jules283 It's similar for me and I'm sure the majority of GT6 players. I'm reasonably consistent at Tsukuba and Trial Mountain but slow in comparison to many of the guys round here.
I used a nicely balanced car, S2000 on comfort softs, to try to gauge how camber worked since the update. With everything stock and the adjustable suspension left on stock settings, I struggled to beat zero camber with the default camber values. Eventually going 0:007 (honest) quicker with camber after six laps of running marginally behind the zero cambered ghost I'd set after two laps.
I thought the high rear toe value might be the over powering factor and reduced it to 0.10, keeping the front 0.0. With this setting it's easy to induce oversteer when hitting the gas too hard and early but also quite easy to find a nice line through the corners. I found by adding camber to the rear I could feel better traction and was able to stomp on the gas earlier without sliding the car. I am just mystified how I can feel better grip but not see it translated in lap times.
I used .5 increments, front and rear with the maximum difference in front to rear camber bias of 2 more than front. Can't recall how many laps I did, but the variation in best lap times was near enough a tenth, gradually improving with each change. A couple of the camber settings produced more consistency over the 5 to 6 Laps I gave each setting.
I took a little break and thought I had a eureka moment when returning to test 0 | 2.0, I thought I'd found three tenths out of the blue. So I put zero camber back onto the tune and was within 0:050 on the first lap. I quit at that point having discovered taking my eyes off the screen for a few minutes was far more effective than camber.