I'm slightly torn by this....
On one hand, I can see how a feature like this is the jumping off point for many other features....and could lead to some amazing things 2-3 generations down the line.
However, I live and game now, not in the future. And unless 1.06 address the major issues that are negatively impacting the game at the moment (camber, pit stops, stability...we know the drill. I'm not even talking about other promised features), then this is a completely useless update for me.
I'm aware of the fact that I don't need to own a Toybaru or have access to the Japanese tracks to potentially use some of the data, or perhaps a ghost replay that is recorded by someone else. None of this impresses me, at all. At most, all I can see this feature adding for 99% of us, is more rabbits to chase.
With a feature like this, it really seems like PD is looking 10-20 years into the future. My problem with that, is that when I look at GT6 in its current state, a large portion of the game content takes me 10-15 years into the past.
If my understanding is correct, and this feature is in fact completely separate from the course creator, and as a self admitted "couch racer" who is 100% content to keep my real and virtual experiences seperate, as someone who only ever races against opponents or the clock in order to grind credits (
), and as someone who will more than likely, never, ever, hotlap a single racetrack in my life (once I do build myself a car, when I do hit the track, it will be doing 60mph, sideways, with plumes of white smoke poring from the rear wheels
), I'm pretty damn sure I will never use this feature, or any of it's spin offs (at least not for the next 10ish years or so).
Still waiting on that camber fix
Still waiting to take the wing off my '97 Supra RZ
Still waiting on an online drift mode that increases steering lock WITHOUT THE BLOODY POINTS CLICKER!!! (if you are into drifting, and if you have payed even the slightest bit of attention to D1 for the last few years, you'll understand why this may be one of the biggest facepalm moments in PD's history)
But hey, at least I'll get to watch a replay of some rich guy hotlapping Fuji 👍 *sigh*.....