1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
Looked around little bit on my day off, but I saw nothing. I did pick these up:


Also thought about the Ford truck on the right, but the rusting was very unconvincing, and I think both GreenLight & M2 castings of these trucks' front end seems off. You can't tell from pic, but rust on Dodge actually looks really good in person.


Took this pic for camper fan @Spacegoat


They added awning!
Probably already a given but a comparison between the Kyosho and the Dream Tomica version when you get it, please. 👍
I didn't even think about doing that one. I'm pretty sure Kyosho would PWN!
@a6m5 watch yourself, he wants your specific Toyota! :P
So I've had my eyes on this Tojiro Ukiya TLV Toyota Sports 800 for a while but haven't bought it since I prefer a stock silver version.
Don't quote me on this, but I think I liked the Kyosho version better? I'm not the biggest fan of TLV Toyota Sports.
I've sortof become a collector slowly over the last few years. My son loves them so they've grown on me.
My nephew got me into collecting, and all I can say is be careful. :lol: Love all three cars you picked up. 👍
Don't say old. Say more experienced ;)
Did I mention that only Skyline I've ever been in was the Hakosuka GT-R? Granted, it was a old car even when I was a kid, but that's pretty 🤬 old!
Also, damm you damm you damm you damm youuuuu! I wanted to buy the Travel Trailer set first to make you super jelly of me. My most evil of plans, ruined! I hope you're happy... :( :lol:

Purchase of that set is all your fault though!!! (Totally pretending like I wouldn't have bought it anyway. :P :lol: )

Also, who would have guessed that "one day", would mean two weeks? God, I really have lost it. :lol:
And now I wait for the inevitable picture where you pile up the three wagons on top of each other and put Aunt Edna at the top of it all...
But that would mean opening them!
They added awning!

They posted a bunch on their Flickr but I'm sure those were 1/24? Wasn't aware that they were doing them in 1/64 as well. That's cool. 👍
That Piranha car is interesting to say the least. :boggled:

a6 has a thing for animal shaped Hot Wheels
That Piranha car is interesting to say the least. :boggled:
I like that one. One of my de nephews already have one(from me), but with different color. I don't remember which.

I hope I get this one in our little hot wheels "draft", but I let them choose ahead of me, so I doubt I'll get it. :crazy:
They posted a bunch on their Flickr but I'm sure those were 1/24? Wasn't aware that they were doing them in 1/64 as well. That's cool. 👍
I almost want one, but I already have like three(first one, another from hitch&tow, and chrome).
a6 has a thing for animal shaped Hot Wheels
De nephews got me into collecting hot wheels, and now they have me coveting funny looking hot wheels to race with their cars. I guess I have two collections. My real collection, and cars I trash & race with the de nephews(they all get thrown in storage case after session).
a6 has a thing for animal shaped Hot Wheels
I did too when I was younger. Especially the Sharkruiser and Vampyra.

Okay now I feel like I'm talking about Pokemon. :lol:
I like that one. One of my de nephews already have one(from me), but with different color. I don't remember which.

I hope I get this one in our little hot wheels "draft", but I let them choose ahead of me, so I doubt I'll get it. :crazy:
It's quirky. I'm guessing the nephews are fairly young, so you probably will lose it. That'll probably be the first to go.
I hope I get this one in our little hot wheels "draft", but I let them choose ahead of me, so I doubt I'll get it. :crazy:

You need to implement a lottery system for this draft, sounds very one sided to me. :dopey: :lol:
My real collection, and cars I trash & race with the de nephews(they all get thrown in storage case after session).

I've found a couple more for your race trash pile.
It's quirky. I'm guessing the nephews are fairly young, so you probably will lose it. That'll probably be the first to go.
In the beginning, I'd take the castings based on real life vehicles & let them take fantasy castings. For racing & stunt on tracks, I am starting to acquire the kids' taste on ridiculous fantasy castings & colorful liveries. These "drafts" are getting playfully little competitive. :lol:
You need to implement a lottery system for this draft, sounds very one sided to me. :dopey: :lol:
I always end up with the third pick! There are only three picks per round! I will be protesting when the next draft comes around!
I've found a couple more for your race trash pile.
After I fold your Vintage Racing card, I will straighten it out. Then bend it again, but not in the same spot.
Not too keen on adding stickers on Tomicas, but I made an exception today. :lol:
Stickers always taunt you. "Come on, it's okay. Put me on the car, everybody's doing it." :lol:
Stickers always taunt you. "Come on, it's okay. Put me on the car, everybody's doing it." :lol:

I always mess up on the stickers. The casting itself looks awesome without them.

Plus, I'm bad with proportions, which is why I barely passed art when I was in Elementary. :lol:
I always mess up on the stickers. The casting itself looks awesome without them.

Plus, I'm bad with proportions, which is why I barely passed art when I was in Elementary. :lol:
That one sticker that's upside down, I thought you did it on purpose. Just kidding. :lol:
Not too keen on adding stickers on Tomicas, but I made an exception today. :lol:

Never seen a Tomica with stickers before. :crazy:
I always end up with the third pick!

That's what I mean. :lol: The nephews have to learn the soul crushing harshness of life at some stage. It's not all free Hot Wheels and first round picks!

Also your new nickname is Uncle Shinji.
After I fold your Vintage Racing card, I will straighten it out. Then bend it again, but not in the same spot.

