1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
Oh neat, that's awesome. Didn't see that this thread got a mention in the Spotlight, which is pretty damn awesome. Mega thanks @Terronium-12. 👍

Also, I've noted there's such things as 180SXs and NSXs floating about... looks like I have to return to this silly ol' hobby. :D
Congrats, buddy. ;)

:cheers: Well done - you're a good thread-maker as well as caretaker. 👍
It jumped almost 30,000 posts in the last few years.
May it last and grow from strength to strength to 100,000 posts, and hundreds of Members in here.

@Terronium-12 - You're the best. I jump into the News everytime I hit GTPlanet just to see what new morsals you've brought to light. Thanks! 👍

Let's all go celebrate at the local, then.
Here's the ride:


Anyone call shotgun?
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I really like this Khamann Ghia and camper - it's around 1:100:
That's actually 1:87 scale.

Moving on..

It's just occurred to me. Should we change the name of the 'Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customising Thread' ?
I'd hate the thought that we may offend "Hot wheels and Matchbox/Mattel" collectors..

All the stuff iv'e posted in that thread has been 50% other brands, so the true "Mattel" collectors must be turning away from that thread in their droves.

Yes. i do now feel quite uncomfortable posting in that thread, so iv'e decided i'll be posted all my custom work in here from now on. ;)

This is something iv'e currently been working on:

Iv'e got big plans for this, although iv'e literally only just started it (just drilled off the base).

It looks so much better without the crap Mattel guff adorning it (hideous wings).
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Does the level of pettiness go any higher in this thread?

Let's not raise it any further, then. As it stands, it's already far too much. And to think it all happened because of one name...

Can we get back to the cars once and for all? I don't think that this whole story is making anyone any favours.
Does the level of pettiness go any higher in this thread?
And to think it all happened because of one name...

Indeed.. Of course, you do both realise this whole thing was started because of one mans pettiness?
Who (rather aptly) removed his toy cars out the pram and started his own (unnecessary) thread, just because someone was posting pics of cars he thought were inappropriate to the thread title.

I seriously have no intention of posting my custom work in this thread. Just did it to further prove a point of how absurd the whole "change thread name and start a new thread" is.
Although, i imagine some (who are fine ones to talk), will undoubtedly see some of my posts as being petty.

I suppose in hindsight, it all really doesn't matter, as this thread is still exactly the same as it was before (minus a valued member). It's just that now we have another thread, (that will probably die a natural death anyway). Though it's not without it's uses, as i'm sure i'll be able to post my displeasure about certain "Mattel" castings in that exact thread (as well as this one, of course).

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Come on, Doc, be reasonable. The last thing that we need is someone adding fuel to this "fire". Just let it go, if you are a reasonable person, and don't push any more buttons than you need to. As I said, pushing this non-issue any further will only cause problems to everyone involved. I don't really want to repeat myself about this much longer, so let bygones be bygones and cut it out. Can we agree on that, please?
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I think we'll be doing just fine if we keep moving on. We've already changed the thread title, and I've been making an effort to posting everything but Hot Wheels.*

And we get the reason why we named the customizing thread the way we did. Do you feel it's worth the trouble to wave a flag about that too?

*I do have Hot Wheels to post though :P
So wait? Am I missing somethin? Am I no longer allowed to post Hot wheel/Mbx here? Cause those are the ones I collect the most of. But I'm here because I'm a Car guy and I like cars no matter who makes them.
Indeed.. Of course, you do both realise this whole thing was started because of one mans pettiness?
Who (rather aptly) removed his toy cars out the pram and started his own (unnecessary) thread, just because someone was posting pics of cars he thought were inappropriate to the thread title.

Well said. 👍
Though it's not without it's uses, as i'm sure i'll be able to post my displeasure about certain "Mattel" castings in that exact thread (as well as this one, of course).

I'm just going to continue posting and commenting on "Mattel" stuff here in this thread, like I've been doing for the past three and bit years. Again, I see absolutely no reason as to why this had to change at all.
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So wait? Am I missing somethin? Am I no longer allowed to post Hot wheel/Mbx here? Cause those are the ones I collect the most of. But I'm here because I'm a Car guy and I like cars no matter who makes them.

The title doesn't say anything such as "No Hot Wheels Allowed", so yes, you may post about Hot Wheels and Matchbox here. In fact, you are allowed to post pics of anything 1/64 in here!

There is also another thread which you may post about Hot Wheels and Matchbox. Post wherever you wish. :)
Lol. Well I'm staying here. I have other stuff too, it's just so much has popped up lately about the silly name change and secondary post I couldn't keep up with what was going on
here in Ontario we have BBurago in plenty but 1:43 and up - 1:24s and 1:18s in many levels - but no 1:64s.

I think that's because 1:64 Bburagos aren't bein' distributed in America, at least not yet. Afaik, those Ferraris are the only 1:64 models they've ever done. If they do well with them maybe they will start producing more and maybe then we can see them overseas, but for now I don't think so.
I think that's because 1:64 Bburagos aren't bein' distributed in America, at least not yet. Afaik, those Ferraris are the only 1:64 models they've ever done. If they do well with them maybe they will start producing more and maybe then we can see them overseas, but for now I don't think so.

No, they've done more, though the only one I can name off the top of my head is the Alpine A110-50.

I only know of that car as a Norev. See? I can make stuff up too. :P

In all seriousness, I only knew of a Norev.
Here it is in a Bburago branded box and everything. Though now that you mention it, it does look kind of like one of the 'premium' Maistos, what with the solid gray molded wheels and all.
That's a Bburago? I thought those were Maisto, dude.

Um, don't you remember who posted a Bburago Alpine not so long ago? You know, the guy from Portugal with the blue-haired anime girl as his avatar?

Here's a refresher:


See? It isn't a Maisto. ;)
Well, whatever the hell, I want it. I should really look into buying some Norevs too, but the shipping prices from Europe prevent me from doing so. I'm better off scrounging flea markets, look what just surfaced:


Yes, it's pretty destroyed. It's also an extremely extremely rare made-in-México Mustang Stocker, one of the most sought after and scarce Mexico castings due to it's entire production being flawed. This was one of the cars that had a severe "sugar metal" problem, wherein the zamac with which it was made was not well prepared and had a high level of porosity when it dried up, leading to these cars breaking in a million pieces if they so much as fell to the ground from your hand. I've seen probably 25 of these in 10 pieces.

So, this one is pretty bad but it's complete and it cost me $2 instead of $150 as is the norm in the "collectors market". So I'm happy, I had been pursuing it for a while but obviously decided to play patience, and it finally paid off.

Oh you. :lol:

Also, very nice Mustang you have there, Cano. It's not in the best of shapes, but reading your little history lesson about it, it seems that you bagged yourself quite the rare find. And for cheap, although it's obvious that there was a reason for such a bargain price. In a way, it's like a fragile Alfa Romeo classic car, it may not be pristine, but it's complete.
My dad has a tonne of Kyosho 1:64's cars that most of you would drool over. Like a Lotus 78, Lamborghini Diablo and Jaguar XJR-9
Any info on that one?

My dad has a tonne of Kyosho 1:64's cars that most of you would drool over. Like a Lotus 78, Lamborghini Diablo and Jaguar XJR-9

Yeah well I know a guy that owns all the rare kyoshos! ohhhhh snapppp

No seriously, anything other than the 78, Diabz and XJR9? You going to show us anything?