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  • Thread starter zer05ive
It's under seasonal events, sport hard tires, any tuning you can for steering/ handling, 870PP max.

Sorry, racing hard tires are allowed,:)
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It's under seasonal events, sport hard tires, any tuning you can for steering/ handling, 870PP max.

Sorry, racing hard tires are allowed,:)

The F1 Time Trial? On Sports Hard? I think it's Racing Hard or Medium???

Anyway, I have done it, can't remember my time though. Will check tonight.

EDIT: You Ninja'd me as I hit the Quote button, that's hilarious!!!
I think I only retried it 3427 times:crazy:

Edit: man you get ninja'd alot:). I didn't try one stock, but will try.

F1 2007 heavily tuned with driving aids 1:15.2:)

Un-tuned with driving aids 1:19.7 :indiff:

Un-tuned without driving aids 126.2:guilty:
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Hey Johnny, it was sent based on this post so that you can watch the race next Wednesday. Sorry if I misinterpreted your post. Feel free to delete the FR if you didn't actually want to watch the race. :)

Aha, well now that makes sense, I was wondering where that came from and didn't make that connection:drool: Thanks for that, I just might pop in for a look:tup:
I guess the beat to that song is better than what was bouncing around my head earlier: "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" theme song.

thanks A LOT for that dabneyd!! :crazy:

iiiin West Philadelphia, born and raised.. on the playground is where I spent.. :banghead:
I guess the beat to that song is better than what was bouncing around my head earlier: "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" theme song.

"I yelled to the cabbie, yo homes, smell ya later. Look at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air."
Haha, man, that must have been one expensive, long cab ride! PA to CA!
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"I yelled to the cabbie, yo homes, see ya later. Look at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air."
Haha, man, that must have been one expensive, long cab ride! PA to CA!

You forget the not often played full version of the song which goes as follows:

I begged and pleaded with her the other day
But she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way
She gave me a kissin' and she gave me my ticket
I put my walkman on and said I might as well kick it

First class, yo this is bad,
Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass
Is this what the people of Bel-Air livin' like,
Hmm this might be alright!
It was smell ya later and I'm pretty sure it was holmes, not homes.
Yeah yeah, I got it, yeesh. ball breakers! As for the holmes part. I was always confused by that. I know it can go both ways, since homes is short for homie. but Im sure your right.
By the way, I watched it the other day and the intro is musak now, I guess Will Smith took it back and won't let them play the real version anymore, I'm sure they weren't going to pay him enough:rolleyes:
you serious about that glenn? I mean, that doesnt surprise me. what does is that he owns the rights and not the studio.
OMG! So, who out there in SNAIL land drives a jeep? Let me share with you a little story. We not to recently ago bought my soon to be father in laws 2000 Cherokee sport. Prior to this, he had a two inch lift installed, extra leafs in the back, taller springs up front, new shocks all around. However, he failed to replace all of the stock, old, tired, worn bushings. Being a bit of a tight wad (glad he will never read this!) he never took the gas guzzler over 65 on the freeway. As such, he never got to experience the wonderful effects of the deathwobble. I, not having the same attachment to money as Mr. Crabs, have no issue with doing 80 mph, 5 gallons to the mile. At 70, it felt like the whole world was coming apart, and my jeep was the epicenter. The long of it, I bought up a new energy suspension bushing kit, the hard poly bushing wont fatigue as fast as stock rubber ones, and I believe are cheaper as a full set. (130 for the whole bushing kit, front and rear, verse 130 for just the OEM control arm set.) So off to work I went installing the new bushings. Jeez Louise! One mistake was mine. Which led to the second mistake. In my rush to get the control arm bushings done, I missed out on installing the thrust washer properly, as the frame bushings are different from the axle bushings. I put both axle on the left side. and 1 frame, on the axle end, on the right. Ok. Oops on my part. I went to fast and didnt pay attention, even though I knew better. Here's the best part though, the one that just tickles me to death. the right frame side control arm bolt, it had rust welded itself to metal sleeve in the bushing. To the inexperienced few, this is quite literally what it sounds like. both pieces rust. this in turn causes the metal to expand. Then expansion puts a great amount of pressure on the rust, over time this causes the two rusty parts to fuse together, welded with rust. No amount of heat will break this bond, since the rust is already expanded and causing a great amount of pressure, thus defeating the heating expansion and contraction process. Believe me. Hours of heat cycling, PB Blaster, impact gun, more hours of heat could do more then just melt and destroy the old bushing. So yesterday, the weather and my time collaborated in a grat day to get greasy. I went straight to the angle grinder, cutting off both the head and the threads of the bolt. hardened steel being the super strong metal that it is, simple drilling the bolt down into the sleeve so I could easily remove the control arm was not in the future for me. So out come the big pry bar, and the adjustable wrench (only thing I use those for is an impromptu hammer and to bend metal) Glad Im a fabricator by trade, cause I had some critical bending to do. Always dodgy bending up suspension brackets that are responsible for steering angles. Took me about 5 hours yesterday to get it apart, and another 3 today to get it back together. and my first mistake, forced the second. When doing control arms on a live axle front end. always do one! component at a time, if your not doing EVERYTHING all together. this will help with bolt hole alignment as you replace things. not quite having this luxury, since the bushings I need where in the wrong place. I had to remove the left side and I redid the right side. GAAHHH!!!! 1 hour yesterday, and 2 today was spent, solely on getting the two front bolts through the control arm and axle mounts! So, let me share the lessons of this job. A, slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Don't rush. Time spent equals quality. and b. if you run into a similar problem, but didn't mess up the bushing, take it to a mechanic. If I had a lift and an oxyacetylene torch that removing that bolt would have been a half hour job at most. and at 80 bucks, that would have been worth the time and frustration that just took.

BTW, Im not giving back the few minutes it took to read that.
BTW, Im not giving back the few minutes it took to read that.
Don't worry about this...when a post is too long I only read the last line :sly: lol!

I will post the Parity Racing Event settings later today...
How about replacing Shuffle Racing on Thursday nights? The problem I see with Monday nights is that new car and track combos aren't ready until Tuesday or Wednesday. If you are sticking with the previous format you had in mind, then Monday would not be ideal due to the new combos not being known yet. However, Thursdays would be ideal since the new combos are known by then and plus a Thursday event wouldn't force anyone to choose between races on Monday and an established event like Monday Mayhem.

So.. what are your thoughts on Thursdays?

I really like Thursdays, but I need to see if I can reschedule my current Thursday engagement. I'll let you know tomorrow.

dabneyd, were you able to schedule your Thursday engagement for this week? If so, do you want to host the format we had discussed? (A half-hour mini-endurance race using the Prize B combo, then a full-hour endurance race using the Prize A combo).

That being said, I've been thinking about our schedule and I'm pretty certain that we shouldn't run league combos on Thursday nights. It directly conflicts with Thursday Tutoring and the instructors and the students might want to race in these endurance races.

The only reason I bring up the option this week is because I believe Devious is under the weather so I'm not sure if she's tutoring tonight. Please let me know if you want to host tonight, or even if you can in the first place.

Rally, if dabneyd can't host tonight (or if Devious is tutoring tonight) do you want to host a shuffle room last you have the past few Thursdays? They seem to be pretty popular.
I would love to, execpt... Im out until monday night. Up in the woods with only a cell phone for internet.
Yes, I can host tonight. I just found out I'm free. I agree we shouldn't run the league combo; I'm thinking about going to something more akin to what I was originally thinking, but letting the winner each week pick the theme for the next week. So, still an endurance race with tire strategy, and it's not the league combo. I was thinking tonight we could do the Lexus IS F '07 RM at Fuji GT. Sound good?
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I seem to take pictures of crashes.
I think I only retried it 3427 times:crazy:

Edit: man you get ninja'd alot:). I didn't try one stock, but will try.

F1 2007 heavily tuned with driving aids 1:15.2:)

Un-tuned with driving aids 1:19.7 :indiff:

Un-tuned without driving aids 126.2:guilty:

I remember now, I did two laps with a stock F1 2007 abs - 1 no other aids - 1:21.418.

I stop running the time trials after I get gold :dopey:
I remember now, I did two laps with a stock F1 2007 abs - 1 no other aids - 1:21.418.

I stop running the time trials after I get gold :dopey:

It took me more than two tries to get past the first turn, I tried so much to try to beat Joe's 1:11, but I just can't beat his time, or come close. Kindof weird they set the time for gold so high, I beat it by 13 seconds, and I'm 7 seconds behind the leader:scared:
It took me more than two tries to get past the first turn, I tried so much to try to beat Joe's 1:11, but I just can't beat his time, or come close. Kindof weird they set the time for gold so high, I beat it by 13 seconds, and I'm 7 seconds behind the leader:scared:

There have been a few time trials and seasonals that were a little harder. Interetsed to see how the new system pans out.