◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Currently Recruiting for GT7 - JOIN TODAY!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Can you talk a bit more about grip reduction off the racing line? More interested in the subtle differences as you gradually move farther away.
Sure, I'm going to put in quotes so I don't wall of text this thread.

The Grip Reduction setting description is another victim of a butchered Japanese to English translation, which leads to a lot of confusion. Furthermore, the title and description of the setting changed from GT5 when it was first introduced, creating more confusion.

Grip Reduction when set on real will cause the grip on the clean line to be greater than off the racing line, with grip gradually reducing as you get farther into the marbles and then drastically reducing when a tyre leaves the racing surface for either a runoff area or grass/dirt/sand.

Grip Reduction on real also causes greater reduction in grip from adverse track conditions like weather and temperature. We don't see it(unless you are running a dash I guess and you can see some things) but the game does actually model temperature of the tyres, track surface, and air. This, along with other factors, is why the same car runs different lap times at different times of the day on the same track. When Grip Reduction is set to real, these effects are more pronounced than they are when set to low. Go drive the Nordschleife in early morning or late evening, or during a sunrise or sunset transition and you will feel large differences between grip reduction on low or real in the off line areas that accumulate dew, as well as even reduced grip in areas that remain in shadows after the sun rises. You haul into a turn partially shadowed and get the car all loaded up you may just toss it when you cross the shadow in the morning. Just like real life. They did a good job. Whether or not the speedy dry that shows up on Big Willow mid-morning entering the omega has an impact, I haven't tested thoroughly.

When you have Grip Reduction set to low, the grip in the marbles and runoff areas (such as painted surfaces) does not drop off as drastically as it does when set to real. With Grip Reduction set to real is also causes the accumulation of marbles off line as a race progresses. As such, the grip across the width of the track is more consistent with Grip Reduction set to low. This causes a few different consequences. Because the grip isn't as reduced when off the line, making mistakes and pushing off line or just plain old driving poorly and not placing your car correctly isn't as detrimental. Bad driving doesn't cost you as much with Grip Reduction set to low.

If you want to experience this first hand, go drive the Mercedes Arena on Nurburgring GP (turns two, three, and four) back to back a few times with Grip Reduction set to low and then real and you will feel the difference.

The more significant difference when running Grip Reduction set to low, is that the balance of the cars change. And in different ways in different places. Because the grip across the surface is more even and doesn't rise and fall as you cross the racing line, when you drive into a turn the car will behave differently. There are countless turns where the grip changes throughout the corner, causing the car to behave a certain way, that changes when Grip Reduction is set to low. For example, half the turns at Brand Hatch where the fastest line is to enter from as far left as possible(except Graham Hill which is a left hander)....sometimes and some cars grabbing a little dirt at the edge of the track. When Grip Reduction is set to low you can grab so much grass to rotate the car it's comical like driving on an arcade game, and the lap time is faster. When Grip Reduction is set to real and you grab a little grass or too much exit curb in Westfield Bend, you've usually just set an appointment for your headlights to meet the armco at driver's right. As well, in the Mercedes Arena example above, you will find with Grip Reduction on real that when you execute that complex of turns properly the car that most cars are neutral to loose as you cross the width of the track, aiding your turn in variously. Set Grip Reduction to low and it's understeer city driving the same line in the same car.

Lastly, and perhaps one of the most noticeable differences is that when Grip Reduction is set to real, the reduction in grip from having dirty tyres following an off is sustained for longer. This is what causes people to often go off the track again a turn or two after they accumulate some dirt on the tyres. When Grip Reduction is set to low and you go off, the grip comes back much sooner and you are much less likely to blow the next turn or two.

The differences in how the car feels, the balance, breakaway characteristics, all change between those settings. Tyre wear multipliers have similar but lesser effects with large changes, just not as pronounced as the Grip Reduction setting.

ps: lol@DR
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We still had fun in D1 last night.
2024-02-18 Race 1.jpg

2024-02-18 Race 1 (2).jpg

Very close finish between @Kgffy and @Xradkins
2024-02-18 Race 2 (2).jpg

2024-02-18 Race 2.jpg

@Nicktune and myself on a little tandem ish drift.
2024-02-18 Race 3.jpg

2024-02-18 Race 4.jpg

Going three wide down the hill, no contact. Great racing !
2024-02-18 Race 5.jpg

Clipped a curb here, didn't end well.
2024-02-18 Race 5 (2).jpg

The Audi went rallying.
2024-02-18 Race 6.jpg

Here are the unofficial results from our league night on February 18, 2024

Click here for this season's points standings and click a tab at the bottom for more detail.

