1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 318 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.5%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 91 14.6%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 20.0%

  • Total voters
Wow it took me a while to notice it was even an Enzo... Damn! I wasted my money on the Enzos I bought online then! I could have just waited for them to hit stores.
I've noticed. I've been watching the threads for a few days now, but seeing that CGT made me post. :sly:
Have you already looked for the current one?


On the left(red), below the Lamborghini.
I aactually talked wiuth the guy a bit. He used to customize (he even showed me some of his work, it was pretty amazing) but had no time at all now so he sold everything. I'll post the pics again just for you (:
Man im jelly for you Cano! I want them all!:drool: Are there any 6 Spoke Pro-Circuit Wheels in there? I have a question regarding those wheels.;)
Unless we make Flintmobile racers all having racing numbers and stuff :lol:
Heck yea i like that idea!:cheers:
Maybe we should all make our own Flintmobile custom with "GTPlanet" livery. We all get our own racing numbers. Dibs on 17.

If the inkjet printer still works, I'll print out GTP decals for everyone. :lol:
Yea i totally agree!👍 I call 455!:dopey: You may have to show me some stuff about decals because i have never done it before.:guilty:
EDIT: And if I ever find an extra Flitnmobile, I'm in.
Can't wait to see it!👍
Crazy. :lol: Thanks for posting that. 👍
Your welcome!:) I will post the Mercedes Benz SL 500's soon as well.;)

Same here. 👍
Not a very common issue for Hot Wheels.:eek:
Yep, here is the miniature photography thread, Harry created.
I was just getting ready to ask if a thread like this has already been made or not. Thanks for posting! Im not surprised Photonrider posted it, he is like a master photographer.:bowdown:

Next thing we need is a Hot Wheels designers thread! If it hasn't already been created, i think i will create it!💡

You hear me McZachenF1138?;)
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Mysterious Renault 5 Turbo that will be headed our way for 2013. Boulevard car?

A Renault 5 Turbo '80?!?! :eek: I want that car sooooo bad for my collection!!! :drool:👍

It's on my Most Wanted list.

At 1ness
I'd love to see that Renault 5 Turbo in yellow and black. :drool:
HW needs to do stuff like this. 👍


I'm loving the fact they are bringing out alot of old school JDMs and EUDM cars like this. I wanted this car ever since I seen it in GT4!

I wonder if they are making the Lancia Delta Evo next.

I guess the Hotwheels guys will be out of the office on Friday so they posted the new sneaks today.

Edit: Oh, and..... :sly:

A E30 M3 EVO?!?!?! The same DTM racecar, but built for the road and rivals the Benz E-Class 2.6 EvoII!!! O_o :eek:👍

I'm picking up at least 5, FIVE of these!!!! :eek:

And I want that Flintstone car as well. :eek:

Yeah, I think it goes without saying I'm going to buy every M3 I come across. :lol:

Count me in. :D

Give me R34s, AE86s, 918 Spyders, 5 Turbos and E30 M3s!!!

Now HW, make the Mercedes 2.6 Evo II E-class of '92 for my Euro collection. 👍

That CGT. :drool:

I've got to get back into buying HW again.

Get back as soon as you can dude. I would love to go back to the model cars, but it's hard finding them in stores these days :(, so I'm coming back to these guys and I have to say, it's great!

Especially around the holiday season, you can get alot of deals on the 5-10 packs sets to boost your collection quick. But they can gave some cars that may interest you, but if you are into the custom HWs, the unwanted cars can be used for wheels or parts for you projects.
I was just getting ready to ask if a thread like this has already been made or not. Thanks for posting!

No problem mate, always happy to help out, whenever I can. 👍

I've been meaning for the longest time to take another picture for that thread. I completely forgot about until today.:lol:
Now HW, make the Mercedes 2.6 Evo II E-class of '92.

I second this. 👍
Get back as soon as you can dude. I would love to go back to the model cars, but it's hard finding them in stores these days :(, so I'm coming back to these guys and I have to say, it's great!

Especially around the holiday season, you can get alot of deals on the 5-10 packs sets to boost your collection quick. But they can gave some cars that may interest you, but if you are into the custom HWs, the unwanted cars can be used for wheels or parts for you projects.

I've found that Amazon is a good source for model cars.

I've also seen the Black Friday ads and that Walmart has the 9 packs for $5, and I already plan on going there tomorrow night to get a PS3 game.
Yes I have those, in chrome and dark chrome. Altough I do think you'd be better off finding a donor car over there, or trading stuff with me/us (paint guy) so the shipping all the way to Canada is worth it. If you still want them, yeah, sure.
7SPs are OLD, guy..... very few castings have these wheels now if at all...mail some to me. Condition doesn't matter too much since I'll be painting them black so you can get rid of the wheels with crummy paint.
o_O. ................I just passed out with excitement, for a second.

Big thanks for posting that Cano, I never would have known otherwise. 👍

You can always search up a casting for its history on HW Wikia. That's what I do.
I've found that Amazon is a good source for model cars.

I've also seen the Black Friday ads and that Walmart has the 9 packs for $5, and I already plan on going there tomorrow night to get a PS3 game.

Thanks for the Amazon tip GT 👍. I'm gonna add this to my model car websites list.

Sorry, didn't see that. These?

Cool. Tell us if you nab them.


^ That's a 2013 Special Edition Card, VSpec.

Nice try guys :sly::P. That's a mid 90's version of the E and a rarer one plus unique, a Corgi cast.

I want Hot Wheels design their own casting of the car and bring it back as a newer version. I mean, with the E30 Evo M3, we need this guy, right? ;)

Harry, you know I'm totally a gentleman oozing with class. :dopey: That is a cool display man, and you have few really cool cars I've never even seen before. I'm looking forward to the Part II featuring Hot Wheels! 👍

P.S. If you never finish your "long" story, we'll never forgive you!

Okay, then, here's the story - and it does have a twist to the tail:

Walked into the store and went straight to the toy aisle - had a look at the Boulevards - the Corvette was gone! Some poor soul had spent four bucks on a Maisto that costs just a dollar. Went through the rest of the packages quickly and found the pseudo Rebel. So I bring it up to the front of the pegs and took some quick shots:



Then I go hunting for an associate and finally found a sheep-eyed bloke, looked around 16 years old with a price gun in his hand, mooching around furtively in another toy aisle.

"Is your department Manager in?" I ask him. I may as well have asked him to explain the theory of Relativity. His eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head.

"Duh? Huh... ah?"

People actually say Duh? "The Department Manager - is he around? Is any Department Manager around?" I grill him. "I need to speak with someone about a problem with your diecast cars."

This was too much for him. He looked at me fearfully, like I had just told him he had broken the price gun or something.

"Uh . . duh . . wut?" (I swear he had no aspirant - he spoke like he was texting) "I dunno. Department? Err . . . what's wrong?"

"Well, I'm not sure I should speak to you about this - because employees might be involved - so . . . this is why I'm looking for the Department Manager."

"Ah . . . I'm not an employee . . . I . . uh . . am a Co-op student."

This set me back for a few seconds - in fact I felt suddenly foolish myself for being a little abrupt with him: "Oh! Okay. I'm sorry, " I apologised; he didn't look like the kind of 3/4 wit that would switch products, but more of a half-wit struggling to make do with whatever intelligence nature had alloted to him from its vastly diluted gene pool."It's just that someone is switching the Boulevards for Maistos - and I need to talk to someone."

I get the 'stunned mullet' look again, and he tells me that he could go and look for someone but that he didn't really know who the Managers were. I had no time for that - he looked like he would take half a day to find someone, so I tell him that there is a problem and that if he solves it, well then it would look good on him, and good for his record.

Then I take him to the Boulevards and show him the Maisto, and its lower quality, the plastic wheels as compared to the rubbers the Boulevards had on, and so on - and actually I'm beginning to see a glimmer of interest in his eyes now - it's like I injected him with caffeine. I explain why people would do it - whether employees or customers - and I tell him to grab some manager as soon as he could and tell him what was happening, and that they should look into it. So now he's a little more awake now and going through the Boulevards curiously.

Meanwhile, I grab a few HWs quickly (nothing special - sorry Doctor, couldn't help it) and scurry off to the Electronics Dept, which is just around the corner from the Toy aisle, and come face to face with a 6 footer - also looking like he's working his way through the latter part of High School. I ask him whether there's a Department Manager around and get an arched eyebrow. He gave the impression, from the rather time-consuming razoring he had given the various facial hair patterns on his face that he rather fancied himself.

"No, he's not in today - but there's Customer service if you have a problem," he informs me truculently.

Be humble and I'll bend over backwards for you - be arrogant with me, and I will spend a lifetime till I humble you - publicly. So I give him a thorough tongue-lashing in the Queen's best English in front of everybody until he lost a few inches. I pulled out my phone and started dialling the Head Office of this major Retail Chain (a trick I use sometimes) in front of him. He shrank even more, and started to do a Golem.

Now it was not the store Customer Service I was dealing with but the Customer Service located at the Head office in the States. I really didn't want to go through the whole spiel with some nice Yankee girl (has happened before - and I knew I would get a lot of attention that way) but did it to scare some Customer Service into him - so I hung up while they were transferring me, and told him to forget it and just ring me up, which he did somewhat shaky-fingered. Gave him some food for thought, I hoped, maybe even repatterned some of those hardened neural pathways.

Now I'm walking down the long main aisle trying to get out of the store - wondering whether to give this whole thing up, when I see a bluff, confident, handsome-looking guy, toying with some signs and attempting to hang them up - so I think 'Hm, probably a Manager - I'll chat him up." I stop and ask him whether he's a Department Manager. He shakes his head and says 'No.' in a tiny voice, and I give up immediately and keep walking. I felt that talking to him about Maistos and Boulevards would be like talking to a nun about delta-9 tetrahydracannabinol.

Finally I see the Customer Service counter, and there's no one behind the counter - one customer waiting in line. I wasn't going to line-up for this - my time is too valuable, so I was just about to exit the store.. . .

Then . . . I have to go back a few days - on my last visit to this same store, while going out through the cash, I had asked the cashier (a big black guy, twinkle-eyed, very talky) for $20.00 CashBack with my purchase - and he was so involved in conversation with the customer behind me, who was pestering him with questions, while he was finishing his transaction with me, that he handed me $40.00 instead.

So I stood there for a moment with my bags, and the cash and receipt in my hands, and when he looked at me wondering why I had still not left, (he was already swiping the next customer's stuff) I handed back the extra $20.00 and told him that he had overpaid me.

He couldn't believe it - took the bill back and thanked me profusely and so on, and I just shrugged it off, telling him that I was once in Retail - and that he would only get into trouble for it later, and I didn't want that for him.

Lo and Behold - this was the guy who was now walking towards me. I stopped and waited for him, and he recognised me right away, and greeted me with a big smile. So I held him up, and told him the whole story, including showing him the pic on my phone. He understood the whole thing immediately, and while we were talking some lady in mufti passes by in a hurry, and stops for a whole second: "Someone switched labels?" she asks breezing by like she owned the store and totally understood what Einstein was talking about.

I shake my head and look at him - "Is that a Department Manager?" I ask. He nods his head in shame. "Okay," I tell him, "You know the story now - talk to the Store Manager when you can - the guy who is doing this could be hitting all the stores in the area. And it is Retail fraud to sell one product under another name."

He nods and thanks me, and assures me that he would definitely be talking to the Store Manager himself - and so there we are; good customer service cost me $20.00 - though not my own. :dopey:

That CGT. :drool:

I've got to get back into buying HW again.

Hey! It's my buddy from the NASCAR threads! Oh! Noes . . . another one bites the dust! :lol: Go slow now - you don't have to get carried away.

Idea! 💡

Yes, totally agree - dibs on #44!

Yep, here is the miniature photography thread, Harry created.

Thanks for the heads up, Magic, we need to see some action in there, too. After all how much time can we spend collecting this stuff - gotta do other things with them, too. So yes, customising is one of the things, and diorama photography is another . . . and it keeps things less cluttered - the Collector thread is now a monstrous runaway machine of diecast addicts.

I've found that Amazon is a good source for model cars.

I've also seen the Black Friday ads and that Walmart has the 9 packs for $5, and I already plan on going there tomorrow night to get a PS3 game.

Thanks for the info, GTPorsche - I'm surrounded by Walmarts - they seem to put one at every intersection over here.
I don't think I've got to worry about going to fast. :lol:

I've got 30 unopened (technically it's only 26 different models as 4 of them are duplicates) that have been like that for about a year or so at this point, and a box filled with the ones that have been opened and I haven't counted so I'm not sure how many are actually in there.

Hot Wheels, Matchbox, lots that aren't either of those brands.
Harry, I understand you care, but again, I feel that creating a scene about dollar toy cars is a tad bit unnecessary. What are you trying to do? Convince a part-timer that they should feel compelled to fix the problem when they don't have the power to?

Personally, the only time where it is at all effective to create a scene about service is when the manager or another higher position employee is present. You're telling part-timers (who don't even get why you're causing a fuss) that something bad is happening, since they probably won't deal with the issue once you leave. All they can do is let their manager know about it, so simply tipping them off is more than enough.
Andy - no, I was not trying to get a part-timer to fix the 'problem' - give it another read :lol:

GTPorsche - Now you know what we are all going to be screaming as soon as you said that right? PIX!!
But you fully just described the situation where you showed impatience to someone who legitimately had no idea what you're talking about. You didn't let him respond, made him feel uneasy around a man who cares about toys, got even more impatient (which in case you didn't know is unusual behaviour for a customer who's seeking assistance), dragged an employee to the scene of the crime like he's responsible for catching the culprit, and then expel an entire lesson about specific product details, more than the employee himself even knew.

Am I getting the wrong impression here or did I just create a script accurate enough for a reenactment? :lol:

You have to understand that when the customer knows more about the product than the employee, you oughta slow down, back it up and educate this person so he can catch up to your level. Do you honestly think that that guy you pulled over knew what an AMC Rebel really looks like? Do you think he knew that car was a Maisto and not a Boulevard? He probably doesn't. The average retail store employee normally don't deal with connoisseurs, so they're likely not going to respond the way you're dreaming of. Imagine yourself as the employee who's just working for a pay, they barely know a thing about the products they stock, and a random dude comes up and tells you this action figure is a first-edition jewel for collectors, worth a lot 5 years later and that it specifically is an error because their bandana was missing. Do you think you're going to know or care about what this dude just said? Probably not.

What I'm saying is that there wasn't much of a need to give employees a "tongue-lashing" about things they may not be responsible for. They may represent the store, but they as individuals were probably not involved; safer to assume that than to take them as the culprit (or make the impression of). You've worked in retail like you said: I'm sure someone has come up to you and gave you a handful of trouble and grief that you don't have any involvement in.
I had to look up "truculently".[/former ESL student] Yeah, from my perspective, I never approach them like that, and I'm the customer. It should never happen, but it does. :dopey:

This scam is a tricky one to police, especially for larger retailers. Simply, too many people in the loop. The very best we could hope for is a memo to all employees handling returns, but majority of them still wouldn't be able to tell the difference between different cars. They maybe able to inspect the packaging more closely, but even then, it still feels like a long shot.

Other people's kids........