◆ SNAIL [GT1 Championship] Series

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Hello guys, Been a while. I was wondering if I could enter competition again. Just as a driver this time. If not I understand. If so i'll take the Z06 and the number 3 black in color.;)
Why a hit at all ? I'm rusty and haven't been in a GT1 car for a long time. I'm probably just doing part time anyway.
Why a hit at all ? I'm rusty and haven't been in a GT1 car for a long time. I'm probably just doing part time anyway.
Your rusty is like me a peak.
To maybe back this up the only way I have ever beating you is while I was in Pro-Am:)
What about your "SNAIL D1's" I'm no better than them. I have even taken them under my wing and trained them in my League. Your drivers have the tools to get the job done. Why is this always about everyone wanting to see me loose? I'm just here to race like the everyone else an have FUN. You guys know damn good and well that Z06 doesn't have the tire wear or the braking ability that the other cars in this class have. I all ready know all these cars like the back of my hand. You know that. Look I just want to race man not get into this warmachine BS. You had the car posted a 600 hp. I come in and before I even hit the track your de nutting my car. I mean come on cut me a break.
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What about your "SNAIL D1's" I'm no better than them. I have even taken them under my wing and trained them in my League. Your drivers have the tools to get the job done. Why is this always about everyone wanting to see me loose? I'm just here to race like the everyone else an have FUN. You guys know damn good and well that Z06 doesn't have the tire wear or the braking ability that the other cars in this class have. I all ready know all these cars like the back of my hand. You know that. Look I just want to race man not get into this warmachine BS. You had the car posted a 600 hp. I come in and before I even hit the track your de nutting my car. I mean come on cut me a break.
War this isn't about disrespecting you or not believing in your ability. Quite to the contrary this is believe in your ability and respecting you as a racer.

That's why i said only 5hp. I know that your rusty is still better then my best. If anything I believe you are better then everyone with in this league (Except paul I'm not sure about paul yet). When you get golden again you will be even that much faster. It's not about making you worse or lose it's about leveling the playing field.

After you joined I was hoping to get more like you (fast and consistent) to make a third division within gt1. It never panned out.

But for you to come back these are the regulations that will be placed on you.

As you said "I all ready know all these cars like the back of my hand" so to think you are rusty is laughable you are 1 of the best tuners I have ever come across.

As for the warmachine BS even when you left in such a flamboyant way I still had no problem with you coming back the next week. The warmachine BS is something I do respect, your knowledge is great for GT1, your wanting to be upfront and striving to get there will push you there.

I'll say it again you are fast and consistent I am sure you will be more than competitive with in GT1 with a 5ph hit.
So be it . I had already planned for it ahead of time and have the Z06 ready for GV at 595 hp. With that being said you know I will always fight for all the advantage I can. Send me an invite to the club, I have some unfinished business in this league. I just need one more to tie.
I am personally against a performance penalty. If i happen to beat Chris by some chance, i dont want it to be clouded by the fact that he is down power. It takes away from the achievement. Id rather try to rise to his level than cut him down to mine.

Just my opinion. Not complaining or campaigning.
I am personally against a performance penalty. If i happen to beat Chris by some chance, i dont want it to be clouded by the fact that he is down power. It takes away from the achievement. Id rather try to rise to his level than cut him down to mine.

Just my opinion. Not complaining or campaigning.
It's just a third tier with in our league. We were in discussions to add it when it was war,racingline and vert. I hope we can get some more high tier drivers to fill out his tier. Hell I hope we can get 3 rooms going :)

"I always thought of having three divisions already had a name too like that of Blancpain

Gentleman's Cup

And a six race season would be nice as well."

This is what brought about the intial thought. It's from jake and mine personnel conversation If those 3 had of stuck around their wouldn't have been a constructors and we would have gone to 3 tiers.
Hey I'd like to rejoin as did War!
And can I get his 5hp?

P.S. I know I'll be Pro-Am
What car is available or may I choose any Car?
If I can choose any car, than I'll choose the Z06.
:idea:Cause if it good enough for the gentleman from West Virginia;
It must be GOOD! :mischievous:
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Why a hit at all ? I'm rusty and haven't been in a GT1 car for a long time. I'm probably just doing part time anyway.
Rusty? My a$$!
This guy drives with a Cigarette in one hand and a Drink in the other!
How you ask does he steer?
with his Knee!

P.S. sorry for the double post :banghead:
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Thank You!

I'll take the Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (C6) '06 600HP
as I already have it and my favored shade of pink is "Passion Pink" but I won't use that here.

I will go with:idea:
French Racing Blue with black wheels and the number 39
@JCH8r make sure Chris and Thors picks are good number wise
Before I spend too much more time on the Car!!!!!
I need to know ASAP!, I'm working on the Car now!

I have some friend's over and we already got her stripped down and are starting to install the suspension!
I'd hate to tell them that this has been a waste of time!:P
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Before I spend too much more time on the Car!!!!!
I need to know ASAP!, I'm working on the Car now!

I have some friend's over and we already got her stripped down and are starting to install the suspension!
I'd hate to tell them that this has been a waste of time!:P
The car is good thor he's checking your number / color (which should be good)
I've used that number / color for years, Seniority rules in S.N.A.I.L., doesn't that apply here as well?
lol yep right until you leave then seniority counts for squat lol I already know the answer to jakes query but refuse to reveal the answer. Although it's not hard to find the answer for yourself :)
lol yep right until you leave then seniority counts for squat lol I already know the answer to jakes query but refuse to reveal the answer. Although it's not hard to find the answer for yourself :)

If I don't get what I want then I'll just take my Ball and go home:lol:
and see you all on race night, if not sooner!:cheers:
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Tuning room is open!

Now Closed.

Will be back at 1830
for you that have not served and defended this fine Country that you call "Home"
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Before I spend too much more time on the Car!!!!!
I need to know ASAP!, I'm working on the Car now!

I have some friend's over and we already got her stripped down and are starting to install the suspension!
I'd hate to tell them that this has been a waste of time!:P

Tell your friends to hold off on painting the car until I have officially approved your number and color.

Okay. It's approved. Both Chris and Thor are good to go according to the drivers' list.

I should be testing tonight if someone with better connectivity wants to open a club practice room. I can't believe some of the suggested spring rates for this Nissan GT-R.
Tell your friends to hold off on painting the car until I have officially approved your number and color.

Okay. It's approved. Both Chris and Thor are good to go according to the drivers' list.

I should be testing tonight if someone with better connectivity wants to open a club practice room. I can't believe some of the suggested spring rates for this Nissan GT-R.
I'll have a practice room open at 8:45 to 9pm edt. If one isn't opened already.
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