I'll be good. :nervous:
In the beginning, I'd take the castings based on real life vehicles & let them take fantasy castings. For racing & stunt on tracks, I am starting to acquire the kids' taste on ridiculous fantasy castings & colorful liveries. These "drafts" are getting playfully little competitive. :lol:
The best bonding is always with similar interests I guess.
To stay on-topic. Something I picked up couple of weeks ago:


I overpaid, but I really wanted it. :crazy:

That's what I mean. :lol: The nephews have to learn the soul crushing harshness of life at some stage. It's not all free Hot Wheels and first round picks!

Also your new nickname is Uncle Shinji.
Really sad, but they sometime get their soul crushed just by sliding down to the #2 pick. :lol:
I'll be good. :nervous:
It doesn't matter. It's a good idea & it's already in my head.
The best bonding is always with similar interests I guess.
I might have gone little beyond that.
I overpaid, but I really wanted it. :crazy:

Just looked that one up. I don't want to know what you paid for it, guessing it was a lot. :lol: :ill:

Why does it come with a bag?
Really sad, but they sometime get their soul crushed just by sliding down to the #2 pick. :lol:

Life isn't fair. This an important lesson, you must teach them this! J/k :P
It doesn't matter. It's a good idea & it's already in my head.

Car show/swap meet Saturday hopefully I'll find some old stuff like I did last year when I got the old matchbox Audi Quattro. Might hit up Toys r us to see if they have more Majorette. The first time I went they only had the huracan.
Another car I've yet to blog:


Just looked that one up. I don't want to know what you paid for it, guessing it was a lot. :lol: :ill:
I had to really look for it. $59.95(shipped). Found them cheaper afterwards, I think around $45~$50.
Why does it come with a bag?
To store your tears. I don't know. It's some show exclusive, and came in those sacks.
Life isn't fair. This an important lesson, you must teach them this! J/k :P
Good advice, but that's the dad's job. :lol:
Two creases, Jarrod. Two of them!
Purchase of that set is all your fault though!!! (Totally pretending like I wouldn't have bought it anyway. :P :lol: )

Also, who would have guessed that "one day", would mean two weeks? God, I really have lost it. :lol:

Oh right, I did dare you to buy the Hauler before. My other evil plan... Redemption!!! :D :lol:

And yes, you fell into my trap (totally taking the credit for this even though I didn't tell you to buy TWO Trucksters at the same time) rather fast... Guess I underestimated your resolve (man, deep movie-like lines for this response). And what a speedy resolve it is! Plus, buying two Trucksters isn't a sign of insanity, just good taste in scale models. What's wrong with good taste in scale models...? :sly: :lol:

But that would mean opening them!

Pfft, don't be a Space Nancy. The world (and by "the world" I mean "myself", obviously) demands a spectacle like the kind we have never seen before! As GTP's resident Family Truckster specialist, you...

yeah i went for the obvious answer, shoot me :P :lol:
Getting pretty annoyed with people getting $TH straight out of cases


Move onto Kyoshos. Why play the same game and fight over the same toys with the same boys? :)

The fight for Kyoshos has died down now.
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I always mess up on the stickers. The casting itself looks awesome without them.

Plus, I'm bad with proportions, which is why I barely passed art when I was in Elementary. :lol:

I tried putting stickers on the Formula Renault 3.5 Tomica, and I can't even get them to stick, so I just put the stickers back on the box and gave up.
Aren't they a lot more expensive ?

Generally they are going for more than $1, but unlike popular HWs, Kyoshos aren't fetching demanding bids and promoting scalpers (or at least scalping that would affect us).

At the same time, you are paying for a model car with actual plastic lamp parts, windows and wheels replicating the real thing.

Speaking of expensive, the thing from a whole year ago is finally here.


Shinjude. There are brake discs even!!!

And the decals don't even look like waterslides.
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I had to really look for it. $59.95(shipped). Found them cheaper afterwards, I think around $45~$50.

You didn't have to overpay that much. Doubt you'll lose any money with it anyway. 👍
To store your tears. I don't know.

If you keep threatening to bend my 510 card, I'm going to need two or three of those. :lol:👍
Plus, buying two Trucksters isn't a sign of insanity

I've got four* in total now. If that isn't a sign of insanity, I don't know what is. :dopey: :lol:

*Eventually will be five, when the other Hitch & Tow set is released....
Pfft, don't be a Space Nancy.


yeah i went for the obvious answer, shoot me :P :lol:

No, no. Uncle @a6m5 does all the shooting around here.

I posted that Matchbox/Lesney Honda bike+trailer from @Johnny1996 & this Heavy Chevy from Collectors Nationals tonight.
You didn't have to overpay that much. Doubt you'll lose any money with it anyway. 👍
Yeah, I checked on eBay & looks like I paid about what the going rate is. I can't wait to feature that one on the blog!
And the decals don't even look like waterslides.
My Nissan GT-R had a bad look from what looked like water-slide, right on top of the roof. I can't wait to check out the NSX. 👍
Spot the "error" heh:
I suck at numerous things relating to this hobby & spotting error's one of them.
If you keep threatening to bend my 510 card, I'm going to need two or three of those. :lol:👍
No, no. Uncle @a6m5 does all the shooting around here.
Like, movies?
So I might just be out of the hunting and buying game, same for trips to races at my local tracks (which is where most of my racecars are found) for a while. That's a solidly connected one-two punch right there. But the good news is it's partly my own doing and for a good reason, which is to sell stuff.

I don't really have any prices in mind other than 25 or 50 cents for loose cars and $1 or $2 for most carded cars including basic THs. All sales will be done in person at places such as flea markets and model train shows. I was wondering if there was anyone that could help or give advice about pricing?


Loving that Chevy, especially since its from a Pittsburgh event. One of my top favorite castings, my favorite city that I consider home and just the pure looks of it. I love it and need to find one for myself now. :eek::drool: