1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
Today has been awesome. First off the Tomica's I got from E-Bay arrived early.

003 by VC SL/E, on Flickr
Red Toyota 86.

002 by VC SL/E, on Flickr
Lotus Exige S.

And this lot that Medigo sent me, finally arrived as well.

001 by VC SL/E, on Flickr
Two Mystery XB Falcons, a Firebird and a 911.

Thanks again Medigo. :D:tup:
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Haven't bought a car in ages... then again, I haven't bothered to go out looking for anything either. I feel like I will be able to stop collecting by next year, but at the same time, I feel like all the money I've spent collecting these cars would have been rather meaningless if I stop all of a sudden.
Haven't bought a car in ages... then again, I haven't bothered to go out looking for anything either. I feel like I will be able to stop collecting by next year, but at the same time, I feel like all the money I've spent collecting these cars would have been rather meaningless if I stop all of a sudden.
*tsk tsk tsk*, you are SO weak. When I say I'm going to quit something, I am done with it. Come on AOS, be a man.

Toys r us should have the new exige in the tomica section as well as the z34 roadster i picked up with the removable soft top. I passed on the exige :(
Does your Toys R Us do this?: My Toys R Us, they have all the Hot Wheels in one section, then Matchbox + premium ones(M2, Greenlight, JL, etc.) in the next aisle over. Tomica, it's at the other side of the store. I rarely go to Toys R Us, and almost never check the Tomica section. :crazy:

Thanks for the tip. I will make sure to check the Tomica section next time I'm over there. Too bad they don't come with those cool boxes, eh? :D

P.S. You should post a pic of the roadster. Sounds very cool. 👍
I haven't bought any lately, not last couple of days. If that's not progress, I don't know what is!
Pics have already been taken and are awaiting upload. I need to find the usb cable for my crapra lol

And yea i went to a different toys r us which was a lot larger than my local one, but its set up exactly as you say. My local one stocks the tomicas next to the toys r us brand train sets, but probably becaude tomica is less car related and more full city related
I need to find the usb cable for my crapra lol
Been there, done that. Newer cameras I've used have SD Card, so it's been a tremendous help. :lol:
Me either, but I'm out of money so.... :guilty:
You probably have everything you want anyway. :lol:

Only two I need right now-now: New red line Firebird & Maverick from Walmart. And if I ever find the red line Zombot(Hot Ones), I'd buy that. I keep my eyes open for Wheldon, BAT, etc., but I'm not worried about those too much.
:D found a vid of it. I'll post my pics later


but yes this is pretty cool lol
LOVE those throwback Tomica wheels. Still looks just like how I remember it from when I was a kid. In a way, it's pathetic, but I personally love it. :D
Eh, only looking for errors & HTF variants anyway. I'll be getting everything else at the end of the year with the Master Set, including ALL of the $upers and TH's. :D
I am so far behind in this thread. Really does make me sad. :( And so glad that SpaceGoat got his stuff! Was worried it may take a while. Right now punching myself for still not having sent out commodoreben's stuff. Ugh, life's just getting busier. :ouch:
Jeeze, all the people asking if they are selling the cars.

Patience people! :rolleyes: They act like they won't see them anywhere else. Give it a month or so and they will all be peg warmers.
Biggest reason for not getting cars recently on my end: Well, I just got too lazy :lol:

Been occupied with everything else. I am however still interested in that Countryman WRC, just waiting for that to come out. Meanwhile, I may finally elect to actually go out for once and search for the damn Viper.
At least you're still alive, got dammit. You disappeared for like a month and a half. Wait until I post my stuff to post yours so we can obliterate the supermarket guys with old crap 👍

I smell a vintage vs. modern battle coming up....... :scared:

Supermarket collectors..... Prepare the battle stations!



Ok, exactly whats going on here? And why is R1600Turbo rolling his eyes? Kinda following and not really posting much since I haven't gotten any new cars in a while.

Brace yourself RACECAR, the Vintage vs. Modern HW battle is gonna begin again! :mischievous:👍:lol:

Driving Park
Just remember, all the old stuff being posted was (nearly) all supermarket stuff at one point. ;)

Which is true. A loooooonnnngggg time ago, these cars were in stores, never knowing in the distant future they would be worth while..... Bringing in hundreds and thousands of $$$$ to collectors around the world and engaging in the mighty scale battles among collectors.........

*Star Wars theme music plays*

But I really do enjoy looking at the classics as well. ;)

................we are still talking about Hot Wheels, right? Little toy cars?


Whaaaaaaa? :lol:

Toys r us should have the new exige in the tomica section as well as the z34 roadster i picked up with the removable soft top. I passed on the exige :(

Yep, time to hit the TRU stores myself, but I gotta have alot of cash when I go though.

@Goat: Nice cars bro. Really loving the GT86, Falcon XB and dat Porsche 911 :drool:.
Biggest reason for not getting cars recently on my end: Well, I just got too lazy :lol:

Been occupied with everything else. I am however still interested in that Countryman WRC, just waiting for that to come out. Meanwhile, I may finally elect to actually go out for once and search for the damn Viper.

hate to break it to you but that car got canceled and replaced with monster dairy delivery..
I am so far behind in this thread. Really does make me sad. :( And so glad that SpaceGoat got his stuff! Was worried it may take a while. Right now punching myself for still not having sent out commodoreben's stuff. Ugh, life's just getting busier. :ouch:

Dont worry about it to much Medigo. When ever you can get them to me is ok.
*tsk tsk tsk*, you are SO weak. When I say I'm going to quit something, I am done with it. Come on AOS, be a man.

Guess I'll take a step back and go back to my first rule and that was to collect only REAL cars. I got too carried away looking for anything 2012 that I probably picked up at least 30 artificial rides by now.
You can always sell them too if you're tired/gave up on collecting. You managed to amasss a decent amount in a short time, you'll never make back what you put in them but you could at least get something...
I won't be selling them. I went out of my way to get some of them and getting back less money than I put into obtaining them won't be worth it. On top of that, I have a 18 gallon tote I bought specifically to store them in.
yeah I know you're better off keeping them, at least for a good 20 years. Well, you can always limit your collecting to some models or some brands or something like that. You'll fill the tote thing sooner than you think.
yeah I know you're better off keeping them, at least for a good 20 years. Well, you can always limit your collecting to some models or some brands or something like that. You'll fill the tote thing sooner than you think.

by then your grand kids can be buying his vintage rides.. :lol: