I really really like this league. i like the longer races, and honestly, it's more realistic to me to manage a race, than to run 4 laps drifting the car all over the place destroying the tires without penalty. the tire model for sliding vs. heat vs. blistering is completely wrong on this game. anyways....
i haven't been on GT5, because of life. in fact, this whole year, the few times i've turned a gaming console on was to play with turtles
i guess there was some issue back of people getting there panties in a bunch or something (i don't really follow this thread often unless it's raceday and i'm planning on running). One thing i've learned in racing (real or sim) and the internet is, the more serious things get, the more sensitive people get (probably everything in general). Because i'm very sarcastic and never serious, i offend people who are sensitive. nowadays, i hardly post anything on the internet at all. not here, not facebook, not anywhere. if i had any advice, i would say racers don't make jokes about other racers, because feelings will get hurt eventually. i would say officials put on your tough man filter because people are going to say things about you and your league that you will not like. it's part of being a manager at anything in life. you're reaction will have direct result on your product.
all that being said, i really love the camaraderie of this league, not too serious, but still wanting to do well. the only issues i thought could be better is the way the divisions are and amount per each affects the races and race start time (10:30 vs 10:00). i do not know the right answer, but this is just me speaking out loud. i would not want any kind of official sign ups being days ahead of the race like other leagues. maybe if there were signups like a 9pm on this forum or something. then at 9:45, the divisions (maybe more divisions, keep reading) could be split up, and people could be directed to the proper room via room number on a forum post. why? i think having 4 rooms with 6 racers, or 2 rooms-1 with 8 and one with 16 were not good ideas. that should be 2 with 12. racing with only 6-8 ppl while another room was full seemed kind boring, i guess because racing more ppl seems more thrilling. if there were more divisions, it would be easier to balance out rooms.
also, when people join in for the second race with reverse grid, they start up front. i don't know why, but it just feels weird having people start up there, then moving out of the way, and 50/50 of the time there's a clusterF. i'd prefer to do a 2-4 min qualifier pre grid to iron that out. it would feel more like an authentic start.
like i said, i'm just speaking how i feel. i do not know if there is a 'right way' or better way or any solution to pull more racers. but, the more officials know how racers feel, the more info they can have to make good decisions, so long as the feelings are set aside.
i'm racing here this weekend
but rest assured whenever i get a free saturday, i'm down to rub shells with some turtles