Click here if the data linked above has already been archived and you would like to view it.

Division 1
  1. Nic-KL ------------ voted to eliminate Round 1 - 96 (71.32 for Prize B)
  2. GTP_Worstdriver --- voted to eliminate Round 3
  3. Xrad-11 ----------- voted to eliminate Round 1
  4. DRD_Niagara ------- voted to eliminate Round 2
  5. Kgffty ------------ did not submit a vote
Division 2
  1. Dragonwhisky ------ voted to eliminate Round 1 - 93 (116.91 for Prize A)
  2. RacingChamp30 ----- voted to eliminate Round 2
  3. JamCar0ne --------- voted to eliminate Round 1 - 77.1 (96.92 for Prize C)
  4. Canoworms1 -------- voted to eliminate Round 1
  5. TokenTimmy -------- voted to eliminate Round 3
  6. EvoSpec10 --------- did not submit a vote
  7. Flyingdisc315 ----- voted to eliminate Round 1
  8. Skills_19657 ------ voted to eliminate Round 2
  9. Stinkysalamisub --- did not submit a vote
The round that received the most elimination votes was:
Round 1 - De Tomaso Mangusta '69 (SM) at Alsace Village - Reverse - S01 Late Morning (7 laps)
Therefore the entire combo has been dropped from next week's line-up. Since @Dragonwhisky wins Prize A, he gets to choose an entirely new car and track combo to replace it.

The round that received the second most elimination votes was:
Round 2 - Honda S2000 '99 (SM) at Autopolis - Full Course - S03 Afternoon (7 laps)
This means either the car or the track will be replaced for next week's line-up. Since @Nicktune gets Prize B, he has the option to freeze the car or the track, or he can give that option to the Prize C winner. If he gives the freeze away, then he gets to decide what car or track replaces the part of the combo that is left unfrozen by the Prize C winner.

Prize C goes to @JamCar0ne so he gets whichever option the Prize B winner does not select.

Preliminary prize winners, please don't announce your prize selection until all incident reports have been filed and it has been confirmed that you don't have any penalties. It's also recommended that you review the SNAIL combo history and other data on our car and track history so that you can get an idea how many times we've raced each car and track. Please remember that originality is always appreciated, so picking cars and/or tracks that we've never raced is a plus (but not required). What's more important is that you thoroughly test any combo that you are considering before making it your official selection. For example, any car you select must not hit its rev limiter at any point during a race (even in a draft).

IMPORTANT: When posting your Prize A or Prize B selection, please list the complete in-game name of the car and/or track you are selecting. For example, if you want to choose the Integra Type R as your car selection, post "Honda Integra Type R (DC2) '98". If you want to select Monza for your track, post "Autodromo Nazionale Monza". Being specific helps us to update the lineup accurately and also helps avoid any confusion among the drivers. Also, please be sure to list the HP and Weight (LBS) of any car you select. For track selections, include the time of day (e.g: 09:00 Clear) or else it will be left to default.

Car Selection Guidelines
See Section 3 of the SNAIL OLR, Policies and Guidelines.

Track Selection Guidelines
See Section 3.1 of the SNAIL OLR, Policies and Guidelines
Sorry I wasn't present on Sunday. My wife and I attended a wedding on Sunday afternoon, and we didn't get back in time for me to be able to participate.

On a different note, the video below popped up in my YouTube feed, and I found it both educational and interesting, so I thought I would share it here. Hopefully it helps others who may be struggling to understand what the car is doing in the turns.

LOL @Marcus Garvey Spoiler tags work even better than quote tags for reducing WoT posts.
I am not a skilled forum operator. That much is certain. :lol:

Barring unforeseen circumstances, I plan to open a lobby this evening to run some laps and collect some data. Nothing formal, but if anyone would like to join I will post the lobby details when I get the room open. Bring a 2015 BRZ and 2021 GR86, and have some fun driving. Plan is to open the lobby around 7PM EST. (about 2 hours from now)
I am not a skilled forum operator. That much is certain. :lol:

Barring unforeseen circumstances, I plan to open a lobby this evening to run some laps and collect some data. Nothing formal, but if anyone would like to join I will post the lobby details when I get the room open. Bring a 2015 BRZ and 2021 GR86, and have some fun driving. Plan is to open the lobby around 7PM EST. (about 2 hours from now)
Damn, I’ll still be at work at that time. Might be able to catch you for a few laps at the end!
Lobby is open. Join as you please, room will be open a couple hours. Can find the room under Laguna Seca to start, room title Snail Testing. Very informal, everyone is welcome.

Edit: Lobby closed! Thank you to everyone who stopped by! We got a lot of good data.

Will do this another night for some more data, maybe tomorrow.
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Where are they uploaded?
I used to know, so I'll make you look it up instead. 🙂 In the OLR thread it talks about replays and how to search for them. You search the Showcase for Replays and in the keyword box you enter the date, division, round number and race number. I'll have to check, but I think it's YYYYMMDDDxRxRx, which is year, month, day, division, round#, race #. OK. I checked and I'm right. So for this Sunday, Feb 18, 2024, division 2 round 2, at Autopolis, race one it's: 20240218d2r2r1. I save them in game to eliminate this process. 😄
I used to know, so I'll make you look it up instead. 🙂 In the OLR thread it talks about replays and how to search for them. You search the Showcase for Replays and in the keyword box you enter the date, division, round number and race number. I'll have to check, but I think it's YYYYMMDDDxRxRx, which is year, month, day, division, round#, race #. OK. I checked and I'm right. So for this Sunday, Feb 18, 2024, division 2 round 2, at Autopolis, race one it's: 20240218d2r2r1. I save them in game to eliminate this process. 😄
Thanks so much. I will double check the OLR if I have any more questions. And I will be saving replays for ease of access next time.
Scores, votes, data done and replays uploaded for D1.
Low participation in D1, we could have had a good sized grid if we were still one division...also #changethetireformula.
Division 2 has good attendance. Where have all the D1 drivers gone?
Why am I the prize C winner and not @racingchamp30 ?

I think that a new rule was created back when we were all in one division so that you could win any prize once during a season.
Worst driver is correct. While we were one division, we moved to a system to remove repeat prize winners and limit a driver to one prize per season. The decision was made to continue this for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the purpose of the suggestion and voting processes was to try and involve more people in the prize selection process. It didn't really ever do that as most didn't participate in the process. Often times there would be one or two suggestions out of 10 drivers. This way, there are 12 different prize winners each season. The second, and less important, reason is that it's a pain in the hind parts to have to run a suggestion and voting process 3 out of 4 weeks.

There will be some changes come March Season, tire formula being one of them.
Correct. The use of UCD and LCD cars will also be changing.
Just a heads up; will be running some more laps this evening to collect some data again. Will be better organised, and a little faster paced between sessions so that we can wrap up quicker.

Tonight I expect to open the room around 9PM. I will post in here with the details. Same cars, 2015 BRZ and 2021 GR86 to start with.

Thank you again to everyone who came by and ran a few laps with us.
Room is up. Title is Snail Data, can also search by track under Laguna Seca, though that will change in a bit. Will be using the 2015 BRZ, 2021 GR86, and 1989 M3 from the upcoming Sunday races. Perhaps the Skyline Silhouette if there is time.

Edit: Lobby closed. Thank you to everyone who came out and ran some laps to collect the data. Not certain I will make it on tomorrow(Thursday) evening, but the plan is to tie up the final loose ends on Friday. So if you have nowhere better to be, come on by and run a few laps with us. You might have fun.
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Prize A pick.

BMW M3 '89 CR83,100, 459.1 stockPP, 469.94 with SH. Was new in the UCD last night.
Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya National Layout, S16, Sunset 1:27.xxx MDLT

@Marcus Garvey , won't make it tonight.
This was THE car to have when I was a senior in high school.
My buddy’s parents bought him a Saab 900 turbo and he didn’t like it.

What is ironic is that I worked in the factory building his family owned when I was a freshman stuffing envelopes for BMW mailers.
I got a lot of posters.
My favorite was a glossy still from this ad campaign:
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Hey guys, I read the first post and understand the rules, and I'd like to join if possible. I found snail by googling gt7 leagues, and this forum was the first result. I'm not a great driver, but I haveput about 450 hrs in and this league seems to be a good place to have some fun.
I have a few more hours than you and I’m still not a great driver.
Welcome to SNAIL.