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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Heres a little update on my setup I decided to go with:


T300RS Wheel (thanks gunny)


Playseat Alcantara $100 off. The only problem is I have to drive up to Orange County to pick it up before Friday. Going try to leave work early tomorrow and try to beat the Thanksgiving traffic. The deal is still live but its only for instore pick up. Lots of locations across the US. Link here


T3PA Pro pedals. Havent bought these yet, just waiting to see if they will be marked down for Black Friday.


I have a 144hz gaming monitor that has been collecting dust for awhile now. While I'd like to use my big screen TV that I've been racing GT6/GTS on (albeit 10 feet away laying in bed), I dont think I can configure the rig for it just yet.

I have no idea how I'm going to squeeze all this into my current living situation. But I'll somehow make it work.

Really looking forward to the experience of it, but I just hope it doesnt take me too long to get caught up to speed since I've been on a controller for so long. Luckily with SNAIL data I can see previous fast laps I ran and now have a benchmark to compare to. For you T300 users I may have some questions for you guys. Anyways just thought I'd share. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. And go point and laugh at all the nutjobs who are already standing in line at your nearest electronics store :)
I'm digging it buddy! The wheel and pedal combo is just sooo nice. There's better out there, but price goes up A LOT. You're getting the biggest bang for your buck, in my opinion.


On a side-note, I haven't really said much about my new Buttkicker. Well, that's because I was mostly playing a game that doesn't do much for it. Tonight, I put the GTSport disc in the 'ol PS4, and BANG! My butt was kicked! I really thought the Buttkicker was kind of cool, but I was also a little disappointed, until tonight when I played GTSport. HUGE DIFFERENCE. It's a really cool experience. Feeling the engine, the bumps of the road, and the gear shifts, all kicking into your rear end. My only disappointment at this point is that I can't figure out how to use headphones with voice chat and the Buttkicker at the same time. I don't think it's possible on PS4, but if anyone knows how to do this, please contact me. I can get headphones working fine, but just no voice chat. So, I've only been using it for offline stuff, because I don't want to give up the ability to use voice chat when I'm in online lobbies - but I just might start going silent in online lobbies - because it's going to be hard to race without it now that I've experienced it. So, after a couple weeks with my Buttkicker, I'm happy I bought it. At first I was on the fence, but that's because there's a major sound issue with the game I mostly play. GTSport is AMAZING with the Buttkicker. Going to try a couple other titles over the next couple days, because I hear it works great with them as well.
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He's talking about liveries. Topics vary greatly here and they move quickly. Sometimes someone will bring up a topic that hasn't been seen in two or three pages. You'll catch on over time. For now, just worry about the conversation and your time trial. You have until Saturday at 11:59 ET to run it so take some time to get used to TC at 0 before you go for a time.

I'm not used to forum style but I got you. I'll try to keep it up. And I got you ill nail it. And be surr to turn it in by then
Thanks for telling me what's good. I've been wondering and here I am. ✊
While your at it, watch these videos. Especially the videos on racecraft. Especially the videos on racecraft.
having good racecraft is very important in this league. Smashing your way around the track like its an open lobby will get you in hot water fast here. Also, be sure to polish up on the sites AUP, the link of which "Acceptable Use" is in the footer of this page.
Finally! I feel like the talk of PD not announcing something was getting heavy handed and then boom they come out with this. At least there's some hope.
One reoccurring term i keep seeing in that article that's a bit worrisome... free... does this mean they are going to start down the trend of paid content. They even attributed free to update. I really hope the have no intentions of charging for updates in the future.
I'm wondering if they had this traditional single player mode planned this entire time, or if they decided to do it since so many people were complaining it was removed in the first place. If its the latter that might be a good thing. Maybe we'll get back our online functionality and tuning prohibited lobbies if they are listening to the community.
One reoccurring term i keep seeing in that article that's a bit worrisome... free... does this mean they are going to start down the trend of paid content. They even attributed free to update. I really hope the have no intentions of charging for updates in the future.

I understand your concern, but I think the mention of FREE repeatedly is because its seems that really doesn't exist anymore in newer games. At least that is my optimistic side talking.

I'm wondering if they had this traditional single player mode planned this entire time, or if they decided to do it since so many people were complaining it was removed in the first place. If its the latter that might be a good thing. Maybe we'll get back our online functionality and tuning prohibited lobbies if they are listening to the community.

I doubt they could create this much content in one month due to pressure from the people complaining. In my opinion this was planned all along, although that is all it is, an opinion.
Help me understand BoP. I made it a point to delete the one car I ever TUNED. Then bought a new stock one. I've never asked about front-rear brake balance, just set it 0. But I thought BoP removed tuning, as like reset transmission to un-tuned. Are, can, people be tuning to beat me in sport daily races? Had I might as well stop looking for BoP lobbies?
@JLBowler I want back in, I probably won't run the full night however I miss racing with good and predictable racers.

Welcome Back Birdy!

Help me understand BoP. I made it a point to delete the one car I ever TUNED. Then bought a new stock one. I've never asked about front-rear brake balance, just set it 0. But I thought BoP removed tuning, as like reset transmission to un-tuned. Are, can, people be tuning to beat me in sport daily races? Had I might as well stop looking for BoP lobbies?

I am not an expert on this. But there are a lot of settings that can still be modified while running BoP.
One reoccurring term i keep seeing in that article that's a bit worrisome... free... does this mean they are going to start down the trend of paid content. They even attributed free to update. I really hope the have no intentions of charging for updates in the future.
My reaction also when I read through the article...are they setting us up for paid updates in the future?

EDIT.. good news for me, I also have access to the GT Community and the Livery uploader now..wooot wooot!
One reoccurring term i keep seeing in that article that's a bit worrisome... free... does this mean they are going to start down the trend of paid content. They even attributed free to update. I really hope the have no intentions of charging for updates in the future.
If you remember PD said when the game was announced that they wouldn't be doing micro transactions (like with GT5), I think it is more of a dig at their competition.
They really drive me crazy spending time on a Samba Bus. I was going to say the Raptor too but I forget they have rally modes.

Give me back the RS200, the original NSX or the old Peugeot 205. Samba Bus?
They really drive me crazy spending time on a Samba Bus. I was going to say the Raptor too but I forget they have rally modes.

Give me back the RS200, the original NSX or the old Peugeot 205. Samba Bus?

it is an artist dream car. Excellent Canvas to provide all kinds of Liveries!

that is the only reason I can think of to bring back the Samba Bus.
From what i am seeing in those pictures, coming in first in each race of each of the league's will be giving out a really good payout in credits. Even 3rd place giving drivers 8 million credits. That is more than the seasonal events that were done in GT6.
I want to believe the credit payout but I think its a placeholder
Don't hold your breath lol. $80 game and a $400 system. Don't think they'd realistically be thinking many would be buying a $2000 wheel set for it.
This is exactly the drawback for buying a “3rd party” wheel. If Fanatec doesn’t slide some cash to these software people then they will continue to go unsupported with mainstream titles like this.
I would remind those (and myself) who are tattooing their car with SNAIL paraphernalia to be mindful of that when cruising public lobbies or sport mode. You are not only promoting but also representing our league.
I was gonna ram everyone and then text the room "If you don't like what you saw, join SNAIL and you'll never see it again". Don't do that?
I would like to think it a dig. But then there were credit packs in gt6. It's also fairly common in most race sims.
I was gonna ram everyone and then text the room "If you don't like what you saw, join SNAIL and you'll never see it again". Don't do that?
Honey brings more flies...