm not going to stop you. People have already qualified, do what you think is best. Like I said, I didn't take over running this for Eddie so I'm not making an official call here. Just letting you know what we did the only other time we ran Ascari. He really should have established boundaries before he went on Holiday.

To the other question, it's actually really easy and black and white. Hit the dirt at all = penalty. The problem with ascari is that it's a country club track. They don't want people bouncing off kerbs and crashing, so they put those concrete "safety pads" there. They aren't kerbs, and by the letter of the rules that @Wardez referenced in the OP, it means the line is the boundary. So using all the concrete is already 4-off behind the line. But using the whole pad is "nice" and makes makes it easier to police during the race.

Track boundary notes
The following rules apply to all track boundaries for all races in SGTC:
  • Two tires must remain in contact with hard racing surface track at all times.
  • Curbing/rumble strips and most hard surfaces attached to white boundary lines are track, different considerations may be made at certain tracks.
  • Concrete patches, "greencrete", or turf and other run off is not considered to be track.
  • White lines and curb/rumble strip edges are considered track. Even if you only have two tires on the very limit, (to be reviewed and confirmed by officials) it will be considered clean.

If there's a kerb, the kerb is the boundary.
If there's not a kerb the line is the boundary.

By the letter of the law you have to do this to be truly "clean":


If you want to go with the rules as they are specified in the OP, I would allow people who've already qualified a re-run or they can eat the penalty and have everyone else stay in the lines. Sorry I was late to the game on this, but I've been busy with work and haven't been hawking the forums as much as normal.
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So what do we do? Ql again?

It doesn't look like it was really decided before anyone ran. For what it's worth.... The people Eddie asked to help run the series in his 2 week absence were: @Andil, @basse101, @CSLACR, Dr_Watson, @Jash, @Müle, @nissman, @outlaw4rc, @Petros, @PhaedrusSocrate, @SkengD, @Third Reign. The only people that said anything one way or the other being basse and Third Reign. One on either side of the argument. (anyone else want to help weigh in?)

Personally, since the rules say the line is the boundary and the concrete is clearly off-track. Without Eddie to clarify for his series, I would go by the letter of the OP and have everyone qualify 2-inside the white line. It's just as easy to watch 2-in-the-line as it is to watch 2-in-the-grass.

In light of those that already ran: I would give you a re-do (no one's times are on the official board yet anyway). Or if you didn't want to quali again; to take 2 off-track penalties (one for each chicane) and keep the dirty time. From what I see this only applies to 3 drivers so it's not like it's 1/2 the field that needs to worry.

Sucks that this wasn't brought up earlier in the week, but to be honest if I was driving I would have practiced by what it says in the OP. Mowing the lawn feels dirty because you're obviously cutting the chicane. I'm not sure why anyone would default to thinking that was the valid line.

Even though I'm not racing in this, these are my recommendations, and if a majority of the other stewards agree go with the OP and use the white line as the boundary. I can be on tomorrow morning to help with the qualifying. Eddie left me a lot of work to do with the scoreboard anyway (1/2 the GT300 results for race1 are missing >:E ). I'll also be taking a look at options for the start line.

So I'll have this train back on the tracks shorty. My apologies to everyone, we generally don't run things this loose.
So are we gonna go with using the whole pad, but any touch on the grass is dirty? We could use the white line as boundary, but as you said before it will be difficult to police in the race. Only reason I went with 2 on the grass is because that was usual practice on other circuits. Final chicane at apricot hill for example. I don't mind running with no grass allowed, but we need to reach a decision on this.